literary world

Chapter 189 The Billionaire

Chapter 189 The Billionaire
Leaving the General Bureau with Jiang Wen, the two left on the side of the road and briefly chatted about each other's movies, and then dispersed separately.

Fang Nan was in a hurry to go to Sanya.

Jiang Wen ran to the crew of "The Sun Also Rises".

In the summer of this year, Ya's sneakily pulled up people to start filming "The Sun Also Rises", and it hasn't finished filming yet.

Flying to Sanya overnight, the beautiful woman hiding under the blanket was flipping through the TV with her big black eyes exposed.

"When will Lin Yufen's "My Love from the Star" be filmed?" Fang Nan asked Gao Yuanyuan.

"The machine will be turned on the day after tomorrow, and we will shoot for 20 days before the year before." Gao Yuanyuan replied.

"En", Fang Nan went straight to the bathroom, and jumped on the bed after a while, "Hey, are you hot? You are so tightly covered."

Gao Yuanyuan pouted: "What's the heat, Sanya is only 16 degrees today!"

Fang Nan was speechless, lifted the quilt from Gao Yuanyuan's body, turned her face down, sat on her buttocks, stroked her hands and pressed the acupuncture points on her back.

Gao Yuanyuan is too lazy, can lie down and never sit, can sit and never stand, lacks exercise, hands and feet are cold every winter, and her physical fitness is much worse than Zeng Li's.

She doesn't pay as much attention to health preservation as Zeng Li does.

"It would be great if you were my assistant, bring it with you, and press it for me every day." After a set of procedures, Gao Yuanyuan opened her mouth slightly, dripping with sweat.

Fang Nan rolled his eyes and lay down on the bed: "Instead of daydreaming, why don't you exercise more?"

"Hey, how to exercise." Gao Yuanyuan leaned on Fang Nan with a playful expression.

Fang Nan raised his eyebrows: "This training is also considered, today I will give you free play."

It's a pity that Gao Yuanyuan's physical fitness is poor after all, and he will only fiddle with it a few times if he is free to play. Fang Nan, the master of the field, has to play.

The next day, on the sunny beach of Sanya.

Wang Liang directed Wang Bao and Gao Yuanyuan to take pictures, Fang Nanhe was temporarily out of the camera, Guan Xiaotong, who was only eight years old this year, was talking nonsense.

"Looking at you coming out to film every day, your academic performance must be bad."

The little girl said eloquently: "Nonsense, I am the captain of our class, and I am praised by the teacher every day."

Fang Nan said again: "Then did you get little red flowers this year?"

The little girl held her father in one hand, pointed at Fang Nan, and said with a mouthful of Beijing film, "Haha, I'm already in the second grade. The school doesn't give out little red flowers now, but only awards. You don't understand at all."

Fang Nan laughed and said, "Then you won't get the award, so you didn't get it?"

"Why didn't I take it? I took the Outstanding Young Pioneers." Guan Xiaotong argued.

Fang Nan pretended to be serious and said, "Excellent young pioneers don't mean they study well, but three good students mean they study well."

The little girl blushed with anger, and Barabara said: "You are lying, excellent young pioneers are better than three-good students, and the teacher's favorite is the priority young pioneers."

"Ha ha"

The little girl frantically explained with red head and white face, and Fang Nan, Dad Guan, Xu Shanzheng, Xiao Taohong and the others laughed out loud.

At the same time, a crew member came over and said, "Brother Nan, Director Wang wants an actor."

"Oh, let's go." After Fang Nan nodded, he patted Guan Xiaotong with curly hair: "Little girl, you go too."

The shots on the beach are not difficult, the actors in the shots: Gao Yuanyuan is in charge of beauty, Wang Bao is in charge of cramped, and Xu Shanzheng's family of three is in charge of warmth.

After the filming was over, everyone went straight to Sanya Phoenix Airport.

At the airport, Fang Nan greeted Guan's father and daughter, and Xiao Taohong, chatted with Gao Yuanyuan, and led Wang Liang, Xu Shanzheng, and Wang Bao to board the direct flight to Chiang Mai.

After boarding the plane, Wang Liang and his group fell asleep without worrying about anything else. Fang Nan yawned and took out a stack of film newspapers.

"People on the Journey", which has already begun to warm up, is impressively listed.


This schedule is placed seven or eight years later, and a good schedule is called the Spring Festival schedule. The normal time is 11 days from New Year's Eve to the tenth day of the lunar new year.

But now, the Spring Festival is a time when blockbusters are unwilling to come.

"Heroes", "The Promise", "A World Without Thieves", "Kung Fu" and other domestic blockbusters are in December's New Year's Day celebrations, and none of them are willing to enter the Spring Festival.

the reason is simple.

These years, the Chinese New Year is quite full, and many people will choose to return to their hometowns from the city during the Spring Festival, and they are unwilling to watch movies during the family reunion during the Spring Festival.

Moreover, there are still very few movie theaters in third- and fourth-tier cities.

Therefore, today's Spring Festival stalls are terrible.

Fang Nan vaguely remembered that in 2013, Zhou Xingxing put "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" in the Spring Festival file on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and it made more than one billion box office, which drove the popularity of the Spring Festival file.

In the next four years, the Spring Festival stalls have always been dominated by Hong Kong movies.

Beginning in 2018, the Spring Festival file was taken over by domestic films.

That year, "Monster Hunt", "Operation Red Sea", "Detective Chinatown 2", "Journey to the West: The Daughter Country", and even the cartoon "Bear In The Metamorphosis" almost overwhelmed the Spring Festival. .

The schedule of "People on Journey on Journey" is not good, Fang Nan has a headache but there is nothing he can do about it.

Small director, small producer, and the first movie officially announced by Tangtang Film and Television, so let's just get on with it, at least it will be better than the normal schedule.

After reading a few words about "People on the Journey".

Fang Nan began to look for news about "Crazy Stone".

He invested 100 million in the box office of "Crazy Stone", which is much better than the original time and space.

In the past month, the box office has exceeded 3000 million, and the domestic film is another big box office hit after "Nobody Knows".

Many film newspapers predicted that the domestic box office would eventually exceed 3500 million, ten times the production cost.

Lin Hao became famous overnight.

He became the object of contact with the bosses of major film and television companies, Yu Dong, Wang Changtian and others.

They all regard him as the next Fang Nan.

Director Lin Hao keeps socializing.

In terms of actors, Huang Bo, Xu Shanzheng, Guo Tao, Huang Ze, Liu Ye and others also gained a lot.

The one who benefited the most was Huang Bo. Fang Nan didn't know the specifics. Anyway, he watched Huang Bo start talking on the phone every day after the show. Obviously, he had a lot of work.

Fang Nan is ready to give Xu Shanzheng and Huang Bo big red envelopes once "囧囧 in Thailand" hits the box office.

He lured people to Thailand with a super low salary.

In theory, there is nothing wrong with it.

But in the entertainment industry, if you look down and see you, you feel sorry for your face, so it's better to talk about human kindness.

The box office of the movie exploded, and the director and actors frequently appeared in major media.

The two producers, Fang Nan and Liu Dehua, have also become the subject of recent media coverage.

These two made a lot of money.

The mainland box office, which is ten times higher than the production cost, has just attracted the attention of people inside and outside the industry.

In an interview with the media, the general manager of "China Film Warner Hengdian" Han, the distributor of the film, claimed that the copyright of "Crazy Stone" was sold in full.

Audiovisual copyright.

Internet charges download link.

Television Broadcast Copyright.

More than 2000 million copyrights for online broadcasting have been sold.

Moreover, theaters in Hong Kong and Taiwan will soon launch "Crazy Stone", and Southeast Asia will follow.

For a while, how much money Fang Nan and Liu Dehua made from "Crazy Stone" became a topic of discussion both online and offline.

Seeing this, Fang Nan, who was idle on the plane, calculated according to the box office of 3500 million.

Deduction of special funds for films.

55% theater commission will be deducted.

12% issuance fee is deducted.

400 million publicity fees will be deducted.

Deduct personal taxes.

He doesn't earn much as he owns almost 3/1 of the movie copyrights, and even the online copyrights add up to less than 1500 million.

Only 100 times the investment fee of 15 million.

Fang Nan would count, and the media would naturally count, and the benefits were similar to what Fang Nan thought.

The media took the box office of Xiangjiang, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia, and finally calculated that Fang Nan earned a small 2000 million with a "Crazy Stone".

As soon as this data came out, netizens were amazed at first, and then puzzled.

The data is obviously wrong, Fang Nan earns more than that.

The reason is simple.

Two days ago, President Han of China Film Group, the investor and publisher of "The Promise", was interviewed by the media, and deliberately calculated an account for "The Promise".

"The Promise", which had a box office of 1.5 million, had a total production cost of 1 million. Not only did the film not lose money, it also made a small profit of 5000 million.

The hall roared with laughter and belonged to yes.

Fang Nan didn't know if the interviewing reporter held back.

Anyway, looking at the newspaper, he laughed out loud.

Even if the production cost of "The Promise" is only 4 million yuan, plus the overwhelming publicity and distribution costs across the country, it will be difficult to get back the money without [-] million box office.

Fang Nan reckoned that Boss Han really had no choice but to take advantage of the current audience's ignorance of the film's box office share, so as to save some face.

It's really broken, how can it sell at the overseas box office.

After "A Steamed Bun.", the film's reputation has been completely rotten. If you don't boast about the box office and put money on Lao Chen's face, it will really be over.

Netizens debated, and the knowledgeable media ended badly because of Mr. Han. In the end, a group of netizens calculated a figure of 3000 million for Fang Nan.

3000 million, plus Furun's previously announced annual income of 6500 million, Fang Nan's personal worth is close to 1 million.

"Wow" all of a sudden.

Fang Nan became the darling of Chinese men and women.

The man claimed enviously: Jill is swollen.

Women's envy: I don't know where this rich son-in-law will fall in the future!

Billionaire, he is still a 27-year-old billionaire, young and capable, with a bright future!
Fang Nan laughed, and turned over the page discussing his worth.

Boss Wang's so-called small goal is just a small goal, nothing to look at!

Moreover, like Boss Ma, he is not interested in money!
In addition to the attention paid to his social status, the comments of film critics are also very interesting.

China Film News: [Dialect World]

The use of dialects in movies, Lin Hao's approach is not a "new wave".

Most of the directors in the sixth generation before him had a preference for dialect.

Jia Zhangke used Shanxi dialect in his famous trilogy "Xiao Wu", "Platform" and "Ren Xiaoyao".

Zhang Ming spoke Hubei dialect in "Wushan Cloud and Rain".

Jiang Wen spoke Tangshan dialect in "The Devil Is Coming".

But Fang Nan was probably the one who used dialect to the extreme.

"The Unknown", which used many dialects but achieved a super high box office, set a precedent for dialect movies on the big screen.

Gu Dabai in Xici Hutong: [In the age of dialects, what should I say? 】

The use of dialect in film actually has two branches.

One is the "realism" faction represented by the sixth generation.

They try to fight against the mainstream discourse system through dialects, and form a unique dialect aesthetic on the basis of dialects.

The second is the "Amused" faction represented by Feng Dapao and Fang Nan, and now there is another Lin Hao.

They saw a great humorous quality in the dialect.

The difference is that Fang Nan discovered the southern dialect that Feng Dapao had been unable to control, and Lin Hao followed closely to carry it forward.

Zha Langyingxing Tianxia Moderator Angry Pig: [Garbage is on the tribute platform]

A rock stirred up layers of waves, some small people made big noises, and a small production raked in 3000 million at the box office.

Who is the biggest beneficiary when garbage is put on the tribute stand of the temple?
Who is the biggest victim?
Wise people, your wisdom should give the wisest answer.

The name Angry Zhuzhu sounded familiar. Fang Nan thought about it for a while, and couldn't help muttering: "Damn, isn't this Lu Chuan? Why is this guy like a dog's skin plaster? Ignore him, and he's even trying to paw at people."

After sorting through a stack of film and television newspapers, he squinted for a while, the plane circled and landed over Chiang Mai, Fang Nan pushed Wang Liang and the others in front to wake them up.

In the terminal building, Zhao Zhu and two staff members are waiting.

"Aren't you used to it after staying in Chiang Mai for a few months?" Fang Nan teased, pinching Zhao Zhu's shoulder.

Zhao Zhu has trained in the past two years, as the producer of "囧 II".

He took the relevant documents and led two translators to stay in Chiang Mai for a few months, abruptly taking care of all aspects of the crew in Chiang Mai.

Among them, some have to go through official channels.

Some have to deal with local officials and powerful people, but it is not as easy as talking about it.

Zhao Zhu shrank his body and said with a smile, "I didn't get used to it at first, but I'm fine now."

"That's good." Fang Nan climbed into the car with a smile, Zhao Zhu took a seat beside him and began to report on his work.

However, when he was talking about expenses, Fang Nan interrupted.

When the water is clear, there are no fish.

Even if it's his own production crew, there's no way to stop things that are ignorant of money. As long as Zhao Zhu doesn't do something so outrageous that a straw hat is worth 6000 yuan, he will be fine.

"As for the airport, we have to wait until late at night to shoot, and the group performances have all been arranged."

"Before you came, the company had allocated the crew's budget in Thailand."

"Then, Mr. Cai asked me to tell you good news. "The Unknown Man" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City" won the Golden Horse Awards."

"Brother Nan, you won the Best New Director Award for "The Unknown", and the Best Adapted Screenplay Award for "The Richest Man in Xihong City."

After Zhao Zhu finished speaking, Fang Nan expressed his distress.

The Golden Horse Award for Best Newcomer Director is the third trophy for a newcomer director he has won. Why can't he pass this hurdle?
But to be honest, the competition for this year's Golden Horse Awards is really strong.

"Kung Fu", "A World Without Thieves", "Sanchakou", "Dragon City Years", and "The Best Time" are all good films.

He vaguely remembers the movie "The Best Time", it seems that Shu Qi tearfully uttered that famous line on the podium of the actress.

"I want to put on the clothes I took off one by one."

"Zhou Xingxing once again won the golden horse with "Kung Fu", and it seems reasonable for me to win the new director award." In the end, Fang Nan shook his head and comforted himself.

Rest overnight in a hotel of average quality in Chiang Mai.

On the second day, the crew of "囧囧 in Thailand" went into frantic filming mode.

The whole crew was divided into three groups by Fang Nan, he and Huang Weiming were in charge of filming the shots of the main actors.

Wang Liang was in charge of filming side scenes and empty scenes.

The high-intensity filming mode of [-] or [-] hours a day lasted for more than ten days. Seeing that everyone in the production team was already sluggish, Fang Nan shook his arm: "Today is the last day."

Xu Shanzheng and Wang Bao were depressed.

The two of them will go back to China tomorrow to run a publicity campaign, so it's impossible for Fang Nan to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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