literary world

Chapter 190 Live into a Legend

Chapter 190 Live into a Legend

January 13th.

The Lunar New Year films "Crazy Stone", "The Promise", and "The Great Sage" are still fighting for the final box office in major theaters.

"The Promise" and "If Love" are still pulling their hair crazily because of the end of their lovers.

Produced by Tang Tang Film and Television, supervised by Fang Nan, and directed by Wang Liang.

Starring Xu Shanzheng and Wang Bao.

The first trailer of "On the Journey" starring Li Xiaolu, Zuo Xiaoqing, Zhang Xinyi, Huang Xiaoyu, and Li Chao has been released amidst all the attention.

In the ordinary cabin of the airliner, Wang Bao, wearing a winter hat, got up and shouted: "Waiter, waiter."

"Hi sir, what can I do for you?"

"I'm sick, you open the window of the plane, let me breathe"

Xu Shanzheng had a shocked face.

[January 1, the first day of the Lunar New Year, "People in Journey" will accompany everyone to celebrate the Spring Festival happily]

The first trailer of "People on the Journey" came out, and the attention on the Internet is very good.

Tudou video hits exceeded 10 overnight.

The degree of discussion on major portal websites has risen significantly.

Netease Entertainment:

[Fang Nan makes another move, "People on the Journey" grabs the Spring Festival slot! 】
[Another low-budget comedy "People on the Journey", produced and written by Fang Nan, will land on the Spring Festival. Will the box office take off again, or will it fail? 】

Sohu Entertainment:

【Fang Nan, a comedy genius worth billions? 】

Zha Lang Entertainment:

[Shock: Born as an orphan, embraced comedy, the inner world of the comedy director Fang Nan turned out to be like this! 】

Tianya Community:

[Fang Nan, a comedy filmmaker with a big brain. 】

Penguin News:

[How to pronounce the word 囧. 】
[Fang Nan: The source of the creation of "People on the Journey" came from a train ride home during the Spring Festival in the early years. 】 reporter Zhou Daou interviewed in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Huaxia Movie Channel:

[Produced by Fang Nan and directed by Wang Liang, the road comedy "On the Journey" is scheduled for Lunar New Year's Day, let's watch the trailer together]

The reason why the first trailer achieved such a good effect, to be honest, is all thanks to Cai Yinong.

It was she who didn't care about it, and directed the company's art designers to design the words "Supervisor Fang Nan" on the poster of "People on Journey" to surpass director Wang Liang.

Before she knew it, Fang Nan had become her magic weapon.

Now it seems that Fang Nan is indeed worthy of her trust.

As soon as the word 'Fang Nan Supervised' came out, the headlines of Fang Nan - "People on the Journey" appeared on the front pages of the entertainment sections of many portal websites.

Cai Yinong was full of confidence in the box office of "On the Journey" in an instant.

She is a media person, and she knows that the media is the most realistic.

In 05, more than 260 domestic films were produced across the country, but why so few made headlines on the front pages of portal websites?

A movie supervised by Fang Nan was uploaded for free.

This shows that netizens are willing to read information about Fang Nan.

Netizens are willing to watch, and the website is willing to promote it for free in order to attract attention.

So as to feed back part of the movie box office.

Therefore, when Cai Yinong saw the strength of the portal website and thousands of netizens discussing Fang Nan and the word "囧", Cai Yinong was full of confidence.

She is not too demanding. The "People on the Journey" in the Spring Festival file does not lose money, and it is enough to make a small profit.

After all, "Lost in Thailand", directed by Fang Nan himself, is the ambitious work of Tang Tang Film and Television.

In her private mind, "People on the Journey" directed by Wang Liang is a large-scale pilot promotional film.

It is a pre-heated commercial film for Fang Nan's "Lost in Thailand" next year.

On January 1, the second trailer of "People on the Journey" was released.

In the trailer, Huang Xiaoyu, Zuo Xiaoqing, Li Xiaolu, Zhang Xinyi, Li Chao and other supporting roles appeared.

Pioneering video websites such as Tudou, LeTV, and have seen another increase in the click-through rate of "People on the Journey".

On January 1, the third trailer of "People on the Journey" was released.

Xu Shanzheng and Wang Bao meet for a train, a van, a minibus, and a tractor, and when the final scene stops, they both have chicken feathers.

1 month 28 number.

New Century Studios, a subsidiary of Pujiang Film City, officially opened the premiere of "On the Journey".

This movie doesn't have the usual movie teaser screenings.

Film critics, media, senior film fans, Cai Yinong was not invited.

It costs money to invite film critics and media to spread word of mouth.

Please senior movie fans, she is afraid that the movie will be pirated.

I'm also afraid that after the screening, the audience's feedback will be poor, which will cause side effects instead.

Therefore, "People on the Journey" opened the premiere bluntly.

In New Century Studios, as soon as the host Liu Yiwei took the stage, he laughed and teased the word "囧" that has been fermented and discussed all over the country.

"Director, I want to ask, where did you find such a word? Do you know that 80% of the people in the country may not know this word. You are not afraid of others watching the movie and not knowing how to pronounce the movie name? "

Wang Liang, who was sitting under the stage, took the microphone handed by the master of ceremonies, got up word by word, and said with a serious smile: "Actually, when I first got the script, I didn't know this word, and I don't know how Director Fang found this word." Character."

"Ha ha."

Wang Liang's melancholy expression and frank confession made the manager of Pujiang United Cinemas in the front row, Cai Yinong, Li Guoli, Xu Shanzheng, Wang Bao, as well as the media and audience in the back row burst into laughter.

Actresses Huang Xiaoyu, Zuo Xiaoqing, Zhang Xinyi and others also covered their mouths and laughed.

"Come on, let's invite Director Wang to the stage first, and let him have a good chat with everyone." Liu Yiwei put the stage down and called Wang Liang to the stage.

Wang Liang trotted onto the stage, and Liu Yiwei asked, "Didn't you ask Director Fang Nan why he chose this word?"

"I asked, and he said that the word comes from a smile, and because of this smile, "People on the Journey" must be made into a comedy, so that this word can accompany everyone to celebrate the New Year happily." Wang Liang said honestly.

"Smile? It seems that Director Fang Nan usually likes to read words and expressions, and he can make a comedy movie with just a smile."

Liu Yiwei made a summary of the first topic, and then asked Wang Liang in a half-meat and half-vegetarian tone.

"There are so many beauties in "People on Journey", look, there is a row below. With so many beauties on set, you can still focus on it when shooting? Did the producer Fang not focus on it! Or, you guys Neither of them can be single-minded.”

Facing the booing and whistles from many people in the audience, Wang Liang on the stage said helplessly, "I'm fine, Director Fang, I don't know."

The audience laughed instantly.

The host Liu Yiwei also smiled and said: "This topic can't be discussed anymore. If we continue to talk, I'm afraid that Director Wang Liang will never get the script of Director Fang Nan and become a director."

We chatted with Wang Liang about two topics, and the actors were called to the stage one by one.

But no matter which actor takes the stage, they cannot do without one person——Fang Nan.

Xu Shanzheng:
There are not many shots of "People on the Journey" shot by Director Fang.

But as soon as he made a move, he gave me a feeling of being at his fingertips.

In the play, Wang Bao and I had a sleeping scene, which was filmed by Director Fang.

I just remember that he stood in the small room, looked up and down, and after a while, he began to talk to me and Wang Bao.

The speech was very detailed, even the length of Wang Bao's snoring was prescribed, as if he had a picture of the whole scene in his mind.

Until this time, working with Director Fang on "囧 II", I gradually believed that there are really talented directors in the world.

I think he is doing comedy, and he is one of the best comedy directors in our country.

There was a series of "crack clap" applause from the audience. I don't know if it was for Xu Shan's heartfelt words, or Fang Nan's affirmation of Fang Nan's comedy.

Liu Yiwei: "It seems that Xu Shanzheng admires Director Fang Nan very much. Let's ask Wang Bao again. Wang Bao, how did you get into the movie "On the Journey"?"

Wang Bao: "Backstage at the Huabiao Awards this year, I greeted Director Fang. He might have had an idea for the "囧" series of comedies at that time, so he invited me."

Liu Yiwei pretended to be shocked and opened his mouth wide: "Ah, so easy? You can't be his long-lost brother?"

After Wang Bao was frightened and said "No", he talked about a relationship with Fang Nan:
In fact, I have a secret that I haven't even told my family.

I have known Director Fang Nan since 02.

In 02, I ran away from home and worked as a group performer at the entrance of the Beijing Film Studio. Seeing that I was running out of money to eat, a crew came to recruit extras. I remember more than 200 people.

But the crew has requirements.

Because I was short, I couldn't meet the requirements, and I didn't have the money to smoke like others. When I was worried, I was dragged into the car by the assistant director of this crew.

It was only after I went to the crew that I found out that this play was "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji", the assistant director who pulled me into the car and solved my urgent need was called Fang Nan.

"Clap clap clap"

After a series of more intense applause than before, Wang Bao smiled and said:

Then I thought, when I get rich, I must pay for Director Fang Nan to make a movie for me.

I didn't expect that after a few years, director Fang Nan would be more developed than me, and instead he would take the initiative to ask me to make a movie.

At that moment, I was thinking, there is an old saying that a genius will never be buried!
What's more, Director Fang Nan's heart is still so good.

At the end of the talk, Wang Bao on the stage burst into tears when he thought of his several years of ensemble acting career and being rescued by Fang Nan.

I said I was moved by myself.

After the two leading actors won several bursts of warm applause, Huang Xiaoyu and others also chatted about their interaction with Fang Nan.

And Fang Nan's feeling for these female generals.

Huang Xiaoyu:
One of the most talented directors I've ever seen.

Li Man:

Excellent filmmaker.

Zhang Xinyi:
Although my film is not directed by Director Fang Nan, I know that he is one of the outstanding directors in China, and I am his loyal fan.

Zuo Xiaoqing:
He's very grumpy on set, but I'm willing to do his scenes, he's good.

Li Xiaolu:
Director Fang is very handsome!

Fang Nan, who is far away from the crew of "囧 II" in Thailand: please keep your distance, I really can't afford to be hurt!

After all the actors answered the questions, the producer boss Cai Yinong finally came on stage with a smile on his face.

After taking the stage, as soon as she took the microphone and spoke, Liu Yiwei said in surprise, "Brother Nan? Mr. Cai, your name is Brother Fang Dao Nan. Is it a joke, or is your company calling you brothers and sisters in a humane way?"

"Of course not. The name Nan is a special case in our company. More than 500 employees of Tangtang Film and Television are called Brother Fang Dao Nan. He said he is not used to calling him Mr. Fang. Netizens on the Internet like to call him Anan, and Brother Nan has them all. "

After explaining the origin of Brother Nan, Cai Yinong talked for about 10 minutes, and asked questions to the media and audience for another 10 minutes. The premiere of "On the Journey" finally came to an end.

After getting off the stage, Cai Yinong greeted a group of people from United Cinemas, Jiangcheng Tianhe Cinemas, and Zhejiang Times Cinemas: "Manager Zhao, Manager Hou, and everyone, let's go straight to the Marriott Hotel. If we don't go, the food will be cold." .”

A group of people got up, and one of the times theaters trailed behind and whispered: "How many of us are going?"

Cai Yinong's expression became tangled.

"People on the Journey" is the first film announced by Tang Tang Film and Television.

Propaganda is okay, Cai Yinong started out doing propaganda.

And this thing is also simple, if you want a good box office, you have to spend money desperately, understand the prices of various promotional products, and reduce your personal pockets, and you're done.

It's not like she's blindfolded.

It's just that there are too many detours in it, and it may need to be replaced with money, favors, beauty, resources and other conditions.

The one who just spoke has already started thinking about it.

Few people eating tonight?

The two leading actors and directors, together with the company's top management, and the three theaters came, added up to three small tables.

The so-called lack of people is actually the idea of ​​an actress.

It's a pity that Fang Nan's "On the Journey", or all of Fang Nan's movies.

For the film and television dramas produced by Tangtang Film and Television, when signing performance contracts with actors, they never add the clause of accompanying meals and drinking to the contract like some film and television companies.

Fang Nan even made a stern statement to Cai Yinong that the company can ignore the actor's own request to accompany him for dinner, but he will never ask for it.

Cai Yinong himself is unwilling to do such a thing.

It's not about pretending to be a gentleman, to get out of the mud without being stained.

It's just that I don't want to make the company a mess and bring down the atmosphere, so it's good to make money simply by making movies and TV series.

But now that we are engaged in distribution, difficulties arise.

People really don't care, they want actors face to face.

Cai Yinong had a tangled headache.

She wanted to find a more beautiful hostess outside, but she was afraid that the one who asked for it would not want to be beautiful, she just wanted to be an actress.

In the end, it was Hu Wen, the company's public relations officer, who pulled people forward with a smile on her face, and said, "It takes time for actors to dress up, let's go first."

Hu Wen sent people to the car, and ran back to Cai Yinong to discuss talking with one of the actresses, hoping that others would volunteer.

Unfortunately, the appointed actress directly refused.

In the end, a dinner party that was supposed to be lively and full of expectations ended in a hurry amid negative emotions such as dissatisfaction and helplessness.

With the sound of firecrackers, the Spring Festival Gala ended at 24:2006, and [-] officially arrived.

at the same time.

"People on the Journey" landed in three theaters, 180 movie theaters, and the number of people watching the movie was very small.

Cai Yinong, who hadn't slept well for almost two nights because he didn't serve good people, was terrified and frightened. When he opened his eyes every New Year's Eve, he was almost fainted by a bad review about "People on the Journey", and he wanted to call Fang Nan. , let him come back.

Zha Lang shadows the angry pigs in the world:

I didn't watch the Spring Festival Gala or watch movies on the New Year's Eve, and I was almost depressed by "People on the Journey".

Let’s not talk about other things first, let’s talk about the part where the female teacher cheated you of money in "People on the Journey".

Many people only look at the problem from one angle. Let's design a dialogue between Fang Nan and one of the screenwriters.

Fang Nan: What should we do next?
Screenwriter: Next, I met a female beggar who needed 2000 yuan to operate on her child.They didn't believe it at first, but finally found out it was true.

Fang Nan: This is too much of a theme, isn't there a lot of good people in the world?No, they still have to be cheated.

Screenwriter: Alright, so how do we end this scene? Let's just forget about it after cheating?

Fang Nan: That won't work, we still have to go back, but we have to be ruthless.This female beggar is a teacher, the students have no food, and one of them needs an operation.So she came to the street to beg and cheat.

Screenwriter: This is too ruthless, and the State Administration of Electric Power cannot pass it.

Fang Nan: It's okay, I'm here.

 Sorry guys, I'm late.I was busier than going to work after the holiday, I cried.

(End of this chapter)

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