literary world

Chapter 208 The Most Popular Director Award

Chapter 208 The Most Popular Director Award
"The No. 13 Beijing College Student Film Festival, the most popular director among college students is Fang Nan!"

Not long after the Best Digital Film Award was awarded to the digital film "Lease Term", Fang Nan made his second appearance on stage.

The difference is that he became the winner.

With the film "The Richest Man in Xihong City", he beat Chen Kexin, the director of "If You Love", and won the 13th Most Popular Director Award for College Students.

"Sorry, sorry!"

Before taking the stage, Chen Kexin, who was beside Fang Nanchong, apologized in a low voice.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City" is indeed much worse in artistic expression than the musical "If You Love".

This point, he himself, the judges, and the audience can see it with naked eyes.

And the reason why he can beat Chen Kexin to win the award is due to the selection mechanism of the most popular award.

To put it bluntly.

His award was selected by college students from all over the country through a joint vote on Zha Lang's website. There is no such thing as an art competition.

On the contrary, personal charm accounts for more than half of the reasons.

Of course, even if this is the case, he has to thank the General Assembly for not doing anything wrong.

After all, bouncing tickets at film festivals and TV festivals is the norm at many award ceremonies in China, to the extent that it is commonplace.


Fang Nan apologized, Chen Kexin stood up happily, and gave him a generous hug.

On the other side, Qi Jian, the director of "Tengu", who was also defeated, also got up and gave Fang Nan a hug.

After embracing with the two directors, Fang Nan, pulled by his friends in the front and back rows, straightened his suit and went on stage.

"Director Fang, congratulations."

On the stage, Xia Yu and Li Bing, the most popular actors and actresses last year, took out the trophy from the MC's tray while being polite, and handed the certificate and bouquet to Fang Nan.

"Thank you!"

After receiving the trophy, certificate, and bouquet, he stood in front of the microphone. Fang Nan, who hadn't prepared a speech beforehand, paused for a while, and then said a simple thank you speech:
"Thank you to the organizing committee and jury of the 13th College Student Film Festival."

"Thank you to the technicians of the portal website Sina, as well as the college students across the country."

"In the future, I will continue to work hard on the road of film, and I hope everyone can continue to support me! Thank you!"

After a well-regulated testimonial speech, he was busy holding his cup and leaving the stage, and the two hosts on the host stage in the distance quit first.

"Director Fang, it's been a long time tonight, you can chat a little more."

The host, Xiao Sa, opened his mouth to keep people first.

According to the two hosts, the College Student Film Festival is a very lively film festival, and there are many movie fans sitting on the scene.

In the audience a few meters away from the podium, many movie fans even sat on the ground, hoping that their favorite directors, male and female stars would say a few more words of their own.

Fang Nan, a young director with many fans, was serious all night, and his acceptance speech was so monotonous that he couldn't go on.

"Say a few more words?" Fang Nan was puzzled.
Xiao Sa affirmed: "Talk a little more!"

Amidst the whistle and applause, Fang Nan returned to the microphone, but his expression was still serious:

"I have been a director for several years, and I have made a few films, all of which have high box office and so many people like it. Sometimes I look in the mirror and see my young and handsome face in the mirror."


Amid the laughter from the guests and audience, Fang Nan stopped and said innocently, "Why, did I say something wrong?"

The host smiled and said, "Director Fang, yes, you are indeed handsome, please continue."

Fang Nan nodded seriously, and continued: "Looking at the handsome face in the mirror, the box office, the honor, I sometimes feel that I am overrated, and even a little hesitant."

Fang Nan's inexplicable speech made the laughter gradually disappear.

Everyone was confused and waited for the next article.

"But today, when I got the most popular director trophy given to me by college students across the country, and when I thought of the string of numbers on the bank card, I suddenly realized, hey, I seem to be really awesome!"

At the end of the last sentence, Fang Nan grinned, and his serious face instantly turned into a smug face.

Such a quick emotional change made everyone on the scene dizzy.

The scene was abruptly delayed for a second before there was a deafening reaction

"Clap clap clap"

Fang Nan's ruthless reversal caused the most enthusiastic applause, boos, and whistles to erupt tonight.

Many guests and the audience laughed and laughed.

The leaders in the front row even smiled and applauded.

Huaxia does have a traditional saying of not revealing its wealth and being low-key in its work.

But an occasional humorous and energetic young man is easier to be accepted and liked by everyone.

Self-deprecating and humorous, Fang Nan stepped down with a trophy and a certificate amidst laughter and warm applause.

When he got to the aisle, Chen Hao, Xiao Taohong and other actresses he was familiar with even held a small activity where fans looked at each other and begged for hugs.

After returning to the seat and accepting all the "congratulations" with a smile, the scene fell silent again.

In the end, Ni Ping and Pu Cunxi won the best actress and actor awards for "Loach Is a Fish" and "A Bright Moon".

Zhang Yuan won the Best Director Award for "Looks Beautiful".

Chen Kexin's "If Love" won the Best Watching Movie Award, Zhou Xun won the Most Popular Actress Award for College Students, and Xia Yu won the Most Popular Actor Award for two consecutive years.

The final grand prize, Best Feature Film, was won by Tengu.

After the awards were presented, Fang Nan went backstage with a group of winners to accept media interviews.

Because he didn't have an assistant, he couldn't coordinate with the media, so he became the target of all the media backstage.

Because most celebrities accept interviews, their agents and assistants must first review the interview process and make sure they can be interviewed.

Then the agent arranges the artists according to the influence of the TV station, website, and paper media where the media is located.

But artists are in a hurry after all, so many media reporters did not get interview opportunities, and when they went back, they were slammed by editors and their bonuses were deducted.

Fang Nan was different, he didn't bring an assistant, and CCTV and other media couldn't find someone to coordinate.

If big platforms like CCTV and CCTV don't come to find Fang Nan, other media will swarm up in an instant, almost tearing Fang Nan, who has just been enjoying himself on stage, into pieces so that he can take him to the backstage of his interview.

Fang Nan, who couldn't stand being squeezed, shouted to the media: "Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, go to my backstage and finish. I'm in a hurry to go home and sleep."

When Fang Nan said this, many media outlets who thought they were very influential immediately complained. Interviewing together meant that there was no exclusive.

Leading a group of people to the backstage, a group of media reporters hadn't unfurled their equipment yet, and the staff of CCTV came to invite Fang Nan to the backstage of CCTV.

Fang Nan had no choice but to complain to the media on the spot, "Wait a while, I'll be here soon."

CCTV called Fang Nan, no one would blame him for this thing.

After all, CCTV's influence and status are there, Fang Nan will not offend, and other media will not offend.

What's more, they are used to this set of procedures for interviews every day.

Fang Nan went out, and a group of media followed suit, looking for the next target.

"Go to the "If Love" celebration banquet tonight?"

In the corridor, Zhou, who came out from the backstage of CCTV, interrogated Fang Nandao.

"I won't go, I'll come to the forum tomorrow, go to bed early at night." Fang Nan said and entered the backstage of CCTV.

After briefly answering a few questions, Fang Nan left the backstage of CCTV and went to the backstage of CCTV [-]. After a few more questions, he returned to his backstage to accept interviews from a group of media.

Zha Lang: "Director Fang, are you happy to win another award?"

"It's natural to be happy to win an award."

Netease: "Zhou Xun said that there is a celebration banquet, did she invite you to join me?"

"Just said it outside, but I don't have time to go."

Nandu Weekly: "When you delivered your acceptance speech, you said you have a lot of money. Is it a joke or is it real?"

"Of course it's true. Didn't the Furun Fortune List take away my property a long time ago? It's not like you don't know."

Mango TV Entertainment [-]%: "Director Fang Nan, there are people in Tianya who broke the news that you used deception to defraud Director Lu Chuan of his family property. What do you think of this?"

"Nonsense, Lu Chuan and I are good friends who have received awards together, so why lie to him for money?" Fang Nan was taken aback and blurted out.

Recently, he has indeed heard that Lu Chuan is frantically accepting commercials, saying that as long as he is paid, he will accept any commercials.

Fang Nan didn't even know whether this news was true or not.

Are his tricks so ruthless?

Fang Nan doubted that Lu Chuan could be hurt so badly.

However, even if Lu Chuan really went bankrupt and bought the Navy, that would be fine.

After all, Lu Chuan has become famous and makes money very fast. Lin Hao used to use the money from commercials to make movies.

Pujiang Satellite TV Entertainment 100%: "Director Fang, when will the second part of "On the Journey" be released in theaters?"

"The release date is June 6th, and I don't know if there will be any changes. Anyway, it will be around this time for the time being."

Tudou Video: "Director Fang, please ask our Tudou netizens, "People on the Journey" is currently being screened on Tudou Video."

Fang Nan nodded and took the microphone handed over by the reporter of Tudou Video: "Hello everyone from Tudou Video, I am the director Fang Nan, thank you for supporting the movie "On the Journey" and Tudou Video!"

After answering several media in succession, Fang Nan squeezed out while begging for mercy. He had just slipped away, and the Beijing TV station thought of running to pull people after finishing their work.

Although Fang Nan didn't win any substantial awards tonight, he was definitely at the center of the topic, and he was an indispensable figure in the entertainment headlines tomorrow.

Sliding all the way home, Gao Yuanyuan hadn't come back yet, and went to the "You Who Came from the Star" wrap-up banquet.

Fang Nan had nothing to do, so he ran to the study to draw a storyboard.

After today, he felt that even if no one wanted to invest in "Assassination of Novelists", he had no choice but to invest in it himself.

The level of special effects production is slow step by step, not so much as talking to others.

It's better to say it's for him to listen to, because only he can see further.

Perhaps only he has the courage to spend money in it, so as to improve the illusory domestic special effects technology.

"Splash money?"

After muttering twice, Fang Nan arranged for the bank to call Lu Ting, the full-time manager in charge of him.

Knowing that there are about 8000 million in cash in the account, Fang Nan decided to spend 4000 million to test the water first.

Just do what he said, he immediately called Lu Qing, just picked up the phone, Lu Qing called first as if he had a sympathetic heart.

"Brother Nan, the list of "Feng Shen Bang" has not been settled." On the phone, Lu Qing said helplessly.

Fang Nan was curious: "Why, do you think your skills are not enough?"

"The technology is enough. His drama has no technical content. In China, we can't do it, and no company can do it."

Lu Qing finished speaking confidently, and became hesitant: "The reason why we didn't talk about it has to do with you."

Fang Nan fainted: "What does it have to do with me?"

"The biggest producer of "Fengshenbang" is Blueberry Satellite TV. People TV said that you did something unreasonable in the follow-up of "No. [-] in the World."

"What do I do, oh, I see."

Fang Nan realized that Blueberry Satellite TV solicited articles from all over the country without his consent to make a sequel to "No. [-] in the World", but he used his blog to stop it.

"Damn, what was planted last year will bear fruit this year."

Muttering, Fang Nan said: "If you can't take it down, let's forget it. You can do the small special effects in "You Who Came from the Star" first. When I go back in a few days, let's discuss how to do it."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yuanyuan staggered to the door of the study, looked at the little face in the study, it was white with red, red with pink, fingers dancing in orchid makeup.

"A few dishes, so much to drink." Fang Nan raised his head and said speechlessly.

Gao Yuanyuan flicked off her high heels, stepped on the blanket, raised a finger, and stammered, "I drank .1 bottle."

Fang Nan asked in surprise, "Are you drinking a bottle of white wine?"


Fang Nan rolled his eyes: "Excellent."

Gao Yuanyuan went to Fang Nan's side happily, and then sat on his lap. .

Sitting and twisting a few times, seeing that Fang Nan was still focused on drawing the storyboard, she turned around restlessly and faced Fang Nan drunkenly.

The smell of alcohol and perfume hit his face, Fang Nan said helplessly, "No matter what you want to do, I just had some ideas when I can't finish this painting."

"You draw... yours, I play... mine." Gao Yuanyuan said hehe.

Fang Nan felt a headache, but he still patiently sketched the scenes in his memory.

In fact, over the past few years, many images in his mind have been lost unconsciously.

There are many movie details that he filled in based on his personal life experience and accumulated knowledge.

Therefore, it will not be as easy for him to make movies in the future.

Of course, he wasn't afraid either.

After all, in his previous life, he himself was an old filmmaker, and his professional knowledge gained through decades of hard work was no worse than others, but he was not well-known and well-known.

With professional knowledge and persistent attitude, Fang Nan is still proficient in using measurement tools even though he has many beauties in his arms.

Looking at Fang Nan holding her breath, Gao Yuanyuan quit. She tilted her head, pointed at the person with the head of a prawn under a dragon on the storyboard, and said delicately, "Husband, what are you drawing?" ah."

"A man wearing a mask."

Fang Nan was depressed, did Gao Yuanyuan get drunk?
He can't tell from the image he drew, isn't this deliberately hitting him.

"Is this a person? I thought you drew your own on it?" Gao Yuanyuan leaned close to Fang Nan's ear, shaking her body and blushing.

Fang Nan was scared, the drunk Yuan Yuan was too sentimental and dirty, he almost couldn't control it.

"Hurry up and go to bed." Fang Nan said angrily.

"I don't, I will stay here with you, anyway, you draw yours, I play mine..."

Fang Nan was anxious: "What's interesting in the study, please do me a favor, don't make trouble for me."

"Why not, watch me catch the eggs."

(End of this chapter)

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