literary world

Chapter 187 Refuse to urge marriage

Chapter 187 Refuse to urge marriage
It is more than 400 miles from Hankou to Jingzhou.

The bus that Zeng Li took when she came.

When I go back again, I am desperately unwilling to take a bus or train again.

Now she has become the pride of Jingzhou, and a bright card of Jingzhou to the outside world. She is so well-known that her face almost freezes from laughing all the way in the bus.

Fang Nan had no choice but to use the bus for private use, and drove along the Han-Yi Expressway all the way, arriving in Jingzhou in just over three hours.

"What gift does your mother and sister like, go and buy some." Fang Nan asked Zeng Li when he arrived in Jingzhou.

He only had a general impression of Zeng Li's family. He knew that her parents were divorced. She had a younger sister named Zeng Yan who practiced dancing and was married.

After his divorced father remarried, it is said that he is now working in the UK.

"You don't need to buy them, they are available at home."

"Buy as much as you want."

Fang Nan parked the car in a shopping mall, took out a card from his bag and handed it to Zeng Li, "You can swipe it vigorously."

As a man with an annual income of 6500 million, Fang Nan's credit card limit is very considerable, and the small shopping malls in Jingzhou really just use it casually.

Unable to resist Fang Nan, Zeng Li put on a disguise and got out of the car, but after a while, she got into the car with two bags.

Fang Nan was speechless while wearing a fat down jacket: "You just buy two fruits?"

"Oh, come on, we have everything at home, so let's go."

Zeng Li was getting impatient, she didn't have to worry about eating and drinking at home, she had everything she wanted, but she was short of someone.

Fang Nan was helpless, and under Zeng Li's command, he parked the car all the way in front of a three-story villa.

"I can't tell. You are still a little rich woman. It is right to buy a house. If you have money, you can buy more."

Zeng Li teased, "Hey, no wonder you secretly bought a courtyard house because you were afraid that people would find out about your plans to make money?"

Fang Nan's scalp was numb, he didn't dare to BB, he hung two bags of fruit behind Zeng Li and got off the car.

Under the eaves of the courtyard, a middle-aged woman and a man and a woman who depended on each other were looking forward to it.

Fang Nan didn't have to think about it, there was no one else except his mother-in-law and sister-in-law.

He is old, although this is the first time he sees his mother-in-law.

But people who were at least a few dozen years old in their previous life still knew a little bit of etiquette.

But before he opened his mouth to call "Auntie", the middle-aged woman took the fruit bag with a smile on her face, and said kindly: "Come back, it's cold outside, come inside!"

Sure enough, the mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law-the more she watched, the more she liked it!

"It's neither cold nor cold. My clothes are very warm." Fang Nan replied with a smile as he pulled the fat down jacket on his body.

"Hi, I'm Zeng Yan's lover, my name is Yu Gang, you can also call me Charles!"

Before Fang Nan took a step, Yu Gang, who was wearing glasses on the bridge of his nose, introduced himself.

Fang Nan, who was far from nervous, grinned: "Hello, my name is Fang Nan."

After the sister-in-law, Fang Nan greeted his sister-in-law Zeng Yan again.

The two sisters obviously don't look like each other. Zeng Li said that his father is very handsome, and it is true that she looks like her father.

After entering the room, Fang Nan, who came to the door for the first time, was arranged to sit in the center of the one-piece sofa.

On the coffee table in front of him, hot water and fruit plates were arranged in a row.

On his left was Zeng Ma, on the right was Zeng Li, and Zeng Yan and his wife stood beside him.

Fang Nan is a transparent person and has nothing to talk about.

The third director of the domestic [-] million box office club.

The annual income is 6500 million.

can write songs.

Ever since Zeng Li and her family revealed that her boyfriend was Fang Nan, Zeng Ma had read all of Fang Nan's materials, TV interviews, and newspapers.

It can be said that apart from Fang Nan's body, Zeng Ma probably knew Fang Nan better than Fang Nan himself.

"It's not easy for you as a child. You can still do so well by yourself."

"My Lizi, I tried my best to make her sing and dance in elementary school, joined the art troupe when she was a little older, and then went to the Drama Academy for a few years, and she survived these two years."

Zeng Ma belittled the eldest daughter and praised her son-in-law, Zeng Li let out a coquettish voice, Fang Nan chuckled, and said modestly:
"I'm just luckier than Lizi, and Lizi is not bad. Didn't I win the Best Supporting Actress award at the last Golden Rooster Awards? I still won the New Director Award."

"Our Lizi has some skills, but he doesn't have a strong sense of career."

"However, this is also very good. From now on, cook at home and take care of the children. Otherwise, the two of you will run around all day, and you won't have a family!"

Zeng Mama finally rubbed her hands secretly to urge the marriage. The younger daughter and her husband looked at each other and smiled, while the eldest daughter blushed.

Fang Nan also laughed.

While laughing, he secretly clenched his left hand in the pocket of the down jacket into a fist, and hit Zhangmen acupoint on the right side of his ribs with a calm "shua".


very painful.

In just a few seconds, Fang Nan's forehead was soaked with a layer of fine hair sweat, and his face began to turn from red to blue.

Fang Nan didn't speak for a long time. Zeng Li, who was originally ashamed, looked at her boyfriend sadly, and immediately realized that something was wrong with Fang Nan. The house was indeed quite warm, but the heat was too exaggerated for her forehead to sweat and her face to turn blue.

"What's wrong with you?" Zeng Li worried.

At the same time, Zeng's mother also stood up worriedly, and her son-in-law's face suddenly changed, it must be some emergency.

Didn't the eldest daughter say that her son-in-law started out as a martial artist and knows some kung fu? Just now, seeing his ruddy face, it does mean that he is in good health. What's going on?

Mama Zeng was at a loss.

"I don't know what's going on, I seem to be flustered, where is the bathroom downstairs, I'll go wash my face."

After Fang Nan finished explaining in a hurry, he hunched over and got up.

What he did just now was not some kind of acupoint acupuncture, but simply knocking on a certain acupoint on the human body to cause the body to suffer from pain.

The rural vernacular is just out of breath.

He had thought about this move for a long time, and finally came up with it. It was used to deal with the Zeng family and Zeng Li's urging marriage.

Of course, this trick is just a foreshadowing.

The real method is that he wants to make himself and others think that he is a marriage phobic patient.

With such a bad move, he really can't do anything about it. If Zeng Li is the only woman in his scumbag, he can marry when the love is strong.

It's a pity that there is another person named Gao Yuanyuan between them.

After reaching the bathroom, Fang Nan smoothed his chest and back in front of Zeng Li, washed his face again, and his complexion returned to normal.

"What happened to you?"

Zeng Li was stunned, the pain that Fang Nan exposed just now was obviously not acting, acting alone could make her head sweat profusely, she had never seen such a performance.

I haven't learned it, and the teacher hasn't talked about it.

Fang Nan breathed a sigh of relief, pretending to be confused, and said, "I don't know either. When your mother mentioned that the two of you are starting a family, I started to feel flustered just as I was about to open my mouth. I don't know why."

"Lizi, is Fang Nan better? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Zeng Ma's voice sounded in the living room.

"Okay, I'm fine." After returning to his mother, Zeng Li looked Fan Fangnan up and down: "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Fang Nan glared: "Are you kidding? You don't know what my physical fitness is? I'll go to Hankou with me tonight and let you experience it."

"Fuck you, let's eat." Zeng Li shook her head suspiciously.

When the two arrived in the living room, the long table was already full of more than a dozen dishes, and Yu Gang twisted the wine bottle with a corkscrew.

"Can you drink it?" He asked Fang Nan.

Fang Nan said: "You can't drink, the crew is in Hankou, and you have to drive back in the afternoon."

Yu Gang smiled and said, "You are such a great director, are you still afraid of the traffic police?"

The corner of Fang Nan's mouth couldn't help twitching: "It's not that I'm afraid, it's that I don't like to make fun of my life."

He was mediocre in his previous life.

In this life, Wang Zha finally got off to a good start. He has been on the right track for a few years, but he hasn't struggled enough. There are still so many unfulfilled dreams, so he doesn't want to affect his future because of his personal morality.

Pretending to have two women in your heart is indeed detrimental to personal morality.

But this kind of personal morality is detrimental, and others have nothing to say, and some people will even envy it.

Maybe a hundred years later, when he died after becoming famous, others mentioned Fang Nan and his two relationships with Zeng Li and Gao Yuanyuan.

It will also be praised as "Fang Nan's two love affairs", "Fang Nan's two beauties".

And once drunk driving, he will probably be nailed to the pillar of shame for the rest of his life.

"Man, when you achieve something, you are most afraid of not being able to see yourself clearly." Fang Nan muttered to himself and pushed the goblet away.

"Fang Nan, drink less and stay here at night. Usually there are only me and my aunt at home. It's empty. It's so lively today. No one is allowed to leave."

Zeng Ma, who was carrying a fruit plate, spoke.

Fang Nan looked at Zeng Li.

"Then why don't you go to Hankou tomorrow? Isn't the filming of the big scene over? Brother Weiming and Wang Liang are here, so the progress won't be delayed." Zeng Li also persuaded.

Fang Nan nodded and said: "Well, Yu Gang, we two drink white wine, red wine is boring, let's drink it for the three ladies."

There were four members of Zeng's family, and there was Fang Nan. There were only five people sitting at a table. Fang Nan invited his aunt to the table again, and made a happy match.

While drinking and drinking, movies, domestic movies, became the main topic on the table.

Naturally, it is also inseparable from the current hits of "Crazy Stone", "The Promise", "If You Love", "Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles", and "The Great Sage of Love".

"The Promise is beautifully shot," said Zeng Yan.

"I prefer "Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles"," Yu Gang said.

Zeng Li knocked on the edge of the bowl with the air of a big sister: "Hey, can you two talk?"

Fang Nan laughed: "It's all right, everyone has the right to express their opinions."

Comparing "Crazy Stone" to "The Promise" and "Riding Alone for a Thousand Miles", it is like Zhou Xingxing is compared to Cheng Long and Li Lianlian.

Zhou Xingxing knew more young people.

"A Chinese Journey to the West", "Kung Fu", "Tang Bohu Spots the Autumn Fragrance", and "The Judge of Death" can be named by young people in one breath, several representative films of Zhou Xingxing.

Even memorized several classic lines.

But older people may not be interested in nonsensical comedies and feel that they cannot understand them.

Cheng Long and Li Lianlian are different.

They became famous early in the mainland. VCD, DVD, and DVCD were popular in the 90s. Their Kung Fu pirated discs are available in almost every store, and Kung Fu movies have a wide audience.

Therefore, compared to the Kung Fu blockbuster promoted by "The Promise".

Compared with "Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles" directed by Zhang Yimou, who is well-known outside the world.

"Crazy Stone" is indeed limited in terms of popularity and audience.

But no matter what, if young people buy it, the box office of "Stone" is still good, and it is inevitable that Fang Nan will make money again, and he may make a lot of money.

"Hey, hey, why are you two turning your elbows out? Your brother-in-law invested in "Crazy Stone"!"

After Zeng Li beat her younger sister and brother-in-law, Zeng's mother leaned on her little girl to help Fang Nan.

The difference is that her words have a deep meaning.

After all, even my brother-in-law said it.

Fang Nan silently put his left hand into the pocket of his down jacket with a bitter face.

Knocking on Zhangmen acupoint, it really hurts, it's not a fake.

Obtained from her mother's secret words, Zeng Yan put down her chopsticks and raised her goblet and said to Fang Nan: "Brother-in-law, when are you and my sister going to enter the marriage hall?"

"I think you should hurry up, my sister is not too young, and she will be 30 in a few days. Having a child at an older age will affect the child's intelligence!"

"What are you talking about, what are you talking about?" Zeng Li blushed again, tilted her body and slapped her sister a few times.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Nan punched Zhangmen acupoint again. After a few seconds, his rosy face slowly turned blue again, and his forehead was sweating.

"Xiao Fang, what's wrong with you?"

Zeng's mother was completely dumbfounded. He had been staring at Fang Nan's face, and then saw Fang Nan's face change again with his own eyes, turning his own face into a dark blue.

"It's okay, I'll go to the bathroom again."

Fang Nan waved his hands, supported his waist and walked to the bathroom, while Zeng Li collapsed on the chair with a pale face.

Seeing Fang Nan go into the bathroom, Zeng Ma, who was suspicious last time, told Auntie to go to the kitchen to look at the soup, then lowered her body and kept secret:

"Lizi, you and Xiao Fang have been together for half a year, a year, right? Is there any problem with Xiao Fang's health? Could it be that he didn't get enough to eat when he was a child, or did he have a stomach problem or something?"

Zeng Li held his forehead and said dejectedly: "No, I haven't seen him go to the hospital?"

"Then what's going on today? Looking at his face, it's obvious that he didn't want to pretend to be a wedding. His face changed immediately, and his head was still covered with fine hairs of sweat." Zeng Ma was confused.

"I don't know, I've never seen him in such pain."

Zeng Li's forehead changed into one of desperately grabbing her long hair, with a troubled expression on her face: "I'll go upstairs and call the doctor I'm familiar with, and ask what kind of problem this situation is."

Zeng Yan with her arms resting on the table stopped Zeng Li: "Sister, I don't think you need to hit me anymore, I think I know why."

Zeng Li hurriedly said: "Ah? You know? What's the reason?"

Zeng Yan narrowed her eyes and sighed, "I think it's marriage phobia!"

"Hey, mom, sister, don't believe me, and don't look at me like this."

"In my opinion, the possibility of my brother-in-law suffering from this kind of mental illness is not so high."

"He is an orphan. He, who has never felt the warmth of a family since he was a child, is very afraid of the concept of family, and he will have a lot of worries."

"For example, this kind of person will imagine, if they go bankrupt, what will the children do? Will they be as hungry as I was when I was a child?"

"If we get divorced, will the children hate me and wait for all kinds of fantasies?"

Fang Nan has marriage phobia?

Zeng Li didn't want to believe it, so she frowned and argued: "Yanzi, you are wrong, he has never felt the warmth of a family, and he will give the best to his children, how could he think such nonsense?"

"Sister, this is what makes this kind of person different from ordinary people. Ordinary people will have children regardless, and then work hard to earn money so that children can live a good life."

"Brother-in-law just thinks before doing it. The more he thinks, the more afraid he becomes. In the end, he starts to fear getting married and having children!"

Zeng's mother was in a hurry, and said to the little girl: "Okay, okay, you're talking about the main point, how to cure this disease!"

"This is a mental illness, and I need to find a psychiatrist, but I have a better way." Zeng Yan said mysteriously.

Zeng Ma and Zeng Li both listened: "What method?"

Zeng Yan: "Cut first and play later?"

Zeng Li and Zeng Ma were inexplicable: "What should be cut first and played later?"

Zeng Yan: "Sister, if you really want to choose Fang Nan, then stop using contraception and give him a baby."

Before Zeng Li could speak, Zeng Ma said angrily, "What kind of messed up idea are you!"

"Xiao Fang has come out, don't mention the matter of getting married, and look at it later, if Xiao Fang is still like this, go to the hospital immediately."

"Hey, I don't know what's going on today, I feel flustered every now and then."

After returning to the table, Fang Nan said with a look of displeasure.

"Maybe it's because you're tired. You see, in the past few days, you've been in the capital, the Pujiang River, and Hankou. Iron Man can't stand it." Zeng Li said, resting his chin.

Fang Nan pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "How is it possible? It's not like you don't know that I'm in good physical condition. I can run down ten miles in the morning without panting."

Zeng Li shook her head: "Okay, okay, don't blow it up, let's eat quickly."

After eating for two hours, it was almost dark, and the few of them sat and chatted for a while, Zeng Li led Fang Nan to the upstairs bedroom.

Entering Zeng Li's bedroom, the first thing that catches the eye is the posters of Zeng Li on the left and the right, which are very rustic.

Then there is the guitar hanging on the wall.

Fang Nan asked her, "Can you play?"

"You can play? I haven't seen you play the guitar yet?" Zeng Li was curious.

Fang Nan coaxed coquettishly: "How fresh, I can play the harmonica at the age of eight, I can play the guitar at the age of ten, I can't play the guitar, how did you make up so many songs?"

"Deng thud, tuned down."

Fang Nan opened his voice directly.


【Just once, I'll take you to see the old days】

【laughing on a sunny day】

【Noisy in the free air】


"How is it? You can sing better than Zhang Jie?" Fang Nan said, after playing and singing a song completely.

Zeng Li disdained: "Cut, it's almost better than people."

Fang Nan put the guitar aside and pressed it on Zeng Li: "If you dare to underestimate your husband, seek a beating!"

After a passionate kiss, Zeng Li, who had finally recovered, hammered Fang Nan's chest and said coquettishly, "Don't mess around, my mother and the others are at home, hurry down, it's so embarrassing to see."

Fang Nan said: "Then you take the initiative to kiss me."

Lean slightly.

Fang Nan complained: "Good guy, you're so superficial, you're even more superficial than superficial, I don't feel anything."

"Hehe, sit down and play the guitar for me."

For the rest of the time, the two spent time playing guitar in Zeng Li's bedroom and looking at her childhood photos.

During the period, Fang Nan was taken aback by Zeng Li's short hair, but he yelled at him to quickly take it away.

The short hair Zeng Li in the photo is so handsome, with fair skin and beautiful "little fresh meat", looking at this photo for too long, and the two of them are in the same room again, once he thinks about it, he will be scared to death.

He's a straight guy.

Therefore, it is better to have long hair and long legs.

After dinner and chatting for a while, Fang Nan took a bath while Zeng Li ordered "Use this towel" and "Use this toothbrush", and then went into the guest bedroom.

Waiting and waiting, seeing the midnight hour, finally looking forward to the pretty lady.

"If you don't come, I'll go to bed first." Fang Nan complained as he raised and lowered his hands.

Zeng Li groaned and said, "Chat with my mother for a while, maybe she will go abroad next year?"

"Ah? Why?" Fang Nan was curious.

Not to mention that the old man is not used to going abroad, he, who travels all over the world and sleeps everywhere, is not used to living abroad.

Zeng Li explained: "Help Yanzi and the others take care of their children."

"Swallow is pregnant? I didn't see it."

"Tch, you probably use all your eyes to stare at the actor."

"Forget it, it's important to do business first."

At the critical point, Fang Nan didn't bother to care about Zeng Li's insinuation that he had many scandals.

After moistening, Fang Nan prayed: "My hands are too rough, but your hands are delicate, please bring me a small umbrella."

"Not today, safe period." Zeng Li snorted.

Back and forth, tossing and turning, left and right, after a process, Fang Nan lay down on the bed, and Fang Nan, who had been holding back for a long time, was about to smoke a cigarette, when Zeng Li tilted his body and pinched him.

When Fang Nan was depressed, he saw Zeng Li posing in a strange pose.

Straighten your back, put your feet on the bed.

Fang Nan scratched his head: "What do you mean? Want to play high difficulty? I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it."

Zeng Li rolled her eyes: "Don't bother me, go to the bathroom to smoke."


Fang Nan raised his eyebrows and walked to the bathroom in the bedroom. There was a toilet on the toilet, and he lit a cigarette happily and melancholy.

When they were in the same room just now, the extremely happy Zeng Li had already told him that he had "marriage phobia".

The matter of urging marriage should come to an end for the time being.

But Zeng Li obviously has a new routine.

Have a baby!
"If you want to have a baby, give it to her anyway." Fang Nan puffed out a cigarette.

(End of this chapter)

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