literary world

chapter 232

chapter 232
The company works for more than 20 days.

In addition to signing documents on a daily basis, Fang Nan's most important job is to join several production teams and make suggestions for them.

"Embroidered Spring Knife" team.

He repeatedly ordered the art personnel and prop personnel to make costumes and props in strict accordance with the official uniforms and customs of the late Ming Dynasty.

"Double-sided tape" team.

He personally invited Mr. Li Mingqi to play the role of Yaping's mother.

The role of Mama Yaping is not as bad as Nanny Rong, but she is not a good character either. Teacher Li is afraid of being thrown rotten vegetables and rotten eggs by the people in the vegetable market again.

The team of Strange Woman from a Liaozhai Studio.

Facing chief director Li Guoli's complaint that the special effects cost of "Thirteen Swordsmen of Light and Shadow" was rising too fast, Fang Nan called Lu Qing himself and asked him to give him a discounted price.

With the great help of his second boss, the three teams worked in full swing, and it didn't take long for the three teams to set up roles for auditions.

Fang Nante was curious when he saw Hai Qing who came to the company to audition for "Double-sided Tape" for the first time after joining the company.

"The TV ratings of the last show were poor? Huang Lei said you can't even pay the rent?" Fang Nan asked Hai Qing.

Hai Qing's face froze: "No, I just haven't filmed for a long time so I don't have money to pay the rent."

Fang Nan asked again: "You haven't filmed for a long time, is it because you have a choice about the film, the role, or other reasons?"

Hai Qing's face became even more rigid.

After "Jade Guanyin", her word-of-mouth reputation in major TV stations belongs to an actress with good cost performance.

The so-called okay is that the salary is not high, and the corresponding reputation is not much.

But it's not like there's no filming.

One reason why I can't pay the rent is that I do have some requirements for the play and the role.

Another reason is laziness. I don't have a strong desire for money, just enough.

This is also the reason why she is still renting a house, she doesn't want to work hard to make money to buy a house.

Hai Qing faltered and said the reason for living in such a predicament.

Fang Nan is happy, Haiqing is the female version of Fang Nan.

The concept of money between the two is too similar.

"You go to take the makeup photo first. After the makeup photo is taken, you can go to the finance department to apply for a basic artist salary. The money is not much, and it won't make you unable to pay the rent in the future."

Not long after Hai Qing happily left, Zhang Jiayi knocked on Fang Nan's office door again.

Facing Zhang Jiayi, who was almost 40 years old, Fang Nan had nothing to say, he was not confused at 40, and he was sober.

After meeting the two leading actors, Fang Nan signed the "Double-sided Tape" filming funding application form.

Project [-]: "Double-sided Tape"

Genre: Emotional Ethics Drama
Original: Liuliu

Production company: Tang Tang Film and Television

Producer: Fang Nan, Chu Peijun
Producer: Zhang Dehong
Director: Teng Huatao [External Employment]

Screenwriters: Teng Huatao, Liuliu

Starring: Zhang Jiayi, Hai Qing, Li Mingqi, Pan Hong.
Number of episodes: 22 episodes

Filming location: Pujiang

Budget: more than 400 million yuan

Afterwards, Fang Nan signed in advance the funding application forms for "Embroidered Spring Knife" and "The Strange Woman in a Liaozhai Studio".

Project [-]: "The Strange Woman from a Liaozhai Studio"

Genre: Unit Drama, Mythology

Production and distribution company: Tang Tang Film and Television Production Co., Ltd.

Director: Li Guoli
Producer: Li Guoli
Screenwriters: Wang Li, Tang Tang, Eugene, William

Starring: Wu Qilong, Fan Wenfang, Chen Xiaodong, Liu Sishi, Ni Ni.
Filming location: Hengdian Film and Television City
Number of episodes: 40 episodes

Budget: more than 800 million yuan

Project Three: "Embroidered Spring Knife"

Title: "Embroidered Spring Knife", "Embroidered Spring Knife: Battlefield of Shura"

English title: "brotherhood of blades"

Producers: China Film, CCTV New Film Production Center, Tang Tang Film and Television, Fangnan Culture, Emperor Entertainment

Distributors: China Film, Emperor Entertainment, Enlight Media, Tang Tang Film and Television

Producers: Mr. Han, Cai Yinong, Yan Hong, Jiangzhou

Producers: Mr. Han, Cai Yinong, Zhao Zhu

Producer: Fang Nan

Directors: Old Monster Xu, Huang Weiming, Wang Liang

Photography: Bao Dexi
Screenwriters: Fang Nan, Old Monster Xu.
Action Director: Sang Lin, Yu Hai

Costume art props:.
Filming location: Hengdian Film and Television City, Ulan Butong Scenic Area

Cast: Zhang Zhen, Wang Qianyuan, Zhang Yi, Nie Yuan, Yuan Hong, Liu Sishi, Li Yu, Jin Shijie, Li Dongxue
Budget for two "Embroidered Spring Knives": 6000 million RMB
After finishing three film and television projects, Fang Nan began to check emails one after another.

Yan Hong@fangnan.

'Fangnan Culture''s wholly-owned acquisition of the novel website 'Under the Banyan Tree' is going well, the contract of intent has been signed, and it is currently in the midst of price negotiations.

She has already started to solve many follow-up issues, and asked for Fang Nan's consent.

1: Rename.

Under the Banyan Tree was renamed Dream Literature.

2: After the acquisition, "Under the Banyan Tree" will exist as a subsidiary of Fangnan Culture, or will it operate independently.

Exist as a subsidiary.

3: Fiction fees and how to charge them.

Has reached a cooperation intention with China Mobile, and adopts mobile recharge card recharge consumption.

4: All the original crew under the banyan tree will stay or have a choice and recruit people.

Eliminate parts and recruit a large number of technical personnel.

5: Profitability issues.

There is no profit target within half a year.

Within half a year, Dream Literature will recruit a large number of ordinary writers through measures such as increasing writer subsidies, and expects to start to break even in the second half of next year.

6: How to gain a foothold in the industry.

With the company's continuous cash flow, it aggressively acquired other novel websites, and finally became the domestic double powerhouse with Shanda Literature, the novel website with the best situation.

After reading the dense number of words in Yan Hong's email, Fang Nan felt that he was in a trance.

Rubbing his eyes, he sent [Agree] to Yan Hong's Penguin.

'Fangnan Culture'.

In other words, to the point where the company has worked so far, there are many things that even if he doesn't want to do it, he will be persuaded by senior officials like Yan Hong.

The good thing is that he doesn't need to do these messy businesses by himself.

He just needs to make some fine-tuning as appropriate.

For example, he plans to upload the serialization of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" to the website of Dream Literature and Novel.

He was going to chat with Da Liu, and it was time to serialize "Three-Body Problem" on the Internet.

After finishing another matter, Fang Nan was about to get up and go out to stretch his muscles, when there was another knock on the door, and he yelled "Come in" helplessly.

The person who came was Cai Yinong.

Seeing this, Fang Nan almost couldn't help shouting out the phrase "I miss you" that Teacher Feng Gong often shouted in the Spring Festival Gala!
If Cai Yinong doesn't come back, he will really collapse.

Sitting in the office and facing the computer all day is really not something ordinary people can do.

"A letter from Hu Ge to you."

After handing over the letter, Cai Yinong sat down on the sofa with a tired face, and waited for Fang Nan to read the letter before discussing matters.

This is a letter of apology.

In the letter, Hu Ge opened his heart and explained his dissatisfaction with Fang Nan several times, as well as the dispute in "The Unknown".

At the end of the letter, he expressed his apology to Fang Nan in a very sincere tone.

He also sincerely thanked Fang Nan for taking care of him in the past few years and tempering his performance.

At the end, he ended it with a sentence of "the wind knows the strength of the grass, and the toughness knows the honest minister".

Perhaps it was to express to let him see the aftermath, Fang Nan thought so.

Putting the letter in the drawer, Fang Nan asked Cai Yinong, "Is Hu Ge in a good mood?"

"It's okay, I don't dare to say anything about the assistant for now." Cai Yinong said with a sad face: "Let's talk about the company."


Fang Nan first briefly talked about the three film and television projects that the company is working on.

Then we talked about the newly signed Zhang Jiayi and Hai Qing.

As well as Liu Qianqian's willingness to join Tangtang Film and Television, Chu Peijun is talking with Hong Xinggong about transferring the contract.

Finally, he said that Shi Nansheng was negotiating a large loan of 10 billion with the bank, and the revenue of two movie theaters in Xinjiekou, Jinling, etc.

After talking dryly, Fang Nan looked at Cai Yinong expectantly: "You don't have to go to Xiangjiang, do you? I'm going to be busy with "Youth in Youth", which is also very worrying."

"I won't go. I discussed with Yuan Hong just now and asked him to go to Xiangjiang to take care of Hu Ge."

"Yuan Hong? I have arranged a role for him in "Embroidered Spring Knife". Let's take care of him for two months. I will ask the assistant director to postpone his announcement."

It has been several years since Yuan Hong joined the company.

He is not as lucky and popular as Hu Ge, as if he is a supporting role.

So far, none of the characters have been able to take the shot.

In order to praise him, Fang Nan specially gave him the character "Brother Jiaqian" in "Embroidered Spring Knife".

"Alright." Cai Yinong nodded and said another thing: "Isn't President Shi's loan of 10 billion yuan too much?"

"In the first three quarters of this year, Pujiang transferred an area of ​​3637.2 million square meters, paid in transfer fees of 50.1 billion yuan, and an average unit price of transfer fees of 137.9 yuan."

"In 2005, the listed land price in Pujiang City was 3644 yuan per square meter, the negotiated land price was 1542 yuan per square meter, and the land price for public bidding was 1363 yuan per square meter."

"Shi Nansheng wants to borrow 10 billion yuan. What is she doing? She plans to build a movie theater on the Bund?"

After Cai Yinong finished speaking, he looked at Fang Nan without blinking.

Without Fang Nan's authorization, how could Shi Nansheng contact the bank for such a large loan.

If Fang Nan didn't give an explanation, then don't expect her to take out the company's official seal.

In the next moment, Fang Nan's words almost made Cai Yinong vomit blood in anger.

"President Shi really wants to build a movie theater on the Bund." Fang Nan said awkwardly.

Shi Nansheng took a fancy to a piece of land on the Bund.

She said to Fang Nan that once the land named 8-3 is won.

There will be another urban complex belonging to Tangtang Company on the bank of the Huangpu River.

This complex includes cinemas, office buildings, hotels, cultural centers and many other buildings. Anyway, Fang Nan heard that his blood was swelling at the time, but he calmed down and refused.

Even if a loan of 10 billion is not enough money to win this land, even if it is won, there is not enough money to develop it.

What's more, they don't have the connections to take this land.

But Shi Nansheng said that she wanted to try, as long as she won the land, or joined other real estate companies to win part of the land, it would be blood money.

Fang Nan had no choice but to let her borrow money.

"You are playing with the snake swallowing the elephant. Once the snake can't swallow the elephant, the snake will die. Can't you develop honestly?"

After listening to Fang Nan's cause and effect, Cai Yinong stood up anxiously from the sofa and stomped his feet, with a painful expression on his face.

Fang Nan looked relaxed: "It's not that exaggerated. I guess I won't be able to get the land on the Bund. It just so happens that all the loans will be invested in theaters."

"Anyway, the shareholders of Xiangjiang have a lot of opinions on this matter, and I also have a lot of opinions."

"It's not about a piece of land. What scares us the most is your way of doing things. You are too courageous. If you can't take it down this time, what about the next time? If you keep going on like this, Tangtang Film and Television will have problems sooner or later, so become worthless!"

Cai Yinong's saliva splashed all over the place and said indifferently.

Fang Nan also became angry: "Then what do you think we should do? I'm leaving?"

Cai Yinong avoided the important point and said lightly: "Let Shi Nansheng go, and then follow the steps to do our best film and television projects. It will be safe and secure, and we will not make less money every year."

Fang Nan sneered: "Then when every movie is released, we first go to the theater manager to make a compromise?"

"If you want to protect Shi Nansheng and engage in real estate, I would rather sell some shares than gamble with you."

This time, Fang Nan was really curious.

Did Cai Yinong receive some rumors that he didn't know about, or did he already turn to Buddha after being stimulated?
Otherwise, how could she sell the shares in her hand.

Fang Nan asked her, "Do you have any inside information?"

"It's not considered inside information, because people all over the country know that housing prices are too high, and the country also said that it will start a new round of macro-control."

Fang Nan was speechless: "That's it?"

"Isn't that enough? Once the money can't come out in the real estate, then you will know that you will be afraid. I don't want to gamble with you anymore."

"As soon as Hu Ge's incident happened, I can see some things clearly. It is enough for a person to live without rushing for money. It is luxurious enough. No matter how much you ask for extravagantly, I am afraid that you will lose your life."

Fang Nan chose to listen to Cai Yinong's nonsense words, and instead asked, "How many original shares are you going to sell? How much do you want to cash out?"

"26%, keep 20 points in my hand. After all, Tang Tang Film and Television was founded by me, 26 points, if you want 3 million points."

Fang Nan agreed without thinking too much: "Let the lawyer draw up the contract. I only have one request, 3 million to be paid within 3 years, and the interest is not less than yours. The other thing is, you will continue to be your president and be in charge of the company. All business."

Cai Yinong nodded and said, "Naturally, no one is more willing than me to see Tang Tang Film and Television go far, and besides, I still have 20 points of shares."

Fang Nan nodded happily.

After taking 26 points of shares in Cai Yinong's hands, Fang Nan's shares in Tangtang Film and Television rose to 62%.

Starting today, he has completely turned himself into a serf and sang, and has been the master of the house ever since.

But the price is not small, a full 3 million.

He can't get this money personally now, so he can only entrust it to Fang Nan Culture.

It cost 3 million in one or two sentences, and Fang Nan couldn't help but feel a surge of pride in his chest. Just as he felt a little uncontrollable, when he needed to vent, another person came to the office.

Hu Wen, the propaganda director, walked in with a lonely expression.

Fang Nan said in dissatisfaction, "What's the matter with you, with a drooping face?"

"Mr. Cai, Mr. Fang, I want to resign, I feel quite incompetent." Hu Wen with a red and swollen nose said sincerely.

"I have something to say, what do you mean by saying this out of nowhere?" Fang Nan looked extremely depressed.

Hu Wen said dejectedly: "The company and its artists have been discredited again, this time including Liu Qianqian who just joined."

Fang Nan quickly interrupted: "Don't talk nonsense, Liu Qianqian is not sure yet."

"It's confirmed, Xie Jun sent me Liu Qianqian's personal information just now, asking me to add Liu Qianqian to the company's official website."

"I didn't expect that before Liu Qianqian was added, there were black posts on Tianya, the contents of which were unsightly, and there were also black posts aimed at Hu Ge, even Director Fang's, Liu Sishi's, and Ni Ni's."

"And it's the same in many communities. I think I'm quite useless as a publicity director. I can't protect my artists well."

"What the hell, Hua Yi's actions are so fast this time."

Sighing, Fang Nan comforted Hu Wen and said, "It has nothing to do with you, it's just that we are not as lowly as Hua Yi, otherwise we can black out their artists!"

While comforting Hu Wen, Fang Nan packed up his mood and returned to his seat, at the same time, he clicked on the browser on the computer.

on the horizon.

Liu Qianqian's smear stories have already occupied an entire page of the star section of Tianya Entertainment.

The titles and contents of the most outrageous revelations are:

【Liu Qianqian is a transgender person】

Content: Originally a boy, but underwent surgery to become a girl.

I have conclusive evidence to prove that the fairy sister should be called the fairy brother!

[chaotic triangle relationship]

Content: There are a lot of metaphors for godfather Barabara.

The content of [Liu Qianqian is a head-changing monster] is the most outrageous.

The person who broke the news broke the truth in the post, saying that Liu Qianqian had actually undergone a head replacement operation in the United States. She didn't look like a human figure at first, but she became more beautiful through the head replacement operation.

Apart from the scandal about Liu Qianqian, there are also leaking posts about Tang Tang Film and Television.

In the post, Fang Nan became Cai Yinong's little face.

He staged a love affair with Cai Yinong, Li Guoli, and Li Guoli's wife.

Hu Ge, Yuan Hong, Liu Sishi, and Ni Ni also failed to escape the black hands.

Hu Ge became another little boy in captivity by Cai Yinong.

The relationship between Liu Sishi, Ni Ni and Fang Nan is also unclear.

In short, Tang Tang Film and Television is a prostitution den, there is no good person!
Pulling the roller, Fang Nan's face turned livid with anger after simply watching a few old high-profile revelations.

"What the hell, let's just make up some scandals out of nothing, this is a fucking life attack."

"Hu Wen, you call Tianya and ask who mainly made these posts?"

Fang Nan was completely angry. Hua Yi played a little too much this time, and she didn't want to be so insulting.

Hu Wen said angrily: "Brother Nan, I've asked before. Song Dazui sent the news about [transgender people] with the most floors, and the news about you. The others should be the sailors bought by Huayi."

"This bastard Song Dazui, he is going to die, and the heat is on my head? Has he never heard of a tiger's butt that can't be touched? Who gave him the courage?"

Song Dazui, Fang Nan knew.

A well-known whistleblower in the circle.

This person became a well-known whistleblower in the entertainment industry just after breaking the news about the divorce of newly married Li Xiang last year, and the feud between Huang Shengyi and Zhou Xingxing.

But Fang Nan knew that this guy was an idiot with a strong outside, and he had some inside information.

It's purely a business failure, and he moved to the entertainment industry to make some money. He rubbed and scolded whoever was popular.

The popular entertainers in the original time and space entertainment circle were basically scolded by him all over the place.

Unexpectedly, it was his turn today.

Fang Nan quit. If you don't let this kind of person suffer, he will tease you every few days.

Therefore, the arrogance of Song Dazui, who took advantage of the fire, must be suppressed first.

In the end, I freed up my hands and clapped my wrists with Huayi.

Make a plan in mind.

Fang Nan rolled up his sleeves and said ruthlessly, "I originally set my heart on the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch. You forced me, a big Fang fan, to come out of the rivers and lakes again!"

"clap clap"

"clap clap"

【Feeling from watching the Song Dynasty with a big mouth——Fang Nan】

(End of this chapter)

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