literary world

Chapter 223 He is the God of this family

Chapter 223 He is the God of this family

Gao Yuanyuan was caught off guard when he came back, Fang Nan's plan to take a shower before going to the hospital had to be terminated.

Drying each other off in the bathroom.

Fang Nan asked curiously, "How is the box office of "Baby Project"?"

Gao Yuanyuan sighed: "It hasn't been released yet, and it has been delayed for another two weeks. The premiere will start the day before the National Day."

Fang Nan laughed: "What's wrong? Was it frightened by the propaganda of "The Banquet"?"

In the past two months, he has been working hard in the mountain city, and has not had much contact with the outside world.

I really don't know that Cheng Long's "Baby Project" was rushed to the National Day premiere by Feng Dapao's "Night Banquet".

To know.

The current National Day film market is not the popular National Day film of later generations, and there is no such film at present.

The pioneer movie that really opened up the National Day file should belong to 2008's "Painted Skin".

At present, there are only two good schedules in the domestic film market-summer vacation and Lunar New Year.

The Spring Festival file he developed with "People on the Journey" at the beginning of the year has not been proven effective yet, so it doesn't count.

Therefore, when he heard that Cheng Long, who had been thinking about Gao Yuanyuan, was scared by Feng Dapao and retreated from the end of the summer vacation to the National Day, Fang Nan couldn't help but laugh.

He didn't like either of these two people.

Now that Cheng Long is scared to change the schedule, Feng Dapao's "Night Banquet" is another movie that is strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

Can he not be happy?

Yuan Shikong, "Night Banquet" is the laughingstock of the industry.

The film was jointly invested by Media Asia and Huayi, and the production cost for external publicity was as high as 2000 million US dollars.

Whether such a high cost is true or not, no one knows.

But from Fang Nan's point of view, there is no such thing as less.

Actors such as Zhang Ziyi, Ge You, Wu Yanzu, Zhou Xun, Huang Xiaoming, etc. know their cards well, and these people are indispensable for their salary alone.

Therefore, based on the production cost of 2000 million U.S. dollars, if "The Banquet" wants to return its cost, the box office must earn at least 5000 million to 6000 million U.S. dollars.

With 5000 million US dollars and a box office of more than 4 million yuan, it is obviously unrealistic to rely on domestic audiences.

We can only hope that foreign audiences will help out with a part of it.

Before the preparation of "Night Banquet", the management and Feng Dapao originally planned this way.

"Night Banquet" is another impact on the North American market and Hollywood initiated by Feng Dapao following the two great directors Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige.

But Hua Yi and Feng Dapao never expected that there would be filmmakers who are more shameless than them in the world.

The filmmaker is Harvey Weinstein, a famous producer and boss from Hollywood.

He has single-handedly promoted many underdeveloped films internationally.

Push some niche films to the Oscars.

He is a marketing guru, a whore, and a capitalist who likes to use despicable means to benefit himself.

At the Toronto Film Festival and the 26th Venice Film Festival, after the screening of "The Banquet", many film dealers who wandered around the international film festival offered olive branches to Feng Dapao and Huayi.

Harvey Weinstein showed up, and it was $2000 million a mouthful.

When Feng Dapao and Huayi themselves began to question whether "The Banquet" was worth so much money.

Harvey will tell you eloquently how popular Zhang Ziyi is in North America!
Chinese Kung Fu movies from ancient countries in the East are so popular in North America!
As a show of good faith, he would prepay a check for $20.

After two rounds of lobbying by Harvey and the team, and knowing that Harvey is very famous in Hollywood, Feng Dapao showed his big steel teeth.

The Huayi brothers also readily rejected the European second-tier film dealers who didn't have much capital in their hands and only wanted to pick up leaks at low prices, and began to attack Harvey wholeheartedly.

What they didn't expect was that, except for the first day, Harvey never showed up again.

So hurry up and sign the contract to complete the deal?
By this point, Harvey Weinstein will come up with 1 excuses to dismiss how bad "The Banquet" is.

The $2000 million package release price was reduced to 1500 million.

And down to 1000 million.

And down to 800 million.

Eventually reduced to worthless.

After Feng Dapao and Hua Yi knew the trick, they contacted the group of European second-class film dealers. Others had already chosen other movies. Buying movies at film festivals has always been short of money and not short of movies.

"Da Pao, don't be so sad when you go back. Facing the domestic media, they say that "The Banquet" has recovered its cost in the overseas market alone. Every time a movie ticket is sold in China, we earn tens of dollars. Do you understand? ?”

The Venice Film Festival ended, and on the passenger plane flying from Italy to Huaxia, the two Huayi brothers wanted to hack Feng Dapao to death, but they had to speak earnestly.

"The Banquet" has already lost its foreign box office, and if the domestic sales collapse, Huayi can be disbanded.

Feng Dapao nodded, but the humiliation broke out in a forum a few years later.

On the forum, he scolded Harvey Weinstein as rubbish and a liar!

Then, Huayi, Feng Dapao, and "The Banquet" became the industry's recognized laughing stock.

Later, many interested viewers knew what an absurd era the internationalization of Chinese-language blockbusters was in the 2000s.

Of course, Feng Dapao is not the only Chinese filmmaker who was deceived by Harvey Weinstein.

China Film Investment and Chen Kaige's "The Promise" suffered from this loss a year ago, but these two companies have a better face and kept silent from beginning to end.

At home in courtyard 28.

Fang Nan looked at the negative comments on "The Banquet" from netizens on the Internet.

At the same time, he told Gao Yuanyuan about the European trip of "The Banquet" in a story-telling tone.

After listening to the stories of several big domestic directors who fell into the sand abroad, Gao Yuanyuan felt it was funny, and then laughed and scolded Fang Nan for being more treacherous than Weinstein, which is why he kept making small comedies in China.

Fang Nan was so angry that he threw down the mouse and went to bed to fight her again!
The crackling continued until lunch, when Fang Nan surrendered because of a phone call.

Fang Nan didn't know the person behind the strange call, but he had seen the name many times, a small shareholder of Tangtang Film and Television.

The purpose of the call was also very clear, to tell Fang Nan to stop messing around and focus on film and television.

Fang Nan understood that the two movie theaters located in Xinjiekou, Jinling, built by Tangtang Film and Television with tens of millions, finally broke the defenses of several small shareholders.

Facing this small shareholder's kind persuasion, Fang Nan flatly refused.

He is the only one who has a theater chain, and without a theater chain, he will take the initiative to sell his shares and leave.

The minority shareholders were speechless for a moment.

Who in the industry does not know that Tang Tang Film and Television has grown from a few people in 98 to hundreds of people now.

In addition to Cai Yinong's seriousness and hard work, he raised the company like a son and devoted himself to it.

Even more inseparable from the talent of Fang Nan who joined later.

Cai Yinong allowed Tang Tang Film and Television to gain a firm foothold in the mainland film and television industry.

The appearance of Fang Nan brought Tang Tang Film and Television to a height that even Cai Yinong never dared to imagine.

Therefore, when Fang Nan made such a decisive statement, the minority shareholders who called couldn't help but let out a long sigh, giving Fang Nan time to come to Xiangjiang to sign the transfer contract.

If it was the tens of thousands of yuan invested in Tangtang earlier, or more than 10 yuan.

These small shareholders might spend with Fang Nan to death, since they didn't have much money anyway.

However, after the rapid development of Tangtang Film and Television in the past few years, their tens of thousands of yuan has long since become millions, but they no longer have the mentality to fight against Fang Nan.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Nan, who was about to get back [-]% of the shares, was in a good mood.

The increase in his shareholding means that the more he has the right to speak in the company, the more unquestionable the theater strategy.

And expanding the theater chain, in addition to facilitating the release of his own works, avoiding future quarrels and infighting over film scheduling, is also of great benefit to another immature idea in his mind.

In short, he has to struggle a lot in this life, otherwise he will live in vain again.

Sitting opposite Gao Yuanyuan for dinner, Gao Yuanyuan asked Fang Nan, "Hey, have you received Su Mang's invitation?"

"Su Mang? Oh, the editor-in-chief of Harper's Bazaar, why did she invite me?"

Gao Yuanyuan rolled his eyes: "Participate in the [-]th Harper's Bazaar Charity Dinner."

Fang Nan remembered: "Yes, I remember she told me about this last year."

"are you going?"

"It depends on the situation, go if you have time, and don't go if you don't have time."

Fang Nan doesn't dislike charity. The philosophy of life he has always believed in is 'those who can be successful can also help the world'.

What he hates is making charity a show.

Su Mang's Harper's Bazaar charity dinner gave him a bad feeling.

Many actresses in later generations compete for C positions, make fake donations, compete for beauty, and buy hot searches on this platform.

He feels that this platform has ruined the word charity.

Therefore, for no particular reason, he didn't really want to go unless he couldn't escape.

"You have to keep up with the trend. It's trendy for celebrities to do charity now!"

Gao Yuanyuan seemed very enthusiastic, put down his chopsticks, and tried to persuade Fang Nan.

Fang Nan was a little curious: "You have to go by yourself, why are you so actively persuading me to do it?"

"Go and help me stand on the platform." Gao Yuanyuan moved lightly with her lotus steps, and came to Fang Nan's side to act coquettishly.

"You went to buy some things, just donate some money, what do you want me to stand on? I want to rest for two days, and then go back to Pujiang to catch up with the later stage."

Gao Yuanyuan groaned and remained silent, Fang Nan asked for a long time before he realized that this big girl from the capital had no confidence in her heart.

According to her disclosure, the [-]th Harper's Bazaar Charity Gala had many guests, including dignitaries and leading stars.

The four major Huadans will also all be present.

As for her, although she was called a goddess by the audience because of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" and "You Who Came from the Star", she was rated as a garden.

But she doesn't have any trophies that she can take out. Standing with the four major Huadans, she is born to be a dwarf.

So, she wanted Fang Nan to go with her and support her.

Fang Nan felt quite speechless, but he didn't say that Gao Yuanyuan became hypocritical after the fire.

Gao Yuanyuan came to power suddenly, purely afraid of being silently ridiculed.

Fang Nan smacked his lips and asked her, "When will it be held?"

My own woman is a little cowardly, and she wants to pretend to be a tiger, so it's nothing to say, so naturally she has to take a trip and spend a few dollars.

Gao Yuanyuan forced himself into Fang Nan's arms and said happily, "On the 28th, you should receive the invitation letter in two days."

Fang Nan shrugged indifferently.

Even if he went without an invitation letter, how could Su Mang welcome guests behind closed doors?
It was decided to participate in Bazaar on the 28th, so Fang Nan left home in the afternoon with the excuse of going back to Pujiang to catch the later stage of "Youth", took a stroll outside, and then rushed to the hospital with two lunch boxes.

Chatting with Zeng Li who knew of Gao Yuanyuan's existence, Fang Nan should have let go of his guard and mind.

Who would have thought that after Zeng Li gave birth to a daughter, he would not be willing to talk to him anymore, and Fang Nan lived a solid life as a wooden man for a few days.

Courtyard 28 can't go back.

Every day when I go to the hospital, I just sit on the sofa and watch one big and one small alone.

Either they played Tetris for half a day, and when a phone call came in, they had to run out of the ward in despair.

After staying in the hospital for a week, Zeng Li was finally discharged and returned to Yonghe Villa, but because it was a caesarean section, Fang Nan still couldn't do anything, and the confinement wife thought he was in the way.

In a fit of anger, he ran to the movies, such a painful and boring day, even "Night Banquet" could accept it.

However, he overestimated his ability to bear.

Seeing Zhang Ziyi's ghostly painted eyebrows, blush, and red lips in the movie theater early in the morning, Fang Nan's eyelids kept trembling.

Resisting to watch halfway through, Cai Yinong called, Fang Nan reminded in a low voice: "I'll just hang up if there's nothing serious, I'm watching a movie, I'll talk about it when I go out."

Before Fang Nan finished speaking, Cai Yinong was already crying on the phone.

"Hu Ge, there was a car accident on the highway last night! His assistant died on the spot."


Fang Nan stood up abruptly, no longer caring about being seen through by a few people in the theater, and said loudly, "What's going on with Hu Ge?"

"Still in operation!" Li Guoli said.

Hearing this, Fang Nan's scalp tingled instantly.

As early as 04, when he finished filming "Sword of Heaven", when "Sword of Heaven" was released, he reminded Hu Ge not to keep taking plays, the schedule of announcements was too full, and he should pay attention to rest.

Didn't expect this to happen today.

But looking back, even if he really remembered the exact time, so what?

He definitely doesn't want to be a demigod who can pinch and count. This kind of person should be arrested and dissected. Therefore, from a selfish point of view, he loves himself more than others.

Lack of dedication.

So, he is a layman.

Freed of the momentary confinement in his mind, Fang Nan quickly asked Li Guoli for the specific situation.

In fact, even without asking, he was very clear that the car accident had caused serious trauma to Hu Ge, in all aspects of his career and life.

"The injury is on your face. What time do you think you will return to Pujiang for your acting career? Come back and discuss a press conference?"

"I have a Bazaar event tomorrow, and I have agreed to the organizer, so I will fly back overnight tomorrow."

Things have happened, so what if he doesn't go back, there is nothing he can do, thinking of this, Fang Nan said again:

"There's no need to hold a press conference. Let Mr. Cai simply inform the media. The most important thing now is to appease Assistant Zhang's family. Don't talk about it. If you need anything, agree to it. Don't make people feel cold!"

"Then let's do this first, and we'll talk about it when you come back tomorrow night."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Nan was in no mood to complain about "The Banquet". After shaking hands with a few audience members, he hurried out of the cinema.

Before he got home, a steady stream of phone calls came in.

Many people from the media, friends, and friendly cooperative companies came to him to verify the specific situation.

Through the few words of these people, Fang Nan knew that Hu Ge had a car accident on the way back to Pujiang while filming "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

After hanging up countless calls politely, before Fang Nan got home and turned on the computer, Zeng Li had already found out through TV reports.

"I called President Cai, and she was very depressed." Zeng Li sighed.

Fang Nan nodded but did not answer.

Who is ruthless, Cai Yinong should be depressed.

Hu Ge is the most well-known actor in Tangtang Film and Television, a trump card.

Now that he has been hurt so much, his acting career may be forced to stop.

From this, Cai Yinong thought that Tangtang Film and Television had been ups and downs in the past few years, and it was getting better and better, but it suffered this catastrophe, and it might be a little more disheartened.

"Don't you go back and have a look? Your company will definitely be messy!"

"I wanted to go back after participating in Harper's Bazaar. After you said that, I'd better go back."

After Fang Nan frowned, he put on a coat and went back outside.

He arrived at Jindu Road during lunch. By that time, there were already hundreds of media inside and outside the Entrepreneurship Park. As soon as he got off the taxi, he was followed by sharp-eyed media.

Immediately they were surrounded.

All kinds of appalling and weird questions came to me.

Fang Nan didn't answer, and hurried all the way to the company, followed by a group of media reporters.

Seeing that he was about to go to the company, Cai Yinong, Li Guoli, Shi Nansheng, Hu Wen, artist director Chu Peijun and other Tang Tang film and television executives, as well as Yuan Hong, Liu Sishi and others just came out of the company and bumped into him head-on.

Seeing that everyone had red eyes, or remained silent, or frowned deeply, Fang Nan just wanted to say something with a good-looking corner of his mouth, but Cai Yinong hugged him tearfully.

Then, someone shouted excitedly into the company, "Director Fang is back, Director Fang is back!"

With the sound of shouts one after another, many employees rushed out of the company in a swarm.

Raising his head and seeing hundreds of pairs of eyes full of hope in front of him, Fang Nan felt for the first time that he seemed to be the god of this family!
(End of this chapter)

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