literary world

Chapter 211 "Thailand" is on the verge of breaking through, breaking major box office reco

Chapter 211 "Thailand" is on the verge of breaking through, breaking major box office records
Despite the dissuasion of many friends, Fang Nan announced to the public the second day after the project "Assassination of Novelists".

He invested 5000 million in "Thirteen Swordsmen of Light and Shadow" at one time, which was used for the pre-production of the movie "Assassination of Novelists".

Preparatory projects include:

[-]: Recruiting people for the whole society. The categories of recruits include physics professors, scientists [kinetics, human mechanics], [-]D and multi-dimensional animation technicians, and modelers.

Two: Aiming at the role of the red-haired ghost in the script, focus on the research and development of expression capture system software, plus a number of related software.

Three: Rent the largest studio in Beijing Film Studio to prepare for the scene.

Fang Nan and Lu Qing planned to complete the three preparatory tasks, as well as the small tasks included in them, before the end of the year. "Assassination of Novelists" officially recruited actors and began filming at the beginning of next year.


If there are really technical barriers that are difficult to break, the shooting time will be postponed.

After all, the "Assassination of Novelists" project Fang Nan is a huge project for 13 swordsmen.

No one knew that the final direction of this project was to use up all of Fang Nan's money and then unfinished it.

Or the 13 swordsmen overcome technical barriers one by one, thus transforming into butterflies and becoming another "Industrial Light and Magic" in China and even the whole of Asia.

After the funds arrived, all the staff members of 13 Swordsmen were gearing up.

Looking at the company's more than 30 young men who were excited and flushed, looking like they were bound to do a big job, Fang Nan walked out of the company with a face full of relief.

After this one, his net worth has shrunk severely.

It's time to start the promotion of "Lost in Thailand" and get some extra funds to come back just in case.

Because of the participation of China Film Group.

The movie "Lost in Thailand" is the only work that Fang Nan didn't have to worry about showing or distributing in the past few years.

"Lost in Thailand" officially started filming in January, and the publisher, China Film, invited the media to promote the launch conference.

"Lost in Thailand" was filmed in Thailand in February, and China Film invited the sixth princess to Thailand to take behind-the-scenes photos and interviews.

"Tai囧" was finalized in March, and the photos of the finale were published online by many media.

"Lost in Thailand" was completed in late April, and the first promotional film landed on many portal websites and print media.

The second promotional film of "Lost in Thailand" in May is another wave of national coverage.

Until "Lost in Thailand" was launched in June, on June [-]st, the main creators behind the scenes of the film launched a national promotion, and China Film arranged multiple media to follow up and report.

Of course, the publicity fee of up to 2000 million is also one of the reasons for the intensive publicity beyond the production cost.

In the final analysis, it was Fang Nan's previous high-grossing films that allowed China Film to see the hope of "Lost in Thailand" making money, so it dared to promote it regardless of the cost.

Moreover, the 1800 million production fee of "囧四" is really pitifully small compared to blockbusters such as "The Promise", and it is understandable that the publicity fee is more.

What's more, "Lost in Thailand" is also the sequel of "People on the Journey" with a box office of more than 4000 million.

Under multiple conditions, the sequel movie "Lost in Thailand" will not lose money, which has become the consensus of many people in the industry.

In addition to the intensive and formal publicity arranged by the distributor, China Film Group, the arrangement for the theaters is also in place.

When "Lost in Thailand" landed in theaters, more than half of the theaters nationwide, and "Lost in Thailand" were screened.

All kinds of super-standard arrangements, such as simultaneous release in the Mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, are treatment that Fang Nan has never enjoyed.

"Superman Returns", which was originally scheduled to be released on July 7, was withdrawn due to technical reasons.

No one suspected anything else, just thought that the publisher of "Superman Returns" was scared.

After "Superman Returns" was withdrawn.

"Dragon Tiger Gate" starring Zeng Zidan also announced that its release will be postponed by one week, and it will be rescheduled for July 7.

The explanation of the producer is that, as far as possible, it will not form a competition between the two powerhouses in the same schedule as "Lost in Thailand".

As soon as the producer of "Dragon Tiger Gate" said this, netizens immediately laughed at him with a line from "The Richest Man in Xihong City", "You are here to touch porcelain"!
After "Dragon Tiger Gate" was withdrawn, there were only three movies left before and after "Tai囧".

Released on July 7, the feature film "Xinjiekou" was released by China Film, directed by Xuecun, and played a supporting role by Huang Bo.

Released on June 6, directed by Qi Jian, starring Fu Dalong, not long ago, "Tengu" won the best feature film at the 20th College Student Film Festival.

On June 6, "Jasmine Blooms" was released at the same time as "Thailand".

This film is adapted from the novel "Women's Lives".

Starring Zhang Ziyi, Liu Ye, Jiang Wen, Chen Chong, and Lu Yi, it can be described as a gathering of big names.

Faced with media interviews, the producer of "Jasmine Blossoms" resolutely denied that he wanted to compete with "Lost in Thailand".

""Jasmine Blossoms" is a feature film, and the audiences of the comedy "Tai囧" do not overlap." The producer said.

Netizens have piercing eyes, and they exposed the lies of the producer of "Jasmine Blossoms" at a glance.

The reason is simple, without "Lost in Thailand", the early summer holiday season has long been overwhelmed by Hollywood blockbusters and domestic films, how can a drama film come in to fish in troubled waters.

Even if this drama movie is full of big names.

Therefore, the film crew of "Jasmine Blossoms" played tricks.

The arrival of the sequel movie "Lost in Thailand" scared off many movies, and made "Lost in Thailand" respond to the sentence "There is no opponent who can fight"!
There is no opponent, and the propagandist has not stopped promoting.

After the hype that featured the sequel as a comedy.

"Fang Nan's five-year ending battle of comedy-themed movies" has become another selling point.

Even once developed into the biggest selling point.

It attracted many people online and offline to shout "expectation"!
Under these favorable conditions.

Fang Nan took Guan Xiaotong by the hand, led the three favorite generals Xu Shanzheng, Huang Bo, Wang Bao, and the special guest star Xiao Taohong, and took the lead on the red carpet laid in front of the Beijing Exhibition Hall.

Today is the premiere of ["The Comedy Comedy of Lost in Thailand"].

The publisher, China Film, invited many celebrities in the circle to join in, including the red carpet, media reporters, and movie fans.

The star-studded scene is like a high-end awards ceremony.

After Fang Nan and his party passed by, Zhou Xun and Zhao Yanzi from Sidan Middle School appeared on stage.

After Gao Yuanyuan, there were Fan Bing and Li Bing.

After that, there were Hu Ge, Liu Sishi, Lin Yichen, Su Youpeng, Wu Jing, Shen Teng, Wei Xiang, Guo Tao, Jia Jingwen, Zhang Zihan and others.

Chen Kexin, Tsui Hark, Lin Hao, Lai Shuiqing and Jiang Wen also came.

Then there are Cai Yinong, Shi Nansheng, Wang Liang, Zhao Zhu and others.

At the end of the red carpet, Fang Nan confronted the host and praised the three leading actors around him.

"Xu Shanzheng showed good comedy skills in the drama "Bright Spring Pig Bajie", so after cooperating with "People on the Journey", I didn't even think about it. Xu Shanzheng must be one of the leading actors of "囧 [-]" .”

"Wang Bao is almost in the same situation."

"As for Huang Bo, he's an old acquaintance. He was asked to play a cameo role, and he agreed without thinking too much."

"What surprised me was that he turned a supporting role into one of the leading actors. It was so funny. I can only say that he is very talented in comedy."

Fang Nan finished complimenting the three leading actors.

The three leading actors took the initiative to start the anti-exaggeration propaganda mode.

Xu Shanzheng: "I still say that, Director Fang's comedies are definitely worth watching."

"Although I haven't seen the finished film of "囧囧 in Thailand", I can see from the footage during the filming that "囧太囧" is a domestic comedy with an absolute ceiling."

Wang Bao was slightly tactful because of his scruples about Feng Dapao of the agency: "Director Fang Nan is one of the best comedy directors I have ever seen. Anyway, if he wants to ask me for a play, I will definitely turn down all my work and participate in it."

Huang Bo: "I was backstage just now and knew that the director was going to switch to other themes. I felt it was a pity. Without director Fang's comedy movies, the audience, including us on stage, would have lost a lot of smiles."

After exchanging compliments, Fang Nan and the others walked into the venue to make room for the stars who came to join them.

If people can come to cheer, you have to give them enough time to show your face.

Meeting place.

Fang Nan hid in the bathroom to smoke, and Wu Jing came to find him quietly.

"You are really crazy now. I can't even imagine this scene in my life."

Wu Jing exhaled a mouthful of cigarettes, looked at no one around, and said with emotion.

Back then, he was the number one male, and Fang Nan was a handyman in the crew who wasn't even a martial artist.

Looking at the present, he went to Xiangjiang and became the No. [-], No. [-] and No. [-] men, and even became a villain in the new drama "The True Colors of Men".

Where is Fang Nan?
Fang Nan's new movie was released, and China Film, the largest distributor in China, invited dozens of male and female stars to join him on the stage.

Fang Nan himself has also become a well-known director in the mainland, with both box office and fame.

Comparing the two for the past five years, the contrast is too great, and Wu Jing was a little at a loss for a while, because things are just people.

"Is it okay, what movie did you shoot in Xiangjiang recently? It was an action movie." Fang Nan asked him.

Wu Jing leaned against the wall: "Well, the title of this movie is "Black Fist", and the director is Luo Shouyao."

"Luo Shouyao? Never heard of it." Fang Nan shook his head and looked at Wu Jing.

The two of them hadn't met several times in the past few years. Wu Jing had a good face and refused to come back from Xiangjiang.

When I saw him today, this guy was really a bit of a bad guy, with a short-sleeved plaid shirt on his upper body and sneakers on his feet. Fang Nan guessed that he didn't even have the nerve to walk on the red carpet.

Because with Wu Jing's current status, he will not be queued to enter the venue so early after walking the red carpet, let alone appear at the finale.

It's embarrassing.

Fang Nan asked again: "How is the preparation going? Have you thought about directing yourself?"

Wu Jing hesitated for a while, then said: "I'm looking for you for this, I have an idea"

"Call me when the time comes." Fang Nan rushed to finish speaking, and greeted Mr. Han and Mao Jianguo.

The three faced each other, and Mao Jianguo said enthusiastically, "Hi, Fang, I wish you success again!"

Fang Nan smiled and said, "I hope you will meet God soon."

During a trip to the United States, he was cheated out of 10 dollars by Mao Jianguo.

Afterwards, this guy still claimed that without him, Fang Nan and his party couldn't even find the gate of ILM, which made Fang Nan very angry.

"God, the old man won't accept a good person like me early." Mao Jianguo smiled shamelessly.

Fang Nan ignored him lazily, shook hands with Boss Han, called Wu Jing and went back to the venue.

At [-]:[-] p.m., the promotional premiere of "囧囧 in Thailand" officially began.

The premiere was broadcast live by CCTV Movie Channel.

Media personnel from more than 10 TV stations including Beijing TV Station and Pujiang TV Station, and dozens of portal websites such as Zha Lang, Netizen, and Sohu gathered together.

There are as many as 46 male and female stars at the venue.

There are dozens of producers, directors, and senior executives of film and television companies.

Nearly a thousand movie fans sat under the stage.

In such a grand occasion, the most important film critics are indeed missing.

The host of the Six Princesses came on stage with a slight smile. After teasing the premiere of "囧囧 in Thailand", the stars were too strong, and Fang Nan was too popular, the main creators began to come on stage one by one.

On the stage, Fang Nan talked about interesting things about shooting.

For example, when filming in Thailand, there was a sudden flash flood. Xu Shanzheng took off his shoes to eat, and also to save supplies in the tent. In the end, his leather shoes and two boxes of apples were washed away by the flash flood.

Also, the actor Wang Bao wanted to watch a ladyboy show, so he asked Xu Shanzheng to go with him, but Xu Shanzheng didn't dare to go to Huang Bo, so in the end, all the crew members jointly dispatched to watch a ladyboy show.

Fang Nan's tongue has always been good, and after he teased him vividly, everyone in the audience burst into laughter.

The atmosphere instantly UPUP!

After Fang Nan, the actors came on stage. With the cooperation of Xu Shanzheng, Huang Bo, and Wang Bao, the four of them on stage amused the audience like a cross talk, and promoted the movie.

"This look is the look I had when I was auditioning. It doesn't look like a man at all. I don't know what the director thinks."

Wang Bao pointed to the screen, and the audition photo with ear-length black hair had just finished complaining.

Fang Nan laughed and said, "Actually, the stylist wants to make you a cute girl."


Huang Bo: "I think the baby does have the potential to become a cute girl. Look, everyone, how beautiful she is."


"The next step in becoming a cute girl is to become a human being." Xu Shanzheng looked at Wang Bao with a strange look: "Can you understand?"


The four of them chatted like a cross talk for half an hour, especially when Xiao Taohong appeared on stage as a cameo, and the topic changed to talking about movies, actors, and the release of the last trailer.

Next, Zhou Xun and other big stars also came to the stage for a wave of interaction, and mobilized fans to support "Tai囧".

The noise continued until nine o'clock in the evening, and the premiere of "Lost in Thailand" ended perfectly.

The last publicity campaign before the release of "囧囧 in Thailand" ended, Fang Nan and other main creators rested at home or in a hotel for a day and a night.

On June 6, the day before the release of "Lost in Thailand".

According to the publicity schedule, Fang Nan and others gathered in the Donghuan Film City under the Beijing New Film Federation.

To start the road show promotion with a zero-point field, the publisher China Film is crazy.

Fang Nan and the others also went crazy.

But the crazier ones are moviegoers.

When Fang Nan and the others arrived at the East Ring Film City at [-]:[-] p.m., the entire film theater was packed to the brim with spectators queuing up to buy tickets.

A few of them were dragged in through the back door by the theater manager.

If it wasn't for the good camouflage, he would have been stopped halfway.

The popularity of Donghuan Studios also reflects the real and reliable expectations of "Lost in Thailand" on the Internet.

It's no wonder that China Film, Cai Yinong and others from Tangtang Film and Television requested that the road show start at zero point.

It's no wonder that they even canceled the on-demand screening in order to prevent piracy.

In the staff lounge of Donghuan Studios, while Fang Nan and the three main creators were recharging their energy, the pendulum pointer pointed to 12 o'clock, and the midnight show of "Lost in Thailand" started.

The voices one after another woke Fang Nan up.

Standing up and looking at the endless stream of spectators and the endless lineup, he has completely calmed down.

The box office of "Lost in Thailand" will not be short.

What he is looking forward to now is that "Lost in Thailand", which broke multiple box office records in the original time and space, will be released a few years earlier.

Is it still going on a rampage all the way, breaking all existing box office records.

If he didn't do it, to be honest, Fang Nan would feel that he had failed a little.

Because of his "囧太囧", there wasn't so much nonsense, and it was a two-part screening.

Only one "Lost in Thailand" is showing in the entire theater.

Therefore, when the lights were turned on in many movie theaters, Fang Nan and the others went to the four movie theaters respectively.

In the cinema hall, Fang Nan reassured the audience to sit down, and let the media in charge of the filming finish taking pictures, and then happily greeted the fans.

At the same time, the draft of ["Lost in Thailand" creator watching the movie with the audience at midnight] prepared by the publicity team is ready to be released.

Everything, well organized.

After the dragon mark.

Familiar boats appear, familiar pole-pullers appear.

Production company: Huaxia China Film Group

Tang Tang Film and Television
Emperor Entertainment
Producers: Mr. Han, Cai Yinong, Jiangzhou

"People are on the road in Thailand"

Executive Director: Huang Weiming and Wang Liang
Leading Starring: Xu Shanzheng, Wang Bao, Huang Bo

Starring: Xiao Taohong, Liu Sishi
Special Thanks: Gao Yuanyuan
Screenwriters: Fang Nan, Zhao XX, He XX.
【Fang Nan's works】

"Oil bully."

"Hey, don't you have a toothache? Are you okay?"

"You're the one who hurts"

[Audience snickers]

"This is Gao Yuanyuan, is Gao Yuanyuan your girlfriend?"


"You cut it out of a magazine."

"No, it was cut from a newspaper."

[Audience chuckles]

"Shouldn't you be taking your medicine?"

"How do you know?" Wang Bao took out the medicine box, and Xu Shanzheng was dumbfounded looking at the small red, green, green, yellow and yellow pills.

[Audience laughs loudly]

The audience couldn't help laughing at the familiar funny scene on the plane, but also admired Fang Nan's screenwriting ability.

In just half a year, Fang Nan made two different jokes about boarding the plane.

Huang Bo climbed over the railing in the streets of Thailand, but fell and ate shit.

[Audience laughs]

[There are even whispers, saying that Fang Nan is paying tribute to Zhou Xingxing's "Play Back To School"]


Wang Bao pointed to the woman with excellent figure in front of him and said, "You say she is a shemale?"

Xu Shanzheng: "Let me tell you, all the beautiful women you met in Thailand are transvestites!"

"Dare you ask?"

"Why don't you dare, do you dare?"

"Hey, I'm in the elevator, there are two 2Bs in the elevator"

[The audience in the theater where Fang Nan is located laughed out loud, and happened to drink water from all kinds of water sprays]

Gou Lin touched the back of his wet head: "You are so blind, don't you know there is someone in front of you?"

"Sorry, sorry, it was too funny just now, I couldn't hold back."

By the stream in Thailand.

Angry Wang Bao: "I warn you not to scold my mother!"

Xu Shanzheng: "I will scold you."

Wang Baoxun found a stepping stone, and put his foot on Xu Shanzheng's bald forehead.

[Audience goes crazy with laughter]

During the Songkran Festival, Xu Shanzheng was drenched to the brim.

It can be said that all the jokes that Fang Nan arranged were all recognized in the theater where he was staying.

Therefore, when the movie screening ended and Fang Nan stood up happily, he was also surrounded by the crowd who were chattering.

Fortunately, Donghuan Studios is a big movie theater, and there are often movies that choose to do roadshows here. They have enough experience to rescue the besieged stars.

Taking the microphone to the stage, Fang Nan seriously answered about 10 questions from the audience.

He wanted to continue, but the studio manager refused.

10 minutes is more than enough, how many people are queuing up outside, how can there be time for Fang Nan to give a speech here.

So what if you, Fang Nan, are the director of the film, this will be the arrival of the heavenly king, Lao Tzu, and you have to give up the theater.

Walking out of the movie hall, they met Xu Shanzheng and others. The four of them left Donghuan Studios and headed for another movie theater under the New Film Federation.

When we arrived at the next theater, it was already three o'clock in the morning, and "Lost in Thailand" was still popular.

After interacting with the audience again, the four of Fang Nan, who had run through two studios, were finally able to go back to the hotel to rest.

But it was only four or five hours of sleep, got up to have a meal, and continued to go to other movie theaters in the capital.

Tired indeed, but the spirits of Fang Nan and the others were extremely excited.

Because every time they go to a cinema, there are always huge crowds of audiences who buy tickets for "Lost in Thailand", and the audiences after watching the movie are all smiling.

On July 7st, Saturday, the second day after the release of "Lost in Thailand", when the four of Fang Nan were running a road show in Haidian, the box office on the 1th was released.

With a ticket price of 30 yuan, "Lost in Thailand" earned 280 million box office in Beijing alone, breaking the single-day box office record of "Hero" in Beijing in 2002.

In addition to breaking the box office in Beijing.

"Lost in Thailand" even broke box office records in 38 cities across the country.

And "Lost in Thailand" had a box office of 3200 million on its first day nationwide, breaking the Friday box office record.

Breaking the single-day highest box office record of "The Promise" was 2600 million, and even nearly 600 million more.

For a moment, Fang Nan returned to the single-day box office record holder and refreshed the headlines on the front pages of major websites.

Last year, his "The Richest Man in Xihong City" beat the single-day box office record of Feng Dapao's "Mobile Phone" with 2400 million before being broken by "The Promise".

Now, he won this honor again with "Thailand Lost".

On the second day after breaking the single-player box office record, the summer vacation is approaching, and "Lost in Thailand" continues to exert its strength.

At this moment, there is already a wind of "Tai囧" blowing in the whole of China.

Fang Nan's fame.

Fang Nan talked eloquently to the students from Peking University.

Fang Nan's song.

Fang Nan was angry with Zhang Dazi and Chen Kaige for the ecology of the scenic spot.

Various factors, such as the temporary end of Fang Nan's four comedies in five years, have pushed "Tai囧" to a point where everyone knows it.

In this case.

On July 7nd, Saturday, "Lost in Thailand" continued to rake in a box office of 2 million, taking the Saturday box office record.

On Sunday, July 7, the box office was 3 million, which was the Sunday box office record.

"Lost in Thailand" grossed 9000 million in its first three days.

"The Promise", which crushed the box office of 7450 million in the first week, won the first-week box office champion and broke the first-week box office record held by "The Promise".

It even greatly improved the national first-week box office record.

It may be difficult for latecomers to surpass it.

Fans who like Fang Nan and "Lost in Thailand" are even more excited that the box office statistics for "The Promise" in the first week are five days, while "Lost in Thailand" is counted for three days.

"Lost in Thailand" still has a lot of room for box office growth.

On Monday, July 7th, the working day, the box office of "Tai囧" fell to more than 4 million, but it still won the Monday box office record.

At this time, the total box office was 1 million.

The box office of "Lost in Thailand" exceeded 4 million in [-] days, breaking the record again.

For a while, all kinds of media joined the battle, and the managers of major theaters and theater managers also accepted exclusive interviews to attract people for their own theaters and theaters.

Manager Zhang of the Beijing New Film Federation Cinema Line said straightforwardly to the media:
"Since 1998, "Lost in Thailand" is most likely to break the 3700 million box office record of "Titanic" in Beijing."

"This record has been maintained for nearly 10 years. With the support of the whole country's full schedule, the box office of "Hero" was 3300 million in the two months of its release. It is a pity."

Manager of Pujiang United Cinemas:

"Our theaters have raised the upper limit of the box office of "Lost in Thailand". As for the final box office nationwide, it is hard to say. If the box office of "Lost in Thailand" exceeds 3 million, it depends on the stamina. I think it will hit the 2.5 million domestic film of "Hero". A box office record is still very possible."

Manager of Guangzhou Pearl River Cinemas:

"It sold very well, and it was more recognized by the audience than last year's "The Promise". The audience who walked out of the cinema were very enthusiastic about it."

Manager of SMI Cinemas:

"I will definitely support it with all my strength. After all, it is a domestic film. Moreover, I think judging from the current box office potential of "Lost in Thailand", there is no need to worry about "Superman Returns" in ten days' time!"

 That's all for today, I'm dazzled by writing.

(End of this chapter)

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