literary world

Chapter 213 "Thailand" breaks the box office record of "Hero"

Chapter 213 "Thailand" breaks the box office record of "Hero"

The old community where Liu Qianqian lives is not big, with three or four buildings, close to Chongqing Railway Middle School.

Fang Nan climbed up to the fourth floor with the security personnel, and when he walked to room 405 at the end of the corridor, he stumbled along the way.

The corridors are full of sundries such as gas tanks, basins, and stools from house to house.

Room 405, the door is open.

Fang Nan didn't rush in, and stood sideways in the corridor, looking at Liu Qianqian, who was writing and drawing peacefully, under the window sill in the room through the open two-page window.

Her short hair has grown a lot and is tied into a short ponytail.

The body is an open blue and white school uniform.

The white short sleeves inside have two small bags bulging.

On a hot day, there is a layer of fine sweat on the forehead.

"Hey, what are you doing?"


The neighbor's cry sounded at the same time as the female voice from Room 405, and Liu Qianqian looked up instantly.

Four eyes facing each other.

Fang Nan tapped his forehead, then frowned and looked at Liu Xiaoli who came out of the inner room, wearing a green floral dress.

"How did your mother find this?" Fang Nan asked Liu Qianqian with a smile through the window.

"My godfather helped me find it. My mother can't influence me. In order to conform to Chen Nian's hands-on ability and ability to take care of myself, I wash all my clothes myself." Liu Qianqian said seriously.

Fang Nan nodded and smiled at Mama Liu.

Then, his pupils dilated like a ghost.

Liu Xiaoli, who always looked down on him, smiled brightly, untied her apron, and hurried out of the room.

Fang Nan gave Liu Qianqian a puzzled look.

Liu Qianqian said with a wry smile: "Sony's Japanese album specially created for me did not sell well, and only sold more than 100 copies."

Fang Nan suddenly realized.

He was still thinking, with Mama Liu's short-sightedness of looking down on the domestic market, how could she treat him differently just because "Lost in Thailand" broke 2 million at the box office.

It turned out that the fundamental reason was that Liu Qianqian's internationalization route was forced to die.

That's why Liu Ma, after Chen Jingfei found Liu Qianqian, not only didn't try her best to take Liu Qianqian away, but also became a nanny in such an old community.

Knowing the cause and effect, Fang Nan didn't go to Yin Yang to blame Liu Ma, but said to Liu Qianqian: "Pack up and go back to Beijing to take a set makeup photo."

After Fang Nan finished speaking lightly, he looked at Liu Qianqian in the room without blinking.

After seeing that she was orderly and meticulously putting the books on the table into the bag slowly, he picked up his mobile phone and called Cai Yinong, asking him to dismiss the two security guards guarding Liu Qianqian directly.

Within half an hour, Liu Qianqian, who was dragging her schoolbag, and Liu Ma, who was carrying a suitcase, came out.

The two followed Fang Nan, and when they passed Room 404, they heard Liu Qianqian shout into the room, "Uncle Zhan, I'm leaving!"

"Let's go now, I'm just getting used to it." An old man came out and said so.

Liu Qianqian stood and smiled and chatted a few words and continued to move forward.

On the window sill of 403, Liu Qianqian stood still again, took out a book from her schoolbag and put it on it.

Fang Nan glanced at a brand new copy of "The Edge of Love and Pain", written by Guo Xiaosi.

"Don't tell me that you have been reading this kind of book for the past few months!"

"If you read two pages and didn't read any more, give it to Hu Ping, she likes to read these." Liu Qianqian shook her forehead lightly.

Just walking all the way to the stairs, Liu Qianqian either stopped to say hello to the four neighbors on the same floor, or gave books to half-grown children.

Fang Nan looked at it all the way, what to say, he was both happy and confused.

Happily, the fairy came down to earth.

The tangled thing is that the fairy who descended to earth doesn't seem to be so lonely.

But generally speaking, Fang Nan was satisfied with the results of these two months. At least, Liu Qianqian's temperament was not so different or outstanding.

With fireworks.

That's fine.

Not so that the two people in the camera look like they come from two worlds.

"This is the address of Tangtang Film and Television's Beijing branch. After you go there, take a photo of your makeup. Someone will receive you there. If someone asks you to audition, you can ask him to call me directly."

No matter which company, the audition of actors for each new play is actually a transaction.

There are all kinds of weird things like buying roles with funds, exchanging roles with bodies, temporarily robbing roles, being asked to audition naked, and being verbally abused by the audition director.

Fang Nan couldn't guarantee it either.

In his absence, will the perennial bad habits in the industry appear in the casting audition for "Youth in Youth".

Of course, with Liu Qianqian's current status, she probably won't be subject to excessive demands.

But being played around with various excuses, she really can't do anything.

"Aren't you going back?" Liu Qianqian asked curiously.

Fang Nan smiled wryly, "I'll be in Chongqing for a couple of days to survey the scene, and then I'll start the second round of roadshow promotion."

"Remember, the box office of "Lost in Thailand" is very high, you have to run publicity. I don't watch TV or read newspapers recently, but I forgot about it."

Fang Nan nodded and said with a smile: "It's done, you guys go, I have to use this time to take a quick look at the scenery."

Liu Qianqian and her daughter got in the car and left, while Fang Nan turned to the Railway Middle School, took the photos taken outside by the scouts, and compared them with the scenes imagined in his mind.

It wasn't until night fell that he returned to the hotel with a tired face.

at the same time.

"Lost in Thailand", which scoured the box office for a whole day, also gradually calmed down the engine.

"Brother Nan, "Lost in Thailand" broke the box office record of "Titanic" in the capital of 3700 million. The box office of "Lost in Thailand" in Beijing reached 3813 million."

As soon as Fang Nan entered the dining room, the sharp-eyed Hu Wen stood up first, and announced the good news with a smile on her face.

Fang Nan opened the main seat, the only empty chair, without sadness or joy: "I'm numb, let's eat, everyone has been waiting for a long time."

"Ha ha ha ha"

Xu Shanzheng, Wang Bao, Huang Bo, and the team's publicists, the media all burst into laughter.

A group of people had smiles with dark circles under their eyes, and Fang Nan felt very terrified.

In fact, I don’t blame him for his numbness at all, because since the release of “囧囧 in Thailand”, he has heard eleven box office records broken by “囧四” along the way, namely:
Broken Friday box office record.

Broken Saturday box office record.

Broken Sunday box office record.

Broken Monday box office record.

Breaking the box office record for half-price tickets on Tuesday.

Breaking the single-day highest box office record.

It broke the record for the highest box office in the first week.

Broke the second-week box office record.

Broke the box office record for the third week.

The fastest box office breaks the [-] million record.

The fastest box office broke the [-] million record.

In addition to breaking these eleven records, there are also many box office records in cities that have been broken all day long, and his ears are almost callused.

Therefore, he is really numb.

And the reason why he is still running the road show without any slack is purely because of the stipulations in the contract.

Otherwise, in terms of his desire for money, he would have slipped away long ago, earning enough.

Thinking about the total production cost of "Lost in Thailand" is only 1800 million, and the publicity fee is 2000 million. If you keep earning like this, many people will go crazy with envy.

"The next record will be difficult to break. "Superman Returns" and "Dragon Tiger Gate" will be released successively."

Fang Nan lost his momentum, but Hu Wen did not.

As the promotion manager of Tang Tang Film and Television, the higher the box office of "Tai囧", the greater her contribution.

Although Tang Tang Film and Television accounted for a small proportion of publicity expenses, the box office is also closely related to her.

""Superman Returns" will be released on the 20th. We can withstand the pressure in the fourth week and get a box office of 2000 million. If the release is delayed, the total box office of "Lost in Thailand" will definitely surpass "Hero" and break the highest box office record."

Xu Shanzheng, who is also concerned about the box office, talked about his personal understanding of the box office.

The deputy publicity manager of China Film Group agreed: "I applied for the delayed release a long time ago. I think it is no problem to break the record held by "Hero". Now it is only 4000 million short."

"I just don't know the quality of "Superman Returns" and "Dragon Tiger Gate". If the quality is good, it may not be so easy to grab 4000 million box office from the two movies. The market diversion of the three movies is too serious."

A manager of China Film Group who was in charge of logistics for Fang Nan and the others said.

""Lost in Thailand" needs to find a new selling point, and use a big enough selling point to attract audiences in third- and fourth-tier cities, and those who don't go to movie theaters very much, into movie theaters."

Hu Wen interjected.

"Manager Hu, what new big selling point do you have? If I think of it, I will report it immediately, and let the company cooperate with the publicity immediately, so as to withstand the pressure of "Superman Returns" and "Dragon Tiger Gate."

The deputy manager of China Film Group looked anxiously at Hu Wen, who was frowning deeply.

"I can't think of it for the time being. "Lost in Thailand" has dozens of jokes, no big-name stars, and Nan Ge's five-year ending comedy. All the selling points have been publicized. Let's brainstorm."

Hu Wen shook her head unwillingly, and looked at Fang Nan, who frequently moved his chopsticks when everyone was racking their brains to sell something.

"Brother Nan, you are an expert in publicity, so you can help me think of one."

Fang Nan said speechlessly: "You yourself said that you have publicized all the selling points. Where can I go for you? I'm not a fairy, and I get a golden idea when I pat my head."

"Then why are you so calm?" Hu Wen asked depressedly.

"In terms of publicity, we have done a good job, and "Lost in Thailand" has also exceeded the expected box office. As for whether we can break the box office record of "Hero", let's do our best to obey the destiny, what else will we do?"

After Fang Nan finished speaking, he moved his chopsticks again.

What he said was the truth.

"Lost in Thailand" has indeed exceeded many people's expectations, including himself, and there is nothing dissatisfied with it.

He really couldn't think of what to use to stir up a wave of enthusiasm.

He is in love with Gao Yuanyuan?
How crazy is he to be able to stimulate the pregnant Zeng Li with love here.

"Hey, let's do our best and obey the destiny. We have indeed done well enough."

When Hu Wen and his group were sighing and starting to prepare the sumptuous dishes, Fang Nan's cell phone rang.

Fang Nan took a look, and before the other party could speak, he first smiled and said, "Mr. Han, I already know that "Lost in Thailand" broke the box office record in Beijing. We are all happy!"

"Same joy, same joy, come back."

Fang Nan asked curiously, "Come back? Where are you going? I don't need to run the road show anymore?"

"The road show is definitely going to run, just stop for a while, you go back to Beijing, and fly to Thailand with the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?"

"Huh? Why are you flying to Thailand? The movie isn't released in Southeast Asia anymore."

""Lost in Thailand", this movie is good, really good."

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Han expressed emotion first, and then explained:

""Lost in Thailand" hit the theaters, causing many people in China to choose to travel to Chiang Mai, Thailand."

"In the past few days, more than 5 tourists have been driven. In order to express my gratitude to you, the Prime Minister of Thailand specially sent an invitation to our Ministry of Foreign Affairs. When you arrive in Thailand, she will personally give you a medal of honor .”

"In short, you immediately put down everything in your hands and return to Beijing. People and special planes are all waiting here."

The phone was hung up, Fang Nan looked at the crowd and looked at each other.

When he finished speaking lightly, everyone was excited.

But a few days later, something happened that made Hu Wen and his group even more excited.

Fang Nan and the movie "囧囧 in Thailand" appeared on CCTV's news at [-] o'clock.

This time, "Tai囧" has really become a well-known movie throughout the country.

It really became a truly phenomenal movie.

Under the huge propaganda machine of CCTV news.

"Tai囧" withstood the pressure of "Superman Returns" and "Dragon Tiger Gate".

It scored 2500 million at the box office in the fourth week, and won the box office championship in the fourth week, with a total box office of 2 million.


It broke the 4-year mainland box office record of 2 million for "Hero".

CCTV six movie channel star podcasts:
In 2006, Huaxia Film Market belonged to Fang Nan.

A young talented comedy director who is only 27 years old.

Fang Nan, a native of Yangzhou, Huaxiajiang Province, parents.
【End of this volume】

 I took a sauna, sorry for the late post
(End of this chapter)

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