literary world

Chapter 221 She's Going Bald...

Chapter 221 She Goes Bald
"Lost in Thailand" took 2.8 million yuan at the box office.

The film's three leading actors, Xu Shanzheng, Huang Bo, and Wang Bao, were extremely popular. While receiving multiple scripts, the director Fang Nan did not give up.

In recent days.

His private mailbox is almost filled with all kinds of weird scripts from the company.

Beyond interactions on communication tools.

Even people in the industry who thought they were familiar with him traveled long distances to the mountain city in order to invite him out of the mountain.

Liu Yiwei is one of them.

mountain city.

On the crew of "Youth", Fang Nan took the time to read Liu Yiwei's script, and said euphemistically, "Brother Liu, you just use the script, the story is not good."

Liu Yiwei's script is called "Love Call Transfer".

It is about a middle-aged man who gets a mobile phone with magical powers, and when he presses it, he will be replaced by a beautiful woman.

In the end, this middle-aged man, after falling in love with 12 beauties arranged by his mobile phone, finally opened up his concept of love.

With this brief introduction, even if Fang Nan couldn't remember the movie, just watching the plot, he felt a salty smell, very offensive!

"It doesn't matter if the story is not good, someone will watch it, look at the actresses I selected, if you join, and Xu Shanzheng, it will be a big hit comedy movie."

Liu Yiwei turned the script to the last page while talking.

Fang Nan glanced at it and unconsciously raised his eyebrows.

Fan Bing, Huang Shengyi, Yi Nengjing, Tranquility, Qin Hailu, Qu Ying, Song Jia, Bai Bing, the actresses invited by Liu Yiwei are more beautiful than each other.

"How about it, this film is so cool to shoot, I guarantee that your two-month filming will not be boring at all, and you can still get 400 million yuan in salary."

Liu Yiwei had a wretched face.

Fang Nan was very cold, but finally defeated his desire: "Forget it, I'm very busy here, if you really lack a director, I'll give you Wang Liangyun, the director of "On the Journey"?"

Liu Yiwei insisted on a few more words of persuasion, seeing Fang Nan's firm attitude.

He had no choice but to look regretful and said: "Wang Liang can do it too, but the salary is not so much, at most 150 million."

"I don't care, you talk to Cai Yinong, I'll let Wang Liang accompany you to Pujiang." Fang Nan said, beckoning to Wang Liang.

Liu Yiwei was the host of the premiere of "On the Journey". The two knew each other well. Fang Nan briefly explained the matter and left first.

Before he left for a long time, the on-site producer said that someone was visiting the set.

The people who came back were Mao Jianguo and a stranger.

Fang Nan chatted with him for a few words, with a helpless expression on his face.

Mao Jianguo and the others also came to invite him out of the mountain.

The theme and story of the script are quite similar to "Love Call Transfer".

They're all comedy romances.

But the name of the script is much more outrageous than "Love Call Transfer", it is called "Buried Woman with Ten Faces".

The people in Fangnan were all stupid.

How stupid he is to want to catch the enthusiasm of the old man's movie.

"Can you be more reliable?" Fang Nan said angrily to Mao Jianguo.

Mao Jianguo pulled Fang Nan aside and made an eight with his hands: "Fang, here is the number for you."

Fang Nan understood. What Mao Jianguo meant was that as long as he took over the job, the producer of "Buried Woman with Ten Faces" was willing to pay him 800 million yuan, twice the 400 million yuan just now.

"Do you think I will accept such a loser film?"

Fang Nan felt quite speechless. It was fine for others to spend a lot of money to hire him to make a trash movie, as long as he didn't want to earn the money, he just didn't want to do it.

What annoyed him was that the film he was invited to make even had to be named after the popular movie.

Too contempt for people.

This phenomenon is not conducive to the development of the industry.

Thinking of "Shamet's Annoyance", "囧囧", "The Taoist Out of the Mountain", "The Taoist Up the Mountain", "A Teacher of a Generation", and "Chinatown Murder" in the Internet era, Fang Nan was shocked.

Fang Nan didn't answer, the person who came with Mao Jianguo left first, Mao Jianguo was not in a hurry, and followed Fang Nan to the "Youth" studio.

Probably in his opinion, Fang Nan, who has repeatedly won high box office, is more worthy of friendship.

However, Fang Nan didn't have a good impression of Mao Jianguo, and even made complaints about it. The reason why Warner couldn't do Disney was because there were too many greedy executives like Mao Jianguo.

So fucking greedy.

With the help of Mr. Han, this guy took part of the videotape of "Lost in Thailand" at a low price in the name of China Film Warner Hengdian.

As a result, he turned around and re-sold this part of the videotape share at a high price to Zhejiang Video, which won the "Tai囧" videotape, earning a small 200 million privately.

The general manager of Zhejiang Audiovisual vomited blood angrily.

Mr. Han's nose was crooked in anger.

Such a small share, he had the cheek to ask Zhejiang Audiovisual.

What I didn't expect to get in exchange was Mao Jianguo's nightly singing and dancing recently.

But it didn't work.

Mao Jianguo has a say in the price of Warner Bros. films.

Mao Jianguo chatted endlessly behind his buttocks, while Fang Nan watched the staff put on makeup and the executive director give a speech indifferently.

It wasn't until Mao Jianguo said, "Fang, I have some money in my hand. Look, do we want to cooperate happily?" Then he responded: "My "Assassination of Novelists" still lacks a lot of investment."

"Fang, don't take me for a fool. There are no sci-fi movies in China, and even the sci-fi movies you direct won't make money."

Fang Nan glanced at him in disgust: "How much money do you have, what do you want to cooperate with? Don't expect me to make comedies."

"Then we have nothing to talk about." Mao Jianguo spread his arms and slipped away.

Fang Nan gave a disdainful "cut" and turned around. The group of people regarded him as a cash cow, and they all slipped away if they didn't want to make a comedy.

Mao Jianguo, in particular, was terribly snobbish.

Walking to the side of the makeup artist, Fang Nan looked at Liu Qianqian who was putting on the injured makeup: "Qiqian, how is your condition?"

Liu Qianqian nodded silently.

"Hold on, there will be three more dramas, and you won't have to suffer so much." Fang Nan encouraged.

"Youth" has been filmed for so many days, and it is full of bitter scenes.

There are still three more pessimistic and more emotional scenes: [The heroine is beaten by a group], [The heroine shaves her head], [The heroine is exposed for killing and crying with hatred].

After passing this level, Fang Nan was ready to release Liu Qianqian from the emotional cage.

And what will be filmed later is the first of the three tragic scenes - [The heroine is beaten by a gang].

The whole plot is about [Xiaobei and other three gangsters were taken away by the police as suspects due to a certain case, and Chen Nian suddenly lost his protection, so he was severely beaten up by Jiang Lai's men]

Qianqian seemed to be in good condition, and Fang Nan was about to leave, unexpectedly, Liu Qianqian, who was not very talkative recently, suddenly said: "Director, can we really fight later?"

Fang Nan didn't turn his head back, without the slightest hesitation: "No!"

He knew exactly what Liu Qianqian wanted to do.

It is natural for actors to work hard for the sake of the play and to get into the play.

But treating your body like a joke in order to get into the show is absolutely bad!
One day when you play an addict and you can't find the feeling, can you really take a sip?
This is not acting, this is madness.

Once you taste the sweetness, you will gradually become addicted in the future.

Such a performance should not receive flowers and applause!

Feeling that Liu Qianqian has become obsessed because of "Youth", she came up with such a terrifying idea to intensify her self-mutilation.

Fang Nan immediately greeted Ni Ni, Jiang Yiyan and several male and female ensemble performers.

It's okay to make a big mistake.

These are normal shots.

But if anyone hits heartlessly, or retaliates with anger for some unknown reasons, he will never be soft.

Finally, Fang Nan looked at the carefree Ni Ni: "Especially you, you have to hold back."

Ni Ni looked sad: "Brother Nan, you always target me, when did I hit someone?"

"Anyway, remember to hold back your strength."

Fang Nan jumped over the aggrieved Ni Ni, told Jiang Yiyan and the others, and ran to the small attic opposite, where Du Kefeng was looking for a shooting location.

"I asked the props department to replace the original square windows with ones separated by wooden strips. When the machine is mounted behind the windows, the camera has to go through it first if it wants to see the actors. Windows, so there is a feeling that the outside is a prison."

After Du Kefeng finished speaking, Fang Nan glanced downstairs through the camera, "It's the smell." He smiled and stood up to pass the cigarette to Du Kefeng.

A good photographer, a photographer with a soul, is indeed a director's best helper.

Fang Nan smokes with Du Kefeng and chats about the next scene.

Liu Qianqian downstairs was not idle either.

She freed herself from the shackles that Fang Nan put on her, and for the first time greeted Jiang Yiyan, a classmate in the "Youth" crew, outside the play.

"I thought you didn't know me."

In the corner of the street, Jiang Yiyan teased Liu Qianqian with a dry face.

"The director doesn't want me to get in touch with you, especially Ni Ni and you two." Liu Qianqian said slowly, frowning.

Jiang Yiyan smiled relaxedly and said: "I know, it helps you get into the show, but it's not like this. After the show, talking can really affect you? I don't believe it."

The two were in the same class, and she worked hard to get into Nortel.

Liu Qianqian did not have any acting experience at the age of 15, and did not go to school in China for a few days before entering the same school and class as her.

Even became famous in one play.

If she said she wasn't jealous, she probably wouldn't believe it herself. She dared to assure her that there were many students in the class who were also jealous like her.

The jealousy at school was brought to the crew of "Youth", and she became even more dissatisfied with Liu Qianqian.


She was tossed and beaten by Fang Nan several times before she played a marginal role, and she was also a ruthless little follower.

And Liu Qianqian is the absolute heroine.

She couldn't swallow this breath anymore.

So, when Liu Qianqian kept giving her winks just now, it was obvious that she wanted something.

She thought that even if she couldn't do anything else, at least she would have to tease her a few words, just to say something happy in return.

Liu Qianqian felt Jiang Yiyan's dissatisfaction, so she said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I was very affected when I chatted with you after the show. I'm slow in getting into the show, so my acting skills aren't good."

Liu Qianqian blew herself up that her acting skills were not good, Jiang Yiyan couldn't help but raised her lips, and the sarcasm disappeared in a flash: "Then why are you looking for me now?"

People came and went on the set, Liu Qianqian didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately asked Jiang Yiyan.
After hearing Liu Qianqian's begging, Jiang Yiyan pretended to be shocked and said:

"Sissy, you want to kill me. It's hard for me to act in a big director's play. Just now Director Fang said that if anyone really fights, he will be kicked out of the crew."

She wasn't stupid, Fang Nan's ear command "Don't really fight, you have to hold back" had just finished speaking, and Liu Qianqian rushed to find her.

She didn't need to think about it to understand what this classmate was going to do.

After all, Liu Qianqian herself said that her acting skills were not good enough.

Since the acting skills are not good, I can only ask for external help.

And isn't she the best foreign aid?

Therefore, Jiang Yiyan really wanted to help Qianqian.

It's a pity that Fang Nan's harsh words are still in his ears.

She had to put away this little thought.

Looking at Liu Qianqian again, she said sincerely: "It's okay, just push it all on me."

Jiang Yiyan shook her head vigorously: "That won't work either, you can't be changed as the protagonist, but I, a small character, can change if I say so."

"Just help me this time, I really want to play the role of Chen Nian well."

I almost begged myself, but my classmate Jiang Yiyan remained unmoved.

When Liu Qianqian was distressed, she thought of a schoolmate who said "Jiang Yiyan has great ambitions", so Liu Qianqian thought about it and made a promise: "Yiyan, help me this time, if I have a show in the future, I will introduce you Come in."


Jiang Yiyan is happy, there is such a good thing in the world, beating someone can still get the benefits of the person being beaten.

Liu Qianqian nodded her head fiercely: "Really! I've become obsessed with this play, as long as I can perform well, I can promise you whatever you want."

"Just introduce a play, we are classmates." Jiang Yiyan said with a peachy face.

The two headed back to the set separately.

After a while, executive director Huang Weiming finished speaking, raised his electronic horn and called Fang Nan to the opposite building.

"Thump, thump, thump" went downstairs, sat behind the monitor, Fang Nan said to everyone on the set: "It's all good, then let's get ready to start shooting."

The fight scene that is about to start filming itself is not difficult.

The key is that the performance of the beaten actor must be in place.

For Liu Qianqian now, crying scenes and grievance scenes are nothing.

She had to deal with the humiliation in this scene with her heart.


"Hide, hide, ba... ba."

"crack clap"

"Ni Ni, do you know how to hit someone? The camera didn't capture it. If you look more aggressive, if you slap Cici's cheekbone with your palm, it won't hurt much."

After turning on the machine for a while, Fang Nan yelled multiple timeouts. Ni Ni was probably frightened by his earlier words, and the slap on Liu Qianqian was light and flimsy.

After Fang Nan finished yelling, Liu Qianqian wiped the tears from her face and begged, "Ni Ni, I beg you, please fight me."

If Ni Ni continues to be so funny, all her brewing emotions will disappear.

The director scolded, and the person who was beaten also begged. Ni Ni rolled up her sleeves, grabbed Liu Qianqian's hair with one hand, and said, "I'm serious."

"Start up."


"Here comes the bitch"

"Crack, hide, you hide, crack, crack."

Behind the monitor, Fang Nan didn't call timeout again.

In this shot, Ni Ni's expression is fierce, and her slap on Cici's cheekbones is powerful.

Looking at Liu Qianqian again, her eyes were tightly closed, her lips were tightly pursed, the expressions of the two complemented each other, it was in place.

The first scene ended perfectly, Fang Nan was about to shout "pass", Liu Qianqian had already taken the initiative to start the next scene, she turned around with tears on her face, trying to pick up the torn book on the ground, which was snatched into pieces.

Fang Nan wondered, and looked suspiciously at the executive director Huang Weiming beside him.

Huang Weiming also looked at him in confusion.

Then, the two saw the frightened side.

The character played by Jiang Yiyan kicked Liu Qianqian on the back according to the description in the script.

Liu Qianqian staggered and took two steps, and lay flat on the bluestone brick.

Huang Weiming got up angrily in an instant.

Unexpectedly, there was a big rough hand on the arm, Fang Nan shook his head silently.

Jiang Yiyan didn't follow the script, and Ni Ni and the others were also puzzled.

But she was just stunned for a moment, and then stepped forward to watch Jiang Yiyan who took out the small scissors, and Liu Qianqian who was sitting on the ground completely absent-minded.

Fang Nan is a strange director, a genius director.

In order to improve the actor's acting skills, he can make a crew ignore Liu Qianqian.

Use the external environment to subtly affect the emotions of the heroine.

He could also catch Hu Ge and scold him for a long time, making the male protagonist's pupils tear apart in anger.

Anyway, do everything you can.

So, when Jiang Yiyan kicked Liu Qianqian on the back.

When Liu Qianqian accidentally fell down and broke her elbow, she couldn't survive.

Ni Ni simply thought that the director was acting like a demon again.

She can't act well and has to be scolded and knocked on.

So she happily yelled her lines: "Cut, cut, cut."

Under her leadership, other group performers gathered around to watch, and one of them took out his camera.

"click, click"

The real short hair on Liu Qianqian's head was cut off one by one, and Jiang Yiyan, the scissors hand, had a fierce and crazy expression.

"The acting was good, but a little too much."

Behind the monitor, Huang Weiming frowned and whispered.

"I don't know, but she chose it herself. This time, let her do it. Maybe today's scene will be the most exciting scene in her life's acting career. Let her have a good image that she can be proud of. "

Fang Nan shook his head and smiled wryly.

"With this kind of ruthlessness, it can't be so bad. There is only one commendable image in a lifetime?" Huang Weiming asked in surprise.

Fang Nan's smile became even more bitter.

If he hadn't met Liu Qianqian or worked with her before, he would have been able to tell the story of Liu Qianqian's star journey in the next ten years.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a mess.

It really didn't leave much of an impression on him.

What I remember most clearly is a look back in the movie version of "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms", which is quite beautiful.

He really can't explain why he is hanging like this now.

This person has been spoiled by him.

Facing the video on the monitor, Fang Nan sighed.

On the other hand, Liu Qianqian, whose face was full of tears, silently "whimpered", pursed her lips and closed her eyes, and was still slowly becoming bald.


The filming continued until the clothes of Chen Nian played by Liu Qianqian were torn into pieces, and Jiang Lai played by Ni Ni discovered the camera, and Huang Weiming hurriedly yelled "click" after Fang Nan nodded.

"Who told you to kick?"

"Why didn't you follow the play I arranged?"

"If you kick someone out for good or bad, will you pay for the medical expenses yourself, or the crew?"

"How many movies have you shot on the street, and all of them are shot like this?"

Huang Weiming caught Jiang Yiyan spouting wildly, but Fang Nan lost his mind. Why did Jiang Yiyan act recklessly?

Glancing at Liu Qianqian who was still sobbing in her mother's arms, Fang Nan casually called out, "Where is Ma Dayong, bring your Dieda wine."

"Brother Nan, that's all I ordered, and you're giving me a bottle when I'm done?"

"Hurry up, where is there so much bullshit!"

After receiving the half bottle of Dieda wine handed over by Ma Dayong, Fang Nan squatted down and lifted Liu Qianqian's newly covered coat, only then did he realize that the fall just now was really indistinct.

Elbows, both knees, calves, and face had minor or severe abrasions.

"Are you saying that you are self-inflicted, bear with it, it hurts a little!"

Glancing at Liu Qianqian, Fang Nan first pressed two palms that were rubbed warm and containing Dieda wine on one of the crystal clear legs.

"Damn, it's really white!"

For no reason, Fang Nan suddenly lost his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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