literary world

Chapter 192 Fang Nan's Counterattack

Chapter 192 Fang Nan's Counterattack

The time difference between China and Thailand is one hour.

Fang Nan took off early in the morning and landed just before lunch, Cai Yinong didn't say a word, and the driver went straight to the hotel.

Wang Liang, Xu Shanzheng, and Wang Bao are all in a box in a hotel in Dongcheng.

Supporting actresses Huang Xiaoyu, Zhang Xinyi, and Li Xiaolu, who have more roles in the film, are also there.

Several people chatted casually, Fang Nan opened the door and came in, "Brother Nan, are you back?"

Wang Liang stood up first and greeted with a smile.

But that smile, no matter how you look at it, is awkward, far-fetched, and bitter.

"You might as well not laugh, I feel uncomfortable laughing."

Fang Nan said to Wang Liang, Huang Xiaolei, Xu Shanzheng, and Wang Bao got up: "Director, Director Fang, I wish you a happy old age."

At the same time, Li Xiaolu skillfully grabbed the luggage from Fang Nan's hand and hung it on the hanger.

At the round table, there is no need to prioritize. Fang Nan pulled out his chair and sat down. He smiled at the people in the box, "Why are you all so sad? Let's eat first after the sky falls. I didn't eat in the morning. I'm very hungry!"

Cai Yinong sat down and echoed: "Yes, eat, eat. The waiter serves the food, and then bring two bottles of Moutai, and two bottles of red wine that has been aged for about four years."

Seeing the wild big yellow croaker and other dishes being served one by one, Fang Nan said to Xu Shanzheng and the others, "President Cai is spending a lot of money today, everyone, let's eat!"

After speaking, move your chopsticks immediately.

When the meal was half full and the wine was half full, Fang Nan put down the wine glass and chopsticks, Cai Yinong understood, and found an excuse to invite Huang Xiaoyu and the supporting roles out of the box.

"Hu Wen, what's the specific situation now? Is it really because of Lu Chuan's group of film critics and public knowledge criticizing "People on the Journey"? As a result, "People on the Journey" grossed 50 yuan in the first two days of the first and second day?"

On the car from the airport to the hotel, Cai Yinong said that the 180 movie theaters of "On the Journey" reported a box office of 50 in two days.

Fang Nan was quite surprised.

Three theater lines, 180 movie theaters, one movie theater, one hall and one screen to show "On the Journey".

Based on the 90-minute duration of "People on the Journey", after more than a dozen shows a day, each show is equivalent to only [-] or [-] spectators.

Among them, if there are hundreds of people in the hall, "People on the Journey" properly reveals the street appearance, the street movie!
The few films he has worked on in the past few years, except for "The Unknown", the attendance rate was relatively poor a few days before the filming started.

Never has there been such a poor attendance movie.

Fang Nan looked over, and Hu Wen put down her chopsticks and nodded, explaining, "The fate of film critics has indeed affected a large part of the audience."

"Yesterday we went to several movie theaters under the United Cinemas to do a survey. Many viewers who watched "On the Journey" thought the movie was okay, and there were a lot of laughs. Most of the hesitant viewers said they were influenced by film critics .”

Fang Nan nodded and pondered, film critics are still very influential in this era.

If you want to reverse the box office decline of "On the Journey", you must first break the golden body of these domestic film critics.

Fang Nan looked at Hu Wen and Cai Yinong, and asked again, "What measures have you taken?"

Hu Wen glanced at Cai Yinong, seeing her nodding, she couldn't help whispering in Fang Nan's ear, "President Cai spent 50 in private to promote the film's reputation."

Fang Nan frowned: "It's the navy again? How's the effect?"

"Water army?" This is the first time Hu Wen has heard people use only one word to describe private marketing in such an image.

"It's still useful to some extent." She said awkwardly.

Fang Nan nodded, thinking about it and said: "Mr. Cai, the 50 yuan should not be spent yet, right? Ask the partner to suspend it first. You can add another 50 yuan so that they don't spend the New Year. Quickly organize people and scold them with all your strength." For the movie "On the Journey", the more scolding the better!"

"Huh?" Cai Yinong.

"??" Hu Wen.

"Brother Nan." Wang Bao.

Xu Shanzheng frowned: "."

Cai Yinong and the others looked at Fang Nan in bewilderment.

Critics have had their hands full.

Movie box office looks miserable.

They hoped for the stars and the moon, and for Fang Nan's return. They just wanted to use his good image and popularity to boost the movie's reputation.

He came up with such a flirty idea?
Cai Yinong and the others looked depressed, but fortunately, they are not stupid, and they would not believe that Fang Nan's mind suddenly became funny.

Therefore, there must be something hidden about such an inexplicable operation, and several people silently waited for an explanation.

Unexpectedly, it was Fang Nan's urging that ushered in: "Look at what I am doing, Mr. Cai, can your partner do it? Can you do it?"

He naturally knew what Xu Shanzheng and the others were waiting for.

But for the time being, Fang Nan didn't want to explain to them what is called navy, what is called tap water, what is called black to deep natural powder, what is called anti-marketing routine.

In the last two days in Thailand, he has been thinking about how to save "People on the Journey" whose reputation has fallen into the quagmire.

After thinking about it, I thought of anti-marketing.

The premise of anti-marketing is to let the word-of-mouth of "People on Journey" drop further, to the point where it can no longer drop, so as to bottom out and rebound.

This made the audience curious, wondering if "People on Journey" is really that bad?Let the audience take the initiative to see how bad "People on the Journey" is.

When the audience walks into the movie theater, they will find, hey, "People on the Journey" is not as bad as it is uploaded on the Internet to the point of being in a cesspit!
This method of operation is the so-called anti-marketing.

Lu Chuan, don't a bunch of self-righteous film critics like to find a sense of presence?
Like to generalize, like to narrow the advantages and magnify the disadvantages?

Fang Nan now wants to satisfy them.

He even made more efforts to help them magnify the shortcomings of "People on Journey".

It's better to turn "People on Journey" into a black net.

By that time, he believes that the word-of-mouth and box office of "On the Journey" will slowly rise.

And the reason why Fang Nan dared to play black to deep natural fans, dared to play the trick of word-of-mouth bottoming out.

It should be blamed on the fact that "People on Journey" is not as bad as expected.

"People on the Journey" does have slots in the plot.

But at least it's a cola movie, a passing comedy.

Fang Nan also believes that no matter how funny the audience is, they can find a moment of laughter in "On the Journey".

He and the entire screenwriting department of Tang Tang Film and Television have designed about 80 plots, large and small, that are easy to make people laugh.

What's more, there is the support of peers in this era.

Before 2006, there were many domestic films with real word-of-mouth and box office success?

Domestic blockbusters such as "Hero", "House of Flying Daggers" and "The Promise" were criticized.

"King Kong", which is currently being screened, has no special effects, and it is also useless in the eyes of film critics.

"Since there are so many bad films in the domestic film market, why do film critics have to be so harsh on "On the Journey"?"

When the audience reflected on this level, it was the time when the word-of-mouth and box office of "People on the Journey" took off.

Therefore, Fang Nan is full of confidence in the anti-marketing method he designed for "On the Journey".

of course.

When starting the whole project, it is necessary to do a good job in advance.

One: The sailors hired by Cai Yinong have to end, but the style of painting has to change, from marketing good word of mouth to marketing bad word of mouth, it is best to achieve the whole Internet black that Fang Nan thinks.

Two: Fang Nan took Xu Shanzheng and his team to a national road show. During the road show, they should do some self-criticism, but they also want the audience to see their perseverance.

Three: When the audience's word-of-mouth began to gradually reverse, attack the film critics with all their strength, and destroy the film critics' golden stature.

For this one, Fang Nan has even chosen a theme for his own end at that time. The theme name is simple and rough, [Film critics comment on movies, who will comment on film critics? 】

Four: Break the golden body, clean up Lu Chuan, and force the whole network gangsters to his forehead.

Five: The most important point is to stabilize the three theaters, and not let the theaters reduce even one filming schedule.

Fang Nan listed the thoughts in his head again, Cai Yinong just said:
"There is no problem with the marketing partner. As long as you give them money, they will do things. But is it too much to add 50 in marketing fees? I'm afraid it will not be worth the loss."

"Do you want to make money from "The Man on the Journey"? Don't do what I say, the 500 million production fee of "The Man on the Journey" and the pre-publicity fee will definitely be in vain."

"According to what I said, I don't know how much "People on Journey" will earn, but it will definitely not lose money. This movie has only been released for three days, so there is a chance to turn around."

Fang Nan was speechless, Cai Yinong began to look forward and backward again, and became extremely petty.

Cai Yinong asked again: "Add another 50 in marketing expenses, will the road show still run? Have you made a budget yet?"

Fang Nan lit a cigarette: "I don't have a budget, just do what I say. The final box office of "People on Journey" depends on the amount of publicity fees. earn."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, Hu Wen, Xu Shanzheng, and Wang Bao all looked at Cai Yinong anxiously.

Cai Yinong contemplated for a long time, and when she saw Huang Xiaoyu and the others coming in, she gritted her teeth and said, "Do as you want, I will let the financial department add another 300 million to the publicity account."

Fang Nan nodded happily: "That's good, I'll arrange everyone's work first."

Next, enter Fang Nan's chattering time.

Miss K, you have two tasks.

One: Send money to your partner, do as I just said, be sure to scold, the harder the scolding, the better, and the dirtier the better.

Two: It is very important to stabilize the three theater lines and not reduce the number of films.

Three: I will call Shi Nansheng later and ask her to come back to work overtime. The task is to sit in the company and make contact.

Watching Cai Yinong nod, Fang Nan turned to Hu Wen, the PR manager.

Hu Wen's mission.

One: Continue to lead the public relations department to conduct word-of-mouth surveys and report every day.

Two: Keep in touch with the mainstream media, which may be needed at any time.

Three: Arrange for Fang Nan to put on a show, preferably a talk show with a high ratings, and contact a media to run a road show with the actors.

After Hu Wen, Fang Nan met Wang Liang, Xu Shanzheng, Wang Bao, Huang Xiaoyu and others.

Next, he will lead this group of people to run a road show. During the road show, several actors and even Wang Liang will be responsible for their frustration and misery to the end.

Fang Nan, who has enough acting skills and desire to perform, can cry a little and wipe some tears away.

After Fang Nan explained all the plans, the dinner ended at the same time, everyone got up and went their own way.

Although Wang Liang, Cai Yinong, and Xu Shanzheng were still confused, they didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Fangnan's gourd.

But one thing is for sure, Fang Nan will not harm them, harm "People on Journey"!
On February 2, the third day of the Lunar New Year, with Cai Yinong making the first phone call, the first anti-marketing campaign in China officially started.

The next day.

2 month 3 number.

After finishing a set of fitness exercises at home in Jingzhou, Zeng Li stroked her still stomach and shook her head into her personal bedroom.

It's the third day of the Lunar New Year, and the only message Fang Nan sent her was the "Dear" from the Spring Festival.

She guessed that the other party was busy, so she didn't want to make a call. In order to get rid of the love, she had nothing to do to search the computer, read news about Thailand, and landscape maps.

But after searching, Zeng Li found something was wrong.

There were a lot of spam comments in the comment areas of the portal websites she frequented today, and all of them were inseparable from "People on the Journey" produced by Fang Nan.

Slag waves:

"People on the Journey" is the worst in shit, unmatched.

From the plot to the performance of "People on Journey", I can't find any good adjectives to describe it.

Fu Huadao is useless in "People on the Journey", and the crew is so poor that one staff member serves Huadao three jobs part-time?


"People on the Journey" I block your grandma and block your uncle.

When a movie like "On the Journey" lands in theaters, it is an insult to the IQ of audiences across the country.

Wang Liang, the director of "People on the Journey", you can go to block, go back and eat block!
After flipping through the comment areas of the two websites, Zeng Li knew something was wrong.

Although she didn't take part in the movie "On the Journey", she knew the director Wang Liang and Fang Nan.

It is true that Wang Liang is a rookie director, some scenes may not be handled perfectly.

But with Fang Nan around, with his level, it is impossible to make such a criticized movie.

"Could it be that there was a problem with the post-editing?" Zeng Li took out his cell phone and called Fang Nan, "I'm sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off!"

The film produced by the producer was scolded as worthless, and the phone was turned off?Zeng Li is in a hurry, is there really something wrong with the movie?

Thinking of this, Zeng Li, who couldn't get in touch with Fang Nan for the time being, hurriedly put on a down jacket and left the bedroom, thinking of going to the cinema to see how "People on the Journey" turned out, and then calling Fang Nan at night.

2 month 4 number.

There are more comments on the whole network to crusade and abuse "People on Journey".

Tianya, Netease, Zhalang, Renren, Blog, Tieba and other comment areas.

Movie review sites such as Movie World, Rear Window Movies, and Douban have become the hardest hit.

There are only a few short sentences or even a word of insults, scolding, and comments against "People on Journey", which have even spread to the entire Internet.

Spread to official websites such as Six Princesses.

at the same time.

Fang Nan led the director Wang Liang, while Xu Shanzheng, Wang Bao and other actors were self-reflecting.

Pujiang Wanping Theater.

Fang Nan said to the audience who were waiting to watch the movie: ""On the Journey" does have flaws, it's because the director Wang Liang and I didn't prepare enough, but our original intention is to make the audience happy and happy!"

Wang Liang came up and bowed first: "The poor reputation of "On the Journey" is my own problem. As a new director, I overestimated my ability. In the future, I will temporarily put down the guide tube and follow the Director Fang will continue to hone for several years."

Wang Baoyi bowed: "I'm sorry everyone, it's because my performance was not in place."

Xu Shan bowed: "."

Fang Nan led a group of people to finish speaking like atonement, said goodbye to the audience and went to the next house, while the audience quietly waited for the screen to light up.

Even if there are companions around, the communication is whispering.

What can I say?

Some of them came here for Fang Nan, to see celebrities, some happened to catch up with the road show, and some even came here with the intention of cursing people.

But no matter what the purpose was, Fang Nan, including the director and actors of the film, blamed themselves for taking the blame, so what else could they say?

Watch the opening credits, if the movie is too bad, withdraw it.


"Staff, please help me open the plane window"

The quick-response audience was the first to let out a series of low-key laughter. They were all watching bad movies. They made themselves laugh after watching bad movies. Isn’t there a problem with IQ?

"You crow mouth"


The movie was shown for about ten minutes, and the audience looked at me and I looked at you, all sullen and puzzled, thinking: "People on the Journey" is not as evil as it is uploaded on the Internet, there is no big problem, Some places almost made me laugh out loud.

At the end of a screening, the audience who watched "On the Journey" walked out of the cinema with a blank expression on their faces.

"People on Journey" is not perfect, but it is by no means so bad that it can be thrown into the cesspit.

It's a decent low-budget comedy movie.

It's a little hard to let them say it in person.

Especially when they saw the playful eyes of the audience who bought tickets for "Fearless" and "King Kong", they even walked away with their heads buried in fear of embarrassment.

But it's not absolute, "People on the Journey" will always capture the hearts of a small group of people, and there will always be two grumpy people among the small group of people.

"Fuck you, who said "People on Journey" is a bad movie, isn't it funny?"

 Ladies and gentlemen, I admit that I am short and short, because I really did not reach 6000 words per day.

  But if you call me water and kill me, I don't admit it. What is water? Doing meaningless things and saying meaningless words are called water.

  In the previous chapter, the first part of the film review did not mention the foreshadowing, but the text and phone calls for New Year greetings revealed a lot of things later on. For example, you can go back and read the text messages between Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian. You revealed the information that the two are going to work together!
  There is also a typo in Wu Jing's message every year. What does this mean? The two have a deep relationship.

  There is also a lot of information about Yang Hao.

  So, when I am in full use of water, I will tell everyone.

  If I can write well within my ability, I still try to write well, because I am reading this book myself, and if I read it by myself, I will hang up!

(End of this chapter)

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