literary world

Chapter 224 Again Series Film Company Affair

Chapter 224 Again Series Film Company Affair
The media came uninvited, so Fang Nan asked Hu Wen to explain the situation by the way.

He himself listened intently.

Things were pretty much the same as he remembered.

One death and one injury.

Hundreds of media reporters made a fuss. Artists rely on their faces for food. Such a serious face injury means that they have to bid farewell to their acting career.

Is Tang Tang Film and Television's biggest actor lonely?

For a moment, Fang Nan's face was hit with a long gun and a short cannon, facing the reporter's most concerned question, "What impact will it have on the company, and what will the artist do next?"

Fang Nan didn't hide anything, and answered them one by one.

In terms of company impact, first of all, "Youth in Youth" definitely won't be able to use the original sound.

Secondly, the filming of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is temporarily suspended, and the company will request Mr. Jin to delay the copyright for one year.

The promotion of "Flying Immortals Under Heaven" lacked a leading actor.

As for what to do next for the artist.

Fang Nan spoke forcefully, with him, as long as Hu Ge doesn't give up, everything will be fine.

In the original time and space, Tangtang Film and Television was indeed hit by this catastrophe and almost fell into the abyss.

After all, most of the annual income of this small workshop depends on the newcomer Hu Ge.

With Hu Ge around, the series would be easy to sell. If you spend a lot of money to hire outside artists, what you earn is daily expenses.

But right now, with Fang Nan, everything is different.

Tang Tang Film and Television's funds will not be stretched just because an artist is injured.

But the impact is indeed not small.

Hu Ge's annual income for the company is very considerable after the three popular dramas "Legend of Sword and Fairy", "No. [-] Under Heaven" and "You Who Came from the Star".

His injury was equivalent to cutting off one of the two legs that Tang Tang Film and Television relied on for survival, and the TV drama department almost stopped.

Fortunately, Fang Nan made a lot of money for the company with several popular movies in the past two years.

Naturally, Tang Tang Film and Television used a lot of funds to invest in theaters, but at least this year there will be another "Thailand" and "My Love from the Star", so the company's capital chain will not be in trouble.

After answering a few more questions, Fang Nan signaled Hu Wen to invite the media away.

There are still many things to do in the aftermath, and they have no time to deal with the media for the time being.

The reporter stayed away, Fang Nan asked Li Guoli and the others: "What are you planning to do?"

"Some went to Assistant Zhang's hometown, and some went to the hospital." Li Guoli explained.

"According to your plan, I will not go to Xiao Zhang's house. Director Li, you will take someone to take a hard trip. Mr. Cai should go to the hospital. I will stay in the company for a day. Mr. Shi will stay in the company to handle daily affairs. What to do."

After Fang Nan's division of labor was completed, there was no objection from everyone, so they split up immediately.

Everyone knows that only Fang Nan is in charge of the company at the moment, so that people will not panic.

Cai Yinong and Li Guoli led the people into the car and drove away, while Fang Nan, Shi Nansheng and others returned to the company.

Seeing that the second boss, Fang Nan, was still looking calm, he walked all the way into the office.

The employees who were originally worried about whether the company would be ruined or not decided to make up their minds.

Outsiders don't know, but these internal employees understand that Tangtang Film and Television has a huge shop this year, and it costs tens of millions just to buy buildings and equipment in Jinling.

A few days ago, Shi Nansheng, a small spender, took a fancy to two pieces of land in Suzhou.

It is said that to build Tang Tang's own theater [Cinema], the designer has been found, but President Cai did not approve the money because the Jinling Theater has not yet made a profit.

For this reason, the two had a big fight in the office.

The general manager and the president don't deal with each other.

The company's most profitable artiste is bleak again.

These migrant workers naturally harbor suspicions in their hearts, fearing that Tangtang Film and Television will become so pornographic.

Finding a good job is not easy these days.

Since Fang Nan became a shareholder of the company, Tang Tang Film and Television has held more and more shares, and their welfare has also improved.

Single apartments, personal insurance, and year-end red envelopes are all available, and they are getting richer and richer. They are not forced to, and they really don't want to leave this company.

Sitting down in the personal office, Fang Nan rushed to the group of people who came in and said, "Someone call Lao Tu here."

Lao Tu is the head of the screenwriting department, and has the same surname as the newly appointed Deputy Director of the General Administration.

Fang Nan went to him first, because he wanted to see if the screenwriting department had any good scripts. As long as the company made money, it didn't matter.

"Lao Tu slept shirtless outside his house this summer, suffered a stroke, and recovered from his illness."

Fang Nan was speechless: "Who is in charge of the scriptwriting department now? Are there any cooperating screenwriters outside who have handed over new scripts? If there are any, give them to me, and newcomers also ask me to have a look."

Not long after he finished speaking, the assistant brought a stack of scripts and entered the office with a man and a woman. The man still looked familiar.

"Is your name Shi Xing?" Fang Nan frowned and asked the little fat boy.

"Director Fang knows me?"

Fang Nan nodded and said with a smile, "Central TV's "Art Life" was planned by you, right?"

"I have planned several episodes, and I am also the sixth screenwriter of "Ferromagnetic Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan"."

Fang Nan nodded, without asking him why he didn't become an independent screenwriter, and turned to the female screenwriter in her 30s next to Shi Xing: "May I ask what works you have?"

"Hello, Director Fang, I'm an internet writer. I've never been a screenwriter. I've written two internet novels, namely "Wang Gui and Anna" and "Double-sided Tape"."

Fang Nan was taken aback: "Are you the writer Liuliu who has been admired by many young netizens in the past two years?"

He has never read the two novels "Wang Gui and Anna" and "Double-sided Tape".

I have watched the TV series "My Golden Wedding Era" and "Double-sided Tape" based on the two novels.

He also admired the female writer's "Snail House" later.

When it comes to domestic TV dramas in the late 2000s, "My Golden Wedding Era", "Double-sided Tape" and "Snail House" are inseparable.

Especially the ethical drama "Snail House", which has aroused widespread discussion among young people.

The social phenomena discussed in this play, as well as the explicit lines, can be said to have broken through the sky, and the fate of the eventual suspension of the broadcast can be seen.

But Fang Nan's most intuitive impression of this writer is not his works.

But in 16 years, this person supported the lottery.

After Zizi's accident, although she took the initiative to post an apology on Weibo at the first time, but one person can agree with Zizi's three views of sleeping with fans, and her own three views are also worthy of doubt.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan didn't wait for Liu Liu's reply, and said directly: "You go to work first, and I will talk to you when I have time."

Whether the two of them will use it or not, and how to use it, he hasn't figured it out yet.

Shi Xing was easy to handle, Fang Nan didn't have much impression of his works.

Now that he has planned "Art Life", he will throw a variety show outline to Shi Xing and ask him to play variety shows.

Starting today, he is also planning to pick up the variety show, so as to generate income for the company.

As for Liuliu, he plans to observe and observe first. If there is a problem with the true three views, he will discuss buying the copyright and do it himself.

After the two left, Fang Nan simply flipped through the assistant's pile of scripts, but didn't see any impressive names, so he raised his head and asked, "What is Master Xu up to lately?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he regretted them.

He forgot that in July this year, Mr. Xu walked around the vegetable market in Beijing with a tall beauty in his arms.

"It's very leisurely. You haven't read the gossip tabloids?" Shi Nansheng raised his legs gracefully.

Thinking of how many times the relationship between Shi Nansheng and Old Freak Xu had gone back and forth, Fang Nan said directly: "Please contact me, I will ask him to be the director."

"Do you dare to ask him to film?" Shi Nansheng expressed surprise.

It is said that the entertainment industry is realistic, that is because many people have not experienced the reality of capitalists.

After Mr. Xu screwed up "Seven Swords Under Tianshan" last year, he became a dilapidated household, and many managers were afraid to avoid him.

It's so bad that people hate dogs.

Who would have thought that Fang Nan was rushing to look for it?
Fang Nan didn't take it seriously and said, "Victory and defeat are commonplace. "Seven Swords" just lost some money. This time, I will personally write a play for him, and it depends on whether he is willing to come out and regain his strength."

Hu Ge was injured, and the company's drama production may come to an end temporarily.

Even if a series is produced, it will only use small productions to train newcomers, and such a series will not sell for much money.

Unless he directed it himself.

But with his identity, status, and salary, it is obviously impossible to direct any TV series or variety shows.

In order to make up for the loss in the series, Fang Nan must make up for it in the movies.

His plan is that in one and a half years from this year to next year, the company will produce at least two or three more dramas, excluding the dramas he directed.

Two or three plays still have to make money, a lot of money.

Only in this way can we maintain the operation of the company without delaying the layout of theaters.

He needs a series of movies.

"Embroidered Spring Knife"!
After Fang Nan thought about it for a while, he thought of this ancient costume martial arts movie about Dongchang and Jinyiwei.

As for the director of the series "Embroidered Spring Knife".

From the current point of view, apart from him, Old Freak Xu is the best candidate.

"I'll ask at night, but I still have to express my personal opinion on the responsibility. Mr. Xu just failed a project, and the possibility of failure in the next project is very high. Investment needs to be cautious."

After finishing speaking, Shi Nansheng talked about another serious matter: "What about Suzhou?"

A large part of the reason why she came to Tangtang Film and Television was that the "Seven Swords" project failed at that time, which emptied her and Mr. Xu's savings. In order to earn a high salary to support the family, she quit her original job and joined Tangtang Film and Television as the general manager.

It's a pity that good luck tricked people, and old monster Xu gave her a bottom line.

Fortunately, she has been reused in Tangtang Film and Television.

Her company's development philosophy also coincides with Fang Nan's.

I found some sense of accomplishment and another sense of belonging!

"It's very troublesome to build by ourselves. First of all, we don't know about building materials, so we are easy to be fooled."

"Secondly, if the land is large and the land is large, do nothing but build a movie theater? Only build one or two floors, and small shareholders and other high-level executives will agree? If we continue to build like this, can we still be considered a theater chain? Why do I feel like going to real estate?"

"It's very troublesome to buy land and cover by yourself. There are too many interests involved in real estate, and the investment will not be a small amount of tens of millions."

Fang Nan knew that he would not lose money in real estate now.

What he is afraid of is involvement.

What I'm afraid of is that the water in the real estate industry is too deep, and it will disturb him in the future.

His ideal and goal has always been to be a director.

To be an international director, to be an international director who can give thumbs up to movie audiences all over the world.

The theater chain is a tool he uses to assist his future career.

He doesn't want to spend most of his life wrangling and socializing with certain people and high-level officials.

Wouldn't it be nice for him to make more movies when he has time to wag?

A lifetime is just a few decades.

Fang Nan was not in a good mood, but Shi Nansheng spoke in high spirits.

"It's not that exaggerated. Our goal is not to make commercial housing, but to consider it as a commercial real estate. It operates under the model of Wal-Mart that only rents and does not sell. The domestic Yida is this kind of operation model."

Fang Nan was speechless.

Could he not know about Yida?

The millionaire's small goal of [-] million!
He is familiar with the richest man who only loves internet celebrity girls.

Including Yida's ongoing second-generation business model, combined store model [commercial center, cinema, catering, building materials, etc.], he is also aware of it.

Even as early as 2001, when Yida first entered the commercial real estate industry and started the first-generation single-store model, he knew these things.

Is it useful?

In addition to having no money, he also has no other people's network resources.

Do you really think that an individual can easily win the most prosperous piece of land in a city?

Still buy it first, save it for later development!
too naive!

Fang Nan wanted to shake his head and refuse, but when he saw Shi Nansheng's eyes were bright, he retreated and said:
"If you really want to build it yourself, I can only approve one. Let's try the water with one. If you build two at once, the company's capital chain will definitely be broken. The money earned from film and television dramas will take too long to recover, and there are too many uncertainties. sex."

After finishing speaking, Fang Nan reminded again: "In addition, if you really want to build a combined store, don't go to Suzhou, you have to be in Pujiang, and you have to hurry up if you want a loan."

After reminding Shi Nansheng, Fang Nan immediately waved his hand to see off the guests.

He is too lazy to meddle in business matters.

After Shi Nansheng left, Fang Nan chatted with artist director Chu Peijun again.

It's a little difficult for her to be the director. The biggest artist is injured, and none of the other Liu Sishi, Ni Ni, and Sun Yizhou can fight.

Sun Lifu nurses her child at home.

Huang Ze doesn't look very good, but he is a strong boy. After winning the Huabiao Award, now he would rather be idle than perfunctorily accept the script.

"Zhang Xin's two novels are very suitable for adapting scripts. I want the screenwriting department to write two books, and I can also sign some young and middle-aged actors. The company is full of young actors, and the limitations are too great."

Fang Nan frowned: "Who is Zhang Xin? What novel?"

"It's the female screenwriter just now. Her pen name is Liuliu, and her birth name is Zhang Xin."

"You know her?"

Chu Peijun said: "I introduced her."

Fang Nan lit a cigarette, took a few puffs, and finally nodded: "Go and say hello to the screenwriting department. When the script comes out, choose an actor, or if you fancy an amateur actor as the leading role, remember to email me the information about the actor."

"Got it, I'm going out."

Chu Peijun left, and it was the turn of the chief financial officer.

As the stall got bigger, the position of chief financial officer became more and more important. Originally, Fang Nan preferred Cai Yinong to take the position in person. Cai Yinong's stinginess would never waste a penny.

I didn't expect Cai Yinong to be a number idiot. Let her count the 100 yuan change three times, three times and three numbers.

However, Fang Nan himself was not much better.

The difference is that he is not enthusiastic enough about money and not particularly interested, so it sounds boring.

The Chief Financial Officer babbled various numbers, and when they entered Fang Nan's ears, it became very simple.

All subsequent proceeds from "The Unknown" will be credited to the account.

Part of the box office of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has not yet arrived, and the theaters involved include Zhejiang Times Cinemas.

The box office of "People on the Journey" has not been paid off, and there are seven or eight theaters involved.

The subsequent 8000 million box office of "Tai囧" has not yet come through.

And the emperor withheld the box office of Xiangjiang and Taiwan, the reason is very strange, just posting money did not make money.

"You Who Came from the Star" made a lot of money, probably more than 4000 million.

The copyright contracts of South Korea and Japan have not been signed yet, so they are not included.

After talking about the income from film and television dramas, there are also the money earned by artists, the money earned from investment, and then various expenses, all kinds of figures that are too numerous to count.

In Fang Nan's heart, he only felt that one was bigger than the other, and on the surface he had to meditate, and even write down some special numbers.

After the chief financial officer, there are department managers who report.

Fang Nan was puzzled, why are there so many things going on?
After asking, I found out that he came back just in time for the end of the third quarter, and a group of people were going to make a quarterly report.

No way, he sat patiently until the sun went down. Finally, all kinds of documents, large and small, were reported. Then Fang Nan stretched himself and got up. He didn't do anything in the afternoon, he just listened to the work report and summed up.

After resting overnight, he went to the hospital where Hu Ge was during the daytime the next day.

The second surgery is over, and he is awake. Cai Yinong said that he will take Hu Ge to Xiangjiang, where the conditions are better, and let him stay in the company as much as possible.

Fang Nan agreed without much hesitation, but still flew back to the capital that night to attend the promised charity dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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