literary world

Chapter 200 Blockbuster Plan

Chapter 200 Blockbuster Plan
The visitor is called Jiangzhou.

He is the senior president of Emperor Entertainment, a subsidiary of Emperor Group.

Fang Nan was not familiar with this person.

On the contrary, Yan Hong is very familiar.

As the general manager of Fangnan Culture Company, she often sits at the negotiating table with Jiangzhou, who represents Emperor Entertainment, and competes for greater interests for the companies behind them.

After greeting Yan Hong and his party, Jiangzhou turned to Fang Nan with a look of pleasure under Yan Hong's introduction.

During this period, they didn't even look at Du Wenzhe and the others.

"Director Fang, hello, hello, I've wanted to meet you for a long time, but unfortunately I went to SOHO a few times, but I didn't meet once, I am deeply sorry."

"In Boss Yang's mind, Director Fang is one of the two talented filmmakers in the Mainland."

Jiangzhou blocked Du Wenzhe's eyes of incomparable hatred, so Fang Nan had no choice but to give up his target Du Wenzhe, and nodded to Jiangzhou:
"Boss Yang praised me? I really don't know, but who is the other talented filmmaker that Boss Yang is talking about?"

Jiang Zhou laughed and said, "Boss Yang is talking about Jiang Wen, another genius filmmaker from the mainland. Boss Yang also praised him a lot."

Fang Nan nodded with a smile, accepting Boss Yang's compliment.

Jiang Wen is indeed a genius director recognized in the industry.

Lao Mouzi and Ang Lee, who have won many film awards, are described by more people in the industry as old scalpers in the film industry.

For most of my life, I have always been one step at a time.

Jiang Wen's imaginative and unconstrained style, Wang Sunjing who doesn't need a script, compared with Lao Mouzi and Li An, he is indeed a genius.

As for him.

He must be much worse. Boss Yang praised him as a genius, perhaps because he is better at making money from movies.

As soon as Jiangzhou showed up, Du Wenzhe was directly locked up by his companions. Fang Nan shrugged his shoulders boredly and then joined Yan Hong and the others.

At the same time, Jiang Zhou glanced at Du Wenzhe and the others, pointing to the entrance of the cafe in the lobby.

His simple and understated actions made Liang Luoshi and the others tremble unconsciously, dragging Du Wenzhe away in an instant.

After a soft "hum", Jiang Zhou turned to Fang Nan. He finally met Fang Nan and wanted to talk, and there were many things to talk about.

Fang Nan's next film.

The developed and undeveloped copyrights of film and television songs in Fang Nan Culture Company are all businesses that he wants to discuss with Fang Nan himself.

Therefore, Du Wenzhe and his gang had better get out of the way, and don't delay today's hard-won opportunity.

In the eyes of outsiders, Fangnan Culture, located in Chaoyang CBD, is an inconspicuous small company with few employees.

But Jiangzhou knows that many companies know that Fangnan Culture seems to be inconspicuous and its capital is not strong, but it should not be underestimated.

It's not as bad as outsiders imagine.

Fangnan Culture Company's method of making money only by collecting copyright fees is indeed very different.

But few people know that many people and many companies are eyeing the copyright of the film and television songs held by Fangnan Culture.

The ratings of the TV series "No. 2004 in the World" almost won the [-] TV series ratings crown.

The box office of the movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City" exceeded [-] million.

The box office of "The Unknown Man" and "People on the Journey" have also ranked among the top ten domestic movie box office lists.

There are also the copyrights of many songs such as "Flastic", "She Doesn't Understand", "Always Quiet", "Once You", "Blue and White Porcelain".

In Jiangzhou's eyes, and in the eyes of smart people, Fangnan Culture is definitely a little hen that can lay golden eggs.

So, when Jiang Zhou accidentally caught sight of Yan Hong, he immediately put down the silver pot in his hand and chased after her.

When he found out that several young actors under the company had a quarrel with Fang Nan, a dispute arose.

He did not hesitate to say hello and reveal his identity, so as to force Du Wenzhe and his party to retreat, thus leaving room for him and Fang Nan to discuss.

Fang Nan, Fang Nan Culture is the person and company that Boss Yang really cares about.

Du Wenzhe was forcibly taken away by his companion, who was trying to get back the place. Fang Nan looked at Yan Hong: "Where's Zeng Li? Go and talk to her so she doesn't have to worry."

"In the upstairs room, I'll ask someone to talk about it." Yan Hong turned her head and told the people behind her.

Fang Nan nodded and asked, "Why hasn't Lao Gao arrived yet?"

Yan Hong said: "Hurry up, shall we go to the room first?"

"Let's wait." Fang Nan refused, and invited Jiang Zhou and Yan Hong to sit down by the way.

Lao Gao, who wanted to sell his shares, hadn't come yet, and the cheese set meal hadn't been touched either. It would be a waste to not eat it.

The three sat down around the table, Fang Nan just ate a piece of cake, Jiangzhou smiled and spoke.

"Director Fang, Mr. Yan. The two of us have been cooperating very happily in the past two years. At the end of last year, when Boss Yang held a high-level meeting, he always emphasized that Emperor and Fangnan Culture should continue to strengthen cooperation."

Jiangzhou Tongcan Lianhua said a lot about strengthening cooperation and all-round cooperation. In fact, there is a real purpose. Emperor wants to become a shareholder of Fangnan Culture.

Boss Yang wants the two companies to hold shares in each other.

Fang Nan knew in his heart that what he was listening to was boring, and without even thinking about it, he flatly refused.

Fangnan culture is his personal financial land, which is equivalent to a small private treasury.

How could a private warehouse like a treasury be handed over to someone else?

When the saliva was dry, Fang Nan remained unmoved.

Jiangzhou had nothing to do, so he had to put aside the issue of mutual shareholding for the time being, and then talked about film and television investment, as well as cooperation matters such as supporting actors.

Emperor and Fang Nan collaborated in several films, so they naturally made some money.

If you want to say how much you have earned, you are speaking out of your heart.

The reason for this is easy to understand.

Fang Nan doesn't make blockbuster movies, and the low-budget comedies he makes are too localized, and foreigners are not willing to buy them.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City" released by Emperor in Southeast Asia is not bad.

"People on the Journey" is really losing money and making money, and no one watches it.

Don't say foreigners.

Even the audiences in Hong Kong and Taiwan were not very willing to join in. The Spring Festival travel festival, which is well-known in the mainland, the audience has no sense of substitution.

So, what Jiangzhou meant was that Fang Nan had to change his work in the future.

It is true that low-budget comedies that can make money can be filmed, and Emperor will continue to invest, but Fang Nan's current influence is not suitable for filming in person.

Fang Nan should learn from Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Feng Dapao and others to make blockbuster movies.

The other is the question of actors.

Among the several films that Fang Nan shot, there was not even a Xiangjiang actor, or even Tang Tang film and television actor, which was a waste of resources.

Their Emperor has as many as dozens of male and female stars and singers.

But Fang Nan didn't look at it every time, and directly declined.

It doesn't matter if you decline once or twice, but if you keep declining, Jiang Zhou, the senior president in charge of Emperor Entertainment, feels very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Emperor is also one of the producers.

There's no benefit in stuffing your own actors in the movie, it's really a little outrageous.

Jiangzhou stopped, and Fang Nan also finished his cakes, took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, he said with a smile:

"Understood, Jiang always dislikes small-budget comedies with too little investment and too little distribution. He wants to play big, and by the way, praise his stars."

Jiangzhou smiled: "That's what it means."

Fang Nan grinned: "I'm really tired from filming comedies, and I want to make blockbuster movies. What I don't know is how much money President Jiang can use to support it?"

In order to show that he has ample funds, Jiangzhou straightened his body: "I'm very interested, Director Fang, tell me?"

Emperor Entertainment, he Jiangzhou, has been dissatisfied with the status quo for a long time.

In other words, Fang Nan is not angry because of his relatives, or angry because he has been newspapering groups in the Mainland to keep warm for a long time.

Emperor, like China Film, Guangguang, Bona, and Tangtang, are the producers of Fangnan's several projects.

But every time it's their turn, the investment share is left with leftovers.

When it came to "囧 II", Bona and Guangguang were finally beaten to death. They thought that their share would increase along with the trend, but they were robbed of most of the share by China Film.

Emperor's investment is still only 200 million.

Jiang Zhou even suspected that the 200 million investment share was just a trick by Fang Nan to make friends with Emperor, so that Emperor could buy the film's distribution rights outside the mainland.

So, there's nothing wrong with it, even ghosts don't believe it.

Fang Nan and China Film Group did not communicate with each other beforehand, so they worked hand in hand, and his Jiangzhou name was written upside down.

Therefore, the Emperor decided to use large blockbusters to trap Fang Nan, who has always been successful.

Since we can't compare with mainland companies in terms of intimacy, we should compare funds and support.

Impressing Fang Nan with sincerity is the strategy set by Emperor Yang and the company's top management.

This is not flattery, nor is the company panicking about Qian Duo.

Rather, it was a very rational investment in a consistently successful director.

Movies are an extremely risky industry, and the chances of making money are greater only when you cooperate with a director who has been successful.

Fang Nan was extremely happy that Jiangzhou and Emperor wanted to make blockbuster films and wanted more investment shares.

He has a lot of scripts, and he is afraid that no one will dare to bet on them.

"I have a book. It's definitely a big production. The funding is probably 3 to 5 million."

Fang Nan looked at Jiangzhou jokingly, and slowly opened his mouth, but the words were not startling and he kept dying.

"How many?"

Jiangzhou was dumbfounded, Yan Hong and his gang were even more speechless, 3 to 5 million to make a domestic movie, is it crazy, this is, what do you use to make money?
If Fang Nan hadn't already become famous and was a director with several masterpieces, Jiang Zhou and the others would have to treat him as a liar.

Even so, Yan Hong and his party were still shocked.

It was not clear whether Fang Nan was joking or telling the truth.

5 million to make a movie is too frightening.

There is no such large-scale production in the country for the time being.

"Mr. Jiang, you heard me right, I did say 3 to 5 million."

"Of course, I don't know exactly how much it is. It may be more or less, but it can't be too much, and it can't be too much."

Fang Nan finished speaking like a tongue twister, and looked at Jiangzhou with a constipated expression with great interest.

"May I ask what the subject matter is? An alternative martial arts film like "Heroes", or a kung fu film like "Kung Fu"?"

After taking a sip of tea, Jiangzhou gradually calmed down and said curiously.

Fang Nan smiled and said, "Science fiction."


The cup in Jiangzhou's hand landed directly on the table, and the expression on his face was even more colorful and obscure.

He was basically sure that Fang Nan was entertaining him, not talking about the project.

Otherwise, how could the word science fiction come out of Fang Nan's mouth.

Chinese science fiction film, huh, huh!

When Jiangzhou shook his head and laughed, Yan Hong said in a low voice: "Lao Gao and Cai Yinong came together, let's go to the room."

Fang Nan glanced at Cai Yinong who was waving in the distance, nodded and said, "Mr. Jiang, let's go to the room together. I like your ambition very much. Let's have a good chat later."

Lu Qing of Thirteen Swordsmen has been urging him to engage in big productions and train a team of special effects engineers.

It's a pity that he is powerless. He is rich, but he can't afford such a waste.

It is indeed reliable to train a team of hundreds of millions, but it is also a fantasy.

At the critical moment, Jiangzhou and the Emperor came rushing forward in a hurry.

Fang Nan was so happy, as long as the emperor paid, he would be willing to make a "Assassination of Novelists" or "The Wandering Earth" to practice his skills.

Taking other people's money to train their own employees, why not do this kind of thing!

I can't find it with a lantern.

A group of people took the elevator to the room facing Victoria Harbour.

Just as Zeng Li was about to step forward, she saw a group of people behind Fang Nan, and stopped hurriedly, looking at Fang Nan worriedly.

Fang Nan comforted, "It's nothing, don't worry."

Du Wenzhe is just a stunned young man, he always remembers it in his heart.

After saying a few words of comfort, and greeting the frowning Jiang Zhou, Fang Nan followed Yan Hong and the others into the reception room.

Lao Gao who came to trade is a veteran TVB screenwriter.

When Tang Tang Film and Television was founded, when Cai Yinong was looking for supplementary funds everywhere, Lao Gao, who had no hope of buying a house, took out his only one hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars and chose to give it a go.

Today is the time for him to see the pride of the year and welcome the reward.

The 3% shares in his hand can be exchanged for more than 600 million Hong Kong dollars from Fang Nan.

Chen had already negotiated the terms of the transaction, and Lao Gao signed it in two strokes without hesitation.

In less than 10 years, more than 10 yuan was exchanged for more than 600 million yuan. TBV will not be able to make so much money for a lifetime.

After Lao Gao signed, Fang Nan was about to start writing, but stopped again. When everyone was puzzled, he had already left the reception room.

Leaning slightly, he pulled Zeng Li in.

"Lizi, come and sign, sign your name." He smiled at Zeng Li.

The transfer of Lao Gao's 3% shares to Zeng Li was just a flash of inspiration in his mind.

Emotionally, Fang Nan is already a scumbag.

If you can't be satisfied with money, and think about whoring for nothing, it really can't be justified.

Therefore, he pulled Zeng Li in without hesitation and asked her to sign the contract.

"Don't talk nonsense, why do you want me to sign it?"

Under the strange eyes of Cai Yinong, Yan Hong and others, Zeng Li tried his best to break free.

Whether because of her relationship or because of her children, she chose to be the woman behind Fang Nan.

Even so, she didn't want others to look at her strangely.

She, Zeng Li, is not a gold digger, she has money herself and has more ability to make money.

"Hey, just sign if you want, hurry up, I'll talk about it later." Fang Nan strongly urged.

After today, Fang Nan didn't believe that Zeng Li would make trouble.

Therefore, it doesn't matter whether the 3% shares are in his hands or in the hands of Zeng Li.

The two of them are now a real but unknown couple, the only difference is a piece of paper.

"I won't sign." Zeng Li looked serious, still persistent.

Fang Nan tried to persuade him a few more words, Zeng Li turned his head and was about to go out, Fang Nan felt helpless, picked up a pen, and scribbled his name.

Lao Gao's 3% shares are in the bag, and Fang Nan's shareholding ratio in Tangtang Film and Television has reached 36%.

I was afraid that Fang Nan would continue to buy, and eventually he would kick the bottom of the pot and kick her.

After finishing the contract, Fang Nan and the others left the small meeting room. Outside, Jiangzhou was on the phone.

Cai Yinong whispered: "Jiangzhou met by chance?"

"Well, what's the matter?" Fang Nan was curious.

Cai Yinong pulled Fang Nan and Yan Hong into another room, and said solemnly:

"He is very ambitious, he wants to jump from Emperor Entertainment to the general group, and he has been asking me to persuade you to engage in big productions, saying that small fights won't make a difference, this person does not follow the laws of the domestic film market, and sooner or later he will fall hard. "

Fang Nan almost laughed out loud: "I just promised him, I don't know if he dares to vote."

Cai Yinong asked with a look of surprise, "Ah? What big production? The script you filed with the General Administration isn't "Youth in Youth"?"

Fang Nan said cheerfully, "It's "Youth in Youth". Have you talked with Liu Xiaoli? Can Liu Qianqian participate? As for the big production, after a few years of post-production, it can be considered a big production?"

"The mother and daughter have gone to Little Japan, and they can't even get through the phone. It seems that they want to stay for a long time, and they won't come back until they are popular."

After ridiculing Liu Xiaoli's mother and daughter, Cai Yinong was speechless: "How many years to do the post? Do you want Boss Yang to personally kill you? Stop talking, Jiangzhou hung up the phone."

The three left the room, Jiangzhou shook hands with Cai Yinong with a smile on his face, without mentioning Fang Nan's blockbuster sci-fi movie.

Now, how could Fang Nan let him go? It's okay not to shoot sci-fi blockbusters, but he can also shoot blockbusters in costume time travel.

At that moment, Fang Nan eloquently told Jiang Zhou a story that had been hidden in his heart for a long time.

The name of the story is "Assassination of Novelists"!
I don't want to listen to "Assassination of Novelists".

Fang Nan also has "Samurai God Order", which has been buried for a long time, and various scripts and stories that can be made into blockbuster movies.

(End of this chapter)

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