literary world

Chapter 195 Han Zhizhi's shot, in broad daylight

Chapter 195 Han Zhizhi's shot, in broad daylight
Attack people and attack cities and territories all the way.

After winning 12 million at the box office on the 500th, it took another 13 million on Sunday on the 480th.

With a weekly box office of 2080 million and a total box office of 2650 million, it overwhelmed "King Kong" and "Fearless" to win the second week's box office championship.

When everyone was amazed at the box office of "People on Journey".

February 2th is Western Valentine's Day.

"People on the Journey" finally ushered in a strong opponent.

The British actor Jason Statham, who is known as Guo Da in the West, starred in "Very Human Trafficker 2", which was released in the mainland as "Desperate Express 2".

As for the Singapore movie "Happy From Heaven" of the same period.

"Shanghai Rumba" starring Xia Yu and Yuan Quan's Lovers, and "Scented Journey" starring Zhang Jingchu are not enough to watch.

And these three movies are not pure love movies, they explore marriage relationship.

Therefore, "People on the Journey" and "Desperate Express 2", which entered the third week, have become the two strong contenders for the Valentine's Day schedule.

On Valentine's Day, the single-day box office of the two films both exceeded 300 million.

[Movie theaters are not interested in romance films] became the headlines on the front pages of many portal websites.

This is the end.

Fang Nan no longer paid attention to "People on Journey".

"囧一", which he personally arranged and operated, has been completed, and it has really achieved a double harvest at the box office and word of mouth.

Fang Nanyun flew from the capital to Pujiang calmly to deal with some personal affairs before leaving the country.

A group of executives and bosses of domestic film and television companies are still in shock.

There is no idiot who can make a name for himself in the entertainment industry and be a top player.

In the past few days, Fang Nan's marketing has been ripped apart and crushed from the inside to the outside by thoughtful people, so they can see clearly.

Consider the whole event:

The end of the film critics - the word-of-mouth of "On the Journey" is at stake.

Fang Nan returned to China——"People on Journey"'s word-of-mouth did not rise but fell, and even suffered a lot of black waves, and its word-of-mouth plummeted to the bottom, as if it had fallen into an abyss.

Migrant workers return——Fang Nan started to work, shouted at film critics, and went live.All of a sudden, "People on the Journey" sympathized with the whole network, word-of-mouth soared overnight, and the box office began to gain momentum.

During this period, it was also mixed with many details such as poor road show sales and stable hospitalization.

During the whole incident, Fang Nan was really bold and careful, grasped every link, and made a perfect film marketing.

By the way, the film critics were severely punished.


After sorting out the entire marketing process, many marketers gave Fang Nan a thumbs up.

Fang Nan's little head is really powerful.

He has played with many people in his hands, and he has a very thorough understanding of human nature!

Pujiang, Thirteen Swordsmen Special Effects Company.

"Uncle Fang!" A thin child wearing large myopia glasses called Fang Nan crisply.

Fang Nan nodded and stuffed Yang Hao with a red envelope, and looked at Yang Guangzhi: "Brother Yang, do you think this environment is okay?"

After he incorporated Lu Qing's thirteen swordsmen, he poured millions into it. The dilapidated place was replaced with a large flat floor in the CBD. The company's more than 20 special effects computers looked imposing.

Yang Guangzhi nodded happily: "It's good, I'm sorry to trouble you, I still need to make a trip when I'm so busy."

"Small things." Fang Nan finished with a smile, pointed at Lu Qing and said to Yang Hao: "His name is Lu Qing, he is the special effects director of the company, you can just call him Brother Lu, and follow him to study hard. In this year, I will send you abroad to see the world!"

Yang Guangzhi was surprised and said: "Ah, going abroad? Anan, you are exaggerating. I am satisfied that this kid can do what is in front of him with peace of mind. If he really has the ability to go abroad, I will send him out long ago."

"You can't say that, maybe this kid likes to do this."

As Fang Nan said, he led a few people to Lu Qing's office. Along the way, he kept saying hello to those who called "Brother Nan".

After entering the office, Yang Guangzhi and his son had a heart-to-heart talk.

Fang Nan listened to Lu Qing's performance report.

Lu Qing reported for half an hour, and Fang Nan finally summed it up into a few words, making small troubles and losing money.

Special effects companies spend money mainly because of high wages, company rent, invisible loss of special effects equipment, and high power consumption of computers.

The computer dedicated to special effects consumes more power than other mining machines.

As long as there is work to do, it will continue all year round.

The tester Fang Nan asked: "Tangtang Film and Television built a small white building in Hengdian, which is specially used for the post-production of film and television. I want a place, how about you send two or three people to garrison? Will you receive more inquiries?" live?"

Lu Qing said noncommittally: "Maybe, but if you want to make the Thirteen Swordsmen bigger and stronger, become the number one in the country, catch up with South Korea, Hengdian is not satisfactory, the special effects used in TV dramas are too simple, there is nothing for us now. The room for improvement is just to earn some subsidy money.”

After finishing speaking, Lu Qing said sincerely: "Brother Nan, if you want the Thirteen Swordsmen to improve their technology, we have to do a big project."

"The special effects software is not developed in advance, but what software needs to be used when doing a certain special effect, and the software engineer develops it on the spot."

"Peter Jackson produced "The Lord of the Rings" and forcibly created the world's second special effects company - Weta, whose motion capture technology is world-renowned."

"Without Lucas making the Star Wars series, Industrial Light & Magic, the best special effects company in the world, would not exist."

"The reason why China doesn't have a good special effects company is not because of lack of technology and lack of talent. It's because there are not so many sci-fi films, forcing special effects engineers to develop various special effects software."

"Now, the Thirteen Swordsmen have special effects computers that are not inferior to Hollywood."

"There are not enough engineers. We can go to those famous schools to recruit fresh graduates, and even develop jointly with the schools. What we lack are works that can be practiced and force us to move forward."

Fang Nan nodded vigorously: "What you said is very reasonable, let me think of a way. In the near future, I will contact more people in the circle, at least introduce more jobs to the company, at least stabilize the basic expenses first."

Fang Nan also understood what Lu Qing said.

He also thought about taking out "The Wandering Earth" for thirteen swordsmen to practice and develop corresponding software.

But when he thought of the production cost of "The Wandering Earth", he couldn't give up.

Because the production fee of this movie is an astronomical figure at present, no film and television company will be willing to end it.

So what if he is the director of the [-] million box office club, no one dares to think about Chinese sci-fi movies, and no one dares to accompany him.

It was decided that Yang Hao would join the Thirteen Swordsmen, and Fang Nan took Yang Guangzhi, father and son, and Lu Qing downstairs for dinner.

Yang Guangzhi came by car and had to rush back to Hengdian, Fang Nan didn't let him drink, the four of them ate a few bowls of rice and then dispersed.

The next two days.

Fang Nan signed the backlog of documents in the company, and at the same time introduced Thirteen Swordsmen to those in the industry who were fairly familiar with him.

Xu Laoguai, Beijing Film Studio, Su Youpeng and other actors who often play costumes and martial arts are his main targets.

Not to mention, he really learned a useful piece of information.

Huang Xiaoming told him that Yongle Film and Television is preparing to produce the mainland version of "Feng Shen Bang".

Fan Bayi plays Daji in "Fengshen List: Fengming Qishan"?
As soon as Fang Nan recalled it, he hurriedly asked Lu Qing to talk about it. This movie is definitely a blockbuster with special effects.

As for domestic films that need to be used for post-production special effects, let's not talk about it.

Temporarily relieving Lu Qing's urgent need, Fang Nan led Xu Shanzheng and Wang Bao who had completed the second round of roadshows to fly to Thailand again.

Before boarding the plane, he dialed Yan Hong's phone again. During the phone call, he said something like this:

In the past few years after my prosperity, I have not done any decent good deeds. Building a school for Wenshan is the first good deed I want to do from the bottom of my heart.

Your hometown, there are too many places too bitter!
Therefore, I sincerely hope that you will fulfill your mission and take the matter of building the school seriously.

Strictly control the quality during the period, and don't be greedy for petty profits.

You, Yan Hong, have many brothers and sisters in your family. If you are really short of money, or dislike the low salary, you can say it clearly, and Fang Nan will definitely help.

So please help him do this well, and don't let him feel ashamed one day in the future!
Yan Hong promised again and again that she would be meticulous, and after completing the task to the letter, the passenger plane that Fang Nan and the three were carrying soared into the sky.

at the same time.

In your province, in the community where Han Zhizhi lives, Zeng Li and Gao Yuanyuan are frowning and looking at each other suspiciously.

Han Zhizhi leaned against Zhong Yun and looked at the two of them.

Look carefully, there is still a hint of sarcasm in the corner of Han Zhizhi's mouth that was not noticed.

When "People on Journey" was hacked by the whole Internet, in order to hit Fang Nan again, she launched a long-planned plan to get back at the two men.

One of the two is Tian Hong, the production director of Huayi, the producer of "Young General Yang", and the father of the child in her womb.

Thinking of that thunderstorm night in Hengdian.

She should have a good time in Tangtang Film and Television. Maybe she has already completed her role as a supporting actress in "Flying Immortals". When the TV series will be released next year, she will once again be favored by the audience with her good looks and acting skills.

Now everything is gone, all this is due to Tian Hong.

Therefore, he hated Tian Hong, a beast who dragged her into the house arbitrarily and then broke the contract afterwards.

The second is Fang Nan.

She and Fang Nan were neighbors first, and then colleagues, but Fang Nan ignored her repeated begging and refused to give her even a small chance.

Even though she is prettier than many actresses.

Even though his acting skills were better than many actresses, Fang Nan still persisted.

In Fang Nan's office, she wanted the heroine of "Flying Fairy Beyond the Sky" so arbitrarily, not for any other reason.

She just wanted to finish filming the heroine role of "Flying Fairy Beyond the Sky" while her belly was not bulging, and then during the period of secretly giving birth, she could rely on the role of the heroine to stabilize her current popularity.

She didn't want to choose between her dream and her only child.

She wants it all!
But Fang Nan deprived her of one of her favorites extremely cruelly.

Ask her to choose one of the two.

Ha ha!

Don't want children, maybe she can rely on her natural beauty and acting skills to slowly turn from a supporting role to a heroine step by step!

But who the hell knows that the child in her belly is the only child in her life.

But give birth to children.

With her current popularity, can she afford it?Which drama is willing to find an actress who has given birth to play the leading role?

At that time, I am afraid that Cai Yinong will keep her at a respectful distance.

The entertainment industry is so cruel.

Therefore, she hated Fang Nan even more than Tian Hong!
Therefore, she used the two pregnancy photos to make an appointment with Gao Yuanyuan and Zeng Li at the same time and at the same address.

Fang Nan, you will have a bad day too.

God will not always favor you!
When Gao Yuanyuan and Zeng Li stood in the living room almost at the same time, Han Zhizhi was hysterical in her heart.

Han Zhizhi stroked her belly with a motherly radiance, while Gao Yuanyuan and Zeng Li didn't know how to speak.

Yesterday, Zeng Li had just sent her parents and younger sister to the airport and returned home when Zhong Yun, the girl next to Han Zhizhi, handed her an envelope.

In the photo in the envelope, Han Zhizhi was naked with her belly bulging.

On the back of the photo, the address and time were written, and it was written that the child belonged to Fang Nan.

Zeng Li was in a daze at the time, and it took a long time before he calmed down.

After she calmed down, she didn't think about calling Fang Nan, playing, crying and making trouble, but chose to visit the door in person to ask for clarification.

If Fang Nan and Han Zhizhi really had a child, she would take the initiative to retreat silently without telling anyone.

Gao Yuanyuan's situation is similar.

The difference is that she thought about calling Fang Nan, but hesitated for a long time, and still dared not call.

I'm afraid that Fang Nan's "hmm" will make the labor and the swallow fly away, and the chicken will fly away.

She and Fang Nan have been together for 2 years. She doesn't know whether it's because they get together less often or because of something else. They haven't blushed once, and every time they lie on the same bed, they can't wait to rub each other into each other's bodies.

Just like that, she didn't dare to tell anyone, and ran all the way to Han Zhizhi's community.

At the gate of the community, when she hesitated to take out her mobile phone again, a person suspected of Zeng Li came and entered the floor she had inspected earlier, and she subconsciously followed.

"The child is not Fang Nan's. I asked you to come here to remind you that Fang Nan is a scumbag. He is on two boats and keeps both of you in the dark."

"Remember the rumor that Ma Dayong gambled in Hengdian?"

"It was all planned by Fang Nan. Ma Dayong didn't go to other places to gamble at all. Fang Nan asked Zhao Zhu, Ma Dayong and others to cooperate with him in lying, in order to find an excuse to stagger the time, so that you two climbed up at different times. bed."

In the living room, Han Zhizhi saw Zeng Li and Gao Yuanyuan looking around, without asking or questioning, and immediately threw Wang Zha.

A king fried, Zeng Li, Gao Yuanyuan, and Zhong Yun were burned on the spot.

Zeng Li, who was wearing large sunglasses, looked majestic and motionless on the surface.

Only she knew that the complexion behind the sunglasses was very ugly, red and white.

Gao Yuanyuan didn't give up too much, although the big eyes exposed outside the scarf were full of confusion.

But it had already started to turn black. If Fang Nan was in front of her, if he didn't give a good answer, he might get a heavy blow from the Nine Yin White Bone Claw.

A pair of big eyes blackened to half, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help it, and said angrily, "You have."

Without thinking, she just spit out two words, Zeng Li stretched out her hand and dragged her sideways.

Zeng Li wondered if Han Zhizhi had hidden any recording equipment in the living room.

But someone once said that the later neighbor of Hengdian was not a good stubble.

It's not easy for someone to get to the present. Zeng Li didn't want to ruin someone's reputation because of feelings. He couldn't be a lover, but at least he was still a friend.


She had already blocked Fang Nan as someone else.

As for Han Zhizhi's claim that Fang Nan was on two boats, she had no doubts at all, and even noticed the signs early.

She came today just to confirm whether the child belonged to Fang Nan, and now that she has confirmed it, it's time to go.

As for how someone will handle her relationship with Gao Yuanyuan, who knows.

Or, she took the initiative to choose to retreat?
Zeng Li, who hadn't said a word from the beginning to the end, left in a cool manner, and Gao Yuanyuan hurriedly followed. She and Han Zhizhi had nothing to talk about.

After Zeng and Gao left, Zhong Yun asked curiously, "Zhizhi, what's the matter, why are you not happy about piercing Fang Nan's ugly face?"

Han Zhizhi said regretfully, "Zeng Li was cautious and didn't record anything, so what's there to be happy about?"

"What do you mean nothing was recorded?" Zhong Yun was curious.

Han Zhizhi looked at her best friend who was like a blank sheet of paper, shook her head and took out a small tape recorder from the shoe rack next to her, "This device cost several thousand dollars."

"You, you, why didn't you tell me in advance, if I spoke just now, wouldn't I be recorded too?" Zhong Yun said in horror.

"You, be careful, the entertainment industry is not so easy to mess with."

After lecturing her best friend, Han Zhizhi's mood fell instantly, her eyes flushed and she said, "Zeng and Gao are not fooled, they can't threaten Fang Nan, they can only threaten Tian Hong, a beast, it's just me, this child."

"Zhizhi, let's forget it, we can't beat this group of people, and we can earn a living by finding something to do on the fringes of the entertainment industry." Han Zhizhi wanted to threaten Huayi's senior management, Zhong Yun couldn't help persuading in fear.

"Nonsense, who says you can't fight. Don't worry, I will definitely take you through this circle of right and wrong."

Speaking of this, Han Zhizhi's expression changed again, and she took out her phone with a fierce look.

 I wish you all the best in the Year of the Tiger.

  In the new year, everyone should not only earn a lot of money, but also enjoy life properly.


  At the end of this month, 16 words have been updated, and there has been no update. I will continue to work hard next month and try my best to reach 18 words.

(End of this chapter)

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