literary world

Chapter 207

Chapter 207
With the help of night.

Fang Nan led Zhou Xun's group into the No. 28 courtyard with large and small bags.

Turn on the lights when you enter the house, and turn on the lights when you pass the hanging flower gate.

After Fang Nan turned on one of the lamps at home, Zhou Xun and his group who entered the middle of the yard could not help but stare blankly.

The red lanterns hung in the inverted room, veranda, main room, and east and west wing rooms are shining brightly

A cluster of green bamboos in the corner of the yard is full of vitality.

The red carps in the pond are pleasing to the eye.

After wrapping up his sleeves and finishing his work, Fang Nan said to a group of people who were discussing how much this courtyard house would cost: "Don't stand there, go inside, it's cold outside."

"Brother Nan, did you just get it at home? It's still naked when you come back up." Huang Ze asked curiously.

"That's right, I've been staying in the capital recently, and by the way, I've been tidying up my family."

Fang Nan nodded in recognition, and invited Zhou Xun, Li Xiaoqi, Xu Shanzheng, Xiao Taohong, Li Xiaolu, Huang Bo, Lin Hao, and Wang Bao into the room.

"You are efficient enough." Lin Hao and Huang Bo, who had been to Fang Nan's home, sighed one after another.

Standing at the door of the East Wing, Fang Nan said, "I don't live there often, I didn't hire anyone to design it, and I did it myself, so it's efficient."

The East Wing, which was supposed to be used for living, has now been converted into a restaurant in the main hall.

The one on the east side has been turned into a study room, and there are bookshelves inside. There are many books on the bookshelves, but very few of them have been really turned over by the owner.

The most eye-catching thing on the bookshelf should be a few new director trophies, but unfortunately, in front of Zhou Xun, the weight of a few trophies is a bit light.

The room on the right has a few single sofas and coffee tables, turning it into a small reception room.

A group of people entered the restaurant, Fang Nan asked Huang Ze to put the dishes brought back on the table, then ran to the side room kitchen next to him, and fried two more dishes.

After a while, Fang Nan prepared two home-cooked dishes, and then brought some sauced crabs that Gao Yuanyuan ate the day before to the table.

The two of them lived together, and their eating styles were somewhat different.

He is keen on home cooking, such as fish, meat, vegetables, tofu, fried or soup.

Gao Yuanyuan is keen to taste weird food, such as sauce crab from South Korea, and Japanese sashimi often appear at home.

Sometimes, even when she eats a steamed stuffed bun, she has to think about eating a different golden bun.

Everything was in place, the host and 11 guests sat down around a huanghuali table.

"Come on, let's offer a toast to everyone first, and feel that everyone is helping."

After finishing speaking at the table, Fang Nan held the wine cup, which was empty, and said speechlessly, "Damn, Huangmao, why don't you go to the back to get some wine?"

"You didn't let me go either." Huang Mao spread his hands and said depressedly.

Fang Nan waved at Huang Ze, and the two left their seats and ran non-stop to the back room, then took out a case of Moutai from the cellar, and took out two bottles of red wine from the wine cabinet.

In the past few years, his family has never been short of alcohol and tobacco.

The boxes of Moutai and Wuliangye in the cellar were given by Huang Xiaoming.

Huang Ze himself also gave him rice wine and cigarettes.

The red wine comes from overseas group buying by Cai Yinong.

Even Wang Bao gave him fresh crops grown in his personal fields such as millet and vegetables this year.

After refilling the wine, Fang Nan stood up again and said, "Come on, no matter the white or the red one, let's have a drink first. It's the same sentence, thank you all for coming to help in your busy schedule."

"Do you usually drink like this? It's too harsh." Xiao Taohong smiled while holding a red wine glass.

"It's done." Huang Bo booed in Qingdao dialect.

Wang Bao looked at the wine cup that could have a little girl, and said in fear: "I'll lie down when I'm done, Brother Bo, when will you take me to the hotel?"

"You say you, why are you not as good as Li Xiaolu?" Huang Bo teased.

Holding a white wine glass, Li Xiaolu pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "I'm a girl, okay?"

"Yes, you said that you are not as good as a little girl."

Fang Nan stopped the funny Huang Bo, and said with a headache: "Stop, stop, stop quickly, finish drinking, just drink, Wang Bao, this wine cup looks like a lot, but in fact it's not enough for one or two, if you drink too much, you'll be in the back room sleep."

The first glass of wine was drank noisily, and the atmosphere at the wine table gradually became lively.

Even Zhou Xun talked more.

"Fang Nan, when did you buy this yard? Has it appreciated in value?" Xiao Taohong asked Fang Nan in the dining room.

Fang Nan laughed and said, "I've bought it for a few years, and it's increased a lot. Now it's estimated that I can't buy it for 1000 million yuan. The house price keeps rising, and there are many people speculating in courtyard houses. I've made a small fortune."

Although all the people present here are movie and TV stars and rich people, they are also Chinese people who have the concept of family and house in their bones.

Therefore, the topic on the dinner table can never be separated from the house and work.

"How much did you pay for it?" Xu Shanzheng asked curiously.

Fang Nan replied, "It's less than 700 million yuan to get the house."


"Then you made a lot of money."

"Now 1000 million is really impossible to buy."

Everyone at the table sighed or envied.

With so much money to buy a house these days, let alone ordinary people can't do it.

Even if they can afford it with their professional income, they still have to think about it.

Newcomers like Wang Bao, Huang Bo, and Huang Ze didn't even dare to think about it.

Zhou Xun's salary for a film is only over 100 million.

Her pay for Chen Kexin's "If You Love" was even lower.

Therefore, Fang Nan was indeed a rich man in their eyes.

But then again, who made Fang Nan's movies sell for money?

This is Fang Nan's confidence to live in a 1000 million house.

After chatting around the house for about half an hour, everyone began to discuss work again.

Compared with the house, work is worth talking about.

After all, there are two directors sitting on the table, and Lin Hao is a bit behind, but no matter what, he is now on the box office list.

Not to mention Fang Nan, if you make good friends with him, if you can win a role from him, your personal career will go a step further. No matter how good your career is, you will be one step closer to living in a luxury house.

So next, everyone ate and chatted about Fang Nan's next step of work, and the huge investment project of 3-5 million to [-] million yuan a while ago.

"Director, I'd like to offer you a toast." Li Xiaolu, who had a red face, drank it all in one gulp, and then fired the first shot with Hanchun: "Director, "Assassination of Novelists" is really a smoke bomb as rumored by the outside world? "

""Assassination of Novelists" is of course serious."

Just as he finished speaking to Li Xiaolu with a smile, a delicate right hand grabbed onto his thigh. After Fang Nan glanced at Gao Yuanyuan, he hurriedly said to Lin Hao who also looked curious:
"The current situation is that several employers have doubts. Simply put, they don't trust me. Of course, they don't believe that domestic computer technology can make a 3D blockbuster like Hollywood."

Lin Hao said: "Did you try to find Mr. Han?"

"He thinks the same way. Of course, it may also be related to the fact that he has already invested 1000 million US dollars in "Red Cliff". Before "The Promise", "Red Cliff" is also risky enough. I can't take it anymore."

As soon as Fang Nan finished speaking, Huang Ze said, "If I ask you, these capitalists look down on our mainland filmmakers. The investment in "Red Cliff" is even bigger, so they dare not invest."

Xu Shanzheng smiled and said: "You can't say that, after all, Wu Baige has been in Hollywood, so he still has some strength."

Fang Nan stopped the people who wanted to talk in depth: "Cheng, let's not talk about these things, eat food and drink. "Assassination of Novelists" will definitely be filmed. Sooner or later, the opportunity will come, maybe it will be filmed next year."

Xiao Mi took a sip of wine, and Fang Nan informed Xu Shanzheng, Wang Bao, and Huang Bo in advance.


"The gap between "囧 II" and "囧 I" is less than half a year, I guess the box office should not be bad, maybe it will break your personal box office record." Lin Hao said while thinking.

Fang Nan raised his glass and touched Lin Hao: "It's a success if the box office exceeds [-] million."

"Lost in Thailand" was delayed due to Fang Nan's return to China during the Spring Festival.

The production fee has changed from 1500 million to 1800 million, and China Film said it will spend 2000 million for publicity.

In this way, only if the box office exceeds [-] million yuan will it not be considered a loss.

After chatting with Lin Hao and the others, Fang Nan chatted with Zhou Xun and Li Xiaoqi.

After Mr. Zhou drank, his little face turned red and he talked more, and the more he drank, the more energetic he became.

Fang Nan joked and asked her if she would drink a thousand cups without getting drunk. Mr. Zhou was not pretentious at all, and rolled up his sleeves and said, "As long as you are motivated, you can drink all the time", which made everyone's scalp numb.

Li Xiaoqi's face turned green.

Zhou Xun was exciting, Fang Nan, as the host, was naturally not good at disrupting the stage, so he could only drink with her. In the end, this small party didn't come to an end until the early hours of the morning.

Looking at the awesome weekly news in advance, she had already staggered to the point of leaning against the wall, and was half pulled and half hugged by her boyfriend to leave.

After Zhou Xun left, Huang Ze, Huang Bo, and Lin Hao left hand in hand, Xu Shanzheng and his wife left arm in arm, and Li Xiaolu rushed to Gao Yuanyuan and said, "Sister Yuanyuan, let's go together."

Gao Yuanyuan glanced at Li Xiaolu: "You go first, I'll go back and use the bathroom."

Li Xiaolu was very persistent: "I'll wait for you."

The two stood by the door and fought with each other. Fang Nan looked bored, yawned, and went back to the bedroom with sleepy eyes.

Tricking Li Xiaolu away and returning home, Gao Yuanyuan, who washed up and went to bed, pushed Fang Nan who was already snoring, seeing him turn over and continue to sleep, he couldn't help kicking out angrily.

The safety period of the past few days has been wasted, no matter how small an umbrella is, it is still money, and Fang Nan, a poor man, is ashamed if he has two dollars, and he doesn't know how to save money.

The next day.

Fang Nan and the two hadn't woken up yet, and the dinner party last night had already made the headlines in the entertainment section.

The number of views is second only to the report on the 13th Beijing College Student Film Festival held at night.

Many netizens were surprised to see Zhou Xun, Fang Nan and others having dinner together.

After all, the two have never cooperated before, and netizens with big brains have even thought of a new movie cooperation.

But on the red carpet at Chaoyang Stadium in the evening, Zhou Xun denied the cooperation between the two in front of many media, and explained the reason for the dinner.

Facing long guns and short guns, Zhou Xun, who was wearing a green tube top and short skirt, praised Fang Nan very much.

"I admire Director Fang Nan very much. His comedies are very funny. Is there any possibility of cooperation? I have to ask Director Fang Nan."

Zhou Xun left a message on the signature wall and left. Fang Nan, who walked the red carpet in a black suit, was again kept by the host.

"Cooperation is of course possible. I like Zhou Xun very much. Her acting skills are so good, there will definitely be cooperation."

"It doesn't have to be a comedy. "Lost in Thailand" will be my last comedy this year. After "Lost in Thailand" for five years, I don't plan to make any more comedies."

Fang Nan once again mentioned that he would not shoot comedies, and the news broke out. The red carpet host and the audience immediately clamored.

Feng Dapao switched to making blockbuster movies, and Fang Nan didn't want to make comedies anymore. Are there still domestic movies, comedy movies?

Oh, and there is also a newcomer director Lin Hao.

But can Lin Hao carry the banner of comedy?

Or wait for Feng Dapao and Fang Nan to fall into the sand with new themes and return to their old profession?
Fang Nan was quite surprised to see the lonely faces of many fans in the audience.

He didn't expect that he only made three comedies, so many fans regarded him as a benchmark figure in comedy movies.

Today's domestic film market is indeed somewhat deformed.

Great directors focus on making big productions, but there are not many big productions that can be watched.

"House of Flying Daggers" is said to be a dog blood ethics drama.

"The Promise" has become a recognized joke, but Chen Kaige doesn't want to repent, and still hides at home saying, "No one will understand "The Promise" in five years."

I can't stand watching the big director's bloody blockbuster.

Some directors of the fifth and sixth generations couldn't make it to the stage.

There are indeed quite a few other themed films, but almost all of them hit the street, which seems to be able to explain the problems of the film.

In the past few years, the only one that can make the audience laugh until tears, and the word-of-mouth is overwhelming is "The Unknown".

Then came "The Richest Man in Xihong City", which made the audience's brains go crazy.

There is also "People on the Journey", which has only been released for more than two months and reflects the Spring Festival travel season.

"Crazy Stone" by new director Lin Hao.

Four comedies, four related to Fang Nan.

Therefore, when Fang Nan announced on the spot that he would not touch comedy for five years, how could the fans present not have mixed feelings for a while.

It's one thing not to watch good comedy movies.

Many fans who love movies and eagerly look forward to the rise of domestic movies are even more worried that Fang Nan, a young seedling, will die early.

How can film transformation be so easy.

Chen Kaige and Zhang Yimou are both international masters in the field of literary and artistic films, but they were scolded as Xiang after they switched to commercial films.

This group of fans who pursue something and want to see domestic films stand up are really worried that Fang Nan, who has failed in the transition, will not recover.

On the stage.

Fang Nan, who didn't understand why the fans were lonely, answered two more questions from the host, walked around the signature wall and walked into the awards show.

Under the guidance of Miss Manners, he was arranged to sit in the third row, next to Chen Kexin Zhouxun's "If Love" crew.

On the other side are the director of the "Tengu" crew and the male and female leading actors Fu Dalong and Zhu Yuanyuan.

In the front are old artists, and in the back are Li Xiaolu, Huang Bo, Tong Dawei, Zhang Jingchu and others.

He left the red carpet late, and when he sat down, the front, back, left, and right sides were already full, and the greetings kept coming and going.

After greeting each other, the seats were not warmed up. A director came to discuss with him and asked him to present the Best Actress award. Fang Nan's head shook like a rattle.

Ask him to present the new actor award, he can agree.

He is really not qualified to present the best actress award.

At today's awards show, if the winner of Best Actress is a hot-tempered and senior actress, and people think he has low qualifications and flinches if he hasn't won an award, then he will be ugly.

This kind of thing is not without.

Fang Nan was dissatisfied, the director looked at the list of awards for a long time, and asked him how it would be to present the best digital film award with Chen Kexin.

Fang Nan nodded and agreed. Not long after, the award ceremony officially began.

A total of 13 awards were awarded at the 20th Beijing College Student Film Festival.

In addition to the best actor and actress award, director award, feature film and other awards that the audience can see at a glance.

There is also the Most Popular Actor and Actress Award, as voted by college students, and the Director Award.

In addition, there are national theme awards, educational theme awards, best actor and actress awards in TV and movies, etc., which made Fang Nan very speechless.

Probably the organizers also realized that there are too many actor and actress awards and director awards to be presented in the evening.

In order not to mislead the audience and confuse the audience, after the new actor award was presented at the party, the best TV movie award was given out first.

Among the Best Actor, Actor, and Director awards, the Actress award was a bye, and Fang Nan didn't know the other two winners, as if they had gone through a process.

The following TV and movie awards, "Noodle House", "Beautiful Garden" and "Internet Boy" Fang Nan were also not impressed.

When he was trying to cheer up, a staff member came over and said, "Director Fang Nan, you should go backstage. You will be presenting the Best Digital Film Award later."

After agreeing, Fang Nan got up and walked backstage.

Backstage, Fang Nan asked curiously, "Why am I the only one presenting the award?"

"Three people present, Li Xiaolu and Zhang Jingchu are coming."

After the director finished speaking, Zhang Jingchu in a black dress and Li Xiaolu in a yellow knee-length skirt arrived.

"Director, should we design an opening scene?" When they came to Fang Nan, the two actresses said in unison.

"You don't need to design it, just say a few words."

Although Fang Nan was presenting an award for the first time, he still knew the basic etiquette.

It’s okay to have a brief chat on stage, a few words of fluff, or a few humorous words.

But Hu chatted endlessly in the dark, and it was easy to be annoying if he talked about it.

Fang Nan was too lazy to design the opening speech, and the two women asked him how he got on stage.

After he said "whatever", Li Xiaolu and Zhang Jingchu involuntarily wrapped his arms.

Fang Nan was stunned for a moment, and then he took the list of winners from the director as if no one else was around.

The host Jingwei, amidst Xiao Sa's call, Fang Nan led two beauties from the left and one right to come out from the backstage.

Two microphones and three people, after Fang Nan asked how he was, he took the initiative to retreat to the back, and then saw the two female stars chatting, Fang Nan rolled his eyes in his heart.

He figured it would be nice if the two of them could tell the difference between digital and film movies.

"Director Fang Nan also say a few words. You are a director, so you must know more about digital movies. Which movie do you think is more likely to win the award?"

The host said abruptly.

Fang Nan didn't ask Li and Zhang to give up their positions, but moved closer to the microphone and said quickly:

"The evolution from film films to digital films is another fundamental change following the development from silent films to sound films, black and white films to color films, and is an inevitable trend and an important milestone in the development of modern film."

"Digital movies are nothing. In fact, what our country lacks are high-end talents behind digital movies. In the next few years, I believe that Hollywood's 3D digital movies will fully invade the global movie market."

Fang Nan said without giving the guests time to catch their breath or make an uproar: "As for which movie will win the award, I can't guess."

He had seen the list of winners in the background, but still left the suspense to the two actresses.

It doesn't matter to him which digital movie wins.

What makes him feel helpless is that Hollywood is secretly making 3D movies again, but the country is still struggling to award an ordinary digital movie, and two female award presenters are still competing for this award on stage.

This time, it gave him a great sense of psychological gap.

 There is a title post in the circle of book friends, and qualified book friends leave a message below, maybe they can get the title of "Blessing of All People".

(End of this chapter)

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