literary world

Chapter 220 The industry classics at the total box office

Chapter 220 The industry classics at the total box office
Fang Nan's persistence, Liu Qianqian's refusal and complaints made Chen Jingfei leave in resentment.

Facing Chen Jingfei's malicious gaze before leaving, Fang Nan shrugged his shoulders with a look of indifference.

He has offended many people in recent years.

Relatively speaking, Chen Jingfei only had some money.

Moreover, he didn't know how much money he had, so he could really put it in his pocket.

Why drive a big car every day!

If the two want to compare who has more money and less money like fools, Fang Nan really doesn't necessarily love him.

I think he owns 36% of Tangtang Film and Television.

From the 2004 TV series "Legend of Sword" to the 2006 movie "囧囧" in Tangtang Film and Television, in more than two years, both film and television have blossomed, the drama has become popular, and the box office of the movie has also been rising steadily.

Who in the circle doesn't know that Tang Tang Film and Television is the most profitable private film and television company in China in the past two years.
Let's talk about the two companies of Fang Nanquan's "Thirteen Swordsmen of Light and Shadow" and "Fang Nan Culture".

'Thirteen Swordsmen' is indeed still posting money.

But after Fang Nan injected another 5000 million yuan in capital, he had long since become the industry's default top film and television special effects production company in China.

Small businesses gradually increased.

Keep going, it will be a sunny industry.

Needless to say, 'Fangnan culture'.

This company, which holds multiple copyrights of film and television songs, has been making profits since its inception.

Every year, just collecting the copyright of lyrics and music can earn seven or eight figures. On the contrary, the money spent to buy copyright is pitifully small.

It only cost 30 million to acquire the full copyright of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

Fang Nan has no time to take care of this company now, and Yan Hong is in her hometown again.

Otherwise, he was ready to let Yan Hong watch and buy a novel website.

Novels are worthless now, but in the future they will be the upstream industry of film and television dramas. It is better to pack up and buy one and finish the job, saving the time to search for novels in the trash.

Furthermore, Fang Nan owns 49% of the shares of 'Happy Twist'.

'Happy Twist' is Fang Nan's weakest industry.

But the income and expenditure of "Happy Twist" has also started to be flat.

To put it bluntly now, this company is used by Fang Nan to support people, such as Shen Teng, Wei Xiang and a group of comedians.

Another company is 'Yixin Equipment Leasing', which he doesn't hold a lot of shares in.

'Yixin Equipment' is stationed in Hengdian.

So far, the assets are about more than 500 million, which has increased nearly 10 times in just a few years.

Now in the Hengdian Film and Television City, "Yixin Equipment" belongs to a tall existence.

This is why Wu Gao bought a camera car in a hurry.

In addition, he has four properties.

They are Pujiang European-style Tangong villas with an area of ​​[-] square meters.

The Yonghe villa transformed from the Lama Temple.

No. 28 Yinding Bridge is a quadrangle courtyard.

A 3-storey small building on Guijie Street.

It's nothing to have so much property under his name. What's even more amazing is that his debts are still very small. The bank manager Lu Ting who is connected with him will ask him every quarter if he wants to borrow money.

The most important thing is that Fang Nan himself is an expert at making money.

Therefore, if you have a lot of money, you can live a chic life, Fang Nan is much more chic than Chen Jingfei.

He's just being low key.

Watching Chen Jingfei leave, Fang Nan looked at Liu Xiaoli's mother and daughter who were relatively silent.

He thought, after today, the mother and daughter might be on the defensive against Chen Jingfei.

Chen Jingfei, who used to be gentle and elegant, suddenly showed her fangs. If Liu Xiaoli is not stupid, she has to think carefully about where the mother and daughter will go next.

And Chen Jingfei was probably also thinking, the wings of the goddaughter are hardened, and she can't control it.

"Don't play mahjong with your mother-in-law, don't sleep with a woman who thinks more than you, and don't start a company with your best friend. Sure enough, interests will tear you apart!" Fang Nan left happily.

Near the railway middle school, in a room arranged as an interrogation room.

The young policeman played by Chen Kun and the three high school girls played by Ni Ni are about to stage a tit-for-tat confrontation.

Before the start, Fang Nan pulled Liu Sishi, who played Hu Xiaodie, to his side and asked her to watch it together, so as to cultivate his anger.

"Is everything all right? Let's hit the board and start shooting."

"The crew of "Youth" has 16 scenes, and we will start shooting one scene."

In front of the interrogation table, the female high school played by Jiang Yiyan swayed her legs unconsciously, and her tone was naturally filled with resentment: "Hu Xiaodie, that virgin whore? Everyone hates her, what does it have to do with us?"

Seeing this scene, Fang Nan had to admit that Jiang Yiyan's acting skills were indeed superior to those of other young actresses, and it seemed natural.

Chen Kun asked again: "What about Chen Nian? Did you push Chen Nian down?"

The camera changed to Jiang Lai, and Ni Ni laughed and said, "Chen Nian has a very good relationship with us, and we often joke together."

"A joke?" Chen Kun frowned, and his tone became more serious: "Okay, tell me what kind of jokes you made to drive Hu Xiaodie to death."


Fang Nan stopped, got up and said to Ni Ni: "Nizi, Chen Kun said that he was joking, so you should quickly put your smile back on me, and you have to be cold-faced immediately, understand? Come again."

The interrogation scenes were not difficult, and some extra film was wasted. Including Ni Ni, several actors quickly met Fang Nan's requirements.

But wait for the next scene, Ni Ni, who was still welcoming and encouraging just now, fades away.

Script plot: [During the interrogation, when Jiang Lai calmly and eloquently clarified that Hu Xiaodie's death had nothing to do with her bullying, the phone rang. Zheng Yi told Jiang Lai that the caller was his mother. Jiang Lai's expression changed suddenly and he felt fear. Feeling emotional and berating Zheng Yi loudly, the calmness just now was gone. 】

This scene is not easy to act. For Ni Ni, the expression and movements described in the script, such as sudden changes in the face and fear in the heart, are hell-level difficulty.

Fang Nan pulled Liu Sishi away from the monitor, and stood a foot away from the camera, "After five NGs, I'll knock you for one NG."

After threatening Ni Ni, Fang Nan suggested to Ni Ni's mother with a smile: "Sister, why don't you go out for a rest first, in case you can't watch it later."

"Good director, my girl has been tough since she was a child, so don't worry about practicing."

"Mom, am I your own?"

Ni Ni looked gloomy, turned around and complained to her mother, then peeked at Fang Nan, seeing that his stern face didn't seem like a lie, her calf began to shake, Fang Nan put too much pressure on him.

The make-up artist puts on the makeup and leaves, and the filming continues.

The bell rings.

Ni Ni looked at her mobile phone: "Who is looking for me?"

Chen Kun: "Your mother."

Ni Ni smiled and restrained, Chen Kun looked disgusted: "Just let your mother come to see you now, take it."

After Chen Kun finished speaking, Ni Ni still had a calm face. In order to show fear, her eyes were wide open, and she just stared straight at Chen Kun.

"It's not scary enough, I'll do it again later."

After instructing the staff, Fang Nan rushed to Ni Ni and said, "Think again, besides widening your big empty eyes, what other external actions can show fear? Sishi also thinks about it."

Liu Sishi "hmm" thought for a while, then reminded Ni Ni in a low voice: "Swallow."

"Did you hear, Sishi told you to swallow, did you think of anything?"

Ni Nixing said hastily: "Lick your lips."

"Lick your lips? Are you going to eat people or what?" Fang Nan said angrily, and then said, "Let's try it with a swallowing motion first."

The second real shot started, and Ni Ni's expression changed from wide-eyed to a drooling gesture.

Fang Nan felt uncomfortable watching this kind of performance.

If it was put in a commercial film, or the actors came from other companies, he might have let it go.

But "Youth" is his ambitious work, and Ni Ni is an actor of the company, so he doesn't want to be fooled like this.

So 3, 4, and 5 real shots came one after another.

NG 5 times in a row, before Fang Nan could speak, Ni Ni stood up tremblingly, and shouted: "Stop, I'm thirsty, I want to drink water."

Gudong Gudong took two mouthfuls of mineral water, and Ni Ni sat down cautiously with her back bent.

"Director, you are joking when you say you want to hit me." Ni Ni looked at Fang Nan innocently.

Fang Nan's two big hands were rough and rough. Others said they didn't hurt, but she felt the pain was very painful.

"I never joke." Fang Nan said seriously.

Ni Ni looked aggrieved: "Ah, then you taught me how to act? I was already very scared of acting, and then you just wanted to hit me and never let me pass, saying that my acting was not good."

Fang Nan was delighted: "You are quite self-righteous, quickly adjust your mood and start shooting right away."

Ni Ni had no choice but to bite the bullet and hold back her emotions, but because of too much pressure, it didn't take long for Fang Nan to take a hit.

Then there was another note.

Seeing that the eighth real shot hadn't started yet, Fang Nan had already raised his right hand, and Ni Ni finally realized what real fear is.

It turned out that the real fear was that when her pupils dilated, the muscles on her face would tremble unconsciously.

Swallowing saliva comes so naturally.

"Okay, pass."

In front of the monitor, Huang Weiming expressed his praise for Ni Ni's performance in two languages.

When Fang Nan turned around with a smile, Ni Ni hugged Liu Sishi: "Oh my god, I was scared to death, Sishi, woo woo..."

"Go away, the snot is all over me." Liu Sishi reached out and pushed Ni Ni away with all her strength.

Seeing her flamboyant movements, Ni Ni opened her mouth to laugh and laughed, "Oh, Sishi, why are you such a motherfucker?"

Liu Sishi dissatisfied: "I was originally a girl."

"Oh, yes, I'm a girl too."

Ni Ni suddenly realized, Chen Kun, Huang Weiming and other actors and staff in the room looked at it with a bewildered look and laughed.

The "Youth" crew, Ni Ni is the most messed up.

She faces everyone with a bright personality, young people like Chen Kun and others treat her as a younger sister, and older people like Huang Weiming treat her as a daughter.

It is very delicious.

Liu Qianqian and Sishi were a little bit worse.

Both of them are slow-heated, and Liu Sishi is very timid, and she is very polite when she talks to anyone.

As for Liu Qianqian, she and Hu Ge talked and spent the most time together.

However, the environment she lived in was rather deformed, which Fang Nan specially created for her, and the effect was quite good.

The crew of "Youth", which has almost stripped off the hustle and bustle outside, is steadily filming in the mountain city.

As Liu Qianqian and Hu Ge became more and more tacit and entered the play, the shooting progress began to slowly speed up.


Fang Nan, the chief director of "Youth", is satisfied with the current state of the crew.

The only thing that makes him dissatisfied is the external information that is frequently sent to the crew, there are good and bad in it.

The good news includes:

"Lost in Thailand" was officially released on August 8.


A super luxurious number.

The film broke more than 20 box office records.

The only regret for audiences who like "Tai囧" is that the box office of the movie did not exceed [-] million.

Another regret is that "Lost in Thailand", which has great momentum, failed to break the 3.6 ​​million box office of the Hollywood movie "Titanic".

The box office champions of Chinese movies are still dominated by Hollywood movies.

In order to hide their ugliness, for a long time to come, when referring to the box office champion of Chinese movies, they have to avoid foreign films, and they can only say the total box office champion of domestic movies-"Thailand".

"Lost in Thailand" was released, and the publisher China Film Group held another closing ceremony.

The guests at the meeting still embellished the celebration banquet with star-studded lights.

But Fang Nan, the hero of the celebration banquet, did not appear at the scene.

A group of guests listened to Cai Yinong on the stage say, "Fang Nan has already joined the group and started to produce the fourth feature-length work in his life", and they couldn't help showing regret that they missed it.

The film "囧囧 in Thailand", which ran rampant for more than half of the summer vacation in 2006, finally breathed a sigh of relief to the producers and importers of domestic and foreign films.

From then on, they only had Zhang Yimou and Feng Dapao in their eyes.

Another mainland filmmaker, the young director Fang Nan, was afraid.

After this battle, the words "Fang Nan's works" on the big screen have almost become a box office guarantee.

In the summer of 2006, apart from the big-screen movie "Lost in Thailand" which ignited a wave of movie-watching among the masses.

Produced solely by Tangtang Film and Television, "You Who Came from the Star" broadcast on CCTV 19 at 40:[-] p.m. is also a big hit on the small screen.

The TV dramas broadcast at the same time across the country were defeated.

It became a phenomenon-level TV series this summer.

What is phenomenon level?
Phenomenon-level TV dramas must meet at least four criteria.

1: Suspend the super high ratings in the same time period.

2: The age of the viewing audience spreads to most age groups.

3: The follow-up development of the leading role in the play.

4: The number of loop playback times.

"Star You" verified the above four criteria one by one.

One, ratings.

According to the ratings of CCTV's 27 cities across the country, Suofurui shows.

"Star You" started to soar from 4.7% at the beginning of the broadcast, and the ratings doubled in the third and fourth episodes. By the end of the 22nd episode, the total ratings reached 16.5%.

While breaking the 10.99% audience rating achieved by "Wulin Biography" half a year ago, it is more than 5 points higher.

16.5% of what concept.

Last year's national TV drama ratings champion was "Moment in Beijing" starring Zhao Yanzi, with a rating of 8.7%, and "No. [-] in the World" lost out.

The ratings of "Star You" are almost twice that of "Moment in Beijing".

Let's talk about age group.

According to CCTV's investigation and online discussion, the audience of "Star You" ranges from young to 12 or 13 years old, to middle-aged people around 50 years old.

And the sex ratio is almost 55.

The infringing items derived from this play with Professor Chen and Qian Songyi on them include exercise books, stationery, and toys that are too numerous to count.

Cai Yinong was so angry that he stomped his feet and cried loudly because of the infringement lawsuit he was about to fight.

It can be seen how serious the infringement and piracy of "You Who Came from the Stars" are.

The third article is the follow-up of the starring role in the film.

Hu Ge is not clear for the time being, because he was pressed in the mountain city by the Buddha-like Fang Nan.

But through social tools such as blogs, it can be seen that Hu Ge's role as Professor Chen has become an existence that many female stars in the circle want to have.

Well-known actresses such as Zhou Xun, Zhao Yanzi, and Xu Jinglei either bluntly stated in front of the media that they wanted someone like Professor Chen to protect them.

Or say on social platforms that Professor Chen is a perfect man.

Compared with Hu Ge, Gao Yuanyuan, who has been away all the time, has become popular with the naked eye.

Almost all the items she used, the clothes she wore, the gestures she wore, and the car she used in the play signed an endorsement contract with her.

The most outrageous thing is that the lipstick style she used in the play became the best-selling lipstick this month.

Lancome, the brand owner, reciprocated Li, and immediately signed Gao Yuanyuan as the spokesperson.

Mercedes-Benz, Lancome, watches, handbags, ready-to-wear, shoes, Gao Yuanyuan became the number one fashionista in the country, and signed more than 20 endorsements at the same time.

She became the first female spokesperson for foreign luxury goods in the entertainment industry.

As soon as Qian Songyi came out, I dare not say that it was compared to Zhao Yanzi's empty alley.

But Gao Yuanyuan also contributed to the frightening scene of being surrounded and impenetrable everywhere he went.

In 2001, after Nandu Entertainment Weekly named Zhang Ziyi, Zhao Yanzi, Zhou Gongzi, and Xu Cainv as the four female roles, after five years, a garden was finally added after the four female roles.

Netizens commented that Gao Yuanyuan, who has masterpieces "The Richest Man in Xihong City", "My Love from the Star", and guest starred in "Tai囧", deserves his name.

In terms of box office, Gao Yuanyuan is no worse than any of the four female stars.

Excluding the male and female leading actors in "Star You".

Zeng Li, who sang the theme song "You Are My Destiny", is also popular.

It is a pity for netizens that the pirated version of "You Are My Destiny" is rampant outside, but the original singer Zeng Li never showed up.

Songwriter Fang Nan also did not accept interviews.

It is impossible for people to understand the origin of the creation of the divine comedy "You Are My Destiny".

After the theme song, the ending song "I Remember I Loved" also received a lot of praise.

Even because the singer is Liu Qianqian, a new-generation actress who has been famous for several years, "I Remember I Loved" received more praise.

Sissy powder is as good as ever.

Qian's family, Qianqian fans, and Baozi fans were helpless, but their family's Qianqian was also trapped in the mountain city by Fang Nan, the big devil director.

But Liu Qianqian's more sensible fans are quite happy, the idol finally made a real movie.

The director is also the best director of commercial films in China.

Sissy has a bright future!
Four: Cycle times.

After Yangba finished the first round of "Star You", the second round of broadcast rights made a lot of money and sold a full 10 TV stations.

In the next month, Professor Chen and Qian Songyi will appear all over the country.

To sum up, if none of the above four items can prove that "My Love from the Star" is a phenomenal TV series.

Then there is the sense of anticipation overseas about this drama.

Xiangjiang ATV and Taiwan China Television have already negotiated with Tang Tang Film and Television to purchase the drama price.

Outside of these two domestic TV stations.

South Korea's three major TV stations, SBS TV station established in 1990, that is, Seoul TV station, also made consultation calls to Tangtang Film and Television.

Soon, their drama buyers will leave for Huaxia to visit Tangtang Film and Television located in Pujiang.

TV Tokyo, one of Japan's six major TV stations, did not hesitate to say that it has the intention to purchase dramas.

As soon as the news of Tang Tang Film and Television was announced, many viewers across the country were very excited.

In recent years, Korean dramas and even Thai dramas have been imported from China.

The imported Korean dramas and Thai dramas have frequently set off a bloodbath in the domestic TV drama market. When have they ever seen Chinese TV dramas go abroad.

Therefore, when Cai Yinong personally admitted that he had already discussed this business with two TV stations.

Many fans of "Star You" were very proud, and they all imagined which Korean stars and Japanese stars are suitable for Cheon Song Yi and Chen Minjun.

But there are also many fans who love "Star You" deeply, and are dissatisfied with foreign adaptations.

They feel that Gao Yuanyuan's Qian Songyi is the most perfect, and other actresses can't play that kind of taste.

Just like this year, backgammon mobile phone invited Hallyu Song Hye Kyo to take a backgammon advertisement exactly like Gao Yuanyuan, but the audience felt that Gao Yuanyuan was more pleasing to the eye and more beautiful.

A classic is a classic!

(End of this chapter)

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