literary world

Chapter 210 Stealing ILM

Chapter 210 Stealing ILM
Peking University Film Association comedy film forum night.

The news that Fang Nan was awarded the honor of advisor to the Peking University Film Association, as well as his wonderful exchanges with college students, was the first to appear on major portal websites.

The news that a 27-year-old director has become a consultant to the Peking University Film Association is already shocking.

What's even more shocking is that this young director can recite hundreds of Tang poems and Song lyrics.

For a while, the discussion about Fang Nan was once again overwhelming.

Netizens who watched the video said it was fake, they had made arrangements in advance, Fang Nan was well versed in hype, and it just so happened that "Lost in Thailand" was about to be released again.

As soon as such comments came out, some students who attended the meeting immediately revealed their identities and jumped out to refute.

They did not refute that Fang Nan was suspected of promoting the film.

What they were arguing about was that it was true that Fang Nan recited Tang poems. Without prior arrangements, the Peking University Film Association would not do such a shameful thing.

The two sides quarrel with each other when you come and go.

Compared with the Internet, netizens are arguing over whether Fang Nan's recitation of Tang poems is a show or a hype.

The common people who saw the paper media the next day praised Fang Nan instead.

Young people in their 20s, rich and successful, can still recite so many poems, which is really amazing.

And this person also won the honor issued by Peking University.

Peking University, where is that?
The students there are all the pride of heaven.

Therefore, the parents who didn't understand the gold value of Fang Nan's honor made a decision almost at the same time, using Fang Nan and his life story as a model growth story to tell the not-so-obedient children and daughters in the family.

On the Internet, there is a war of words.

In reality, Fang Nan has become a role model for thousands of boys and girls.

In the music industry, doubts about Fang Nan also dropped a lot.

Recently, Fang Nan first composed music in Baihua Hutong, using a guitar as the face of many recording teachers.

Later, Fang Nan showed his poetry skills in front of many students.

The music circles couldn't question it even if they wanted to, and even took it for granted that Fang Nan was so familiar with classical poetry that he could write songs such as "Dongfeng Po" and "Blue and White Porcelain" with full of charm.

Fang Nan himself did not pay much attention to the external turmoil and the many benefits gained from a forum.

For the past few days, he has been thinking about who will go abroad with him, and how to deal with Mao Jianguo.

"Nonono, Fang, you think too much, even if I can take you and Mr. Han into the ILM in the name of Warner, you can't see anything, because the old man Lucas stipulated that the entire ILM only has Yoda on the company square Sculptures can be photographed."

In a box of a tea house in Dongcheng, after Mao Jianguo waved his hand, Mr. Han said to Fang Nan first:

"Not in your name, nor in the name of our China Film Group to visit and take some photos?"

In today's game, there are only four people, Fang Nan and Mao Jianguo, President Han, and Old Freak Xu.

Mr. Han was invited by Fang Nan to make peace.

After all, he and Mao Jianguo are the general manager of China Film Warner Hengdian, and the other is the deputy general manager.

As for Mr. Xu, who had been secretly playing with special effects in the early years, he was a guest invited by Fang Nan to go to the United States together.

"NO, no one, even the head of your business department, that stubborn old man Lucas won't let you take pictures, he doesn't care about that."

Seeing that Mao Jianguo described George Lucas as an extremely stubborn old man, Fang Nan frowned and said, "If you don't take pictures, can you bring in more people?"

Photography is not allowed inside Industrial Light & Magic, Fang Nan had expected it.

What he thought was that a group of people would go there, first to see the world.

Second, let Lu Qing and other knowledgeable people take a sneak peek to see what their software is used for, what types of jobs their company has, and what kind of special effects the job type is responsible for.

As for the communication between the two parties, it was obviously nonsense. The other party absolutely dismissed them as if they were guarding against thieves.

"Take more people? Maybe a few people, but in what name?" Mao Jianguo asked Fang Nan.

Fang Nan said: "Is it okay to talk about business? Let's ask them to do special effects."

Mao Jianguo put down the teacup and said, "I'll ask tonight and I'll give you news tomorrow."

Fang Nan nodded helplessly, and summoned Zhao Zhu who was waiting, and asked him to take Mao Jianguo to have a good time.

After Mao Jianguo left, the three of Fang Nan fell silent, and Mr. Han said with some dissatisfaction:

"You young people have to do things step by step. "Tai囧" hasn't been released yet, and I'm starting to find funds for "Young You".

"The special effects of "The Promise" are not bad. Xiangjiang Xiantao Digital has arranged it all by itself. I think it is fine if there are such special effects in China. The story is the king of the movie."

Fang Nan nodded, and changed the subject, "Is there a movie cast in "Youth in Youth"?"

"I personally read the script, can you guarantee that the finished film will pass the review? I think you are a little bit dazed in order to transform."

After Mr. Han finished speaking, he took a sip of his tea with a serious face.

"should be no problem"

Fang Nan stopped after finishing the first half of the sentence. Mr. Han himself is a member of the system, how can he not know about his relationship with Old Man Yan?
He was probably afraid that old man Yan's influence would diminish after he retired.

Of course, Fang Nan was also afraid of this thing, so he joined China Film Group.

"After China Film Group's research, it will probably invest less."

"Anyway, do it for yourself. There are two problems with you now. On the one hand, you are putting the cart before the horse. What kind of special effects movie do you want to play?"

"On the other hand, I think there are some problems in my opinion. The movie "Youth in Youth" shouldn't be made by you."

"The "Suzhou River" and "Beijing Bastards" made by Lou Ye and his group of underground directors are nothing compared to "Youth in Youth". Do you understand what that means? I think you are going to follow Jiang Wen's old path , Okay, I'm leaving, you two talk."

Mr. Han gave Fang Nan a reprimand and left. Fang Nan and Mr. Xu stared at each other for a while, then sighed, and went back to their respective houses to find their own mothers.

But before leaving, Fang Nan specially asked Mr. Xu to keep his cell phone unblocked.

Industrial Light and Magic, he must go.

Even though many people, including Mr. Han just now, disliked him and persuaded him, he still would not back down.

Now, he is like those few people who hold the truth.

A few days after drinking tea, while waiting for news from Mao Jianguo, Fang Nan ran around the eastern and western urban areas like a rabbit.

In Yonghe Villa, watching Zeng Li's belly grow bigger day by day.

His mood was once complicated, with expectations and fears.

He even suspected that he really had a marriage phobia, because his feelings for this child were so tangled up.

In No. 28 courtyard, Gao Yuanyuan was still innocent like a girl, and closed the door to fight with Fang Nan every day.

The smile on her face can make people see at a glance that she is satisfied with the status quo of life.

In the middle of May, Mao Jianguo finally called Fang Nan.

The United States is ready, and there is no need to lie about the business. A staff member in charge of administration of Industrial Light and Magic will take them in for a tour by taking advantage of his position.

Of course, Fang Nan had to pay an expensive fee of about 10 US dollars.

Fang Nan agreed without much consideration.

On the second day, they assembled their staff in the capital and flew to the other side of the ocean, San Francisco, California, where there is not only the world-renowned Silicon Valley, but also the headquarters of Industrial Light and Magic.

In the name of their trip to San Francisco, it was a company-organized tour.

After all, San Francisco is a famous tourist city.

The members of this trip included two associate professors and two scholars from Peking University, five members of the thirteen swordsmen dispatched by Lu Qing, Yang Hao, Xu Ke, Fang Nan, Cai Yinong, Mao Jianguo, and Wu Gao, a total of 15 people.

For the purpose, Fang Nan had already talked with a group of people other than Mao Jianguo.

To put it nicely, it's called exchange and learning.

The ugly point is to want to steal two tricks.

And Wu Gao came here because he wanted to see Wei Yixin's equipment store and buy a high-speed shooting car.

After a 13-hour long-distance flight, the passenger plane arrived over San Francisco at ten o'clock in the morning.

Lu Qing and the others were awakened by Fang Nan, and they immediately looked shocked.

Looking down from top to bottom, San Francisco, a tourist city full of high-rise buildings surrounded by blue waters, is prosperous, modern and beautiful.

Although their company 'Thirteen Swordsmen of Light and Shadow' is also located in Pujiang, which is known as a metropolis.

But Pujiang still has cramped and dark alleys.

There are suburbs densely covered with paddy fields.

There are low-rise private houses, which are not as modern as San Francisco.

"Don't look, there is nothing to see, wake up and prepare to go out."

Fang Nan reminded Lu Qing and the others who were desperately looking down and admiring from time to time.

He has never been to San Francisco, but he has seen Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, which have been fully developed after more than ten years.

So I don't catch a cold with the prosperity of San Francisco.

The passenger plane descended slowly and came to a stop. Fang Nan's 14 people got off the passenger plane with a small luggage bag each.

In San Francisco, they are not prepared to stay longer, three or four days is enough.

If Mao Jianguo didn't arrange it well, he could rest for one night at most, and he had to fly to New Zealand tomorrow.

"Hi, Fang, everyone, let me take you to taste the food in San Francisco first, which is different from Huaxia."

"You have a break at noon, and in the evening we will hold a party and invite Brown to come over. Tomorrow, we can satisfy everyone's curiosity and visit ILM."

After leaving the airport, Mao Jianguo said arrogantly with the face of his master.

Fang Nan glanced at the two oldest professors, saw them shaking their heads, and immediately said, "It's still early, let's go to ILM first."

Mao Jianguo raised his wrist and said speechlessly, "Look, it's 7:30, and ILM's working hours are 9 o'clock."

Before Fang Nan could speak, one of the 13 swordsmen had already opened his mouth and cursed: "What the hell, foreigners are so comfortable at work, why don't they go to work until 9 o'clock?"

"Then take us to the hotel, the closest hotel to ILM." Fang Nan said to Mao Jianguo without doubt.

Mao Jianguo had nothing to do, he took Fang Nan's favor fee, and he was still thinking about the audio-visual copyright of "Lost in Thailand", so he had to obey orders to flag down the car and lead a group of people to a hotel near the Letterman Digital Art Center.

Not to mention, the place is really hard to find.

Cai Yinong, who was in the same car with Fang Nan, once thought that the driver was leading them around the Golden Gate Bridge until he saw rows of red and white houses and a large lawn.

And Master Yoda flashing past, she was sure the place was right.

But what is distressing is that the driver said that there is no hotel near ILM.

The hotel was thousands of miles away, and Fang Nan suddenly felt a headache. When he arrived at the hotel and arranged for the two professors to rest, he grabbed Mao Jianguo and went out to rent a car.

At the car rental company, even the driver took the car and paid the rent and then went back to the hotel. Without saying a word, the group ran to the passing Letterman Digital Art Center again.

They were lucky. Brown introduced by Mao Jianguo happened to be free to receive them. Later, Brown would go back to his home in Los Angeles, because tomorrow was the weekend and he was going on vacation.

I heard that I really missed it, and it would take two days to wait. Fang Nan looked at Mao Jianguo with greedy eyes.

This guy is more like a traitor than Brown, earning his tips, unwilling to help honestly and even trying to make trouble.

Under the sculpture of Master Yoda, Brown looked at Fang Nan and his group, wrinkled his brow and shook his head at Mao Jianguo: "Although the BOSS is not there, there are too many of them, there are fewer of them, and you can't take pictures when you go in."

Fang Nan could hear clearly, he turned around and said, "Wu Gao, Yang Hao, Mr. Cai, and Mao Jianguo, the four of you don't want to enter."

In fact, it was useless for Fang Nan to go in by himself, and there was no way to see it.

He also doesn't understand software.

The reason why I follow is to think of a supervisory role.

In case Lu Qing and the others were like turtle eggs inside, they would not dare to move if they were too scared.

Thus wasting his hard work and money.

"Ok, ok, Brown, you talk to Fang, he is also a director, boss, very famous in China, just like Spielberg in North America."

"I came to investigate ILM because there is a script that uses a lot of CG, and he has to choose between you and Weta, the digital field."

Mao Jianguo's words turned Fang Nan's face green with anger.

What the hell, that's not what this guy said before he came. He said that Brown wanted 10 dollars, so he was willing to use his position to let them go in for a visit.

Now it seems that Fang Nan's 10 US dollars fell into Mao Jianguo's own pocket.

Fortunately, it is true that B knows people.

"Then let's walk and talk."

After Brown finished speaking, he raised his foot straight forward, not paying attention to Huaxia Spielberg at all.

In his mind, there are probably two types of movies in the world, Hollywood movies and movies outside of Hollywood.

Therefore, Fang Nan, a director from an ancient oriental country, is not worth mentioning.

Fang Nan was not annoyed either, he hung side by side with Old Freak Xu behind Brown, exchanging words in Mandarin from time to time.

Bypassing the fountain and entering the castle-like company gate, the first thing that catches everyone's eyes is a place similar to a small lawn park with slides and other children's play facilities on the lawn.

Not far from the other side of the asphalt road is a very clear small pond with two small tributaries.

There are disorderly stones built by the pond, and green unknown trees are scattered on the bank.

"Damn, foreigners will really enjoy it. Brother Nan, when will you make our thirteen swordsmen like this."

The elder, one of the 13 swordsmen, caught up with Fang Nan and sighed.

"If you perform well today, maybe we can achieve your goal one day earlier."

Fang Nan frowned and looked not far away, there were seven or eight red and white brick houses scattered neatly and said with a smile.

"It's hard. I can really see the background of others at a glance. ILM has already closed down, and I can't prevent it." Lu Qing stepped forward and interjected.

Fang Nan encouraged Lu Qing and said: "Don't be burdened, learn as much as you can, it's okay if you can't learn, at least your eyesight will be improved."

After walking across the small stone bridge and avoiding a few playful children lying on the stone slab, Fang Nan and his party finally approached the first house.

"This is the staff canteen."

When Lu Qing was in a hurry and wanted to step forward to see the doorway, Brown persuaded him to leave with one word.

Entering the second room, Fang Nan and the others finally met the staff of Industrial Light and Magic.

Then Lu Qing and the others were dumbfounded like bumpkins again.

When they go to work, they sit in front of the computer with greasy hair, like teenagers addicted to the Internet.

Looking at others, three or five people are holding notebooks, sitting around a coffee table with coffee, or sitting on the sofa.

It wasn't until the upper floor that small offices began to appear that Lu Qing and the others felt better.

Because the small office as far as the eye can see is as messy as his office, with books all over the floor and cables of all kinds.

But after a while, he was stunned, because he only recognized a few of the software on the screen.

"Excuse me, what kind of material is the software you are using now to simulate?"

Lu Qing was in a hurry, and asked the middle-aged man sitting in front of the computer in the office in broken English.

"Simulated seawater.."

The middle-aged man just said four words, and Brown in front of him cut in, Fang Nan shouted: "nonono, you can only watch, you can't say anything, if you violate the rules again, I will ask you to go out, ok?"

"Ok, ok." Fang Nan nodded like pouring beans into a bamboo tube.

Brown continued to move forward, and Lu Qing asked Fang Nan in a low voice: "Brother Nan, what did that person mean just now? I didn't hear clearly."

Fang Nan glanced at Brown, and said in a low voice, "He said that the software he used was for simulating seawater. As for simulating seawater, I don't know. You go back and think about it yourself."

After saying a few words, Fang Nan and the others continued to move forward, curious all the way, their heads getting heavier and heavier, they saw too many strange things, they didn't know what they were for, but they wanted to write them down.

During this period, two associate professors of Peking University became interested in the work of a visual effects worker.

Fang Nan couldn't understand, the professor told him what he was doing with the particle system, Fang Nan was dumbfounded.

That is to say, after simulating seawater, particle system, shader, and [-]D animation, Fang Nan and others saw amazing model special effects in other rooms.

The best screening room in the world.

What shocked them the most was the more than 1000 advanced special effects computers and the thousands of special effects engineers with titles such as professors.

Fang Nan couldn't watch it all at once, so Fang Nan thought about bribing Brown and coming back in two days.

It's a pity that this person is more established than Mao Jianguo, and he refused to agree to life or death. Fang Nan had no choice but to fly to New Zealand with a group of people.

In New Zealand, because of Fang Nan's business negotiation and Vita's lack of money, they received much better treatment.

But I didn't get anything really affordable, I just took a few more glances in a hurry.

Fang Nan and Peter Jackson, the director of "Lord of the Rings", had a warm chat.

But when Fang Nan refused to further cooperate with Vita because the offer was too high, Peter Jackson's face instantly turned green.

He was originally wondering what Fang Nan was doing with his director's "King Kong", which was released in China a few months ago.

"Assassination of Novelists" should be mentioned.

Tired hair ghost.

It is the facial expression capture system.

After they left, Peter Jackson sat down with Weta's special effects director, and they suddenly realized that Fang Nan was actually delaying the time for another group of people.

After leaving New Zealand, Fang Nan accompanied Wu Gao to Germany.

When Wu Gao saw a high-speed track camera car worth more than 1000 million yuan, he was dumbfounded and followed Fang Nan back to the country in despair.

But this guy didn't give up, and he went to Japan by himself, and finally built a small camera car with more than 400 million yuan and two rockers.

As for Fang Nan, he immediately held a meeting with Lu Qing and the others.

At the meeting, he briefly talked about his views on the ILM trip, and finally sent a sentence to more than 20 employees:

To do special effects, you have to be as crazy as Van Gogh and as unruly as Li Bai!
On the same day, Fang Nan officially announced that "Assassination of Novelists" was officially approved.

(End of this chapter)

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