literary world

Chapter 198 Accident

Chapter 198 Accident
In order to conform to the current anxious personality, Fang Nan in the corridor sat and smoked a cigarette.

The cigarette butts scattered around his feet and his messy hairstyle made him look like a patient who had just been judged by a doctor to be incapacitated.


Door open.

Zeng Li slipped her handbag and left the room thoughtfully.

Fang Nan threw away half of his cigarette and got up sadly.

Four eyes facing each other.

Fang Nan's bloodshot pupils were stimulated by the smoke for a short time, causing Zeng Li to temporarily shake off the mess in his mind.

"Why are you smoking so many cigarettes?" She said distressedly.

After this time, she had a real understanding of Fang Nan's fear of marriage.

Fang Nan was almost hopeless.

The trauma brought to him by his birth parents has buried a deep fear of his family in his heart.

If you want to be good, if you want to eliminate psychological fear, you must guide it slowly. When the opportunity arrives and the emotion is felt, it may be better at once.

If the opportunity does not come, it is probably just fooling around to finish this life.

Dr. Hao said well that Fang Nan's attitude towards marriage, or desire, depends on whether his spouse is tolerant and patient enough.

"Are you willing to learn from Liu Jialing, and can you accept long-distance love running?"

Zeng Li shook her head, and sat down on the long chair.

"Mr. Fang, Ms. Zeng, let's stop here today, let's see in the next course of treatment."

Dr. Hao, who followed out the door, was halfway through speaking, Zeng Li, who was leaning over and staring at his feet, suddenly "vomited", the movement was so loud that Fang Nan and the two of them jumped.

Just as Fang Nan was about to give Dr. Hao a questioning look of "what did you say, why did you react so much", Zeng Li covered her mouth and let out another series of "vomit".

Fang Nan felt that something was wrong, sat down and stroked Zeng Li's back: "What's wrong, did you catch a cold, let's go, let's go to the hospital."

Leaning out of Dr. Hao's psychological clinic together, the two made a simple dress and went straight to the nearest hospital.

In front of the hospital, Zeng Li pushed Fang Nan away, and said slowly: "Don't help me, I don't need to go to the hospital anymore, I'm much better, just now I saw cigarette butts all over the floor, I felt a little sick, that's why I wanted to vomit."

"It's all here, let's go in and have a look."

Fang Nan refused, and it was time to show something, how could he leave so easily.

Look at him, in order to keep Zeng Li, he almost turned himself into an incurable disease.

Even coaxing and persuading Zeng Li to go to the hospital, Fang Nan clamored to invite experts to see him, and clamored for a single ward.

Seeing his firm attitude and firm tone, even if Zeng Li is not sick, he might have to stay in the VIP ward for two days.

Fortunately, Zeng Li didn't have the mentality of an upstart, and her three views would not be distorted to the point where big things and small things are all about money.

Therefore, she ordered Fang Nan to stop making a fuss immediately.

However, the sweetness in my heart has subconsciously grown a little more.

She was a mortal woman after all.

A man spends a lot of money for her, doesn't care about money, cares about her so much, is so nervous about her, he will always be a little proud.

In the consultation room, the doctor asked two simple questions, then smiled at the corner of his mouth. After the instrument was tested, he immediately opened his mouth with a smile.

"Every function of the body is fine. Ms. Zeng is pregnant, and the baby is nearly seven weeks old."

After the doctor finished speaking, Fang Nan looked at Zeng Li with a hiss.

It is gratifying that he fell into his soul in Zeng Li's house a few years ago.

After all, at the beginning, she secretly wanted to use her child to lock Zeng Li.

Now it seems that he obviously didn't grasp the rhythm well, and Han Zhizhi took the lead in launching the attack.

The timing was too bad, the child was only a few weeks old, he didn't know how Zeng Li would treat this unformed child.

Unlike Fang Nan's fidgeting with burning buttocks, Zeng Li was a little surprised, excited, and even more confused.

She is pure, she wants to have a child with her lover, and solve Fang Nan's mental illness, killing two birds with one stone.

It's a pity that Fang Nan is a bad embryo, which made her originally extremely happy mood mixed with a bit of bitterness.

Therefore, Zeng Li was a little at a loss as to how to face the product of the plan in his stomach.

Zeng Li frowned slightly and remained silent, so Fang Nan had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "Doctor, what should you pay attention to when you're pregnant? Neither of us has any experience."

"Diet should be regular, don't stay up late, do less physical work, try to wear looser clothes, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, don't smoke and drink"

The doctor babbled a lot, and Fang Nan kept nodding his head "hmm", as sincere as he could be.

With Fang Nan like this, Zeng Li's contradictory psychology felt a little better again.

Judging by her performance today, she can still be sure of one thing.

Fang Nan was sincere to her, but this guy probably also was sincere to Gao Yuanyuan.

He is probably the person with the 'big heart' in the legend, even if his heart is split in half, he can take good care of her with only half of the heart.

After leaving the consulting room, Fang Nan grabbed Zeng Li's hand and started talking while walking forward.

The content is almost a restatement of the precautions that the doctor just ordered.

Zeng Li, who originally wanted to break free from Fang Nan, was stunned.

She had never expected that Fang Nan's attention had been so focused just now.

She listened very seriously just now, but if she wanted to memorize all the precautions silently in a short period of time, she couldn't do it at all.

After thinking about this, Zeng Li relaxed her grip, and said in a very flat tone: "Han Zhizhi invited me and Gao Yuanyuan to her house."

"Huh? The three of you have only collaborated on "No. [-] Under Heaven", and your relationship is so good?"

Fang Nan finished speaking in feigned surprise, then frowned and said seriously: "You and Han Zhizhi don't talk too much, this woman is not simple! Even I keep her at arm's length."

"What do you think Han Zhizhi will say to us?" Zeng Li answered irrelevantly.

Fang Nan pretended to be curious, "What did you say?"

Zeng Li looked at Fang Nan and smiled, with a playful expression: "Gao Yuanyuan didn't call you?"

Fang Nan looked ahead: "No, what is she calling me for? Why do you keep talking half-baked, I can't get up or down."

"You really want me to tell?" Zeng Li put on a serious face.

Fang Nan continued to look at the road intently: "Say it, there is nothing you can't say."

After a long time, when Fang Nan pulled Zeng Li to avoid pedestrians again, Zeng Li finally shook his head and sighed, "Forget it."

Before coming to see Fang Nan, if she found out that she was pregnant, she might give up the child in a fit of anger.

After all, Fang Nan is a scumbag and a liar.

After seeing Fang Nan, he was attentively accompanying him, and Dr. Hao made up the history of his relationship with the rich man in Xiangjiang.

She didn't say that her concept had completely changed, but she did have a different view in her heart.

Fang Nan is only 27 years old this year, but the achievements he has made are beyond the reach of many people. If this continues, Fang Nan is destined to become a famous person in film history in his life.

Moreover, he has the ability to make money, so it is inevitable for him to grow into a local tyrant.

Moreover, he is still engaged in the entertainment industry where there is no shortage of beauties and talented women.

With just such a person, Zeng Li really didn't have the confidence to let him guard her alone.

Even if the teacher and a group of classmates joked that she was the school girl, she didn't have the confidence.

With such a realistic problem in front of her, she wanted to reluctantly give up this relationship, but she still had nostalgia in her heart.

So, besides forgetting it, what else can I do.

of course.

She also has two ulterior motives.

One: Let's see who can make it to the end, between her and Gao Yuanyuan.

Two: When Fang Nan suffers setbacks, he may know where the real harbor is.

After all, the last laugh is the real laugh.

Therefore, Han Zhizhi had no choice but to pretend not to know everything in the family.

"For myself, for the child." Zeng Li cursed.

With the sentence "Forget it", Fang Nan suddenly heard the sound of heaven.

What is this? This is an out-and-out imperial decree.

Isn't he now the same as Wei Xiaobao played by Tony Leung in "The Genuine Wei Xiaobao: The Girl Who Served the Order".

Resisting the excitement and joy in his heart, Fang Nan muttered loudly, "I don't know what you're talking about", while stopping a taxi.

Zeng Li hesitated: "Why this, I'm going back, I still have things to deal with."

Fang Nan stroked Zeng Li's back with one hand, covered her head with the other, and smiled brightly:
"Don't be in a hurry, let's have fun today, first accompany me to the Peninsula Hotel to sign a contract, then go shopping, and then go to Victoria Harbor in the evening, it's hard to come here."

When Fang Nan was in high spirits, the taxi had already started, Zeng Li no longer struggled, and leaned Fang Nan's arm on his chest.

Xiangjiang Peninsula Hotel is known as the Noble Lady of the Far East. It has a long history and is especially famous in Xiangjiang.

Many self-confessed mid-to-high-end people, male and female stars are frequent guests of the hotel.

It is said that Boss Shao, the founder of TVB, loves the afternoon tea at The Peninsula Hotel even more.

Arrived at the agreed Peninsula Hotel ahead of time, before Yan Hong, the negotiator and the lawyer arrived, Fang Nan walked into the hotel with Zeng Li's arm.

As people flowed into the hotel, Fang Nan, who was afraid that Zeng Li would bump into him, frowned and said in a low voice, "There are a lot of people, I will open a sea view room later, and we two will eat in the room."

"Why do you open such a good room? Didn't you say that the lobby teahouse of the Peninsula Hotel is also famous, so let's go to the lobby to try the afternoon tea here."

When she heard that the sea view room was just for afternoon tea, Zeng Li was reluctant and immediately accused Fang Nan of spending money indiscriminately.

Fang Nan had nothing to do, he could only follow the instructions and walk to the cafe in the lobby.

Sitting down by the side of the window, the waiter came over, and when ordering food, Fang Nan was pissed off again.

In the end, I ordered a 368 cheese set meal as Zeng Li said.

When dessert came on stage, Fang Nan poured tea for Zeng Li from a silver pot, and asked, "How about going back and stopping work first?"

Zeng Li sighed and said, "Wait a minute, the manager has just signed with Orange Sky."

Fang Nan grinned: "It's okay, when I finish filming "囧 II" and return home, I will call your boss personally."

Orange Sky Entertainment is mainly involved in film and television investment, artist brokerage has never been the company's strong point.

In his previous life, Fang Nan had never heard of any big stars in Orange Sky Entertainment. When Orange Sky was most brilliant, it was Wang Jinghua who jumped to Orange Sky.

But now, Wang Jinghua is doing well in Bona.

"How capable you are, a phone call."

Zeng Li satirized Fang Nan's sarcasm well, and suddenly one side of her body faced the aisle with a series of retching.

Maybe she wasn't used to pregnancy yet.

Or maybe she had such a reaction during pregnancy that she didn't even have time to get a tissue.

So, maybe, probably, there might be one or two drops of saliva, which inevitably landed on a shiny black leather shoe and suit pants.

"Fuck the street, I just bought shoes for the Berlin Film Festival."

A man wearing yellow toad glasses and a black suit jumped instantly.

Zeng Li panicked, resisting the feeling of vomiting, got up and apologized repeatedly to the leader who stopped in the aisle with an angry look on his face: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

Not to mention that this is Xiangjiang, her little fame is not worth mentioning, and no one will know her.

Even if she is placed in the mainland, she has a certain reputation, and she also has friends, classmates and a bunch of well-known figures who are in the early stage to help.

When she saw a man pointing at her and yelling and swearing, she was afraid that she would be scared to death.

When she argued with Huo Yan on SMG TV, she seemed to stand up for justice with arrogance and arrogance, but only Fang Nan knew that her whole body was shaking with fright.

So, let alone the current moment of being unreasonable.

Moreover, Toad Mirror is obviously not one or two points more fierce than Huo Yan.

The expression of the man who took off his sunglasses really looked like he was going to eat people.

In an instant, the legendary person who liked to be unreasonable appeared, and Zeng Li, who found that apologizing was useless, couldn't help panicking.

I was so panicked that I wanted to ask Fang Nan for help for the first time, but when she took a look, I couldn't help feeling frustrated.

Because seeing someone's expression, Fang Nan panicked more than she did.

"Yes, he has been reluctant to announce it. Xiangjiang's paparazzi are so powerful, and there are often paparazzi outside the Peninsula Hotel. If we really want to quarrel, it is easy to cause problems if we attract paparazzi."

"Besides, he has always wanted to bring the movie into Xiangjiang. Given the poor box office of "The Unknown" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City", he shouldn't offend Xiangjiang people on Xiangjiang's territory. A wise man would not do it."

When Zeng Li was full of frustration, Fang Nan slandered, "Zeng Li's reaction during pregnancy is a bit severe, I guess he is a kid, mother, the kid is not easy to teach!"

He hurriedly pulled out a tissue and left the seat.

In the aisle, Fang Nan looked worried, and hurriedly pushed away a few people and walked to the side of the toad mirror.

Probably because he was anxious about his female companion, Fang Nan, who was approaching Zeng Li, suddenly sprained his foot, and then his body tilted, and the right half of his body bumped into Du Wenzhe in an instant.

It was Du Wenzhe who came, and Fang Nan recognized it earlier.

Fang Nan knew a lot about this scumbag who didn't recognize his ancestors or his country.

He also often said that he was a scum, but compared with a scum like Du Wenzhe, he was nothing.

So, when he was persistently chasing Zeng Li and spit out his fragrance, Fang Nan was planning to be ruthless.

"Ah!" With a loud cry, Du Wenzhe staggered and fell to one side as if he was drunk. Fortunately, his companion had quick eyesight and quick hands and hugged him, otherwise Du Wenzhe would definitely make a fool of himself.

Maybe it will be the headline on the front page of The Peninsula Hotel tomorrow.

At the same time, Fang Nan pamperedly wiped off the cream on Zeng Li's mouth, and pushed her back to sit on the chair.

The Peninsula Hotel has a great background, and almost no one dares to make trouble.

But Du Wenzhe, an idiot, was obviously not included in this list, so he stood up again and stared at Fang Nan with bloodshot eyes.

After "cut" a very disdainful taunt, Fang Nan pointed to Du Wenzhe who was staring at him like a hungry wolf and said, "Get out, come to me and say something, I'm so fucking fanning that you can't find southeast, north, south, and north."

"You mainland boy, you're a slut."

(End of this chapter)

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