literary world

Chapter 191 The Monkey Calls The King

Chapter 191 The Monkey Calls The King

A film review with the title [Don't watch the Spring Festival Gala, watch a movie, I'm disgusted].

It is director and film critic Lu Chuan's mockery of the Spring Festival movie "People on the Journey".

It was another counterattack by Fang Nan and Fang Nan's fans.

The last time he fought back was more than a month ago, at the premiere of "The Promise", he publicly called out to the media that "Fang Nan is well versed in hype".

And he hated Fang Nan for this.

It was still because the video of bumping into fans in front of the Huabiao Awards North Exhibition venue was posted on the Internet, and he was labeled by thousands of netizens as a talented but morally corrupt director.

He, Lu Chuan, has a long relationship, so, you, Fang Nan, are you going to die or not!
Angry pig, director and film critic Lu Chuan, the moderator of Zhalang Films, a movie review website, fired the first shot against "On the Journey" on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

Afterwards, many film critics and well-known people have come to an end.

"Shadow World", "Rear Window Watching Movies", "Peking University Movie Night Cruise", "NetEase Xiangjiang Manufacturing", "Tianya Community", "Douban Movies" and so on are many movie review communities, and there are many articles in just one day A [-]-word long film review about "People on the Journey".

And one water is called bad.

In the 2000s, this was an era when public knowledge prevailed.

Public knowledge and film critics can't help Lu Chuan.

They just feel that if domestic films want to make progress, they cannot do without "professional" film critics and public knowledge.

What's more, there is such a selfless and dedicated female teacher in "People on Journey".

how is this possible?Huaxia has such a teacher?You, Fang Nan, acted as the licking dog of the General Administration for the release of the movie?
We, a group of film critics and public intellectuals, can bear it or can't bear it!
Also, did you invite them to watch the movie for free when "People on the Journey" was released?
Are Tang Tang Film and Television and Fang Nan really so defiant?
Is the evaluation of film critics and word of mouth dispensable?
On the first day of its release, "On the Journey" received negative reviews.

[Shadow Walking World] The angry pig Lu Chuan continued to clamor:

The more I think about it, the angrier I get, it's as disgusting as eating a fly.I don't know what the director and screenwriter want to express, whom to please, whom to flatter?Sincerity to art is an unrealistic requirement, at least to the wallet of the audience, right?

The flight attendant who searched all the hotels in the city to return the wallet; the liar teacher who adopted orphans; Wang Bao who said that there are still good people in the world
[Watching Movies from the Rear Window] Movies are technical work Zhang Bei:

movie scheduling sucks
The director of photography does not understand the combination of light and color at all
The soundtrack is poor, incomprehensible, and cannot reflect the mood of the characters
The performance of the actors is poor. The Niu Geng played by Wang Bao seems to be working in the deep mountains and old forests instead of modern cities. He is obviously mentally handicapped.

Director Wang Liang made a bad movie because he flattered Fang Nan's quick ascension to the top job.

[Peking University Movie Night Cruise] Sincere people:
If it is true as what the insider said, the real behind-the-scenes director of "On the Journey" is Fang Nan.

Then I want to say, Fang Nan has really started to go down the wrong path, is the curse of the three movies really unbreakable?
Sure enough, the older generation of directors who have experienced difficult times are more vigorous in terms of artistic attainments?

It's a pity for Fang Nan, it's a pity for "On the Journey"!
[Made in Netease Xiangjiang] Two or three things about Xiangjiang Films:

"On the Journey" is a beautiful and chilling movie.

Fang Nan created an outrageous warmth for us.

He compared the movie to a bowl of aged Meng Po soup, and compared the audience to sheep, pouring soup for the sheep, and told the sheep that they should be sheep in their next life, not wolves, because there is warmth in the flock.
This is why for so many years, domestic films have never been able to compare with Xiangjiang movies in terms of box office or artistry, and even the market has been taken up by Xiangjiang movies.

Because directors like Fang Nan in the Mainland put all their minds on pleasing certain people.

[Tianya Community] Movie Dream:

Am I living in the Society of Our Lady? ?This film is ridiculous.

A governess who helps orphans?

The mistress who voluntarily gave up her position?
We Jiangcheng people are so good?
The shooting environment in Changsha is very poor, and the director needs to use tricks?
[Douban Movie] The width of the shoulder pole bench:
Why doesn't "People on Journey" show the score?
Oh, so it didn't reach the number of Douban's ratings?
Is it because no one chooses to buy tickets for "On the Journey"?
Ha ha!

Film critics, public knowledge, a large number of [-]D film reviews flooded major film communities and forums in a day.

The box office of "On the Journey" is in jeopardy.

Cai Yinong panicked at first, she hasn't got the box office data yet, but when she saw the bad reviews on the Internet, her heart sank.

The word-of-mouth of "People on Journey" is worse than that of "The Promise", how can the box office be better?
Afterwards, she played the old routine again, hiring water soldiers to spread word of mouth, and dropped 50 yuan without blinking.

The producer panicked, followed by director Wang Liang, actors Xu Shanzheng, and Wang Bao.

Wang Liang is inexperienced, and he doesn't know how to face critics' doubts and criticisms about his directing ability.

I could only hesitate while drinking and reading movie reviews, and then I was so wronged that I burst into tears.

Finally, the sky turned white and the company opened.

He smelled of alcohol and rushed to the company with red eyes, wanting to talk to Cai Yinong about how to salvage word of mouth and restore word of mouth.

Unexpectedly, it was Cai Yinong's light glance and a series of mobile phone keyboard sounds that greeted him.

Xu Shanzheng and Wang Bao's life is also difficult.

Xu Shanzheng accompanied his father-in-law to eat and drink at noon, but neither the food nor the wine tasted good, as if there was a lump in his throat.

He even began to worry that "Lost in Thailand" directed by Fang Nan himself would not perform well in the summer vacation of 06.

On the contrary, his father-in-law has a big heart and a fat body, drinking wine while watching the sketch "Should I Help" with a smile, not at all worried about his son-in-law's acting career.

It was even worse for Wang Bao. "People on the Journey" is the first movie he starred in.

That night, he was so excited that he almost stayed up all night.

The next day, he woke up rubbing his red and swollen eyes, but he was greeted with negative reviews from all over the Internet. He looked at it and almost looked depressed.

There are too many people scolding him, scolding him too comprehensively, from performance to personal image.

In the eyes of film critics, Wang Bao is useless from head to toe, from movies to reality.

After simply washing up, he hurried to Tangtang Film and Television.

Xu Shanzheng and Wang Bao rushed to Tangtang Film and Television one after another. After seeing Wang Liang and Hu Wen, the public relations manager of Tangtang Film and Television, they simply greeted each other, and the three of them sat in a row dejectedly.

"Mr. Cai, I have already contacted He Qianqian, the owner of Fang Nan's post bar last night."

"She promised to post a post in the post bar to ask friends to support "People on the Journey", but she also said that many friends who like Fang Nan went home for the New Year, and the effect may not be very good."

Cai Yinong nodded at Hu Wen and said, "I see, now, no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it's still meat. It's good to let an audience buy a movie ticket for "On the Journey."

Xu Shanzheng was curious: "Mr. Cai, the box office for the morning is already out?"

Cai Yinong shook his head and smiled wryly: "It's not so fast, we won't know until tomorrow. But the box office should not be too good according to the feedback from the three theaters."

"The manager of Times Cinemas told me clearly that there are very few audiences who choose to buy tickets for "On the Journey", while "Fearless" and "King Kong" are still selling well."

"Now the reputation is poor, so many film critics end up giving bad reviews, and many viewers are afraid to spend money to buy our movie tickets."

Hu Wen explained the reason why the broken tickets could not be sold.

During the Spring Festival, there are already few audiences entering the cinema.

Compared with "Fearless", the production cost of the Hollywood blockbuster "King Kong" is still far behind.

Then there are a bunch of film critics who are slanderous, and the audience is naturally unwilling to take risks with their money.

After all, there is Kung Fu Emperor Li Lianlian in "Fearless".

"King Kong" has Hollywood special effects.

In the subconscious of the audience, no matter how bad "Fearless" and "King Kong" are, they will not be so bad, at least they have something to watch.

"People on the Journey" has no big stars, no good special effects, and the plot is as bad as the film critics say, so it's still a waste of money.

The overwhelmed Cai Yinong said speechlessly: "I know what will happen to film critics. What about the measures? You are the company's PR manager, what measures does your PR department plan to use to deal with it?"

She expects the box office of "People on Journey" to be 2000 million. With 2000 million box office, the movie will not lose money.

Now it seems that 1000 million is enough, and only then do I know how uncomfortable it is.

Hu Wen said: "What we can do is to spend more money on publicity and try our best to reverse word of mouth."

"In addition, Mr. Cai, you should invite those film critics to come out and talk, and give them some money to delete the film reviews. Then contact the media to increase the exposure of "On the Journey."

"The most important thing is to schedule films in prime time with the three cinema lines."

Cai Yinong nodded and said, "How much do you estimate it will cost to reverse word of mouth? I have already spent 50."

Hu Wen was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing that Cai Yinong was going to buy a navy again, she imitated two words, "A few million.".

She just joined Tang Tang Film and Television this year.

After one year, Cai Yinong had already learned about his stinginess, and he knew that it would be useless to talk too much about the publicity fee. Mr. Cai is the one who spends every penny of the company, and you have to do everything.

If you don't do well, you'll have to suffer and keep nagging.

Therefore, Hu Wen did not dare to speak loudly.

"Millions?" Cai Yinong secretly weighed the pros and cons, not knowing what to do, so he said, "Wait, I sent a message to Director Fang last night, asking him to come back, and we will discuss it when he comes back. "

Cai Yinong said that he sent a message to Fang Nan, and Fang Nan would rush back from Thailand, Hu Wen's eyes lit up.

Fang Nan is an absolute expert in using the Internet to market movie box office, and he is a pioneer.

This point, even Lu Chuan, who took the lead in criticizing "On the Journey", has admitted that he arranges Fang Nan at every turn and is well versed in hype!

On the other hand, Fang Nan's influence and popularity are not comparable to Wang Liang and others.

With Fang Nan leading a team to promote "On the Journey", the effect will definitely be significant, and it will definitely be enthusiastically received by the media.

Of course, Hu Wen, the PR manager, also has selfish motives.

Compared with Cai Yinong, Fang Nan is more generous. These days, money is the only way to do things. What can Cai Yinong do with digging and searching? She knows how to spend a little money to secretly buy navy marketing.

Therefore, Hu Wen is more inclined to serve Fang Nan, and looks forward to Fang Nan's return from Thailand.

The public relations manager Hu Wen's eyes lit up, and the three of Wang Liang sitting side by side on the sofa couldn't help being shocked.

If there is still one person who can pull them up from the bottom and make "People on the Journey" out of the predicament of word of mouth, only the film producer Fang Nan.

The reason they believed so strongly was that Fang Nan had plenty of experience, let alone a bunch of film critics, so he was born with a sense of security.

There is no Lunar New Year festival in Thailand.

But because of the relatively large number of local Chinese and overseas Chinese.

So every few days during the Chinese New Year, the streets and alleys of Thailand are also hung high with red lanterns, and there is a lot of eating, drinking and playing, and there is a lot of excitement.

Therefore, at ten o'clock in the morning on the Chinese New Year's Eve, the production crew finished work early.

A group of employees wandered the streets of Thailand until the evening, and Fang Nan paid for it privately to gather a group of crew and staff who were far away from their relatives, and ate, drank and sang until late at night.

And inform everyone in advance that we will continue to have a day off on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

On New Year's Eve, Fang Nan drank a lot of wine, and fell asleep until he went to the third pole on the first day of the new year, and then he barely woke up.

The next thing I saw was hundreds of missed calls and unchecked text messages displayed on the screens of the two mobile phones.

Rubbing his face, he was about to respond one by one, when Wu Gao and Yang Guangzhi called again as if they had made an appointment.

Wu Gao has nothing to say, unmarried, no children.

The business of "Yixin Equipment Leasing" is very good, and the appearance has been expanded, and a few more employees have been recruited.

Wu Gao has nothing to do every day, so he gets sick and tells Fang Nan that he wants to go to Europe after the Chinese New Year.

See if you can build a high-speed shooting car.

He wants to be the No. [-] brother in Hengdian equipment rental!
Fang Nan was speechless, saying that he was "purely panicked by Qian Duo".

After all, he hasn't used a high-speed shooting car until now. Hengdian is full of ancient costumes, and he bought a high-speed shooting car to shoot horses?
Hang Wu Gao movie.

Yang Guangzhi called again.

After a few words of politeness, he also said something to Fang Nan, hoping that the well-informed Fang Nan would help to prepare it.

His son Xiao Yang, Yang Hao, is 16 years old, his academic performance is not good, he can't get into a good high school, and he wants to go to a vocational high school, so he asked Fang Nan what skills he should learn.

Fang Nan took the time to light a cigarette: "It was a waste of money to go to a vocational high school, and learn how to cook from you at home. I can learn how to understand the world, and I will take over the mantle of your husband and wife in the future."

Yang Guangzhi was unwilling. Like many people, he always worked in the most tiring and hardest industry. He wanted his son to learn a craft that was both easy and profitable.

Fang Nan had no choice but to ask Lao Yang to call Yang Hao. After hearing Yang Hao call "Uncle Fang", Fang Nan asked, "Can you endure hardship?"

"Yes." Yang Hao answered simply and neatly.

Fang Nan asked again, "What do you usually like to play?"

Yang Hao: "I like playing with computers."

Fang Nan understood: "Call your dad."

On the phone, Fang Nan reported the address of his company 'Thirteen Swordsmen' to Yang Guangzhi.

This is how he thought, let Lu Qing train Yang Hao first, if Yang Hao is really talented.

After one or two years, he will spend money to find connections to send Yang Hao abroad for further studies, and train him as the company's future elite special effects artist.

Finish chatting with Wu Gao and Yang Guangzhi.

Fang Nan began to answer the calls and messages one by one according to the missed calls and messages.

Mr. Han, Yu Dong, Wang Changtian and other circles mixed in after a group of middle and high-end people.

Next are some directors in the circle, as well as celebrity entertainers, company executives and employees.

Lu Qing, Lai Qingshui, Li Guoli, Huang Xiaoming, An Yixuan, Jiang Xing, Huo Jianhua, Xu Shanzheng, Wang Bao, Lin Yufen, Liu Sishi, Ni Ni, Yuan Hong, Su Youpeng, Jia Jingwen, Hu Wen, Xu Yuanyuan and more than a hundred people.

After answering the New Year's call and text message on the external mobile phone.

Fang Nan took his personal mobile phone again, and on this mobile phone were missed calls and text messages from Cai Yinong, Wu Jing, Liu Qianqian, Hu Ge, Yan Hong, Lin Hao, Gao Yuanyuan, Zeng Li and others.

Gao Yuanyuan: Director Fang Da, the little girl Gao Yuanyuan wishes you New Year greetings. I wish you a prosperous Year of the Dog [Wow, woof], and a better career!I know you must have a lot of calls today, so I sent a message to ask, how is the scenery in Thailand?
Fang Nan: That's all.

Zeng Li: The bell is ringing, the years are passing by, happiness is left behind, hope is falling, success is coming, I wish you happiness and peace in the new year!Happy and auspicious!Healthy and healthy!

Fang Nan: Dear, thank you!
Liu Qianqian: Hope will sprout, rain and dew will nourish you, the Year of the Dog will be auspicious, and you will have a bright future!
Fang Nan: The footsteps of the past are left with hardships and hardships of climbing. The road ahead, in the new year, still needs to be paid with a higher ideal. From now on, take a brave and firm step. Best wishes you succeed!

Wu Jing: Brother, the year of the dog hits, and the box office of movies continues to boom!
Fang Nan: Day, send a message every year, and misspell the word, the year of the dog [strike]?
Yan Hong: Boss, the year of the dog is auspicious, and here are the red envelopes, big ones.

Fang Nan: You earn 20 a year from me, and you still want red envelopes?No!

Fang Nan happily edited the text message and sent it to Yan Hong, and then clicked on Cai Yinong's text message, his style of painting changed instantly.

Cai Yinong: A large number of film critics came to criticize. The word-of-mouth of "On the Journey" is hard to describe. No one answered your phone. If you see the message, call back immediately, and you'd better go back to China.

"Damn, can it still be good, so that people who celebrate the Chinese New Year don't let people live in peace?"

Fang Nan was muttering dissatisfiedly when there was a knock on the guest room door, he got out of bed and opened the door, Huang Weiming came in, frowning tightly:
"Lu Chuan personally wrote a [-]-character film review for "On the Journey". The whole article avoids the important and ignores the trivial. Film critics follow suit. Mr. Cai will let you return to China quickly."

Fang Nan nodded and smiled, "I just found the information."

"You pack it up and go back, don't worry about Thailand."

After Huang Weiming finished speaking, he showed his good qualities as a good old man and said: "Go back and ask Lu Chuan to come out and talk. He is also a director, and there will always be works released. If you come and I will splash dirty water, no one will be good in the end. .Besides, both you and him are leaders of the younger generation."

Fang Nan shook his head and laughed, "Brother Weiming, your last sentence has touched the real point."

"It's because he and I are the best of the younger generation that he targeted me like this. What does it mean to be inferior to each other? That's it!"

After smiling, Fang Nan turned cold and pointed to his heart, and said proudly to Huang Weiming, "Lu Chuan is with me, so he really isn't even a fart."

"Do art, when I finish filming "囧 II", I will let him know what art is!"

"Playing film critic trolls, I'll let him taste what it means to be worth the loss, and what it means to make wedding clothes for others!"

"He jumped up and down a few times, but I didn't touch him, not because I was afraid of Beijing Film Studio and CCTV behind him."

"Is it really just because there is no need, people will compete with ants?"

"But this time, I want to make him hurt for a while, so that he won't think that monkeys can be called kings when I'm not in the country in the future!"

After receiving the news from Cai Yinong, Fang Nan did not hurry back to China.

It wasn't until the third day of junior high school that Huang Bo's solo roles in Thailand were all over, Fang Nan simply packed up and got on the passenger plane from Chiang Mai to Beijing.

And this moment.

Cai Yinong, Hu Wen, Wang Liang, and a group of actors from "On the Journey" are waiting for Fang Nan to land, so as to start the first road show after the release of "On the Journey".

(End of this chapter)

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