literary world

Chapter 199 A little miserable

Chapter 199 A little miserable

The afternoon tea at the Peninsula Hotel was very popular, and there was an endless stream of customers, blocking the line of sight and covering up the noise.

Therefore, Du Wenzhe's insults in the corner of the tea hall in the lobby only caused commotion in a small area.

But it was just a small commotion.

A decent person in a suit and leather shoes, who doesn't know the principle of not touching tiles with porcelain, has a lot of free time to stop a bastard who is full of shit.

What's more, they are not related to Fang Nan and Zeng Li.

"Mainland Boys, Street Boys"

Du Wenzhe was still swearing, Fang Nan responded with a sneer and motioned Zeng Li to sit inside.

This kind of scene, alone, is not a big deal.

It doesn't matter if Du Wenzhe has several male and female companions, as long as he does it, he can easily make several people cry for their father and mother.

But with Zeng Li by his side, and Zeng Li was still pregnant with a child, Fang Nan had to deal with it carefully.

What he thought was also simple, just bear with it, as long as the restaurant manager comes forward, or when Yan Hong and the others arrive later, and someone takes care of Zeng Li, everything will be solved.

So, he took precautions and sat on Zeng Li's side.

He just sat down.

I don't know if it was out of anger or fear, Zeng Li, whose body was shaking like a sieve, slapped his teeth and whispered, "Let's go, don't eat."

Fang Nan turned his head and grinned, seeing that her hands holding the handbag were turning blue, he was terrified, so he hurriedly comforted him: "It's okay, don't be afraid, I still have to sign a contract here, help We'll be there soon."

"He's here."

Zeng Li screamed, Fang Nan turned his face hastily, took a closer look, Du Wenzhe's left fingertips were close in front of his eyes, he didn't know if he wanted to attack him secretly, or if he didn't treat him as a human being, he was going to point his nose and scold his mother.

The great opportunity is close at hand, Fang Nan didn't hesitate to extend his left hand quickly, and grabbed Du Wenzhe's left index finger like lightning and thunder, then directly broke it hard, and said viciously: "Kneel down for me."

"You are on the street. Ah."


Fang Nan, Du Wenzhe, and Zeng Li spoke out at the same time, making the atmosphere of the scene strange.

From outsiders' point of view, Fang Nan, who had been patient and wanted to protect his girlfriend, was still the same as usual, sitting on the side of the aisle as steadily as Mount Tai, protecting his girlfriend, with neither humble nor overbearing expression.

Zeng Li exclaimed and stood up.

However, Du Wenzhe, who was full of momentum and yelled for a long time, knelt straight in the aisle, his eyes filled with tears in an instant.

The people eating melons around were astonished and inexplicable.

They just saw Fang Nan lift his left hand on the table with a "shua", and Du Wenzhe knelt down, but they couldn't see clearly where it was restrained.

"Brother Xiang, Zhiheng, give me a hand."

Ke Wenzhe shouted away like a dead parent, and then revealed the reason for kneeling down, and his left index finger fell firmly into Fang Nan's hand.


"This kid is capable."

"Don't belong to any gang."

"The kid with the sunglasses reacted so quickly, he caught Du Wenzhe's hand in no time."

After figuring out the reason why Du Wenzhe knelt down, a group of melon eaters couldn't help but marvel.

They live in Xiangjiang and have been influenced by the martial arts novels of masters such as Jin and Gu since childhood.

Inspired by Xiangjiang Kung Fu movies, I have a natural yearning for Kung Fu.

I didn't expect the so-called Kung Fu to be staged in reality.

Although Fang Nan may not have any real kung fu skills, he simply has a quick and accurate reaction.

But his super-fast movements just now really fit Huo Yunxie's saying "Everything in the world can be broken in martial arts, only speed can't break it"!
"For help?"

Fang Nan sneered and put more force on his hand. After Du Wenzhe let out a heart-piercing "ah", Fang Nan looked at Du Wenzhe's companions with a smile and said, "Come on, move, believe it or not, I'll just break his index finger off? "

"Dalu boy, do you want to die? This is Xiangjiang, do you think it's your mainland? Do you know who I am? Believe it or not, I won't let you go to the airport."

With snot and tears flying, Du Wenzhe put his hands on his knees, bowed his waist and held his head up while Fang Nan stumbled and talked about Yuepu.

He even threatened Fang Nan with a blunt mouth.

With one move to seize Du Wenzhe's lifeline, Fang Nan was not angry now, and said leisurely: "You, Du Wenzhe, played the idiot in "Infernal Affairs", right? Forked."

After insulting Du Wenzhe, Fang Nan didn't wait for him to yell in anger, and turned to several of his companions, "Do you think Du Wenzhe is an idiot?"

"Don't talk, right?"

The few people were silent, Fang Nan increased his strength again, Du Wenzhe screamed in pain, some of his companions hurriedly nodded in agreement, and some clamored for Fang Nan to release him for reconciliation.

One of the girls even broke Fang Nan's identity with a crying voice:

"Director Fang, it's just a little misunderstanding today. The few of us just came back from the Berlin Film Festival. We left after wanting to have some snacks and tea. We didn't expect to have an argument with you. Let's all take a step back."

"You know me? What's your name?" Fang Nan pushed his sunglasses.

The little girl said: "My name is Liang Luoshi. I have seen "The Richest Man in Xihong City", so I recognize you."

Fang Nan shrugged his shoulders, wanting to say that he didn't know each other. Du Wenzhe, who was curled up on the ground, probably slowed down for a while, regained some strength, and started cursing again.

While strengthening his hands, Fang Nan caught sight of Yan Hong who was looking around at the entrance of the teahouse in the lobby, and immediately waved.

Yan Hong and the others approached, looking at Zeng Li who was standing, Fang Nan who was sitting upright, and Du Wenzhe who was kneeling with his head on the ground, they couldn't help being dumbfounded: "Boss, what's the situation?"

"I met a clown and taught me a lesson."

Fang Nan smiled and got up slowly, pushed Zeng Li to the side of Yan Hong and the others, and gave Yan Hong a wink by the way.

At the same time, Du Wenzhe was also forced to change his kneeling position to a squatting position as he stood up, looking ridiculous.

Seeing Zeng Li being taken away with his own eyes, Fang Nan completely relaxed, and smiled and asked Du Wenzhe, who had bloodshot eyes, "Are you convinced?"

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Fang Nan chuckled, and while relaxing his grip, he slowly opened the distance between the two of them.


Regaining control over his lifeline, Du Wenzhe jumped up instantly from the ground. If his gaze could kill, Fang Nan might have died thousands of times by now.

"Isabella" won an award at the Berlin Film Festival, and Du Wenzhe, as the leading actor in the film, should have been high-spirited.

But he happened to meet Fang Nan.

Thinking of the news that I was kneeling at the Peninsula Hotel, it was on the front page of the media at the same time as the news that "Isabella" won the award.

Thinking of being tortured by Fang Nan like a dog, either kneeling or squatting, Du Wenzhe's heart swelled to the point of exploding.

This isn't making a movie, it's a real fucking insult of character.

So, when he regained his freedom and stood up again like a man, he rushed straight to Fang Nan with red eyes.

Fang Nan was happy, he wished that Du Wenzhe would rush up and give him a good meal.

It's a pity that heaven didn't do what people wanted, and several of Du Wenzhe's companions hugged Du Wenzhe.

Even Liang Luoshi stretched out her weak hands to stop her.

There was no other way, the senior president of Emperor Entertainment, the brokerage company she belonged to, was shaking hands with Yan Hong who was behind Fang Nan.

And Yan Hong just clearly called Boss Fang Nan!

 There is only so much left today.

  The normal update will start tomorrow, and three chapters will be added.

(End of this chapter)

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