literary world

Chapter 225 Auction 4

Chapter 225 The Auction Four Young Masters Are Up

"It's Fang Nan, Fang Dao?"

After dealing with company affairs for most of the day, Fang Nan just sat down in the economy class on the passenger plane from Pujiang to Beijing when a fair-skinned girl with a pretty ponytail recognized him.

"It's me, hello! What's the matter?"

He thought he had met a movie fan, and while asking, he took out a ballpoint pen from his bag.

"Hi, Director Fang. I'm Li Yu, an actor who graduated from the show, and Hu Ge is my junior. Is he in good condition?"

"Li Yu?" Fang Nan took off his sunglasses and quickly reached out his hand, "Oh, I'm blind, hello, hello! Hu Ge's condition has stabilized, thank you for your concern!"

Li Yu, most people may not know him.

After all, the actress had a bad life and died in her 30s.

But when it comes to Fang Yu in "Deep Love and Rain", many people probably can't help but say "ohhh".

"A pretty good actress, what a pity!"

When Fang Nan shook hands and sighed, a man with inch hair jumped over Li Yu and stretched out his hand, "Hi, Director Fang, I'm Li Yu's boyfriend Wang Yu, and my cultural company has been cooperating with you Tang Tang Film and Television for a long time. .”

As soon as Wang Yu finished speaking, Li Yu pushed him staggeringly dissatisfied.

Fang Nan saw it and knew that the two of them were probably still chasing after each other, so he held Wang Yu's hand with a smile.

Compared to Li Yu, he is more familiar with Wang Yu, one of the Four Young Masters named by netizens in the 2000s.

However, compared to the other three young masters who relied on their parents' wealth, Wang Yu deserved his name more.

He is inseparable from his father's relationship in real estate and cultural companies, but this man is indeed accomplished in music, and he is said to be good in life.

At least he didn't use despicable means to blackmail Tang Tang Film and Television.

of course.

As one of the four.

Naturally, he has a lot of love affairs with actresses in the entertainment industry.

From the end of the 90s to the present, Zhang Min, Zhao Yanzi, and Huang Yi [the second-generation Little Swallow] have been exposed by the media.

Legend has it that he was also the first mainlander who met the boss's woman, but Xiang's boss was so embarrassed that he didn't dare to speak.

The reason why Zhao Yanzi won the Best Actress Award at the Pujiang International Film Festival last year is also behind this shadow.

Among the "Four Young Masters", this one is the one with the deepest background.

But with the recent death of this father, he also began to gradually decline.

However, according to Fang Nan's understanding, after Wang Yu met Li Yu, he completely put away his prodigal character in the game world, became low-key, single-minded, and unswerving, and never showed up easily.

Compared with the other three young masters, Fang Nan still has a good impression of Wang Yu.

The two companies also have business dealings.

Although this business relationship is only used by Tangtang Film and Television to establish a good relationship with all aspects of Pujiang.

"Director Fang, you have a suitable role for your next play, can you take care of our low-level young actors, look at how miserable Li Yu is in our family!"

After the plane soared into the sky, Wang Yu inserted himself into the discussion between Fang Nan and Li Yu from time to time, and made a show of his beauty.

"No problem! Li Yu is fine."

Fang Nan had a crush on Li Yu and felt sorry for the girl's life, so he agreed without thinking too much.

Moreover, people like Wang Yu, or all the people who are in the top, pay more attention to face.

I heard that Zhao Yanzi was dumped because he slapped Wang Yu face in public.

Fang Nan is an old man, so it is naturally impossible to save face.

Unless he really doesn't like someone at all, or he already has a rift.

"Hey, Director Fang, thank you so much, I will definitely reserve the venue then."

Before Li Yu could speak, Wang Yu had already thanked him.

After that, the three of them chatted like this until the passenger plane landed at the Beijing airport.

When he got out of the airport, he found that Fang Nan was not picked up, so Wang Yu continued to pull him into the car and sent him all the way to the VIP passage set up by the Grand Hyatt Hotel before he pestered Li Yu and left together.

After entering the VIP passage, the waiter led him to the backstage of the hotel. There were already hundreds of people standing in the bustling crowd. With a simple scan, he saw dozens of them.

It seems that Zhao Yanzi is missing in Sidan, and Fan Bing is here in Shuangbing.

Fang Nan also has many acquaintances.

Huang Lei and his wife, Zhou Xun Chen Kun, Liu Yiwei, Hua Yi and Feng Dapao.

Sun Li spotted Fang Nan coming in, stepped forward and whispered, "How is Hu Ge?"

"It's okay, the mood has stabilized."

To put it simply, Gao Yuanyuan came, gestured at the black velvet sleeveless evening dress on his body, and said, "Look at my clothes and style?"

Fang Nan glanced at her from top to bottom. She was fair and beautiful, with red lips and white teeth, but she had a bangs hairstyle, and couldn't help complaining: "It's so ugly, what age is she still wearing bangs."

"Cut, I don't have any sense of fashion. My hairstyle and dress symbolize a black swan."

After she finished speaking, she had no chance to continue speaking. The host, Su Mang, came over with two glasses of champagne.

Even though Fang Nan didn't like her very well, she admired her communication skills. Bazaar has not been popular since the first session in 03, and it has become more and more popular. Most of the credit is due to Su Mang's organizational and communication skills.

"Director Fang, when do you have time, let us take a set of photos for you on the cover of Bazaar?"

"Forget it, Editor-in-Chief Su, I have nothing to do with fashion."

He has always been dismissive of the so-called fashion, and always focuses on his own comfort and preferences when dressing, and follows the general trend.

Leading fashion on the cover of a fashion magazine is too bullshit.

As a director, Fang Nan doesn't even like stars who are proud to appear in fashion magazines. Actors are actors, and there are no roles in magazines or red carpets.


What annoyed him even more was that in future generations, countless fans would use how many magazines their idols appeared in as a performance comparison.

In the end, he was even proud that the merchant sold more magazines of his idol.

Looking at the data behind it again, almost all those who buy magazines are fans of celebrities.

Fang Nan couldn't figure it out, did the major fashion magazines that landed in China promote fashion, or did they earn money from fans' pockets?

Therefore, he despises fashion.

In his opinion, it is good for men to dress cleanly and decently.

Ladies choose clothes that can support health, natural beauty, and beauty.

What are you doing in fashion magazines to sell those expensive clothes for outlandish clothes? You're not a model.

Fang Nan was obviously not very interested, and Su Mang just praised him with a smile.

It probably means that Fang Nan's light yellow lapel jacket tonight, paired with a light blue long-sleeved shirt inside, black pencil pants, and casual leather shoes is a casual and fashionable style of dressing.

Fang Nan turned his head and rolled his eyes.

Flared trousers are popular in the market right now, the kind with the bottom of the trousers covering the entire shoe upper, so it is fashionable for him to wear skinny trousers?

Fang Nan was not fooled by her, and after two more rejections, he took the initiative to approach Liu Yiwei.

"How is Wang Liang doing in your crew?"

Liu Yiwei said happily, "Very good."

Wang Liang is considered a rookie director, and he is almost at his mercy.

Fang Nan asked again: "Xu Shanzheng and the others didn't come today?"

"I'm catching up with the show, I didn't let them come."

After the two sentences, Fang Nan greeted Zhou Xun, Chen Kun, Xu Jinglei and others.

As for Zhang Ziyi, he didn't go to greet her.

This international actress has been gaining momentum in the past two years, and her popularity is in a mess. There are a lot of crazy bees and butterflies around her, flirtatious people, people who want to ask her to make a movie, and so on.

The fake rich boyfriend is even more inseparable.

Fang Nan probably remembered that Zhang Ziyi lost her prestige after waiting for the beach door to come out.

After shaking hands or nodding to socialize with most people, Fang Nan caught sight of Wang Jun of Huayi, and was thinking about whether to go up and say something, when Wang Lei and Feng Dapao turned around and saw him.

Feng Dapao did not hide the hostility in his eyes at all.

Fang Nan felt that this person was boring.

One-on-three, they stared for a while without any hesitation, Fang Nan was about to leave when Zhang Guoli, who had worked closely with the Beijing circle and Huayi, walked over, accusing him as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Fang Nan, you are not affectionate enough!"

Fang Nan was stunned, the meaning of what he said was the second thing, the key point was that he and Zhang Guoli had no grudges yesterday and no grudges these days.

"Director Zhang, what do you mean?" Fang Nan was confused.

Zhang Guoli smiled and nodded at Fang Nan: "How many years have I been making a movie, and the movie is released for publicity, and you keep the actor alive, do you think you are affectionate enough?"

Fang Nan was even more confused: "Who did I crush? What "Movie"?"

""601 Calls", starring Hu Ge, I am the director, Da Pao is the producer and producer, and it is distributed by Huayi." Zhang Guoli said with a serious face.

Last year, a big event broke out in the entertainment industry.

A domestic website forum exposed the private phone numbers of nearly 600 mainland stars, all of which were later confirmed to be true, causing quite a stir.

After Zhang Guoli thought about it, the whole script based on this incident was "601 Calls", and the capital was Huayi.

In addition to Hu Ge, the actors in the film also include Zhou Bichang and Cecilia Cheung. The real leading actors are actually the latter two.

Just when Zhang Guoli took the two lead actresses to promote "601 Calls", "My Love from the Star" became popular all over the country, and Hu Ge became popular again with Professor Chen.

Therefore, Hua Yi decided to add some publicity fees and added Hu Ge to the road show promotion team.

This deal is definitely not going to lose.

Unexpectedly, Chu Peijun, the artist director of Tangtang Film and Television, agreed, but Hu Ge just didn't show up.

After asking, I found out that Hu Ge was detained by Fang Nan in the mountain city.

The promised Professor Chen did not show up, which caused countless fans who came for Professor Chen and almost smashed a movie theater in Pujiang.

After coming and going, Huayi not only failed to make money, but also had to pay for a big screen in the cinema.

If the lawyer hadn't suggested suing after reading the crude contract, Huayi would have put Fang Nan and Hu Ge in the dock.

When Zhang Guoli uttered "601 Calls", Fang Nan couldn't help but suddenly realized.

It turned out that Huayi and the three of them glared at him because he accidentally offended him again.

"Director Zhang, you are a director, and you are a good actor. I'll just ask you. If you were the director, and you see an actor who has just entered the acting state and is about to put on a good show, are you willing to interrupt him?" state?"

Fang Nan no longer cares about the three of Huayi, Zhang Guoli needs to respect him a little.

"You kid is really a good excuse! Forget it, I think it's bad luck!"

Zhang Guoli left with a wry smile, Fang Nan bared his teeth and nodded at Huayi and the others, and then left.

Before taking two steps, his pupils shrank involuntarily.

Han Zhizhi walked into the backstage with a potbellied man on her arm, smiled coquettishly when she saw Fang Nan, and walked towards Wang Jun, Wang Lei, and Feng Dapao.

"Editor-in-Chief Su, please tell me, who is the middle-aged man with a big belly who is having a hot chat with the two Mr. Wang?"

"That one, Director Tian Hongtian, the production director of Huayi Company on paper." Su Mang squinted his eyes and introduced Nan Fuer in a low voice.

Fang Nan nodded and took a step back.

Han Zhizhi has hooked up with Hua Yi, so he must keep an eye on her and not take it too seriously.

There is a saying that despises the enemy strategically and attaches great importance to the enemy tactically!

If he really develops to the extreme, all those with malicious intentions will prostrate and tremble in front of him!
After a short time, Su Mang organized a group of guests to board the car in order.

The theme of the [-]th Harper's Bazaar Charity Dinner is 'Charity Changes Destiny'.

The venue is provided by Grand Hyatt Hotel.

Sponsor is Audi.

Fang Nan boarded the Audi from the back door of the Grand Hyatt Hotel with the flow of people, and then went around to the front door to walk the red carpet.

His red carpet show is still close to the people.

So whenever a movie fan waved the poster hoarsely and asked for an autograph, he would stop and sign a few, chatting a few words.

The reason for being so bold.

To put it bluntly, I am not too handsome, nor a female star, and I know some real skills, and I am not afraid of being dragged into the crowd by fans.

"A'nan, you can't dress like this, isn't today a fashion charity party?"

"You guys always call me Anan, I've already been called out, so what fashion is there?"

While Fang Nan retorted angrily, he quickly signed the poster of "Lost in Thailand" printed with the watermark of Fang Nan's post bar.

His fans are currently concentrated in two communities: Zhalang Blog and Baidu Tieba.

The blog has been in a state of stocking because outsiders often come to patronize and have high mobility.

The post bar is half managed by the company, and the owner of Fang Nan's bar is an old acquaintance He Qianqian.

After signing a few signatures, Fang Nan went to the signature wall smoothly, brushed a few words and chatted a few words about charity, and entered the hotel to take a seat under the arrangement of the hostess.

In terms of seats, Su Mang arranged them carefully, and did not arrange him and Huayi together.

The table of eight people is Gao Yuanyuan, Huang Lei and his wife, Chen Kun, Tong Dawei, Wang Han, and Li Xiaoran. This table is headed by him.

"Director Fang, hello!"

He just sat down facing the stage, when someone called from behind, he turned his head and saw Zhang Chaoyang, the boss of Sohu.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, hello!"

"Director Fang, when will we start a blog on Sohu? Recently, Sohu blog has added a lot of new things." After Fang Nan got up, Zhang Chaoyang smiled.

Fang Nan said perfunctorily, "I'll drive it when I get back at night."

Zhang Chaoyang said worriedly: "Really? I'm calling someone to get you one now. Do you have any special requirements?"

Fang Nan looked depressed, so he had to pretend to edit a few numbers and hand them to Zhang Chaoyang.

It's the mantra of ordinary people, but it doesn't apply to this occasion, it's too easy to be perfunctory.

"It's done, you can log in at night, and I will let the technicians help you to yell and see how many people bookmark your Sohu blog overnight."

Zhang Chaoyang's shameless style almost made Fang Nan spit out old blood.

Sighing even more, the four portals of Zlang, Sohu, Netease, and Penguin rolled up, but he, the traffic director in the 2000s, was the first to suffer.

"Have you seen Han Zhizhi? She seems to have gone to Huayi."

Gao Yuanyuan came in, and whispered as soon as he sat down.

Fang Nan said indifferently: "Just go, you can still stop people from jumping?"

"Who doesn't jump? I talked to you last time. Our family recognizes you as a godfather. What do you think?"

Huang Lei, his wife, and Chen Kun all came. As soon as they were seated, Huang Lei began to bring up old stories again.

Fang Nan turned to Sun Li, "Do you agree, Miss Li?"

Sun Li smiled before saying anything: "I definitely agree."

With her smiling face, Fang Nan seemed to see Liu Sishi who was in her thirties in the original time and space, and Cai Yinong who was a few years ago.

From this, he realizes that Cai Yinong is actually a narcissist.

All the artists that the company found were [-] to [-]% similar to her.

Sun Li agreed, Fang Nan had no choice but to recognize the daughter of the two as his goddaughter: "Well, let's hold the ceremony directly at some time."

"The day after tomorrow, it just so happens that the National Day is on holiday." Huang Lei chose to strike while the iron was hot.

"Okay, which one do you like in the auction later, hurry up and tell me, count it as a gift from me to my goddaughter."

Huang Lei rolled up his sleeves: "Then I have to put out the slaughtering tray today."

Fang Nan snorted, the 500th Charity Auction held today, no matter how big the final amount will be, it will not exceed [-] million, this amount of money is really nothing to him now.

After the conversation between Fang Nan and Huang Lei and his wife ended, Li Xiaoran, Tong Dawei, and Wang Han greeted Fang Nan one after another.

They had just finished their friendship at this table, Su Mang gave a speech under the introduction of the host Ke Lan, and then the highlight was the charity auction.

In the original time and space, Fang Nan heard that there was a support for this thing, but today, he didn't realize it.

It may be related to the fact that the items produced by several major jewelry brands are not very expensive.

Basically, the starting price is [-] to [-].

It's not clear whether the item is true or not, but since Fang Nan is here, it will cost some money.

Otherwise, dozens of media cameras will be on the scene, and the public will not understand the tricks, thinking that he makes hundreds of millions of dollars in a movie, but he is a miser who is unwilling to do good deeds.

And Gao Yuanyuan beside him also had green eyes.

Therefore, when the host Ke Lan introduced a red and phoenix dress made of 50000 Swarovski top-quality sparkling accessories, Fang Nan held up the No. 35 brand without hesitation.

"Director Fang Nan, 2!"

Wu Dawei, who was in charge of knocking the hammer, said "this phoenix garment must be at least [-] yuan, and the starting price is only [-] yuan", before Fang Nan made a move, he was instantly excited.

Although Fang Nan is also in the entertainment industry, he is recognized as a rich man in the entertainment industry.

"2, Director Feng also wants it, Ms. Xu Fan is blessed."

"Director Fang raised the number 35 again, 3!"

"Zhang Chaoyang and President Zhang also raised their cards, oh, what, directly 4, OKOK."

On the stage, Wu Dawei was very excited to see Zhang Chaoyang next to Zhou Xun comparing four fingers.

"Director Fang, 4 yuan! Is there anyone else? I want to emphasize this again, this phoenix robe is worth at least 5 yuan."

"Choose the 1500-year-old royal exclusive cloud brocade fabric, use the hand-made "makeup" process, and at the same time match it with the top fur of the Nordic Danish Purple Club, and use the "seamless" weaving method of sewing dragon robes to complete, and take the "phoenix" It is spiritually noble, blending Chinese royal culture and Chinese totem, implying eternal wealth and auspiciousness."

"Okay, Director Zhang, 5! 5."

"What the hell, Feng Dapao is waiting for me again."

Fang Nan picked up the No. 35 plate again, turned around and looked at the middle table in the back row, and then couldn't help muttering "good guy"!
At Huayi's table, Wang Jun, Wang Lei, Feng Dapao, Xu Fan, Han Zhizhi, Tian Hong, Huo Yan, and Fan Bing were eight people, and more than half of them had a relationship with him.

Catch all the blood and earn it all.

Fang Nan held up the number 35 card again, making an eight by the way.

"[-]. Director Fang directly bid [-]. Our beautiful host Ke Lan is impatient to go down and interview Director Fang. Let's wait for a while."

"Director Fang, I'm really curious. Among all the guests today, you are the only one who shouldn't end up fighting for this phoenix robe, because as far as I know, you haven't announced your girlfriend so far. Could it be that your girlfriend is too beautiful and has been stalked all the time? Are you hiding at home?"

"It's because I don't have a girlfriend that I'm fighting for it. I want to attract the golden phoenix!"

After talking about it, Fang Nan accused Wu Dawei on the stage in a fake manner: "Your routine of hammering is too deep. Seeing that no one is robbing me, you suddenly stopped."

"Ha ha ha ha"

There were applause and laughter at the scene.

At the same time, Wu Dawei pretended to wipe his forehead: "Ke Lan is back, the auction continues, Director Fang has an opinion."

Ke Lan left, Fang Nan sat down at the same time, Gao Yuanyuan whispered: "No matter how high the price is, don't argue, I don't think this dress is worth so much money?"

Fang Nan opened his eyes wide: "You don't want it?"

Gao Yuanyuan turned her face shyly: "It's too expensive, and I don't like red very much."

"Tch, duplicity is the most abominable thing!"

After Wang Jun held up his placard for [-], Fang Nan held up his placard for [-], while slandering him.

(End of this chapter)

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