literary world

Chapter 214 The Despairing Protagonist

Chapter 214 The Despairing Protagonist

The box office of "Tai囧" exceeded 2.5 million, which made the three producers a lot of money.

A celebration banquet is a must.

The producer and publisher China Film Group, in order to hold this celebration banquet well, in a grand and stylish manner, sent out invitations to many celebrities inside and outside the circle.

Attracted countless celebrities and entertainers flocking to it.

But Fang Nan, the protagonist of the grand celebration banquet that was about to start, rushed to the Chaoyang Police Station in pain.

He went to the police station to find people.

The person who fishes is called Dou Wei.

The entrusted person is the princess who just gave birth to a daughter.

Such a messy relationship made Fang Nan feel ashamed.

And the main reason is much simpler.

Dou Daxian and Princess Wang's child was bitten by a dog a few days ago.

As a result, it came out that the child's stepfather Li Yapeng was not good to the child and did not take good care of the child.

Gou Lin, a very famous paparazzi in the paparazzi circle, received the news and immediately called the child's biological father, Dou Wei. The meaning was to conduct a small interview, talk briefly about Li Yapeng, and talk about 20 years of rock and roll by the way.

Who is Dou Daxian?
That is an otherworldly person who wants to leave the troubles of the earth and go to outer space to play his own music. He doesn't even care about such nonsense.

Furthermore, you Gou Lin, a paparazzi, knows what rock and roll is?

Dou Xian immediately hung up the phone.

Then I received a threatening text message from Gou Lin, probably something like "You wait, I want you to look good".

Then the next day, Dou Wei appeared in the Beijing News.

In this article published by Gou Lin in the Beijing News, Dou Xian was written as a middle-aged greasy man with a monthly income of less than 500 and who often talked badly about Li Yapeng because of his poor life and disdain for good people.

Dou Xian was angry, so he went to the editorial department to question Gou Lin that day, but he couldn't find anyone, so he poured oil on the street and burned his car, so he went to the police station.

And Fang Nan was entrusted by the princess to help.

However, he and Dou Xian also knew each other.

As early as the end of 01, when he was promoting songs at a bar in Shichahai, he met Dou Wei a few times.

Arriving at the police station, before seeing Dou Wei, Fang Nan first met Gou Lin, his master and his apprentice.

The two looked at each other.

Gou Linbaba came up to shake hands with Fang Nan.

Fang Nan touched it lightly, glanced at Gou Lin and said, "Are you running out of ideas recently or something? Dou Wei is doing well, why are you messing with him?"

Gou Lin said with a playful smile: "Isn't it big news for the princess to have a baby, and it's because of Dou."

Fang Nan said dissatisfiedly: "How many years have you been divorced? It's not that you don't know Dou Wei's state, so don't tease him all the time in the future. Besides, no matter how free media people you are, you must have some humanity. Report, what are you doing?"

In the past, Fang Nan would definitely not say anything to Gou Linduo.

It is different now, and in February, he will also be a father.

After seeing the photos of Dou Xian and Wang Hao's child Tong Tong published in the paper media, he wanted to say a few words about the injustice.

It is true that he is also a person in the entertainment circle who lives under the spotlight.

Even if the paparazzi shoots the camera on his face, he can't say anything. This is the industry he chose.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the public has the right to supervise him.

But it shouldn't involve children.

What year is it, and you still engage in implicated companies?
Children are always innocent.

Paparazzi, Gou Lin has gone too far,

"You world police? What does it have to do with you?"

Yin and Yang rebuked Fang Nan angrily, and Gou Lin half-threateningly said:

"Fang Nan, don't be shy in front of me. You are very famous now. What is the number one director in China, with a box office breaking 2 million? But I still don't know if the shit in your crotch has been wiped clean?"

"You'd better not fall into my hands, fall into my hands, I will let you walk around like Dou Wei!"

Gou Lin didn't want to repent, and even threatened himself, Fang Nan rarely showed a hint of fierceness.

While he stared at Gou Lin solemnly, there was a sneer of contempt on the corner of his mouth:

"Gou Lin, I heard that you used to be a professional film critic, then you must have watched "Paparazzi" released in 04, so don't force me to do things I don't want to do."

"Also, today I will give you a formal warning."

"Whether it's Gao Yuanyuan or Zeng Li, there may be other women in the future. If you dare to harass me in your spare time, I will let you know what kind of play is the Murong family's return to Shi Bidao. .”

"It will definitely let you taste the taste of being exposed even when you go to the bathroom."

After finishing speaking viciously, Fang Nan put on a proud face and said, "You must not worry that I don't have the money to hire so many people, my money will never run out."

Fang Nan finished speaking and left, Gou Lin was already shaking with anger.

In the past two years, which celebrity in the entertainment circle dared to talk to him like that?

As long as he took a photo of the real selling point, who would either spend money on it or beg for mercy in a coquettish voice.

Today was really amazing, first Dou Wei burned the car, and then Fang Nanfan threatened him.

Gou Lin turned sideways, the skin on his face convulsed unconsciously.

He looked at Fang Nan who was talking and laughing with the director not far away.

Then I heard the apprentice Ding Zhi said angrily: "Master, Fang Nan is so crazy now, so what if he is a famous director all over the country?"

"So what if Furun Celebrity List says he is worth more than [-] million yuan?"

"So what if the box office of "Lost in Thailand" exceeds 3 million?"

"Let's contact the Beijing News when we get back and have him exposed? This guy actually has two girlfriends, and one of them wants to give birth to him!"


Gou Lin, who was just shaken cold by Fang Nan's anger, broke his defense instantly after his apprentice Ding Zhi couldn't stand it anymore and jumped out to fight the injustice.

The saliva spit on the ground was bloodshot.

Ding Zhi looked shocked.

His master, Gou Lin, was so angry that Fang Nan vomited blood.

It was the first time he saw a real person being so angry that he vomited blood.

"Master, let's go, let's go back to shake the material now." Ding Zhi said sadly.

Gou Lin glanced at the apprentice whose parents had died, and nodded tiredly: "Go back, forget about the rumors, Fang Nan is in full swing, and the rumors can't help him."

He knew in his heart that there were a few gossips about Fang Nan's body, it was nothing, besides, they didn't have any actual photos.

What's more, although he was angry with Fang Nan, he was also frightened by Fang Nan's expression just now. It was a pair of wolf eyes that concealed tyranny and could bite people.

Look at it again, keep the little material in your hand to beat the dog in the water.

Ding Zhi helped the bloodshot master and walked out of the police station tremblingly.

Not long after that, Fang Nan also led Dou Wei out.

In the car, Fang Nan shook out two cigarettes, handed one to Quan Dou, and the two smoked a cigarette silently.

Fang Nan and Dou Wei knew each other, but they didn't know each other well enough to talk about everything, so they didn't know what to say for a while.

"Have you written a song recently?"

Leaning slightly, it was Dou Wei who spoke first.

Fang Nan said: "I wrote two songs for the company's TV series."

"how is it like?"

"It's lyrical."

"You don't understand music."

Fang Nan's face hurts: "Maybe."

"But it's better than those liars."

While starting the car, Fang Nan said a literal joke: "Then I'm not a fool? I'm just better than a liar."

He understood what Dou Wei meant, and his original intention was to bury those musicians in the circle who used literature and art to deceive little girls.

But Fang Nan can't say it casually like him, after all he still has to hang out in the circle.

Dou Wei couldn't be so dismissive.

On the way, Fang Nan asked, "Send you back, or come with me to the celebration banquet?"

"I'll go back." Dou Wei cherishes words like gold.

After sending Dou Wei home, Fang Nan drove straight to the Grand Hyatt Hotel. When he went to the place, he found that the red carpet had already been laid, all that was left was colorful flags and guests in luxurious dresses.

Arriving at the backstage of the hotel, the crew of "Lost in Thailand" and some relatives and friends who don't need to walk the red carpet have already arrived. A group of people are noisily shaking poker cards, or gathering in twos and threes to chat.

But no matter who it was or what it was doing, Fang Nan would always say "Congratulations" with a smile on his face.

For a while, in the huge backstage, names such as "director, Brother Nan, and Director Fang" frequently rang out against Fang Nan.

The "Nanzai, Anan" that used to appear in the past has almost disappeared in the greetings of familiar people.

In the future, you will probably only hear this list of titles from netizens.

After Fang Nan was greeted, Cai Yinong clapped his hands to attract attention and shouted with a smile:

"Let me tell you guys, next Saturday, that is, July 7th, the company's new drama "You Who Came from the Star" will be available on CCTV Channel 30 at [-]:[-] p.m. Everyone remember to watch it on time to help boost the ratings."

After everyone applauded loudly, Cai Yinong reminded Fang Nan in a low voice to go to the small room inside, saying that Mr. Han and Jiang Zhou were chatting inside.

After entering the box, Shi Nansheng stood up and made way for Fang Nan. Before Fang Nan took his seat, Mr. Han next to him asked, "When did you promise to give bonuses to the actors?"

Fang Nan was taken aback, and sat down slowly supporting the arms on both sides of the sofa chair: "When filming "People on Journey"."

Mr. Han said with an unwavering expression, "You promised too much. According to your offer, the three leading actors are 150 million each, which is 450 million."

"Other people add up to more than 100 million, which is nearly 600 million. We can't do things like this. How can we make money if we do everything like this?"

Fang Nan understood.

He told Cai Yinong that he would give a bonus of 150 million to one of the leading actors of "Thailand", and the management was dissatisfied with the bonus for more than 100 people in front of and behind the stage.

And all three investors except him were dissatisfied.

This includes Tang Tang Film and Television.


At present, for a generally profitable movie, it is indeed a lot to distribute 600 million yuan in red envelopes to the film's leading actors and behind-the-scenes personnel.

But "Lost in Thailand" is different.

As of today, "Lost in Thailand" has a box office of 2 million, which is 6400 times the production cost of the entire film, and the profit is very considerable.

Moreover, the movie has not yet been offline, and the existing box office is still expanding.

More lucrative TV, network copyright, video copyright.

Therefore, the 600 million red envelopes are really not that big compared to the income of the three employers.

He, Fang Nan, would not be so stupid that the lion opened his mouth wide, making it difficult for the three capitalists.

What's more, Xu Shanzheng, Huang Bo, and Wang Bao's salary for starring in the "囧" series of films is really pitifully low.

After "囧[-]", "囧[-]" was filmed. Because of him, Xu Shanzheng and Wang Bao's salary still did not increase.

If he doesn't say anything, or if he gives each of the three people a red envelope of 3 yuan or [-] yuan, is he considered human?
Do you really treat people like beggars?

To be more thorough, who can guarantee that there will be no follow-up to the "囧" series?
Once there is a follow-up, the stinginess of the three capitalists today will definitely usher in a crazy backlash.

People who have no long-term worries must have near-term worries!
Mr. Han blamed Fang Nan.

As a result, the originally cheerful atmosphere was suddenly suppressed.

Fang Nan calmly glanced at Mr. Han, Jiangzhou, Cai Yinong, Li Guoli, Shi Nansheng and others.

Seeing them looking at him with dissatisfaction or hope, he felt a sense of fear for no reason.

The group of people in front of him really regarded him as a machine that only knew how to produce money.

In other words, it is necessary to cultivate and plan him on the road of making money.

To him, this is an extremely terrifying thing.

He understands that only when the movie sells money, others will continue to invest money to support his dream of being a director.

But at this moment, he still felt terrible.

Of course, movies have to make money, but when movies make money, it becomes absolute, and there is no human warmth or warmth.

He, a robot director, can still make down-to-earth, good movies?
I'm afraid that if you copy it, you will have to copy it crookedly.

This is horrible.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan frowned and looked at the people in the room, and said slowly: "Mr. Han, Mr. Jiang, I understand what everyone means."

"It's true that you all have a lot of people to support, and it's not like I'm happy alone."

"That's how it is. The amount of bonuses that Mr. Cai and I proposed will remain the same, but all bonuses will be deducted from my share."

After finishing speaking, Fang Nan stared at Shi Nansheng: "Is the money unprepared? If not, I will ask someone to prepare it now."

Shi Nansheng shook his head at Fang Nan.

Fang Nan laughed at himself, got up and took out his mobile phone, called Lu Ting, the bank's special manager, and asked her to prepare cash.

The three employers can deny this matter with a thick face.

Fang Nan couldn't do it.

A man is a big man who keeps his promises and spits a nail.

Spending 600 million yuan to buy Xu Shanzheng, Huang Bo, and Wang Bao's gratitude is absolutely zero.

After making the phone call, Lu Ting talked about the cash withdrawal branch, Fang Nan stood up and was about to leave, Jiangzhou spoke.

"Director Fang, don't you want to be like this? Cash, we have prepared it. We are not saying that we are stingy, but we are just discussing whether it can be less. Fifty-six million is indeed a lot, and we haven't made that much money."

Fang Nan grinned: "Boss Jiang doesn't need to persuade me anymore, I can afford 600 million by myself."

After speaking with a smile, Fang Nan rolled his eyes and said abruptly:
"600 million is really nothing. When I finish "Youth in Youth", I will take a break from my busy schedule and gather Xu Shanzheng, Huang Bo, and Wang Bao together to make another "囧囧 in Hong Kong". Maybe I can make money." It's more than 600 million."

Jiangzhou: "Lost in Hong Kong?"

Li Guoli: ""囧[-]"?"

Mr. Han: ""People in Hong Kong on a Journey"?"

Cai Yinong: "."

Mr. Han, Jiangzhou, and Cai Yinong immediately settled in Bengbu.

I'm rough.

Fang Nan's B is really bad.

After walking away, they came back with such a sentence, which made them feel itchy in their hearts.

"Director Fang, are you kidding me? Are you sure there will be "囧三"?" Jiangzhou got up instantly, and pulled Fang Nan to sit down across Mr. Han.

He has been in the industry for so many years, and he has seen only a handful of series of movies.

Xiangjiang's "Fight Back to School" and "Infernal Affairs" have made a lot of money in every sequel movie.

There is currently only one "囧" in the mainland.

He originally thought that this "Tai囧" was the pinnacle, and he couldn't write any more.

After all, the first two parts no longer belong to the same story.

I didn't expect that Fang Nan could continue to compile it, so there was something to say.

The sequel movie, the most important thing is the original lineup.

When Jiangzhou asked, Mr. Han and the others had all kinds of curious faces.

Fang Nan raised his eyebrows: ""囧囧", "印囧", "美囧", "日囧", as long as I'm in a good mood, I can keep playing "囧". Do you believe it, Mr. Jiang?"

Boss Han and the others looked at each other, their scalps felt even more numb, and they couldn't figure out whether what Fang Nan said was true or not.

But no matter what, you have to take the 600 million red envelopes.

If Fang Nan really has the ability to keep on being "囧", how much does this "囧" cost?

 Sorry guys, today is just over 4000 words, and I feel a little tired on the first day of work.

(End of this chapter)

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