literary world

Chapter 194 The Return of the King

Chapter 194 The Return of the King

Once Fang Nan's "Who will comment on the film critics" was uploaded, it ignited the entire Internet.

Added a fresh chicken blood for the audience who are fighting against injustice.

As a result, the word-of-mouth and box office of "People on Journey" began to rebound strongly in the second week.

Only on Tuesday, February 2th, the half-price ticket "People on the Journey" sold 7 million box office.

It is hundreds of thousands higher than the sum of the box office 5 days before the release.

Three theater lines, 180 movie theaters, and more than 20 moviegoers.

The manager of Pujiang United Cinemas spoke boldly to the media: "I have never seen such a box office trend, but it is somewhat expected."

"The main reason is that a large number of migrant workers have returned to the city. Furthermore, according to what our theaters have learned from the front line, the word-of-mouth of "People on Journey" has not been bad! It is even better than "King Kong". Therefore, it is expected The box office may go up after the festival.”

2 month 8 number.

Jiangcheng TV reporter: "Do you think the domestic film market will open up Spring Festival stalls because of "On the Journey"?"

Manager of Jiangcheng Tianhe Cinemas: "Probably not. The box office of "On the Journey" went up strongly in the second half. It has certain limitations and cannot be replicated."

"I personally think that in the next five years, the Spring Festival stalls will still be a vassal of the Lunar New Year stalls, and we still call it the Spring Festival Lunar New Year stalls."

the same day.

A reporter from Guangzhou TV asked the same question to the manager of a movie theater affiliated to Times Cinemas.

Cinema manager: "It's hard. In my impression, the first Chinese Spring Festival movie in the true sense was "Red Fan District" in 1995. There was a full ten-year gap between "Red Fan District" and "On the Journey". year."

"So, just think about it during the Spring Festival. "People on Journey" was really just an accident! It can be said that this movie exceeded everyone's expectations!"

As the managers of the three theaters said, many people took the sudden reversal of the box office and word-of-mouth of "On the Journey" as an accident.

As the audience was angry with what the film critics did, they spontaneously supported "On the Journey" and achieved good results.

Few people thought that Fang Nan used his prophet to play an anti-marketing game.

Of course, not everyone is a fool.

Fang Nan's routine is really deep now.

But if you want to say how far your IQ is crushed, it's not enough.

When everyone calms down, such a small routine can be broken by humanity.

Even, as early as February 2th, when the word-of-mouth and box office of "People on the Journey" had just started to gain momentum, Meng Ziyi, the sales director of BBK, made a phone call to tease Fang Nan.

Nothing to be ashamed of.

What you are a marketing master, you can open network marketing training courses.

People like Gou Lin with unusual brains have already suspected something tricky as early as when "People on Journey" was hacked by the entire Internet.

As soon as "On the Journey" was released at the box office, Gou Lin immediately figured out that Fang Nan would not be the second choice except for Fang Nan's own tricks.

"Fang Nan is a ruthless guy!" Gou Lin opened the Tianya forum with great interest.

Hua Yi and the Wang family brothers also looked at each other after the analysis by the PR manager.

Two years ago, they learned Internet marketing from Fang Nanna.

Today, Fang Nan gave them another solid lesson, the content of the lesson: blackmailing, anti-marketing.

Compared with Fang Nan, every time Huayi released a movie, it started marketing gossip, handsome men and beautiful women, which was simply low.

Many people have thought about exposing it, but in the face of such a powerful audience, many people can only sigh.

Even Huayi chose to politely avoid and retreat.

The audience's emotions are in high spirits, and now everyone who goes on stage will inevitably get sprayed.

But Lu Chuan ended up in the end. Others could escape, but he couldn't escape, so he could only choose krypton gold to give it a go, otherwise he would really be sprayed and couldn't leave the house.

I asked a relationship to find a master, and spent 10 yuan in marketing, but I didn't even see a splash.

20, 30, 50.

[Shock: A certain director surnamed Lu turned out to be the mastermind behind the smearing of "On the Journey"! 】

【Emerging Black Industry Chain——Internet Marketing】

Faced with several news that meant something, Lu Chuan chose to ignore them.

As early as the word-of-mouth reversal of "People on the Journey", some people called him a mastermind behind the scenes and a scum among filmmakers. What does it matter, anyway, there is no evidence.

He was angry because 50 was thrown down, but there was still no splash!
It even caused a bigger backlash from movie fans across the country.

On February 2, the box office of "People on Journey" continued to hit 8 million.

And the box office didn't increase much, all because there were too few films scheduled. In the capital city, three movie theaters went all out to line up films, and there were still long queues.

2 month 9 number.

At the suggestion of Hu Wen, the public relations manager of Tangtang Film and Television, Fang Nan walked into the Tianya live broadcast room.

This is the first full-screen live broadcast he started after the text confrontation with Zhang Dahuzi in Zha Lang's live broadcast room.

Hu Wen's reason for choosing Tianya is that "On the Journey" has to focus on young online audiences.

The timeliness of the live broadcast is also fast, and "People on the Road" has already wasted more than ten days.

Tianya live broadcast room.

Faced with the host's talk about "Film critics comment on movies, who will comment on film critics?" " is very sharp, and even criticizes the whole article.

"Fang Nan's Movies Never Welcome Film Critics' Comments" is too much, Fang Nan didn't pretend to be reserved, he learned to be gentle and elegant, and he spoke fragrantly when he came up.

What film critic?

Wang Po is just selling melons and boasting!

This group of film critics are just the changed audiences who want to watch movies for free and reap the benefits.

Do they know what a movie is?What is mirroring?What is a lens?

Did you draw the storyboard?

I read 800 books to collect some information, and then stumbled together a [-]D film review to talk to me about film aesthetics and camera language?

Who?What a bragging!
When I filmed "Nobody's Name", the audience applauded all the way, and the final reunion touched countless people. These film critics insisted that it was a kitsch audience.

Fuck you. The few people who don’t die in the movie are kitsch audiences, not artistic enough, right?
When I made "The Richest Man in Xihong City", the box office exceeded [-] million, and the film critics jumped out again: all the actors in the film are impetuous, and the whole film is boring.

I wondered, so many laughing audiences in the cinema are all fake?Over [-] million box office is fake?

When it comes to "People on the Journey", this time it is even more ruthless.

In the movie, even a good teacher who is responsible and self-sacrificing will not work, and all the staff must be wicked, calling the director an idiot and calling the actors funny.

When the little girls who played supporting roles in the movie ran for the road show, they were crying while running.

I want to say, you film critics were beaten too much when you were young?Are you all brain-dead?

Facing the live broadcast camera, he spat and cursed, Fang Nan pulled his clothes, and began to answer the second question.

It's just my luxury not to allow critics to review my films.

After all, there is something in the world called the right to speech, and I can't hold their hands down.

However, I hope that this part of the audience, no matter what movie they review in the future, can feel their own conscience and comment, and don't generalize, and can't focus on the shortcomings of a movie.

It is true that "People on the Journey" is not such a good movie.

But in my heart, and in the hearts of most audiences, he is a passing comedy movie, or even a little higher.

Everyone can see the Douban score, 6.8 points.

So I want to say that a small number of viewers who pretend to be big-tailed wolves, and some people in the industry, should open their hearts a little bit, open their hearts, and the world will naturally be vast.

Scold the critics.

Fang Nan and the host chatted again about the current situation of "On the Journey". When the host said that the two-day box office of "On the Journey" was nearly 500 million, Fang Nan hurriedly bowed to the camera and thanked the audience.

At this point, the Tianya live broadcast is over.

The live broadcast of the screen was cut off, and the live broadcast of pictures and texts ended at the same time, but the comments below were tumbling and boiling like a pot of boiling water.

There are those who support "People on the Journey".

Discuss what film critics do.

There are those who scold film critics.

But more netizens who watched the live broadcast were brushing the word "brainless".

Hu Wen smiled and told Fang Nan who walked out of the studio that Fang Nan stayed in Bengbu on the spot.

"Internet hot words have infinite charm at any time, and they are still popular in another era!"

With a sigh of emotion, Fang Nan asked about Lu Chuan.

"He spent 50 yuan, and his pockets were probably cleaned out. No matter how much I asked people to insinuate, he would not spend any more money, saying it was a bottomless pit." Hu Wen laughed and giggled.

Fang Nan couldn't believe it: "How is it possible, he worked as a director in CCTV and made two movies, so 50 is still his entire net worth?"

Lu Chuan cost him a lot of money this time, the first batch of promotional expenses and marketing expenses added up to 500 million.

When Shi Nansheng negotiated with Beijing New Film Federation Cinemas and other theaters about the share of "People on the Journey", the second round of roadshows was indispensable, and the promotion fee had to be added.

He spent such a fortune, how could he let Lu Chuan go, he wanted Lu Chuan to lose both money and reputation.

"I feel the same. How much can CCTV give him? The princess's salary for the Spring Festival Gala is only 5000 yuan. He hasn't accepted any commercials, and the two movies are also not luscious movies." Hu Wen explained.

"There is some truth to it." But Fang Nan still said indignantly: "If you try to persuade me again, if it really doesn't work, let's start causing trouble."

"Okay." Hu Wen nodded in agreement.

the next few days.

I don't know if the word "brain-dead" that is popular all over the Internet is too attractive, and it appeared because of "People on the Journey", which has a publicity effect.

It is also because of the addition of three new theater lines with more than 200 theaters.

In short, the box office of "People on Journey" has reached a new high.

9/10/11, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

"People on the Journey" won nearly 900 million box office at the box office.

Among them, on the 11th, Saturday, the box office of "People on the Journey" exceeded 350 million.

On Sunday, the 12th, the box office of "People on the Journey" hit a new high, winning 500 million box office in one day.

According to the joint statistics of several theaters, more than 40 tickets were issued that day, and the number of moviegoers exceeded 40 for the first time.

As soon as the data came out, countless people unconsciously licked their dry lips, but Fang Nan was the only one who didn't move like a mountain.

He was very clear.

After his marketing and anti-marketing, the current "People on Journey" has reached the level of hot discussion on the Internet.

And the theme of the comedy movie "People on the Journey" is closely related to going home during the Spring Festival.

What's more, there is still a gap period left by "Fearless" and "King Kong" that have faded from the craze.

With the right time, place and people, it is only natural that the box office of "On the Journey" will rise.

Ten years later, such a hotly debated film would be rubbish without a box office of billions.

Therefore, Fang Nan was very calm.

But the media is not calm.

The 500 million box office results of "People on the Journey" a day are worthy of special mention even if they are placed in the summer vacation and Lunar New Year files that have already cultivated audiences.

What's more, it is still a Spring Festival stall that has been ignored for many years and exists in name only.

Blow, blow hard!

China Film News:
In 2005, the box office of China's film market was 21 billion yuan, an increase of 33% over the same period.

In 2006, the film market opened high and went high as soon as the filming started. Although "People on the Road" released in the Spring Festival stalls opened low but went high, the single-day box office on the 12th was 500 million, and it was released for 14 days. The first shot of a domestic film.

A number of box office forecasting agencies have raised the original 1100 million box office of "People on the Journey" to 4000 million.

The Spring Festival stalls that have not existed for many years are finally back!
Jiangcheng Daily:

The "schedule management" of the Chinese film market is becoming more and more mature, and films continue to emerge as hot spots of public attention.

With the hot screening of "People on the Journey" in Jiangcheng, the word "囧" has become a national hot spot. According to Wang Liang, the word "囧" comes from a smile.
Economic Times:

"People on Lost Journey" has hit theaters day after day, with a small production making big box office hits, and the most profitable director in China - Fang Nan.

Guangzhou Daily:

The 2005 box office of the Pearl River Cinemas was 9300 million RMB, and the opening of the new year’s film was the first shot.
Dragon TV Entertainment Channel:

"The Unknown Man" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City" produced by Fang Nan, director of "The Man on the Journey", was released for 12 days, with a box office of 2200 million.

But the enthusiasm of the Pujiang audience remained undiminished, and they chanted the slogan of taking their girlfriends to watch "On the Journey" on Valentine's Day.

Sichuan Daily:

"People on the Journey" landed in Sichuan Province, the film producer, the great director Fang Nan led the leading actors to come to Sichuan to promote in the snow, and invited Mr. Yao from Wenshan and more than 20 students to watch the movie.

During the movie screening, Fang Nan asked curiously, "Mr. Yao, how many people are there in Wenshan?"

After "On the Journey" became a hit at the box office, Fang Nan didn't follow Wang Liang and others to the road show, let alone come so far to Rongshi.

The reason for coming.

It was because the female teacher next to him left a message on his blog, saying sincerely that she wanted to ask for some donations.

Fang Nan saw the message by accident, and after asking people to understand it carefully, he immediately called Teacher Yao. He didn't want to do any stunts, but when he put down the phone, he suddenly thought of the words he said in front of Dean Cai's grave.

If you are poor, you will take care of yourself alone, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world!
With an annual income of tens of millions now, he should do something more or less.

It is true that he is a selfish person, and he will not help others when he is hungry, but now, not only is he full, but he is no longer afraid of being hungry for the rest of his life, so it is time to put away that selfishness.

So, he followed Wang Liang and others to Rongshi, and sent someone to take Teacher Yao and a group of children more than 100 miles away to watch a movie.

Teacher Yao said, "There are a little more than one hundred thousand people."

Fang Nan nodded and said: "Do you want to go back today, or stay in Rong City for one night? Don't worry about the cost, I will pay for it, and when I leave, I will follow you to have a look."

"Ah? The road is very bumpy, and don't look at the 100-mile road, in fact, it's a long way around." Teacher Yao reminded.

Fang Nan smiled: "It's okay, I practice martial arts, and my body is stronger than yours."

Teacher Yao didn't want to stay in a hotel, so Fang Nan had no choice but followed a group of people to Wenshan that afternoon. The small county is not big, only tens of thousands of people.

"Brother Nan, what are you doing here?" Wang Liang, who had been driving Fang Nan back to the city in the palm-sized elementary school, asked curiously.

Fang Nan didn't hide anything, and said carelessly, "I've made a lot of money in the past few years, and I want to do something good, do you think it's possible?"

Wang Liang was speechless: "Brother Nan, if you want to do good deeds, donate the money directly to those organizations. Then you will stand on the stage to receive a medal and a certificate of honor. Go around and go so far to do it." What."

Fang Nan rolled his eyes and said nothing.

After looking at the place, Fang Nan had an idea, and donated 2 yuan on the spot.

Back in the capital, he asked Yan Hong out.

Yan Hong is a girl from Sichuan, she knows the place well, so it would be better for her to find someone to build the school.

And he is only responsible for making comments, and finally taking people to check and accept.

(End of this chapter)

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