literary world

Chapter 234

Chapter 234
Wait and wait.

The whole night passed.

Song Dazui, who has always liked to reveal the privacy of celebrities as an insider in the film and television industry, and who had a spat with the film and television industry, still did not show up and responded to Fang Nan's vicious words.


Can't refute?

Professors and scholars with academic qualifications can't write a similar article to pay tribute to Fang Nan?

Thousands of netizens ran to Song Dazui's private blog to leave messages, and they were all full of complaints.

But no matter how the netizens complained and ridiculed, Song Dazui no longer spoke out.

It seems to have really responded to the phrase "counseling" from netizens!
Look at Fang Nan again.

After he used an article [Feelings from watching Song Dazui] to get rid of the arrogance of Song Dazui who wanted to fish in troubled waters, he stopped paying too much attention to this person.

Song Dazui is a clown-like character. There will be many such people in the future, so it is not worth investing too much energy into.

On the contrary, the overwhelming navy bought by Huayi deserves to be taken seriously by him and Tangtang Film and Television.

No one will believe the rumors of one person, but the audience may only smile at the rumors of two people.

And when thousands of people are telling the same rumor, the rumor may no longer be a rumor, and thus become "truth"!
Fang Nan didn't dare to let the rumors about Liu Qianqian, Tang Tang Film and Television's artists, and him spread around the Internet.

Before he went to Hangzhou to participate in the Hundred Flowers Awards, he specially discussed four ways with Cai Yinong and Hu Wen, the publicity director.

1: Verify that you are upright.

Take Liu Qianqian to a first-class hospital, and prove through the mouth of experts that Qianqian is not a head changer and has not changed her gender!
Such a self-proving innocence operation is absurd and ridiculous, but it has to be done.

After all, most people in the world are irrational and easily led astray.

2: Increase publicity.

Arrange for Liu Qianqian to appear on some talk shows, through childhood photos, talk about interesting things about her childhood so as to refute the absurd rumors on the Internet.

3: Increase public relations efforts.

Contact Tianya, Zhalang [Sohu, Netease, Penguin] blogs, post bars, communities and other platforms.

Whether it is by spending money, using contacts, or promising cooperation, let them remove those nonsense remarks as quickly as possible.

4: Report.

Use all your connections to let the officials take care of this turbulent flow.

Apart from the above four actions, Cai Yinong, who was so angry, wanted to spend money to ask the sailors to go off the field to hedge, and even turned his gun on Huayi's artists to attack.

But it was rejected by Fang Nan without thinking.


Tang Tang Film and Television, with a market value of more than 10 billion, is no longer a small private company.

Tang Tang Film and Television's current scale and annual production of film and television may not be as good as Huayi, the leading private film and television company in China, but it is not far behind.

Bona and Guangguang can only sit on an equal footing in front of Tangtang Film and Television.

Zhou Yi and Rong Xinda have been left behind by Tang Tang Film and Television because they only focus on the small screen most of the time.

Therefore, in the future, Tangtang Film and Television in the future should try to follow the right path.

You can't always think about tricking people in crooked ways.

The company is small, and in order to survive in the cracks, some small actions may be taken by the leaders. The leader may feel that it is justifiable, after all, he has to eat.

The company has grown bigger and is about to become a benchmark in the industry, but still likes to do things secretly in the bottom of the water, so as to ruin the atmosphere of the entire industry. What will the leaders think and think of this company?

So Fang Nan rejected Cai Yinong's proposal to buy the navy to end without thinking too much.

The new development concept he put forward for Tangtang Film and Television after he took the helm is-born towards the sun!

No, he didn't say a single swear word in his [Feeling from watching the Song Dynasty with a big mouth——Fang Nan]!
After deciding on a publicity strategy, Fang Nan drove straight to Hangzhou West Lake.

He didn't really want to go to the 15th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival and the 28th Hundred Flowers Awards for Popular Films.

He knows the films he made, and the two films "The Richest Man in Xihong City" and "Lost in Thailand" shortlisted for this year's film festival are not award-winning films.

The reason to go.

It was because "Fearless" was shortlisted for several major awards, and he hoped to chat with Li Lianlian about the role of Liu Qianqian.

It just so happened that Liu Qianqian was also a guest performer that night.

All the way to the hotel set by the organizer of the film festival.

As soon as Fang Nan got off the car, he was surrounded by media reporters and a group of people from the organizer in the parking lot.

He wondered badly, compared with female stars.

The more topical ones are obviously female stars in evening gowns. Who wouldn't like to see beautiful female stars?
Secondly, the hotel in front of me is designated by the organizer of the 28th Hundred Flowers Awards. Don't have too many famous stars and directors. Why are there so many bees around him?
"Director Fang, did you drive here by yourself?"

Fang Nan said depressedly: "Otherwise? The Pujiang River is not far from Hangzhou, and I'm not too old to move."

He has assistants, but not one yet.

Tang Tang Film and Television arranged for him a working assistant in charge of company affairs, a personal assistant.

Fangnan Culture Company in Beijing, he also has a secretary.

He frequently walks and walks alone, purely because he doesn't like to be followed, and if something happens, he takes care of his assistants mostly.

His assistant will only show up when he participates in some important and solemn occasions that need to reflect his identity.

For example, I had a meeting with the provincial leaders a few days ago.

"Director Fang, are you confident of winning the prize tonight?"

"No, there are too many good movies this year, and it is the first time that Hong Kong movies have been included in the selection process, such as "Kung Fu", "A World Without Thieves", "New Police Story", "Fearless", "A Thousand Miles" "Riding" is so well shot, it's hard to win an award."

Fang Nan changed the sneakers on his feet into black shiny leather shoes, and replied to the reporter.

"Director Fang Nan, we'll meet Song Dazui later, will you guys communicate with each other?"

"There's nothing to talk about. He actually has a movie shortlisted?"

"He came to promote the movie "I'm Not a Girl" that he invested in."

Reporter Zha Lang finished his explanation, and in order not to let other media steal the topic, he spoke quickly:

"At the press conference at the hotel yesterday, Song Dazui said that he was going to change his gender, and that he would invite Zhang Ziyi to help him perform the surgery. Director Fang, do you think he is emphasizing that Liu Qianqian is a transsexual? What do you think of this?"

"He's quite perverted!"

After Fang Nan finished speaking, he walked towards the hotel. The staff of the organizer had already set up a passageway and pushed the media to the outside.

At the entrance of the hotel, seeing Cheng Qingsong who was in charge of inviting celebrity guests for this year's film festival, Fang Nan asked in a timely manner, "Which room is Brother Li Lian arranged for?"

"He has a job and can't come."

"You made a fuss about it, and I'm here for him."

As soon as Fang Nan's words came out, the reporters and the media who had been following behind immediately had a climax.

A group of reporters waited from morning to evening, not to mention the nominated Zhang Yimou, Li Lianlian, Cheng Long, Feng Dapao, Zhou Xingxing and others disappeared, not even a few decent stars.

Gao Yuanyuan, Nicholas Tse, Zhao Yazhi, and Gigi Leung who came in the morning were okay.

Li Bing and Fan Bing can only be counted as one.

Liu Qianqian, Yuan Li, and Sun Li are almost half of each because of their small screen fame.

In addition, Pu Bajia, Zhao Lin, He Meitian, Xu Ruoxuan, and Xiao Song Jia are really hard to describe.

Otherwise, when Fang Nan came, they would rush forward.

From the looks of it, Fang Nan is the face of the 28th Hundred Flowers Awards tonight.

Well, no one wants to come to the Hundred Flowers Award, and they have nothing to do with it, and it costs money and effort. Can we not get angry?

One foot had already stepped into the hotel gate, so Fang Nan couldn't go back, and Cheng Qingsong would not allow him to do so.

Cheng Qingsong entered the hotel room amidst apologetic voices.

After a while, Liu Qianqian, mother and daughter came together.

Fang Nan knew it well, before the two of them could ask each other, he first informed Tang Tang Film and Television of the four measures they were going to take.

"Wang Lei is in the room next to us, why don't you talk to him, because he's going to destroy a person because of a small holiday?"

Liu Xiaoli said anxiously.

"Talking is definitely not going to happen. He doesn't have the ability to destroy Sissy, so just do as I said."

After talking to Liu Xiaoli, Fang Nan asked Liu Qianqian, "What other activities did Chen Jingfei accept for you? All the contracts have been fulfilled, and in the future, try not to do any dancing on stage. There is no shortage of exposure."

"For commercial performances, you have to choose to accept them."

"The other thing is, I want to hear your own plan for your acting career. In the future, will you follow the popular star route to make more money, or the powerful actor route to win word of mouth?"

"I want to make money first!" Liu Qianqian blurted out.

Fang Nan looked curious.

He thought that after being baptized in "Youth in Youth", Liu Qianqian wanted to make more good movies, so she gave up commercial roles with higher pay, and took on literary roles with relatively lower pay.

Unexpectedly, Liu Qianqian wanted to make money first.

"Our mother and daughter are so heavily in debt that we don't even have our own residence." Liu Xiaoli explained briefly for her daughter.

Fang Nan didn't ask any more questions.

Presumably, the mother and daughter gave up a lot of their own interests in order to get rid of Chen Jingfei.

Otherwise, it wouldn't make life so miserable all at once.

Knowing Liu Qianqian's intentions, Fang Nan got up and walked towards the door: "Let's deal with the public opinion storm outside before we talk about anything else."

With the arrival of mother Liu Qianqian and her daughter, Fang Nan's room seemed to be a living room.

Gao Yuanyuan came and went.

Guo Tao, Fan Bing, and Li Bing also came to say hello one after another.

Yuan Hua heard that Fang Nan was coming, so he came here to catch up on the old days.

In the blink of an eye, "A Chinese Ghost Story" has been filmed for more than three years.

As soon as Yuan Hua left, Chen Jianbing came again. However, they couldn't have a long chat, so the organizer called all the guests to board the boat.

Fang Nan heard that he was going to bed, his eyes were wide open, what a party?

The staff yelled twice more, and then he realized that the red carpet was arranged at the entrance of the Hangzhou Grand Theater across the river, and they were going to go to the opposite bank by boat.

Very novel red carpet show.

But because of the extreme scarcity of celebrities that night, it took only about 100 minutes to lay out the 20-meter-long red carpet before it was Fang Nan's turn to be the grand finale.

Go ashore and step on the red carpet.

On both sides of the red carpet, a hundred seven or eight-year-old children arranged by the organizer shouted "Welcome, welcome", which made Fang Nan feel uncomfortable.

This year's Hundred Flowers Red Carpet starlight is bleak, and it will be fine to work hard to improve credibility in the future.

It's nothing that a whole Hundred Flowers Baby adds popularity to the Avenue of Stars.

Even though he is a film and television practitioner, his entire career is inseparable from the support of the audience.

He also didn't want to see such a young child step into the ranks of chasing stars early.

The scene in front of him made Fang Nan rarely end up signing autographs and chatting with fans, and quickly reached the end of the red carpet.

Faced with the red carpet host Dai Jun's question "Director Fang, do you have the confidence to win the award", he directly shook his head and waved his hands into the infield.

But judging by tonight's situation, he might really win the prize.

There are no big-name guests at all.

After entering the infield, a hot chat is indispensable.

Although Fang Nan sat with directors Tang Jili and Yin Li, there were many actors and actresses in the front and rear rows.

And compared to Yin Li and other directors who made red movies, Tang Jili who only served Cheng Long, Fang Nan was obviously more favored by male and female stars.

It's a pity that not many can make him fancy.

Among the actresses in the back row, Gigi Leung was the most attractive, she was his favorite model, and she just broke up in January this year.

However, his figure is too flat, so he has no interest.

Even if he is interested, Qi Qi, who has no intention of developing inland, looks down on the resources in his hands.

Aside from Gigi Leung chatting with Xiao Song Jia and Xu Ruoxuan, Fang Nan decisively ended the topic when Gao Yuanyuan turned his head in the front row.

With the audience, the media entered.

The lights in the Hangzhou Grand Theater dimmed, and three hosts appeared on stage.

Jingwei, Dai Jun, and Huang Jianxiang, who is well-known to the audience for his passionate commentary on the World Cup in June.

After the simple opening remarks, the leaders of the organizing committee came to the stage to explain the rules of the game.

The nominated films voted by audiences across the country, and the winners selected by 99 audience judges representing audiences across the country.

In a word, this awards ceremony is absolutely fair, fair and open.

Because they are all selected by the audience.

But the next moment, something unexpected happened.

Wen Guiyu, who was nominated for the Best New Actress Award with nearly 4 votes, was defeated by Sun Li, who played the blind girl in "Fearless".

The number of nomination votes for Sun Li is 3.

Obviously, the 99 judges are more inclined to Sun Li to win the award.

Fang Nan, all the guests present and the audience also recognized that Sun Li won the award.

Because Sun Li, who became famous with "Jade Guanyin", is definitely more popular than Wen Guiyu, who has no such person.

The strange thing is, where did Wen Guiyu get 4 tickets?

Fang Nan and everyone present were relatively silent.

This is an award show full of suspense, and the organizing committee has figured out what a suspense award show is.

The winner of the Best New Actor Award is Shen Teng.

Shen Teng didn't come, Fang Nan didn't see him at the hotel, so he called him, he had completely forgotten about the Hundred Flowers Award.

"It was almost two years after the filming of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" that I remembered to accept the award. I almost forgot the name of the protagonist I played!"

Fang Nan couldn't help laughing at Shen Teng's complaints about the Hundred Flowers Award.

"Shen Teng couldn't come because of the stage play at the end of the year. On behalf of him, I would like to thank the Hundred Flowers Award and the 99 audience judges!"

After a brief acceptance speech, Fang Nan stepped down with the trophy.

The lights on the stage changed at the same time, guest performer Guo Tao came on stage and performed a rap, accompanied by dancers Sun Nan and Zhou Xiaoou.

The funny dance combined with the incomprehensible RAP made the audience laugh out loud.

After the laughter, the awards ceremony continued.

Fang Nan sat in the front row with Gao Yuanyuan and Fan Bing, and Li Bing, who just opened his mouth wide in joy, was completely unable to laugh.

She was nominated for Best Supporting Actress with a maximum of nearly 3 votes, but ultimately missed the award.

The 99 judges awarded the best supporting actress award to Yuan Qiu, who played the role of the charter woman in "Kung Fu" with the lowest number of nominations.

As soon as the awards came out, Fang Nan saw that Li Bing's expression in the front row quickly softened, from red to white, and white to red again, vividly reflecting the idiom "mixed flavors".

After brewing his emotions for a while, Li Bing got up and left his seat and walked towards the exit passage. His posture of leaving the venue early caused a buzzing sound from the scene.

The media reporters who had something good to do quickly followed.

The small buzz failed to stop the awards process, and after a while, the winners of the Best Supporting Actor were announced. Nicholas Tse beat Yuan Hua, Liu Dehua, and Dong Yong to win the Best Supporting Actor award.

Seeing Nicholas Tingfeng winning the award, for the first time Fang Nan thought of Xiao Jiujiu who might win the award.

In his opinion, Yuan Hua, who plays the role of the charterer in "Kung Fu", deserves the best supporting actor.

But the judges gave this award to the more popular Nicholas Tse.

Thinking about it this way, the possibility of him winning the award is very high.

Because his popularity cannot be underestimated.

Fang Nan had a glimmer of hope.

But he was disappointed, the slap in the face can be said to have come very quickly.

At the end of the party, the three awards for Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Feature Film were all won by the film "Zhang Side".

And the number of nomination votes for several films such as "The Richest Man in Xihong City", "Lost in Thailand", "Kung Fu", "Fearless", "A World Without Thieves", "New Police Story", "Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles" and so on were all voted by The movie "Zhang Side" was hanged.

The number of nominations for "Zhang Side" was 6.

"Kung Fu" received 6 votes.

"Thailand" 5 votes.

"New Police Story" and "Fearless" received only 3 votes.

""Zhang Side" won the Best Feature Film Award with 99 votes from 78 judges!"

Faced with the sparse applause from the audience, as well as moderate boos and ridicules, the chairman of the jury personally came to the stage to reveal the inside story of the competition when presenting the awards.

His meaning is very clear, and that sentence is still open, fair, and just in this year's awards process!
Fang Nan was very sad.

After all, they are still young. Look at how self-aware Zhang Yimou, Feng Dapao, Li Lianlian, and Cheng Long are, and they never come.

Only he sat dryly all night.

"Cheng Qingsong is really cheating people! If he said that Li Lian would come, how could I make this trip, and the media reporters would catch me and bombard me later?"

Fang Nan seemed to be clapping his hands in a serious manner, but his heart was pounding.

As for not winning the prize, he didn't care.

If you take it, you will be happy, and if you don't take it, you won't put on a Sima face, and even leave the stage halfway like Li Bing.

His expectations for winning the award were not high.

Even though "Lost in Thailand" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City" have a high box office, the connotation of the movie is so high.

Although the Hundred Flowers Award is defined as an audience award, which is judged by the audience themselves, he still knows the true nature of the show.

What troubled him was how he would face the reporters after the Hundred Flowers Award was made like this.

What a boast, he will definitely be ridiculed by the crowd tomorrow.

Derogatory, many people will have opinions.

"Damn it, it's hard to fix." Fang Nan stood up slowly.

"You look unhappy." Gao Yuanyuan looked at Fang Nan and said.

Fang Nan asked Gao Yuanyuan, who also missed out on Best Actress, "How will you face the reporters later?"

Speaking of which, Gao Yuanyuan was a little more miserable than him, and Liu Ruoying won the Best Actress Award even before she came.

Gao Yuanyuan tightened her evening gown: "Let's just say that other people acted well, what else can I say?"

Fang Nan was speechless: "You can say that. If I say that, I won't be scolded to death tomorrow."

Gao Yuanyuan wrinkled her nose: "Then I don't care about you, I'm going back to the hotel, I'm sleepy, don't come to see me tonight."

"I'll go back to Pujiang overnight, and fly to the capital tomorrow."

The two of them reached the entrance of the aisle while they were talking. The entrance of the aisle illuminated by spotlights was completely white. Fang Nan was taken aback. There were so many winners who did not go backstage to interview the winners.

"Director Fang, if there is no harvest tonight, will you be disappointed with this Hundred Flowers Awards?"

"It's okay, the two films I've been nominated for are too commercial, the judges may not like them very much, don't you see "Kung Fu", "A World Without Thieves", "Huo Yuanjia" and other films with no success, "The Promise" "Not even nominated, so if you are shortlisted, you are considered a success!"

"The credibility of the Hundred Flowers Award has seriously declined, and Director Fang will reject him like other big names in the future?"

"No way, but I will probably be very busy in the next few years, and my participation in such activities may be reduced accordingly!"

Fang Nan stabbed someone with a soft knife, and a group of reporters laughed out loud. Someone asked impatiently, "Brother Nan, do you think Baihua needs reform? Compared with foreign film festivals, what is our weakness?"

"I don't know about that, I don't understand these things, and I haven't participated in foreign film festivals."

After talking cautiously, Fang Nan saw that Gao Yuanyuan got into the car and left, so he quickly pulled the reporter out.

(End of this chapter)

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