literary world

Chapter 231 Signing a contract with Qian Qian Tang Tang three treasures

Chapter 231
"The word Fang Nan is too obtrusive, find a time to remove it."

After accompanying a group of leaders to visit the three teaching buildings, Fang Nan told Yan Hong before leaving.

The six-character name of 'Wenchuan Comprehensive School' is quite good, but the extra word 'Fang Nan' in front of it is redundant.

He didn't spend money to buy fame.

What’s true can’t be fake, and what’s fake can’t be true, there’s no need to deal with these vain things.

Fang Nan has done such a big thing for Sichuan Province, the city, county, and even the province naturally had to show something.

In the evening, Fang Nan, several senior executives of 'Fang Nan Culture' and the inspection team were warmly received by city and county leaders at the city guest house.

Drunk, he stayed with the inspection team, and when he was about to return to Pujiang overnight, Yan Hong said that the province had called and asked him to stay for an extra day and attend a symposium in Rong City tomorrow.

The next day's symposium was very formal.

Fang Nan also rarely put on a suit, leather shoes and tie, and used pomade to groom himself meticulously.

At the symposium, I faced the provincial leaders.

Faced with the issue of "the interrelationship between film and television culture and spiritual civilization construction", Fang Nan did not dare to talk eloquently, but he also managed to target it.

After all, he is now a well-known nationwide director who earns hundreds of millions of dollars in box office for a movie. He doesn't pay attention to politics at all and stutters when encountering leaders.

He is not keen on politics, but at least he has to be aware of it.

The symposium ended perfectly in a solemn and peaceful atmosphere, and Fang Nan's two-day tour in Sichuan Province also ended at the same time.

The acceptance team will have to stay in Wenchuan for an extra ten days and half a month.

Back in Pujiang, the editing work of "Youth in Youth" has basically been completed.

Fang Nan took the time to watch the finely edited movie, seeing that it was similar to what he remembered, and immediately asked a group of actors who didn't have live radio to come over to dub it.

"What big show did Chen Jingfei take on for you? Did you win the role?"

When Liu Qianqian came to the office to say hello, Fang Nan deliberately asked Liu Qianqian.

"The movie is called "Double J Project". The director is Rob Minkoff, do you know him? The leading actors are Cheng Long and Li Lianlian. I auditioned for a hit girl."

Facing Fang Nan, Liu Qianqian did not keep any secrets, and Liu Xiaoli next to her rolled her eyes.

The film producer made repeated orders to keep it secret, and his daughter turned around and sold him out.

But such a big drama can't be kept secret even if they want to keep it secret. Everyone in the circle knows that Cheng Long and Li Lianlian are going to cooperate.

And I also know that there are two female characters with many roles in the movie.

Therefore, the actresses in the circle started snatching up early in the morning. Zhang Ziyi, Li Bing, Bai Ling, Fan Wenfang, including their family, all showed their talents in the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea.

Which actress would not want to be part of a Hollywood blockbuster with an investment of US$8000 million?
Fang Nan chuckled: "Rob Minkoff? He is suitable for directing cartoons. The Lion King in 94 was very good. I think the live-action kung fu movies are not good enough."

If he remembers correctly, "The King of Kung Fu" was released in 08, and the domestic box office was less than 2 million.

The sales in North America and Europe were not very good, and it was considered a money-losing movie.

Fortunately, there are Cheng Long and Li Lianlian in this movie, and the follow-up disc market can always recover slowly.

Don't even think about word of mouth, it's always been bad, and it's the only collaboration between Cheng Long and Li Lianlian, two kung fu stars for many years.

Moreover, there are a lot of bullshit in this drama, the first is the role competition.

Thinking of the role, Fang Nan asked curiously as a friend: "If you want to get the role, what price do you have to pay? Chen Jingfei is willing to help you spend money?"

There are only a few major dramas in China every year.

No matter which big drama, the roles in the drama will cause many stars to compete.

No matter how big a star is, he has to pay for a role.

The official so-called image of an actor conforms to the character in the play, but it is actually bullshit.

Fang Nan is in this line of work himself, so he still doesn't know the twists and turns of the role assignment?
No matter now or in the future.

If you want to grab a role in a big-budget movie, you have to learn from Da Tiantian and find a sponsor, spend hard money, and choose to bring money into the group.

Or they have great communication skills.

The management, producers, directors and other high-level crews who served were comfortable and thus grabbed the role.

Or the agency where the celebrity works is one of the employers, and the celebrity gets the role through the agency, which is the most common type.

Fang Nan was very curious about how Liu Qianqian wanted to get the role in "The King of Kung Fu".

He heard that the main sponsors of this film are Hua Yi, Lions Gate Films of Hollywood, and Li Lian personally.

Liu Qianqian has nothing to do with these three companies.

Liu Qianqian hesitated to speak, but Liu Xiaoli frowned and said slowly:

"The meaning of Sissi's godfather is to transfer Sissy's film and television management contract from Red Star to Huayi. After all, this opportunity is too rare for Sissy."

Liu Xiaoli thought about it and finished speaking.

To be honest, Fang Nan was somewhat disappointed.

It is true that he and Liu Qianqian have known each other for several years, so they can be regarded as friends.

Since they are friends, it's normal to take out a movie to cheer a friend.

Moreover, Liu Qianqian paid a lot in "Youth in Youth", she cut off her beautiful hair, and she was depressed or something.

If he always talked about signing deals, it would be a kind of desecration of friendship.

But this mother and daughter is really a bit too much.

The goodwill released by him and Tangtang Film and Television is more than one "Youth in Youth".

But they didn't appreciate it and kept hanging around, which was very uncomfortable.

That is to say, Cai Yinong is not here. If Cai Yinong was there, he would have pointed at Liu Xiaoli's nose and cursed.

Thinking of the four dramas "Legend of Sword and Fairy", "No. [-] in the World", "The Unknown", and "Youth in Youth", Fang Nan smacked his lips and waved at Liu Qianqian in a disenchanted manner.

"You go to the dubbing. Remember to come to the company after dubbing today. I will ask someone to draw up a "Youth in Youth" promotion contract. You will sign it when the time comes."

Chen Jingfei and Liu Xiaoli are unreliable.

It seemed that Liu Qianqian began to obey Liu Xiaoli's orders again, so Fang Nan had to make up a promotional contract.

Just in case Liu Qianqian got stuck in the crew of "The King of Kung Fu" when the promotion of "Youth in Youth" started.

Fang Nan's smacking of lips, and the sudden mention of the promotional contract, Liu Xiaoli and Liu Qianqian are not stupid, so they naturally knew that Fang Nan was very dissatisfied.

But Liu Xiaoli also has something to say.

First of all, she never promised that she would sign her daughter's film and television contract to Tang Tang Film and Television.

Secondly, "The King of Kung Fu" invested by Hollywood is really not to be missed for Sissy.

If she missed it, her mother might regret it for the rest of her life because she delayed her daughter's entry into Hollywood.

But she will not be so stupid as before, she will show disdain and even question Fang Nan.

Instead, he got up slowly without any excuse, and then walked out of the office.

Compared to Liu Xiaoli who looked as usual and left without scalding the water like a dead pig.

Liu Qianqian was even more ashamed, blushing like she was about to bleed, she got up and went to the desk to apologize:
"Brother Nan, don't worry, when the contract with Huayi ends, I will join Tangtang Film and Television as soon as possible, and no one can stop me then!"

Seeing Fang Nan's cold face, no smile at all, obviously disappointed with her, Liu Qianqian added: "Maybe it won't take that long, when I earn more money, I will redeem my film and television contract. "

In order to take over "Youth in Youth", she personally promised to sign the film and television brokerage contract with Tang Tang Film and Television.

Say it and do it.

It may be difficult to do this. You have to convince your mother, and you have to face your godfather Chen Jingfei, who has become a bit weird.

But she didn't think about breaking the promise, it was just earlier, later.

She is so willing to join Tang Tang Film and Television, except that she doesn't want to break her promise.

There is another important reason - Fang Nan.

After cooperating with "Youth in Youth", she felt that Fang Nan was a particularly talented director, a director who could hone her acting skills.

And a more ambitious person than her.

She just wants to break into Hollywood and one day be able to step on the Avenue of Stars in front of the Huaxia Grand Theatre.

What Fang Nan wanted was to be famous all over the world.

Following behind this ambitious director, Liu Qianqian felt full of energy.

Therefore, she never thought of breaking her promise, but sincerely wanted to join Tang Tang Film and Television, just because there was Fang Nan here!

Of course, it would be better if the contract could be fulfilled later.

"The King of Kung Fu" is indeed a rare good resource.

In addition, she really doesn't have the money to redeem her contract in Red Star now.

Fang Nan looked at Liu Qianqian suspiciously: "What do you mean? You were kidnapped by Chen Jingfei?"

Liu Qianqian shook her head: "That's not true, but I really don't have the money to pay liquidated damages. My salary is very low, and it's not like you don't know."

Liu Qianqian's salary was low and she didn't have much money, Fang Nan believed it.

She only received 60 yuan for her role in "Youth in Youth".

And she doesn't make money by singing crazy songs like other stars.

In terms of commercial endorsements, Fang Nan seems to have seen only a few low-end advertisements for Pantene, St. Martin Clothing, Tianshun Whitening Cream, Ruizhu Eye Drops, and Yili Milk.

The endorsement fee should not be much.

These days, there are very few international brands in China, and it is not easy to receive sky-high endorsement fees for high-end products.

Occasionally, the few that leaked out were snatched away by Dahua. Gao Yuanyuan is the only actress in China who can snatch an international endorsement from Dahua in the past two years.

So Liu Qianqian didn't have much money, Fang Nan didn't doubt it at all.

But he still has something to say: "If you really want to leave Hongxingtang, Tangtang Film and Television can help you pay liquidated damages."

Since he has the sincerity to join the big family of Tangtang Film and Television, then naturally everything is easy to talk about. How much can there be if there is more liquidated damages?

Several million liquidated damages are really nothing to the current Tangtang Film and Television.

Liu Qianqian pouted and said, "I plan to finish filming "Double J Project" and then talk to Hua Yi about terminating the contract."

"Are you a vegetarian at Huayi? When the contract is transferred, will they not add liquidated damages?"

"Even if you break the contract now, don't you think you can't afford to walk around, is it true that other people are as easy-talking as I am?"

Liu Qianqian said noncommittally: "I know that Huayi is not a vegetarian, but they probably won't go too far. When the time comes, everyone can get together and get back together. I won't lose them even a penny of liquidated damages."

Seeing that Liu Qianqian was still feeling lucky.

Thinking that Huayi, the leading company in the industry, could not go bad no matter how bad it was, Fang Nan didn't know what to say.

Squinting his eyes, he lit a cigarette and took two puffs.

Fang Nan waved to Liu Qianqian who was opposite: "Come here, I will show you a different entertainment industry, and let you see what some people can do for money and fame."

Liu Qianqian was puzzled, but she still walked behind Fang Nan, watching him slowly click on My Computer, D drive, and folder on the screen.

Just when she was wondering, the computer screen changed, she blushed suddenly, and stared at it again, her scalp went numb in an instant.

The folder that Fang Nan opened was full of fruit photos, and she even recognized some of the faces in it.

"I'll go, I ordered wrong." Fang Nan was a little embarrassed.

He has an email box dedicated to the outside world. Whenever a new play project is approved, he will always receive some artistic photos, including some famous actresses and amateurs.

"Although the point is wrong, but through these photos, you can also see the cruelty of competition in the entertainment industry."

After barely explaining, Fang Nan clicked on another folder, and densely packed word documents appeared.

Clicking on one at random, Liu Qianqian gathered her mind and looked carefully.

The content inside is like a casual work diary, but also like a rough ledger. The specific event is:

Tang Tang Film and Television once held a movie premiere, and a theater manager asked Tang Tang Film and Television to arrange for a certain female star to go through the night. How much material and manpower did Tang Tang Film and Television spend to settle this matter.

And finally came to a conclusion, it is better to follow the trend and persuade female stars to serve.

[Tangtang Film and Television should learn from other film and television companies. When an artist is confirmed to play a role, he agrees to eat, drink, and sleep with him in advance.]

The plan put forward by Chu Yujun's previous artist director at the year-end meeting was directly rejected by Fang Nan at the meeting.

He didn't mind these things.

I don't mind that actresses serve people for the sake of being superior, and it has nothing to do with him, and it can save money.

The reason why we don't open this hole is not to turn this kind of thing into a rule on paper and set rules and regulations.

It is he who knows that there are not no good entertainers in the entertainment industry.

Once the rules are set for dirty things, what about those artists who are willing to clean up their lives?

Tang Tang Film and Television is going to force her into prostitution?

With him here, he wouldn't open his eyes and watch Tang Tang Film and Television become a little lower limit.

A company with no lower limit can't go far.

Facing the smoky environment in the entertainment industry, he might not be able to do much.

But at least some artists who don't want to take off can find a small sense of security in Tangtang Film and Television.

And he showed Liu Qianqian these, just to tell her that this circle is not as simple as she thought.

It's not what she thought, as long as Huayi pays liquidated damages, everyone will live in peace.

Liu Xiaoli, who had been waiting outside for her daughter to come out for a long time, came in again, just about to give her daughter a questioning look.

Liu Qianqian had already waved her hand: "Mom, come over and have a look at these."

Liu Xiaoli was inexplicable: "Aren't you going to dub? Are you in a hurry? There are a lot of things."

Leaning slightly, Liu Xiaoli straightened up after watching, frowned and said: "What's wrong with this, it has nothing to do with you, you just need to feel at ease and film your scene."

Although Liu Xiaoli's vision in choosing movies is poor.

Life experience is extremely rich, is an old Jianghu.

Even sang and danced across the ocean.

This information in Fang Nan's computer can only make her frown a few more times.

In the past few years since her daughter returned to China, the reason why she has never left her is because her daughter is young.

The second reason is that you know the circle is chaotic.

Mom didn't take it seriously, so Liu Qianqian had to remind her: "Mom, we used to be at Red Star, but Godfather Wang is going to transfer my film and television appointment to Huayi now?"

Liu Xiaoli hesitated for a while, and then said forcefully: "What about Huayi, we will hire professional lawyers to avoid such things by adding clauses."

"Moreover, as long as you can become a hit in North America with "Double J Project", there will definitely be a Hollywood agency looking for you. At that time, no matter how big or small the role is, we will take over the role. After a period of time like this, the contract expires. Soon."

Liu Xiaoli vowed to finish the layout.

Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian rolled their eyes at the same time.

Fang Nan disliked Liu Xiaoli plotting loudly in his office, and even thought Hua Yi was a fool.

Liu Qianqian, on the other hand, disliked her mother and turned on the obscene mode.

"Mom, you're making a big splash again. It's been a few months since Japan didn't make a big hit." Liu Qianqian complained speechlessly.

Liu Xiaoli looked at her daughter dissatisfied: "Then what do you say? Do you want to act in "Double J Project"? If you miss this village, there will be no store here."

Liu Qianqian puffed her cheeks and said, "Anyway, I don't want to go to Huayi. Boss Fang promised to help me pay liquidated damages to my godfather. I'll audition normally for "Double J Project". It's really so dark. Come on."

"What you said is ambiguous. It's your godfather, not mine."

After accusing Liu Qianqian of missing a word and causing ambiguity, Fang Nan said again:

"If you are willing to come to Tangtang Film and Television, we will help you pay the liquidated damages. As for the "Double J Project", just follow what you said, first audition normally, it doesn't mean you won't get the role."

One of the employers of "The King of Kung Fu" is Li Lianlian. Although he is not familiar with Li Lianlian, Wu Jing is familiar with them. They are brothers.

Fang Nan thought about asking Wu Jing to introduce him, how could he get a role.

Liu Xiaoli looked at her daughter: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, it should be sooner rather than later. If we really want to turn around, we will inevitably have long nights and dreams." Liu Qianqian affirmed.

"Then I'll call your godfather."

It's amazing!
This time, Liu Xiaoli didn't stick to her plan, but chose to trust her daughter.

Probably the Japanese layout has shaken her confidence.

Or maybe it was Chen Jingfei's roar that made her dare not entrust her daughter to this old friend.

"Let's do the dubbing first. Let me know when you return to Beijing. I will ask Mr. Chu to bring a lawyer to accompany you."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, he picked up the internal phone and called Chu Peijun.

After a while, Mr. Chu Pei came.

When she heard that Liu Qianqian was going to be signed, she, the artist director, seemed the happiest. The cards for Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Linger, Cheng Shifei, and Princess Yunluo were finally collected.

"Liu Qianqian, Liu Sishi, Ni Ni."

After reading the three names, Fang Nan rushed to the overjoyed Chu Yujun and said: "From this year onwards, the company will increase its funds every year, mainly to promote and package its artists."

"Then, you can package and publicize the three I just read, and give them the nickname Tang Sanbao!"

Chu Yujun was taken aback for a moment: "Three Treasures of Tang and Tang?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

"Ni Ni and Si Shi seem a bit unqualified."

Fang Nan glared at her: "Do you think the company is not chaotic enough? Artists in a company have to be ranked? Can't you be more friendly?"

Fang Nan was annoyed by the rice circle thing!
(End of this chapter)

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