literary world

Chapter 215 The Box Office Is Divided into Cinema Novels

Chapter 215 The Box Office Is Divided into Cinema Novels
Just one month.

"Lost in Thailand" held two red carpets.

But no one was bored.

Because people who have walked the red carpet twice have completely different moods.

For the first time, at the invitation of China Film Group, they had to support the stage of "Lost in Thailand" which was premiered by China Film Group.

The second time, they came willingly.

Fang Nan's reputation is too dry, and the title of China's No. [-] commercial film director is worthy of the name.

And the No. [-] commercial director is preparing two films.

One is called "Youth in Youth", and the other is "Assassination of Novelists" with a production of hundreds of millions.

It is different from Fang Nan's previous male comedies.

There are rumors in the circle that "Youth in Youth" is rushing to win awards.

The proportion of female roles is very large, and those who have been exposed, the actresses invited to audition include Liu Qianqian, Jiang Yiyan, Liu Sishi, Yang Xiaomi, Zhou Xun and others.

In the martial arts blockbuster "Assassination of Novelists", female characters account for a large proportion of the total scenes.

And this is an out-and-out super blockbuster that will definitely attract countless eyes,

Therefore, when all the celebrities finished walking the red carpet in front of the Grand Hyatt Hotel and entered the box, Fang Nan became an absolute favorite.

"Director, congratulations, you're a big hit at the box office, and you're the number one commercial director."

Fan Bing smiled sweetly and finished speaking, paused, put on a bitter and aggrieved face, and said in a pretentious way: "The part where the protagonist finally returns to the family and confesses to his wife made me cry for a long time. Director, you know women too well."

Itching in the palm, Fang Nan let go of his hand calmly: "It's okay, it's not that exaggerated."

"Why not? I was crying so hard at the time. Look at my eyes, they are still bloodshot."

While pointing to his right eye, Fan Bing moved his upper body to get closer to Fang Nan.

Fang Nan didn't know whether there were bloodshots or not.

Anyway, he felt that his eyes were dazzled, and it was full of Fan Bing's white breasts, with two side peaks looming, and his nose was filled with an extremely attractive perfume smell.

Fortunately, he still has reason and knows that this person is untouchable, otherwise he would have to raise the flag and surrender with just one blow.

It is undeniable that Fan Bing is a rare beauty.

After reciting the Diamond Sutra twice, Fang Nan kept his mind on his mind: "No, maybe you have stayed up late to film recently."

After he finished speaking, when Fan Bing was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue him, Li Bing came over.

Compared to Fan Bing, Li Bing and Fang Nan are more familiar.

The difference is that Li Bing is more courageous than the last time she had dinner in Hengdian. Under the eyes of everyone, she first smiled as if no one else was there: "Director Fang, you have exposed your secrets."

When Fang Nan was at a loss, she directly reached out to Fang Nan's crotch, and symbolically pulled the zipper at the non-existent position where the stuffing was exposed.

Fang Nan's scalp tingled instantly.

What is this doing?
Is he so popular that he can make Shuang Bing put down his face and do such a thing?

Or is it a battle within the circle, the battle between artists in Huayi has reached such a fierce and tragic stage?

Compared with Sidan and even Fan Bing, Li Bing is indeed inferior in all aspects.

After all, Zhang Ziyi held the golden rooster and became popular in Hollywood. In the A-level big production "Memoirs of a Geisha", Michelle Yeoh and Kong Li acted as supporting roles for her. The movie "Hero" in which she participated had a domestic box office of 2.5 million.

Zhou Xun won the Golden Award in April for "If You Love".

Xu Jinglei's "Put Love to Right" in the early years became popular all over the country. She is a pure campus goddess in the minds of a generation, and she was also very successful when she switched careers as a director.

Zhao Yanzi also won the best actress award at the Pujiang International Film Festival.

Fan Bing also won Hundred Flowers for the most beautiful mistress in "Mobile Phone" in 2003.

Today, Li Bing is indeed inferior to these people in all aspects.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be because he didn't win the Hundred Flowers Award a few months later, he would tearfully accuse the judges of being unfair, and thus create an epoch-making term - White Lotus.

But no matter what, it is not necessary to do this in full view.

Fang Nan was speechless.

The entertainment industry is too complicated.

Li Bingbing got up majestically, and smiled happily at Fang Nan. Fang Nan's face hurt, and then he heard someone behind him say in a tired tone: "Brother Nan, don't you want to recite the words? 2.5 million testimonials."

Gao Yuanyuan's equally handsome face appeared, Fang Nan said anxiously: "Oh, yes, I forgot about it, you guys talk, I'll write down the words, don't make a fool of yourself on stage."

Turning around and walking two steps away, Liu Qianqian said "hehe" to him, Fang Nan rolled his eyes, thinking: "You still mock me, it's good if I didn't mock you.

Looking at the Chinese entertainment industry in the 2000s.

Apart from Kong Huang, only Liu Qianqian is the mainland actress who can be on the same stage as Sidan Shuangbing without losing the wind.

Ten or 20 years later, not only did Liu Qianqian fail to improve, she even went backwards, and the actresses who stood on the same stage with her became Four Little Stars!

Still being overwhelmed by sex at every turn, unable to get the C position.

Just like this, she actually "hehe" Fang Nan, can Fang Nan not be upset.

Memorizing the lines was false, Fang Nan hid behind the scenes for a while, seeing that all the guests were seated, he quietly sat down in his seat.

Different from the last premiere, many leaders came today, including the number one from the Film Bureau, who encouraged Fang Nan and left in a hurry.

Even so, there are still many people left in the Film Bureau and General Bureau.

It is true that the Film Bureau and the General Administration are the leaders who supervise them, and it stands to reason that they should avoid suspicion.

But today's celebration banquet is different.

"Lost in Thailand" first broke the total box office record, and then was awarded by the prime minister of the neighboring country.

To put it mildly, the appearance of "Lost in Thailand" proves that the Chinese film market is full of vitality, and the bureau's support has been successful, which has strengthened the construction of spiritual civilization.

On a larger scale, the appearance of "Lost in Thailand" has played an important role in foreign exchanges.

Therefore, today's celebration banquet was star-studded and very lively.

When Fang Nan, Jiangzhou, and Cai Yinong presented the 150 million bonus checks to the three leading actors Xu Shanzheng, Wang Bao, and Huang Bo, the excitement reached its climax.

After all, the bonus check was paid jointly by the three owners and Fang Nan, the sole producer.

Fang Nan let Boss Han and others take the money with the cowhide, but he also made a guarantee.

One of the items is to come up with another "囧" series script within 3 years.

In addition, he was nagged by Boss Han.

The Chinese film industry has a big business, and there are a lot of people to support, and the movies invested every year are not absolutely profitable.

Those old artists come to me with scripts and ask for money, can I not give it?

If I don’t give it today, I will be called to the leader’s office tomorrow.

I have been tight all these years.

Xiao Fang, you are not bad, you are more reliable than some directors.

Fang Nan could listen to such nagging for hours.

The celebration banquet came to an end, but Fang Nan still couldn't relax.

He wanted to rest for two months to half a year, but Liu Qianqian couldn't wait for "Youth in Youth".

Moreover, several companies are really a big deal, and there are hundreds of documents that need his signature alone.

This is also because he is not the largest shareholder of Tangtang Film and Television, the boss and president.

Otherwise, I am so busy every day that I am afraid that I will not have time to practice martial arts.

On the second day after the celebration banquet, Fang Nan went to Fangnan Culture Company in Soho first. Yan Hong didn't come back from the construction site in Sichuan Province, so he had to help sign some legacy documents.

Not long after sitting down, Yan Hong's secretary came into the office: "Mr. Fang, the theater has called the company's special account for the first batch of box office revenue, and I want you to sign."

"Ah, so fast?"

Fang Nan expressed surprise.

It has been more than half a year since "People on the Journey" was released, and the first batch of shares just arrived not long ago.

It's been a year since "The Richest Man in Xihong City" was released, and the theaters haven't received the final payment yet.

The share of "Tai囧" came so fast?
That's a box office share of 2 million yuan.

Fang Nan took the document and looked at it.


Because "Lost in Thailand" is directed by a major director, a sequel film, and a strong distributor, the theater chain's share is very low at 52%.

After deducting 50% of the theater's share, there are still about 2 million left at the box office of 8800 million.

The 8800 million publisher, China Film, has to charge 12% of the distribution fee [because there are too many copies, it will lose money]. So far, there is still about 7700 million yuan left.

Another 2000 million yuan will be deducted from the publicity fee, and there will be 5700 million yuan left.

The 5700 million is the first share he and China Film, Tang Tang Film and Television, and Emperor invested in "Lost in Thailand".

After his first share, he received about 850 million in the account, excluding the investment of 300 million, the account was 500 million.

But half a month ago, he sold the five-year TV copyright, online paid download [broadcast] copyright, and videotape copyright through "Tai囧" to sell more than 400 million yuan.

In this way, it also means that this "Thailand Lost" made him a net profit of nearly 1000 million.

He can still make some money in the follow-up box office share, copyright sales in Southeast Asia and so on.

And with the copyright in hand, there will be more money to be made in the future.

Really answered the phrase "making money"!
What is the concept of 1000 million now? If you use it to buy a house in a general school district in Beijing, you will buy it by building.

But the 1000 million used to engage in theaters is almost meaningless.

Thinking of the two movie theaters that Shi Nansheng acquired at the beginning of the year, located in Xinjiekou, Gulou District, Jinling, the company spent nearly 5000 million from the purchase price, redecoration, and replacement of equipment. Cai Yinong's eyes were bleeding, and Fang Nan himself felt scalp numb.

Movie theaters are hard to do, he knows.

After all, it has been said for a long time that a medium-sized movie theater that can be opened to the outside world needs to invest at least 2000 million.

Because whether the land of a movie theater is rented or bought, the price is the first difficulty.

In addition, the equipment of movie theaters is very expensive, and almost all of them have to be imported.

This is still the present.

In a few years, 3D and IMAX screens will come out, and the price will be ridiculously expensive.

But no matter what, Fang Nan bit the bullet and wanted to go.

The theater chain is a hurdle, after the first few years, life for him and Tangtang Film and Television will be much easier.

As for the current noise and dissatisfaction, Cai Yinong is slowly arguing with those small shareholders, and no one dares to challenge him anyway.

Who dares to offend the most profitable director in the company.

Two movie theaters are nearing completion.

Because it is located in Xinjiekou, the most prosperous area in Jinling, United Cinemas has already sent out olive branches.

Fang Nan and Cai Yinong also intend to join the Pujiang United Cinemas at their doorstep.

Shaking his head, Fang Nan signed the document handed over by the secretary, and then picked up another document.

The document I got was a request for money from the manager of the copyright management department. His purpose of asking for money was to buy outside copyrights.

This is also a business of Fangnan Culture Company.

Fang Nan looked at the few novels listed by the manager, and all he could see were strange names, such as "I'm the Only Immortal", "The Way of the Dragon", "The World of Netizens".

"Why don't you do anything serious every day, go read online novels!"

Fang Nan frowned and turned the page, complaining about the manager.

But when he saw dozens of novel titles on the next page, his eyes widened in an instant, "I'm stupid, "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"!"

[Mr. Yan, "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is currently being serialized in Tianya, and it is very popular.I personally think that this novel has a sense of film and television. If you don’t think so, I strongly recommend you to recommend it to Mr. Fang. Mr. Fang is the director, and he must have a different perspective from ours]

Seeing the small note, Fang Nan wrote a few strokes below.

Fang Nan commented: [Manager You, I have already watched "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", and I must win it.And it’s best to win all the permanent copyrights, as well as all the copyrights of the author’s follow-up works. If you do it, it will be a great achievement and you will be paid 24 months’ salary at the end of the year]

After reviewing and approving the documents for a long time, Fang Nan walked out of Soho at the lunch stop.

Gao Yuanyuan was in Xiangjiang to promote "Baby Project" as the heroine, and Fang Nan went straight to Yonghe Villa with peace of mind.

Zeng Li had a big belly, so Fang Nan invited a confinement lady and a cooking aunt to raise Zeng Li like a canary.

But he knew in his heart that once the child was born, Zeng Li would have to move around.

Fang Nan has already arranged work.

You can continue to be an actor.

If you want to stay away from the Vanity Fair of the entertainment industry, you can do it. The three-story building on Guijie Street in Dongzhimen has already been prepared, and you can open a restaurant or a teahouse.

In a word, Zeng Li can do whatever she wants.

He will not kill all of Zeng Li's hobbies except for evidence.

(End of this chapter)

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