literary world

Chapter 196 1 woman hits the door

Chapter 196
chiang mai.

Fang Nan pointed to Ma Dayong, who was about to stand in for Huang Bo, and fell from the hut: "Ma Dayong, go!"

Ma Dayong said with a bitter face: "Brother Nan, let's talk about it, can you change your tone? Your tone is too bad, I'm like a hunting dog at your feet!"

"Ha ha"

"Ma Dayong, the dog day, if you return the hunting dog, you will be a dirt dog at most, and after two years, you will be a mixed-haired old dog."

Before Fang Nan could speak, the rest of the film crew made fun of Ma Dayong.

"Hurry up, there are so many things to pay attention to." Fang Nan laughed and kicked Ma Dayong, while taking the mobile phone from the assistant.

After a while, several messages appeared on the phone.

The first to bear the brunt was the 'inglourious bastard' sent by Gao Yuanyuan!
Fang Nan was inexplicable: You have taken the wrong medicine.

Yuanyuan: Are you human?

Fang Nan: What's the matter? Auntie is here?Dysmenorrhea?It's like eating gunpowder!
Yuanyuan: Watch me go to Thailand to settle accounts with you!

Fang Nan: You have nothing to do when you are free, right?Stop chatting, very busy!

After replying to Gao Yuanyuan's message, Fang Nan scrolled down to find out Zeng Li's text message, and immediately started scratching his head.

Lizi: Do you want to get married?

Fang Nan: I think so, but I'm still young, so I'm focusing on my career for the time being.

Lizi: Do you really want to focus on your career, or are there other reasons?
Zeng Li's tone was very blunt, Fang Nan felt something was wrong, he hesitated and edited a message and sent it: I admit, I'm sick!
Lizi: What's wrong with you?

Fang Nan braced himself: I have a mental illness, I fear marriage!
After a long time, Fang Nan was ready to start filming, Zeng Li sent a text message: I contacted you a psychiatrist from Xiangjiang, and I will go to Xiangjiang in a few days.

Fang Nan stared at the phone in a daze for a long time.

He is not a fool, Gao Yuanyuan is the first, Zeng Li is the second, and the tone of the two is more strange than the other, obviously there is something wrong.

Leaning a little, Fang Nan was startled: "Damn, what happened, it must be Han Zhizhi's end!"

Disappointedly handing the phone to the assistant, Fang Nan waved at Xu Shanzheng and Wang Bao restlessly, and the two climbed onto the elephant's back lightly.

"Are the departments ready?" Fang Nan said while holding the walkie-talkie.

No matter what, the play has to be filmed.

It was the love of his life.

As for how to deal with the two people who said one day that Lao and Yan would separate.

Fang Nan felt that there was really no way to keep the words.

He let go of the calculations, and returned to the days of partying and singing every night in his previous life, and it was over.

of course.

At that time, it is still necessary for the two parties to sit down and have a chat. After all, he has paid a lot of affection, and he really did not regard the two of them as just bed partners.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have rejected the invitations of so many beauties in the circle again and again.

But before talking, he had to bite the bullet and lie first, and he would not be so stupid as to admit that he was in two boats unless he had to.

"Director Fang, the props are fine."

"The light is fine."

"Actors are ready."

"The photography is in place."

Fang Nan: "Catch the record and start filming."

""People on the Lost Journey: Lost in Thailand" has 57 scenes, 5 shots, and one real shot, let's start."

Xu Shanzheng and Wang Bao on the elephant's back successfully fell into the water, and Ma Dayong, a martial artist on the thatched shed, fell headfirst with a "shua" and had a close contact with the mud.

Fang Nan: "Hey, is Huang Bo's makeup ready? When it's ready, let him play for close-ups."

After the close-up of Huang Bo and the underwater shots of Wang Bao and Xu Shanzheng, the whole morning passed, and the crew switched scenes.

In the shallow depression of the same river, Fang Nan stood in the puddle from the director's booth, which was protected from wind and rain.

"You two have seen shrews fight? Yes, just pick and scratch each other."

"After the two of you screamed and pulled a few times, Wang Bao, you found that your short arm could not scratch Xu Lang, so you shouted no more, no more, but the fact is that you stood on this bluestone and gave Xu Lang a hard blow. of."

After tossing back and forth in the water for a few times, Fang Nan, who finished the play, asked Xu Shanzheng and Wang Bao, who were being touched up by the makeup artist, "Do you remember?"

"Almost, let's have one." Xu Shan said cleanly.

Wang Bao, who had already memorized all his lines, said confidently, "I'm fine."

He collaborated with the two in two plays, and Fang Nan still recognized the performances of Xu Shanzheng and Wang Bao, so he didn't question much, and then nodded to the staff scattered around and said, "Big guys, get ready, come one first."

Xu Shanzheng was born as a drama actor, and has been working on the small screen for several years. After this scene, he has done all the main points that should be done.

Wang Bao was born as an extra actor, and he has an unyielding spirit in his bones.

It doesn't have the rules and regulations of academic actors, but the acting is casual but in place.

Therefore, the first shot of the more important scene was only shot three times, and Fang Nan also yelled.

"Xu Shanzheng, be a little hysterical, look a little crazy, and speak lines with an emotion that is about to collapse! Journey to the West, Red Boy, I am Tang Seng"

At the end of one scene, Fang Nan squeezed his throat and told Xu Shanzheng about the next scene.

During the period, I don't know if I really have a big heart, or I love movies to the point where I can't extricate myself.

He even showed off his acting skills in a leisurely manner, which attracted a lot of flattery from the on-site staff.

Xu Shanzheng clapped his hands, nodded and smiled, "Director, it's time to shoot."

The camera turns on, and Xu Lang takes out the fallen tooth from his mouth.

"Did I hit too hard? I told you that I practiced." Wang Bao.

"Cluck cluck cluck. Hahahaha"

Xu Shanzheng turned a deaf ear, and let out a series of creepy laughter, "Journey to the West, hahahaha; red, red boy, hahahaha, I, Tang Seng, hahahaha."

Wang Bao: "Crazy, crazy, crazy..."

"Ka, come again, Xu Shanzheng will be more ruthless, and his smile will be more creepy." Fang Nan shouted to stop.

Xu Shanzheng shook his head and sighed: "The creepy smile is hard to act, it's too abstract."

Fang Nan took the cigarette handed over by the photography director, blew out a smoke ring, and said, "I want to cry in my heart, but smile on the outside, if you go crazy, you'll be fine!"

Again, Xu Shanzheng hadn't acted out the way Fang Nan wanted, so the filming had to be suspended, and the meal was over.

The food for the crew of "囧 II" was provided by a local comprehensive hotel, which was very good, not only varied, but also full.

The staff who went abroad with Fang Nan never complained about the crew's food.

Fang Nan said without exaggeration.

Since "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has a box office of over [-] million, and the proportion of the company's voice has increased, he has made an indelible contribution to improving the food of the Tang and Tang crews.

In the past, the Tang and Tang crews ate a hodgepodge of dishes. There was everything in an iron bucket. The soup and vegetables were mixed, like pig food.

Even if there are box lunches, they are only provided to the actors and behind-the-scenes practitioners from Xiangjiang.

After Fang Nan became a shareholder of Tangtang Film and Television, all differentiated eating laws were abolished.

The hodgepodge is all cancelled.

The boxed lunch with three dishes and one soup has become the standard configuration of the crew. The three dishes must be one big meat, one small meat and one vegetarian.

The reason for doing this.

The reason is very simple.

Having grown up in an orphanage for two lifetimes, he doesn't have the genes of a capitalist in his bones, so he doesn't even use his brains to exploit employees' food expenses.

While chewing his rice, he took out his mobile phone. Zeng and Gao had nothing to say. Just as he was about to pass the mobile phone to his assistant, Wang Bao came over with a lunch box.

"Brother Nan, can you lend me your roaming phone to make an international call?"

"What's the matter, what's the matter at home?" Fang Nan handed out his phone and asked curiously.

Wang Bao said shyly, "No, today is my mother's birthday!"

Fang Nan nodded: "Call it, and say hello if you get through, but the signal here may not be very good."

Wang Bao "hmm" for a long time, then handed Fang Nan's cell phone back: "Brother Nan, please press it for me, I don't know how to use it."

Fang Nan didn't know what to do, put down the lunch box, and Baba pressed the number for a long time.

But in the end, the call was not made yet.

It is so troublesome and helpless to make international calls, but the entire crew has only three mobile phones with international roaming functions.

He has two, and Huang Weiming owns the other one. Someone in the crew needs to use it, so it's only natural to help.

But this thing costs a lot of money, and the effect is not very good.

Since 2003, China Mobile has only opened one line with Thailand's AIS Communications Company.

Promising to help out in the evening, Wang Bao left, Fang Nan rested for a while after eating, and the filming continued.

in the afternoon.

Xu Shan contended for the MMP in his heart, and still failed to master the performance method of smiling on the surface.

Fang Nan had no choice but to accompany Xu Shanzheng to grind slowly. Fortunately, when it was dark, he had the camera he wanted.

"Brother Nan, continue the transition? The announcement is not over yet." When Fang Nan looked back at the camera, Wang Liang entered the director's studio.

Fang Nan shook his head and said, "Forget it, several people didn't get through the long distance in the afternoon, so let's go back early today."

Wang Liang came out of the shed, cheers rang out instantly, Fang Nan put his things into his bag, and called Wang Bao and Yu Hai to get on the car first.

The car entered the urban area, and Fang Nan's two mobile phones jumped out of many missed calls and text messages as if they were unresponsive.

Lizi: Tomorrow the Xiangjiang River will meet.

Missed call Mr. Han of China Film.

Missed call Tang Tang Film and Television Cai Yinong.

Unknown calls [20 items].

Missed call, manager of Pujiang United Cinemas.

After dozens of missed calls, Fang Nan felt his scalp tingle, and selectively called Mr. Han of China Film Group.

On the phone, Mr. Han congratulated first, "囧一" still has a lot of stamina at the box office.

Secondly, he informed Fang Nan that the schedule of "囧 II" is scheduled to be on June 6th, Friday.

Finally, he told a little secret that the Hollywood blockbuster "Superman Returns" will probably be withdrawn from July 7st to July 1th due to technical reasons.

In the end, "Lost in Thailand" will land in nearly 20 theaters in mainland China, large and small, and will be screened on 1800 screens at the same time.

At this time, there are 36 theaters in the Mainland, and the number of screens is nearly 3000.

In addition, Emperor has confirmed that "Lost in Thailand" will be released in theaters in Hong Kong and Taiwan simultaneously on June 6.

After the call ended, Fang Nan's scalp felt a little numb.

When did he get this kind of treatment? When he was filming "The Unknown", he begged his grandpa to pay homage to his grandma, and Bona arranged one or two theaters to try to screen it.

For the filming of "The Richest Man in Xihong City", Guangying and Bona also searched and searched a few theaters.

When it's "囧 II"'s turn, more than half of the country's theaters show it, and so do the screens.

Moreover, the release schedule is so good that there is no blockbuster movie competing with his movies for box office within at least 10 days.

"What a surprise!" Fang Nan dialed Wang Bao's number while lamenting the charm of the big man.

After Wang Bao and Yu Hai finished their phone calls, the car arrived at the entrance of the hotel.

When Fang Nan was in a dilemma as to who to call first, he caught a glimpse of an extremely familiar figure.

Under the dim light of the hotel, Gao Yuanyuan, with jeans on his lower body, a white knitted sweater on his upper body, and a down jacket under his armpit, and a knitted hat, stomped his feet, swayed from side to side, and turned his head to look around from time to time.

Recognizing Gao Yuanyuan at a glance, Fang Nan struggled for a while, and said, "Let me go, you guys go back first."

"Squeak" sound.

The crew car stopped, restarted, turned a corner and entered the hotel gate, at the same time completely exposing Fang Nan to Gao Yuanyuan's sight.

The four eyes met, the fierce guy in the text message said that he was going to come to Thailand, and Gao Yuanyuan who cleaned up Fangnan was paralyzed.

On the contrary, Fang Nan, who had guessed Xiao Jiujiu, took the initiative to lean over.

When he got close, Fang Nan first reached out and stroked Gao Yuanyuan's head, which was probably a bit messy because he was wearing a hat, then shook his head and laughed and said, "Aren't you stupid? You came here in Thailand when it was over 20 degrees, wearing a down jacket and a sweater. Wear a hat!"

Under Fang Nan's intimate action, Gao Yuanyuan instantly broke his guard, and at the same time his eyes were red, he said angrily, "I'm not stupid, how can you lie to me for so long?"

Fang Nan knew it in his heart, but he pretended not to understand, and even got angry in his tone:

"What the hell are you doing today? Knowing that I was filming in Thailand, you came here to make trouble. What is Li Yufen doing again? The filming of "My Love from the Star" hasn't started yet?"

Gao Yuanyuan became angry, Fang Nan begged for mercy, and called Zeng Li to break up in front of her, she could barely pack this guy back home.

But looking at Fang Nan's attitude, it was obvious that he was not ready to plead guilty.

"The dead duck has a stubborn mouth, wait for me to take out the things, and I'll see how hard you talk."

Gao Yuanyuan turned over the down jacket under his arm, and first took out Han Zhizhi's nude photo.

Her idea was simple, first take out Han Zhizhi to scare Fang Nan, and then use General Zeng Li.

"Isn't this Han Zhizhi? It's still naked, where did you get it?"

After reading the words on the back, Fang Nan's expression became even more horrified: "I'm rough, Han Zhizhi is crazy, do you believe that?"

"Don't worry about whether I believe it or not, just listen to me and tell you a story first." Gao Yuanyuan sarcastically said.

In Hengdian, Gao Yuanyuan viciously narrated a set of little tricks played by the "master of time management".

But she didn't wait for her to continue to question fiercely.

Fang Nan took a step forward with a dejected expression on his face, and waved his hands as if heartbroken:

"That's right, don't talk about it, I can see it, you Gao Yuanyuan, you were born to be deceived. Believe what others say, you said I had an affair with Zeng Li, Zeng Li admitted it personally ? Or did Han Zhizhi tell you personally?"

"Han Zhizhi! What's wrong." Gao Yuanyuan glared at Fang Nan.

Fang Nan stared at Gao Yuanyuan's face, and said indifferently:

"You mean, Han Zhizhi's child is really mine? Looking at the photos, the child in my stomach is a few months old. Don't worry, wait a few more months. At that time, I will ask someone to come forward and ask for a blood sample to compare the DNA. what do you say?"

Gao Yuanyuan became anxious: "You have nothing to do with Han Zhizhi, but you have something to do with Zeng Li, don't try to change the subject!"

"I'll change the subject? Han Zhizhi can lie about her own child. Do you think she will be burdened by lying about Zeng Li?"

"Do you know that Han Zhizhi hates me for not dying!"

"Do you know that the first day I knew her, she wanted to use me?"

"Do you know that Han Zhizhi stripped off her clothes and stood in front of me, and I kicked her out. She thinks this is a great shame in life?"

"Do you know that she asked me for a female number one, but I didn't agree, she dared to be in the company and slammed the door of my office in front of the company employees. She hated me to the bone, do you know that?"

"You don't know anything, you don't know anything except you believe in those who have nothing, and you challenge the person who treats you best."

"It's my fault too. I protected you like a blank sheet of paper, and "That Corner Got a Cold" helped you become a goddess."

"'The Richest Man in Xihong City' made you the No. [-] movie actress with a box office of over [-] million."

"'No. [-] in the World' has made you as famous as the top four female roles, and you are only short of adding a garden after the four major female roles."

"Looking at your angry text message, you came to Thailand from China angrily. I think it's for breaking up. Okay, I'll satisfy you!"

After leaving the last sentence, Fang Nan pretended to be heartbroken, and turned around viciously.

Gao Yuanyuan, who had been dumbfounded for a long time, shuddered, and chased after him with tears.

(End of this chapter)

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