literary world

Chapter 235 Quarrel

Chapter 235 Quarrel
The next day.

The Hundred Flowers Award got its wish and made headlines on the front pages of many portal websites and paper media.

Countless netizens and even people in the industry tried their best to ridicule.

Zha Lang Entertainment:

[Hundreds of flowers turn into Huabiao, where does the China Film Festival go]

The 28th Hundred Flowers Awards Gala for Popular Films ended last night by the West Lake in Hangzhou. The stars were absent, and the scene was even chaotic.
Li Bing left the stage halfway, crying in front of the fans, complaining about the injustice of Hundred Flowers.

The ownership of the final grand prize caused booing in the Hangzhou Grand Theater, making people have to question whether the Hundred Flowers Award, which represents the public, has become the government award Huabiao Award.

Netease Entertainment:

["Zhang Side" won three gold medals in a row, and there were boos at the scene]

At 28 o'clock last night, the [-]th Hundred Flowers Awards ended at the Hangzhou Grand Theater.

The film "Zhang Side" won three gold medals in a row, beating "Lost in Thailand", "Fearless", "Crazy Stone", "Kung Fu", "A World Without Thieves", and "New Police Story", which made the audience, guests, The media booed.
Yangzi Evening News:

[Awards are on the left and movies are on the right]

Awards are on the left, movies are on the right.Awards have nothing to do with movies, and this is a new embarrassment for the Hundred Flowers Film Festival.
Sohu Entertainment:

[Why do the big names collectively miss the Hundred Flowers Awards]

The red carpet show by the West Lake ended hastily in just 10 to [-] minutes. Fang Nan, the only major director of a commercial film, was unwilling to accept interviews with red carpet reporters. The scene was very embarrassing
Rongcheng Business Daily:

[Golden rooster is powerless and flowers remain]

The light and shadow are silent, and the years are affectionate.

The just-concluded 15th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, and the 28th Hundred Flowers Awards were supposed to be grand ceremonies for Chinese films.

But in fact, the stars are dim, old-fashioned, deserted, and all activities are hastily done...

Such a situation became a constant embarrassment throughout the film festival.

Although the organizer spared no expense this time, including spending 16 billion yuan to build an avenue of stars on the edge of the Qiantang River, there will be hand models of the stars on it, and it is said to be comparable to Hollywood.

The fact is that the big names don't give face at all.

Only one honest man, Fang Nan, was fooled.

Here, I would like to remind Director Fang, "Director Fang, you can take care of yourself. Do you really think that "Lost in Thailand" will win an award with a box office of nearly 3 million?"

Interactive comments on websites such as Tianya, Douban, Renren, blogs and forums.

The Golden Rooster Award, which represents the expert award, has become the main theme of the world.

The Huabiao Award of the government award has always liked to hold wholesale awards, and people who watched it felt like vomiting.

Now the Hundred Flowers Awards, which represent the public, have also become the main theme of the film, and the China Three Awards have completely become a joke.

I can't imagine that such a huge country can't even manage a credible film award?
It can't compare to the Oscars, it can't compare to the top three in Europe, at least it has to be on the same level as the Golden Horse and the Golden Statue, which is really disappointing.


I feel sorry for Fang Nan, after all, the child is young, so easy to deceive.

And when others booed, he had to smile and clap his hands. I really want to know what he was thinking at that moment.


Zhou Xingxing, Fang Nan, and Ning Hao won the best director, and I don't say anything.

Who is Yin Li?Did anyone actually vote for him?
As for the best picture, it's even more outrageous. Are all the judges blind?

"Kung Fu" was the box office champion in 05.

"Lost in Thailand" is probably also the box office champion this year.

"Crazy Stone" is a typical example of a small box office.

These three films have good reputation at the box office, but they didn't win any awards.

The Hundred Flowers Award is not as good as the Xuehuabiao Award, which gives an award to each of the nominated films.

Oh, Fang Nan said in an interview that he will not participate in the Hundred Flowers Awards in the future, and one of the three awards is finally finished.

Waking up in the morning and reading reports about the Hundred Flowers Awards, Fang Nan almost vomited.

Media reporters, paper media, and netizens just complain about Baihua honestly.

I have to mention what he is doing, he is also a victim, okay?

Frustrated, he turned off the computer, and after some tidying up, Fang Nan left the apartment and ran towards the company.

"Young You" has completed all the post-production.

In addition to helping Liu Qianqian find Li Lianlian for a role on his trip to the capital, he also had to find a relationship to pass the review.

I took a copy of "Youth in Youth" and was about to leave with some documents when I met Wang Yu who was walking around in the company.

"When did you come?" Fang Nan asked him.

"Not long after arriving, the employees of your company seem to be full of energy."

"Fortunately, a few new plays have been released recently, so it seems very busy, where is Li Yu?"

Wang Yu said: "Stand in line and wait for the audition."

Fang Nan was speechless, so the audition director of "Embroidered Spring Knife" stopped coming, otherwise he would have to kick him twice.

I don't even have this bit of vision, so I tried some kind of mirror for the actors.

Taking out his mobile phone and calling Huang Weiming, Fang Nan led Wang Yu back to his office.

Just as Fang Nan finished making tea, Wang Yu said abruptly, "Your company is acquiring land. Do you want to build your own cultural industrial park?"

"It's not possible to start an industrial park. It's just that a manager thinks that there is a very good piece of land on the Bund, and wants to take it as the company's leading theater."

"Tang Tang is building a cinema chain, do you know? Two cinemas have been opened in Xinjiekou, Jinling, and they are currently affiliated with Pujiang United Cinemas."

Fang Nan smiled and handed the teacup to Wang Yu.

Taking a sip, Wang Yu kindly reminded Fang Nandao: "The 8-3 land is not easy to get. How many people are staring at the 4-square-meter land in the prime location. I know Pan Shiyi from Soho, and the sluggish Kang from Zhengda. .”

"Even if you win the bid, the land must cooperate with the government's planning. The Bund's external image project and infrastructure must not be less than two billion."

"The most troublesome thing is that the country is now starting a new round of macro-control. Once the bank's funds shrink, it will be very troublesome if you can't develop the land you have."

Fang Nan nodded and explained: "Our company's President Shi's plan is to jointly bid if it doesn't work. She thinks this opportunity is too rare and it will be fleeting. At least she must participate."

Wang Yu nodded approvingly: "That's true, the Bund land must be less developed."

"Well, I will call you in two days. When you arrive, you will drive to the Shengguan clubhouse in Changning alone. I will introduce you to some friends from the Pujiang side. They will nod, and your matter will be relatively easy. .”

Fang Nan was curious: "Which aspect?"

"It's easy to handle in any way."

"You are too kind, I am at a loss, I don't know how to repay you in the future!" Fang Nan said with emotion.

He and Wang Yu only met once on the plane not long ago.

At that time, the reason why Wang Yu agreed to give Li Yu a role was not to win the favor of the second generation.

He simply felt that it was a pity for Li Yu, and giving a role would at least add to the girl's acting career.

I didn't expect to get such a big favor from Wang Yu today.

"Being your friend, I don't get anything in return. But I can't guarantee the effect. Today is different from the past. After all, our old man has left."

Fang Nan nodded his head understandingly.

He didn't ask too much, and he could solve the loan issue through Wang Yu's connections. After knowing a few friends who wouldn't stab a knife in the back, it was enough for everyone to work together to win the 8-3 field.

After talking about the land, Li Yu also came over.

"Are you two sure? When is the wedding?" Fang Nan got up and asked Li Yu with a smile.

"Hello, Director Fang!" Li Yu was not as generous as last time, and stretched out his hand shyly.

At the same time, Wang Yu took over the conversation: "Hurry up, hurry up, Fang Nan, prepare a big red envelope when you arrive, and we're leaving."

Fang Nan asked the two of them: "Are you going back to Beijing or where are you going? I'm going back to Beijing too."

"You go first, I will accompany Li Yu to go shopping at her alma mater and play at her alma mater." Wang Yu said first.

"OK, then I'll go first."

After Wang Yu and Li Yu left, Fang Nan sat in the car and called Shi Nansheng who was still running a large loan.

Ask her to stop for a while, and wait for him to finish attending Wang Yu's dinner.

The passenger plane roared into the clouds from Hongqiao Airport, and Fang Nan felt that he had arrived in the capital after a short while.

He didn't go home either, so he took a taxi and went straight to Beijing Film Studio.

In the largest studio of Beijing Film Studio, Lu Qing is holding a walkie-talkie to direct the workers to build the novel world in "Assassination of Novelists".

"Brother Nan!"

"Hey, how's the progress?" Fang Nan sat down next to Lu Qing.

Lu Qing and several veterans of the 13 swordsmen have been working here for several months, but this is the first time he has come back.

"The progress of the project is okay, but the rendering is slow. Have you seen the modeling of the red-haired ghost and the fire dragon? It will take at least one year for the rendering to be completed. If there are problems during the period, it will take two years to develop new software."

"It will take two years, so it will be released in 09?"

Lu Qing nodded: "The summer vacation of 09 was almost the same, and Mr. Han also said so."

"Does he come often?"

Lu Qing smiled and said, "You are more diligent than you. Mr. Jiang always sends people here, as well as the boss of Hengdian Film and Television. There are so many people here. This place is almost becoming a tourist attraction."

Fang Nan laughed amusedly: "Tch, they don't have confidence in us."

At the beginning of "Assassination of Novelists" project, no one dared to invest in it.

China Film and Emperor were also forced to enter the arena because they wanted to win over him.

China Film Group took out 1000 million US dollars.

Emperor took out 8000 million yuan.

After the two, no investor dared to invest money in it.

When China Film Group and EEG wanted to withdraw their capital under the pretext of insufficient investment, the box office of "Lost in Thailand" exploded, almost breaking [-] million.

Fang Nan instantly became a favorite.

The "Assassination of Novelists" project was revived in situ.

Hengdian Films, Huaxia Films, Bona Films, and Enlight Media each invested 5000 million, which directly brought the total investment of "Assassination of Novelists" to 3 million.

Behind the abundant investment.

The release of "Assassination of Novelists" was divided up by six film companies at the same time.

Among them, China Film, Bona, and Enlight are responsible for domestic distribution.

Emperor is still in charge of Xiangjiang, Taiwan and Southeast Asian markets.

Huaxia Films, which owns overseas distribution rights, won distribution rights in North America and Europe.

Expecting "Assassination of Novelists" to be popular in North America and Europe may be just a good prospect.

Fang Nan didn't care whether "Assassination of Novelists" made money or not.

He didn't invest money whether it was explosive or not. The previous investment of 5000 million was jointly judged by the six investors as the company's development needs and not investment.

He didn't argue with the six employers, but only made one request.

The CG special effects of "Assassination of Novelists" can only be done by the "Thirteen Swordsmen of Light and Shadow", otherwise everyone will fall apart.

The six employers reluctantly agreed.

This is the real reason why several employers visited the largest studio of Beijing Film Studio twice in three days.

After receiving the modeling drawings handed over by Yang Hao, Fang Nan had a warm smile on his face: "How are you doing, is this job fun?"

Yang Hao shook his head embarrassingly: "It's too difficult, not very fun."

"Have you studied hard?"

"I've studied it seriously, but I don't have enough knowledge. Brother Lu and the others play too high-end."

"To be able to say this kind of thing means that you have really studied hard. Take your time, read more, ask more questions, and learn more, and you will get started." Fang Nan looked relieved: "Do you have any money left?"

"Yes, my dad just sent me 3000 yuan yesterday."

Fang Nan nodded: "That's good."

The salary of 'Thirteen Swordsmen' is above average in Pujiang, after all, they play relatively high-end games.

But Yang Hao is just an intern, even if he calls Fang Nan uncle, Fang Nan will not break the rules.

So Yang Hao still receives a monthly salary of 750 yuan and a little overtime pay.

750 is the monthly minimum wage standard set by Pujiang.

Such a small amount of money is definitely not enough to spend, but fortunately Yang Hao has a rich father.

After reading the modeling drawings in the director's studio, he went around the outside project, told the construction workers to pay attention to safety, and Fang Nan went straight to the small screening room that he had made an appointment with Mr. Han.

The screening of "Youth in Youth", which lasted a little more than two hours, ended soon.

A group of people watching the movie lighted a cigarette each and fell silent.

Fang Nan didn't understand what it meant?
After a long time, Mr. Han was the first to break the dull atmosphere:

"My God, you boy is really just like Jiang Wei in the Three Kingdoms period, as bold as a chicken egg. No wonder the Education Committee calls the bureau every day and every day, making repeated orders to pay special attention to you, saying that you are going to make big things."

Fang Nan was depressed: "Mr. Han, do you want to be so exaggerated? What's wrong with this film? Even if there are problems, we can correct them or encourage them! No one is wrong?"

"It's useless to tell me. You asked the Board of Education to issue a pass first, but they didn't say anything. It's difficult to get a screening permit for this film!"

Mr. Han was really angry.

In the past, he persuaded Fang Nan earnestly, don't always want to play with art, and he can be successful in making comedies honestly.

Fang Nan refused to listen, so he had to make a drama.

"Youth in Youth" was really well shot, he didn't see any major flaws, and the performances of the two main actors were quite good.

This shows that Fang Nan's directing skills are still there.

It's a pity the motherfucker couldn't pass the trial.

Isn't it embarrassing now?
No matter how good it is, take it home to entertain yourself?

Fortunately, China Film only invested 300 million in "Youth in Youth".

Otherwise, it would be another money-losing business, and it might make his perfect performance this year, adding a trace of stain.

"It's okay to pass the review on the Pujiang side. You can help Mr. Han at the General Administration, and none of you are willing to vote for this film. I personally voted for 1000 million."

Those who invest in film and television are all talented people, and the script of "Youth in Youth" was taken out.

Emperor, who was dissatisfied with the investment share of only 200 million each time, threw out 200 million with a smile.

China Film took 300 million.

The remaining 1000 million will be shared equally between him and Tang Tang Film and Television.

Once the movie cannot be released, it will be a blood loss for him personally.

He is now the major shareholder of Tangtang Film and Television.

"I would like to help you, but how? If you play around the edges, I can guarantee you."

"But why "Youth in Youth" is not playing side-by-side, it's you pointing a gun at someone's forehead first, who wouldn't fight you hard?"

Boss Han decided that he couldn't help, Fang Nan stood up at once, pretending to be broken and said: "It's really driving me into a hurry, I'm going to learn from Lao Jiang at worst, put down the camera, abandon martial arts and follow literature!"

He now has nearly 5 projects in his hands.

The affiliated companies of the five projects include dozens of companies including China Film, Hengdian Film and Television, China Film, Bona, Guangguang, Zhejiang Audio and Video, China Film Warner Hengdian Film and Television, Tudou Video, Pujiang Art Company, and Zhongtian Advertising.

If he was really banned, he had to put down the camera.

Not to mention the others, Mr. Han, Yu Dong, Wang Changtian, and Jiang Zhou couldn't sleep in such a hurry.

Hundreds of millions of funds are no joke.

Moreover, movies are a time-sensitive thing.

As soon as Fang Nan's words came out, President Han stood up angrily, and the hand that pointed at Fang Nan was trembling: "You, you, the Olympic Games, are you going to die?"

"I have no ability to affect the Olympics. Let's not talk about it for now. Anyway, let's work together to see if we can affect the results in a few days. If it doesn't work, I will go to Berlin next February through Wang Qingjiang's channel."

Mr. Han's blood pressure soared in Fang Nan's half-truth and half-false words, he blew his beard and stared and muttered a few words, and finally walked away with a flick of his sleeves.

(End of this chapter)

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