literary world

Chapter 222 Qian Qian Depressed Pear Childbirth

Chapter 222 Qian Qian Depressed Pear Childbirth
It seems to have really responded to the famous Internet saying of later generations.

She got bald and got stronger too!
Ever since Liu Qianqian finished the scene of gang fight and cutting her hair, she has become better and better as if she has been completely reborn.

When Xiaobei Police Station came back, he was full of anger and wanted to step into the dark night to seek revenge.

She crazily stopped her, and when she shouted, "Kill them all!", her eyes were as sharp as a sharp knife.

When she cried bitterly behind Xiaobei's back, her mournful cry gave off endless grievances.


The buzzing of the electric faders rang out in Xiaobei's stuffy and messy wooden room.

In the camera, Liu Qianqian's seemingly empty eyes revealed a sense of strength.

And Hu Ge, who plays Xiaobei, with two lines of tears on his face, correspondingly, reveals a firm determination to protect Chen Nian.

In the last big game.

Knowing that Xiao Bei was sentenced to death for concealing his age, Liu Qianqian staged a heart-piercing crying scene.

But director Fang Nan said that it was his favorite scene.

In the prison, Chen Nian and Xiaobei looked at each other through the window after confessing, smiling and crying at each other.

Because "Youth in Youth" not only bullies, but also protects each other!

It took nearly a month to finish filming the main scene of the male and female protagonists.

Fang Nan gave Hu Ge and Liu Qianqian a day off to adjust their emotions.

He led the film crew to continue working day and night to shoot group scenes, supporting roles, and fighting scenes.

Finally, all the scenes were completed on September 9.

It lasted 51 days.

On the day of wrapping up, many actors and staff members of the crew cried into tears.

Jiang Yiyan and other small supporting roles shouted "reluctantly", and cried so much.

There are more supporting roles such as Ni Ni and Liu Sishi.

But they feel that the crew of "Youth" is under a lot of pressure, and the completion means that the two have finally escaped from Fang Nan's clutches and suffering.

So we hugged each other and cried with joy.

Hu Ge and Liu Qianqian were even more unbearable.

Hu Ge is okay, he is a machismo, but quietly wiped his tears with his back to everyone.

Liu Qianqian really let go of her burden and cried into tears.

Fang Nan looked at her expression, and after observing her words for a while, he knew that she hadn't left the scene yet, so he whispered to Liu Xiaoli to take her daughter back to Beijing to see a psychiatrist.

And promised that all follow-up expenses will be paid by the crew.

Liu Xiaoli nodded hurriedly.

She lived in the same room with her daughter and stayed with her for dozens of days and nights. She could clearly see her daughter's emotional and physical changes these days.

Since joining the group, Liu Qianqian has deliberately kept silent and ignored people.

In the mid-term, you become bored, lose your temper, and lose weight for no reason.

At the end of the filming, she often woke up in the middle of the night with tears in her eyes, and she was so thin that she was out of shape. Liu Xiaoli knew it well and knew what went wrong.

But she didn't say a word, thinking that it would be good for Sissy to finish the scene, and it would be good after tomorrow.

Seeing her daughter getting thinner and weirder day by day, she felt distressed and naturally felt distressed, but she also understood the cruelty of the entertainment industry if it does not advance or retreat.

It is more clear that the relationship between the mother and daughter and Chen Jingfei has cracked.

Although Chen Jingfei still asked for warmth during the several calls, she felt like a light was on her back, and she felt uncomfortable all over.

Under such circumstances, the daughter must stand up, and "Youth in Youth" may be the life-saving straw for the mother and daughter.

So, she watched Liu Qianqian step by step into the play, into the abyss.

What Liu Xiaoli didn't expect was that the abyss that her daughter fell into seemed a bit deep.

Even though the play was over, Sissy still hadn't climbed up.

Only now did she really panic.

As soon as Fang Nan reminded her, she hurried to get started, hugging Liu Qianqian's shoulders, whose nose was red from crying, with a distressed face, trying to lead her daughter out of the abyss.

Unexpectedly, Liu Qianqian cried so much that she couldn't even walk.

Fang Nan didn't know what to do, he picked up Liu Qianqian and carried her all the way to the car.

Because I cried so much, it was inconvenient to fly.

Fang Nan specially asked Yu Hai to lead the two martial artists into the car together, and the three of them took turns driving the mother and daughter back to the capital.

The black commercial vehicle started gradually.

Feeling unhappy, Fang Nanchong pressed against the rear window of the car, and the girl with inch hair waved her hand.

And the eyes of the beautiful Danfeng looking back at the corner of the city are full of fetters.

The tail lights disappeared, Fang Nan turned around with some self-blame.

This is the first time for him to shoot this kind of literary drama that is almost full of emotional depression.

There are many things that are not done properly.

It was a big mistake not to invite a psychologist to follow the group, and to provide psychological counseling for the actors.

But looking back, if actors were receiving psychological counseling every day, Liu Qianqian would not be able to handle the role of Chen Nian so well.

It can only be said that there are gains and losses.

"The child is fine, I hope she will come out soon." Huang Weiming put down the camera and comforted Fang Nan.

Fang Nan was speechless: "Damn, when you are so sentimental, you actually want to take pictures."

"The scene just now was too artistic. My picture might not be published in Time Magazine." Huang Weiming patted the camera very proudly.

"Go and dream."

Fang Nan shook his head noncommittally, and waved his hands as usual, asking people to pack up and go back to the hotel.

At the same time, Chen Kun stepped forward: "Director Fang, Director Huang, I'll go ahead too, and the company will urge you."

"Have you finished the wrap-up banquet?" Fang Nan persuaded.

"No, no, I'm really in a hurry, wait for the next cooperation, and have a few more drinks with Director Fang!"

Fang Nan nodded: "It's okay, let's find a chance to cooperate again."

'Fangnan Culture' bought the copyright of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

In the future, "Looking for the Dragon", "Yunnan Insect Valley", and "Exquisite Ancient City" will definitely start filming one by one, and the cooperation with Chen Kun will be indispensable.

Fang Nan even thought that after the filming of "Assassination of Novelists" was finished and the skills of the 'Thirteen Swordsmen' had improved to a certain extent, he would start shooting the "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" series of films first, at least it would be a full-length Chinese-language sequel.

As long as the start is good and the special effects don't pull your hips, the "Ghost Blowing Lantern" series of movies is definitely a cash cow.

And after the film is successful, it can also produce TV series, or a combination of film and TV series.

In short, no matter what he did, Chen Kun's Hu Bayi couldn't escape, and Fang Nan wanted to turn him into a Chinese version of Rot Downey Jr.

of course.

He and Chen Kun spoke so amiably not only because he wanted to cooperate with people for a long time.

It was Chen Kun, who was quite pleasing to the eye.

Not long after Chen Kun left behind Liu Qianqian, Hu Ge and his assistant also begged to leave.

He is also a busy man now, and several plays in the company are waiting for him.

The actors left one by one, and Fang Nan jumped into the crew car.

Producer Zhao Zhu arranged a wrap-up banquet for "Youth in Youth", and today he intends to have a drink to relieve stress.

Unexpectedly, after washing up, just as his butt touched the stool of the finale banquet, the phone rang, and he picked it up to see the number of Yonghe Villa.

Hearing from the aunt at home that Zeng Li split a fork while taking a bath, Fang Nan was numb.

Thinking of Zeng Li, she didn't need to show off to the media, she was pregnant when she was pregnant, why did she split?

After being stunned for a while, he jumped up as if his butt was on fire, and ran away leaving everyone behind.

Without packing his luggage, he rushed all the way back to the capital. Zeng Li had already given birth to a daughter for him at Xiehe Hospital.

Because it is one day away from full-term delivery, it is considered premature.

Arriving at the delivery room in the dark night, Fang Nan wanted to cry and laugh when he saw Zeng Li's tiny little daughter in his arms.

He himself couldn't figure out what emotion it was.

Until the child wakes up to nurse, and the confinement wife puts the child in his trembling palms, he finally knows the reason why he wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.

Because there are no words to describe the complex feeling of being connected by blood.

When her daughter fell asleep in her arms, Zeng Li just looked at Fang Nan: "Come back so soon, the filming of "Youth in Youth" is over?"

"The filming is over, the filming is exhausting, and your little sister Liu Qianqian is depressed."

As Fang Nan spoke, he brushed her sideburn hair behind her ears, with a doting expression on her face and gentle movements in her hands.

Zeng Li was surprised: "Depression? So serious? You didn't introduce Dr. Hao from Xiangjiang to Aunt Liu?"

Fang Nan shook his head: "There should be a better psychiatrist here in the capital, but I really can't find one. I'm helping to get in touch."

He never forgets the well digger when he eats water. He and Zeng Li owe it to Dr. Hao to get to where they are today.

Although this guy received a million-dollar check from him, he was morally flawed, but his professional level was really good. Liu Xiaoli really couldn't find a good psychologist, so he would naturally help.

"Be tired, go to sleep, and it will be dawn later."

"Okay, what are you going to name the child?"

"Your surname, my surname?"

It doesn't matter to Fang Nan whether her daughter's surname is Zeng or Fang.

Anyway, none of the elders asked him to recognize his ancestors and call him unfilial.

He didn't even know whether his real surname was Fang.

As for the surname Fang, will the paparazzi associate him with him, which will affect his career.

When Fang Nan picked up the baby just now, he didn't take it seriously at all.

So what if he is exposed, why not make a movie for him, and he didn't break the law.

After the exposure, the trouble is not external criticism, but internal turmoil.

He didn't want to experience Gao Yuanyuan crying, making trouble and hanging himself.

So if it is possible not to expose it, try not to expose it as much as possible. If it is really exposed, he doesn't care.

It's time to coax and lie slowly.

The two have been sleeping together for several years, one knows the length, the other knows the depth, how can it be so easy to separate and separate.

Fang Nan's soul wandered into the sky, and Zeng Li couldn't feel it. She began to exude a strong maternal aura from all over her body. She buried her head in kissing the child, and said beyond doubt: "My surname is Zeng, this is my daughter."

Before giving birth to her daughter, she might still be angry with Yuanyuan and blame Fang Nan.

At this moment, she was too lazy to think about it, and devoted herself to her daughter.

Fang Nan sat down on the edge of the bed and smiled, "The surname is Zeng, so why not take Zeng Dabao?"

"It's awful, what about your ability to write lyrics? Can you use some snacks?" Fang Nan was so perfunctory that Zeng Li instantly raised his head and accused him.

"That's right, I was thinking about it."

Leaning a little, Fang Nan said again: "Wanzhuo, is it good? Wan, graceful, I hope the child grows up to be like your personality, graceful and generous; Zhuo, outstanding, my daughter will naturally stand out from the crowd in the future, Zhuoer Extraordinary."

"The name is similar, but isn't Zhuo too boyish? How about changing it to Muzinan?"

Fang Nan smiled and hung up the book bag again: "Nan, golden nanmu, a talented person, let's not put so much pressure on our daughter, she is more educated and beautiful than ordinary people, and she will live happily ever after. All right."

"You're right, then Wanzhuo, Wanzhuo, Wanzhuo."

Zeng Li read the name to the child twice, but she didn't like it, so she told Fang Nan to think of a nice baby name before falling asleep.

The VIP room was plunged into darkness. Fang Nan sat on the sofa, looking at the two people on the bed, one big and one small, full of thoughts, unable to fall asleep.

It wasn't until daybreak that Zeng Li woke up again, and he had some breakfast with him, then turned around and made a simple disguise and walked out of the hospital.

The phone restarted, and many missed calls and text messages popped up.

He took a glance, and most of the calls came from the crew of "Youth in Youth". He left in a hurry yesterday, thinking that something happened.

After sending the message to Huang Weiming, Fang Nan called Lao Mouzi's missed call.

More than a month ago, Lao Mouzi invited him to join his Olympic preparation team.

Fang Nan made a small request and asked Lao Mouzi to try to help "Youth" pass the trial.

Although Lao Mouzi didn't pat his chest to guarantee the ticket at that time, he still asked him to wait for the news.

Wait until today.

During this period, Zhou Dalu, the pyrotechnician of the "Youth" crew, has been invited to the Olympic preparation team.

His news still hasn't arrived.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when Zeng Li was giving birth, Lao Mouzi's call came.

When the phone was connected, Lao Mouzi sighed and said it was difficult. Fang Nan was curious and asked him where he was stuck. Lao Mouzi said that the education department had a problem.

Fang Nan understood in seconds.

Can also understand a department that has opinions and expresses strong dissatisfaction.

In the 2000s, there were many vocational schools and technical schools all over the country, and it was difficult to manage, but he still sprinkled salt on people's wounds, didn't he deliberately embarrass people.

Lao Mouzi failed to help, and the agreement between the two was automatically terminated.

However, Fang Nan also said very sincerely that apart from his reluctance to receive a long-term salary, the preparation teams for the Olympics, regardless of material and manpower, would speak up as long as they needed it.

He could be of some help.

It's even okay to ask him to help for a month or two for free.

After the friendly exchanges between the two sides ended, Fang Nan went straight back to No. 28 Courtyard.

He was on his way again, and he stayed in the hospital overnight, and he couldn't bear the mixed smell of messy gas on his body.

Opening the door and entering the courtyard, Gao Yuanyuan was wearing fitness pants, stretching his legs with his feet on the wooden dummy.

Fang Nan was very surprised, thinking why the sun came out from the west, this big girl in the capital didn't go to publicity, and she was exercising, what a strange thing!

"Many fans said that I got fat and wanted to exercise." Gao Yuanyuan said with some embarrassment.

Fang Nan suddenly understood, it turned out that this girl was starting to have the burden of being an idol.

This is another person who was played bad by him.

"What's the smell on you, so weird?" The two gradually approached, Gao Yuanyuan sniffed his nose, frowned and asked curiously.

"It stinks of sweat, what else could it smell like?" Fang Nan ran towards the bathroom with a normal expression.

A gust of autumn wind hit, Gao Yuanyuan covered her mouth and nose: "It doesn't smell like sweat, but a smell of alcohol, why does it seem to have the smell of milk!"

"Is it a dog's nose or something!" Fang Nan was startled, but said with a stern face: "I went to steal milk to drink. If you want to drink, I will take you with me tomorrow."

"Can you be a little more righteous? Where's your luggage?"

"Let the crew bring it back to Pujiang, save the trouble of going to Pujiang for post-production in two days and bring luggage."

 I don't feel like writing today, only 4000 words.

(End of this chapter)

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