literary world

Chapter 236 Interview with Niubi

Chapter 236 Interview with Niubi
Fang Nan and Mr. Han broke up because of the filming of "Youth in Youth" about bullying.

But he was not discouraged.

Anything can always find a solution in compromise and being compromised.

It's not okay to be a stunned young man who knocks people to death every now and then.

So when night falls.

He had packed up his mood and rushed to No. 22 Yonghe Villa.

After leaving for more than 20 days, Tso Wanzhuo has grown up a whole circle.

Two big eyes stared at Fang Nan and turned around, Fang Nan laughed loudly, and all worries were gone in an instant.

"You don't come from a major, you don't have the backing of a school, you don't participate in the work of the directors' association, and you don't want to go to various literary conferences, otherwise it wouldn't be so troublesome."

I heard that my man's fourth feature-length film "Youth in Youth" was frozen in the review department.

Zeng Li analyzed the specific reasons for Fang Nan through his personal life experience.

She had read the complete script of "Youth in Youth", and knew that there was a little problem with the script, but it was not that troublesome.

Because the sensitive issue involved in the script is actually one-bullying.

The problem of bullying is only a minority problem, and it actually happens in every country in the world.

Therefore, the content discussed in "Youth in Youth" is not worth mentioning compared with the multiple sensitive content involved in "To Live".

The reason why I can't pass the review.

To put it bluntly, Fang Nan's background and interpersonal relationship in the literary and art circles are not enough.

After all, she was born in a serious Chinese opera, and she is also a member of the General Art Troupe, so she knows the importance of connections in the circle.

Fang Nan's connections are also very strong.

But most of the relationships are at the capital level, and they are all rich bosses or something.

It's not that capital is useless, but that China is different from the west where capital is rampant.

Huaxia pays more attention to the relationship between teachers and students, alumni and so on. It is not necessarily easy to be rich and powerful.

Taking money to settle things is called investment in the West, but bribery in China, two completely different concepts.

Kissing his daughter dotingly, Fang Nan raised his head: "I can't learn from the people in the Directors' Association who order Mao, drink tea, read newspapers and blow water every day."

"That's why your "Lost in Thailand" has such a high box office and broke so many box office records, but you can't even win the Hundred Flowers Award from the public."

Fang Nan was still stubborn, Zeng Li responded with a simple reply, and he was so angry that he instantly broke his defense.

"Looking for a beating!" Fang Nan smiled and slapped Zeng Li's fat buttocks.

The atmosphere in the bedroom with this slap instantly became blurred.

However, the two can only comfort each other a little bit.

Zeng Li's caesarean section hadn't been removed yet, so she couldn't do anything she wanted.

"Why don't you come with me to visit Teacher Chang tomorrow. If you can get a job in the Chinese opera, the matter will definitely be solved."

After the consolation, Zeng Li, whose flushed face gradually faded, came up with an idea.

"Let's talk about it. The finished film has just been submitted to the General Administration, so it might pass."

"It's up to you." Zeng Li stopped persuading: "Go to sleep next door, the child will make a fuss in the middle of the night."

Fang Nan kept his body rigid and didn't move: "It's okay, anyway, I don't need to recharge my batteries recently, just make trouble."

Zeng Li couldn't touch her, so Gao Yuanyuan went to Korea.

As for Liu Tao and Jiang Yiyan, entertainment is enough, not a meal.

So he really doesn't need to recharge his batteries recently.

No sleep for one night.

In the early morning of the next day, Fang Nan rarely got up early to exercise, but went back to sleep with his daughter under the creaking nest.

While in a daze, the bedroom door was pushed open.

One of them walked lightly to the side of the bed, and the smell of perfume was refreshing.

Fang Nan thought that Zeng Li was checking to see if his daughter was awake, so he became playful, and hugged her with a backhand hook, and at the same time, he gave a sweet kiss with a "pop".

"Zeng Li" opened his eyes under the intense reaction, Fang Nanren was dumbfounded.

"Why is it you, Si Meiting!"

"Hey, you're crazy, why don't you look at people, oh, what's the matter?"

Mei Ting wiped the saliva from the lower half of her cheek, and propped herself up on Fang Nan angrily, and complained while straightening her clothes.

Fang Nan was depressed: "You are talking, I thought it was Lizi."

"Lizi said that the child fell asleep, let me take it easy, I dare not speak."

"This is a mess, you go out first, and I will take off my clothes."

The two secretly complained to each other, Mei Ting left in a hurry, Fang Nan got up in time.

Not a big deal, but embarrassing.

So when we saw our guest Mei Ting after washing up, Fang Nan almost couldn't even speak.

Mei Ting was even more unbearable, her eyes wandered, her words flickered, Zeng Li was baffled.

The two have known each other for a long time.

The matter of Fang Nanyong rescuing Luo Ma Meiting has become a joke among several of their classmates.

"You entertain my classmate, I'll go to the kitchen to make two cups of coffee."

In the European-style bright and magnificent lobby and living room, Zeng Li reminded Fang Nan who was standing by the table feeling uncomfortable.

"You go." Seeing Zeng Li walk away, Fang Nan faced Mei Ting who was on the European-style fabric single sofa and looked around: "Don't."

Mei Ting: "Just now."

Fang Nan: "Tell me first"

Mei Ting: "You said..."

Fang Nan stayed in Bengbu, what the hell, he had a good idea, it was too late, he couldn't take it anymore and ran to the kitchen.

"What's Mei Ting here for?" In the kitchen, Fang Nan asked Zeng Li who made coffee for his old classmate himself.

Zeng Li explained: "She is in a bad mood, and she is having a conflict with Yan Po, so come and stay with me for a few days."

"It shouldn't be. Didn't the "Aspirin" invested by the couple win many awards at home and abroad? It's very popular! It should make money."

Zeng Li glanced at Fang Nan: "In your eyes, the conflict is all about money, right?"

Fang Nan was curious: "Then who cheated?"

When he was with Zeng Li, he heard a lot about the Seven Golden Flowers in the Chinese Opera.

Generally speaking, Zhang Tong and Zeng Li are the most common among Seven Golden Flowers in terms of career.

Zeng Li is now in a state of rest in hiding, and Zhang Tong is a supporting role all the year round.

And Zhang Ziyi, Hu Jing, Mei Ting, Qin Hailu, and Yuan Quan have either won awards, or directly played the number one role.

As for the life of the Seven Golden Flowers, Zeng Li only praised Mei Ting.

She often talked about that Mei Ting and director Yan Po were husband and wife, a virtuous couple.

Yan Po was going to make "Aspirin", Mei Ting took out all 300 million savings and invested in it without even thinking about it.

During the short period of money, she also played four movies in a row, and then put the remuneration of the four movies into it.

So compared to her classmate Zhang Ziyi dating foreigners, wearing a swimsuit from time to time makes headlines.

The prospect of Hu Jing hooking up with a rich Malay is unclear.

Yuan Quan and Xia Yu split up and join forces.

Compared with Fang Nan's messy relationship, Zeng Li is particularly envious of Mei Ting's life.

In Zeng Li's words, the hardship is a bit bitter, but there is hope.

Didn't expect this pair of mandarin ducks to make money in "Aspirin". What happened when Yan Po was about to become famous in one fell swoop?

Fang Nan's incomprehension made Zeng Li extremely dissatisfied: "You cheated, hurry up and go."

Carrying two cups of coffee to the living room, Zeng Li handed a cup to Mei Ting.

Seeing that there was no one of his own, Fang Nan fumbled dryly for a few sandwiches, and scooped up a bowl of eight-treasure porridge from the pot.

Going back to the living room, the two female students in the living room were already hugging and sobbing.

He secretly listened for a while, only to find out that Mei Ting had already considered divorce.

"Sure enough, sharing adversity is easy and sharing wealth is difficult. When Yan Po became famous with "Aspirin", he began to dislike his wife Mei Ting who single-handedly raised him, man."

Fang Nan shook his head and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

As for uttering forceful and indignant condemnations, forget it.

His mother is not a good bird.

The difference between the two is that he is not an ungrateful person.

Not only is he not ungrateful.

He will even overpay those who treat him well.

Zeng Li, who has been taken into the room, is a typical case.

The two were emotionally overwhelmed, crying and chirping there.

Fang Nan couldn't stand it any longer. He dropped the bowl and chopsticks, said "I'm going to Beijing Film Studio, I won't come back for lunch at noon or evening", and hurried out of the villa.

Worked as a supervisor in Beijing Film Studio for a day.

When night fell again, Fang Nan received Liu Qianqian in Wangfujing, and the two went hand in hand to the newly opened Lan Club.

The owner of Lan Club has a famous name, Wang Xiaofei.

Like Wang Yu, this person is also one of the Four Young Masters in Beijing.

The difference is that Wang Xiaofei's family background is not strong enough, and the female stars he plays are not that big.

Later generations were even dubbed by one of Yida's bosses, the new second-generation "two steel coins in my pocket"!
But now this one is still very popular, after all, one of the four young masters in the capital.

And Fang Nan chose the Lan Club to receive Li Lianlian, purely because the "Lan Club" in the capital city has been very lively recently.

It has the meaning of the first club in the capital.

The environment inside is said to be good, because it is too extravagant for ordinary people to enter.

When they arrived at the place, Fang Nan handed out Yan Hong's VIP card, asked for a simple and elegant box, and then went to the door with Liu Qianqianjing, Wu Jing and Li Lian.

As for the simple and luxurious decoration, expensive furniture, and strange lamps in the clubhouse, he took a lazy look.

In the past few years, he has not seen many things, and he will not be attracted by these foreign objects to linger.

Or like an ordinary person who has never seen the world, who is frightened by how much this is and how much that is, so that he even walks the road under his feet with fear.

"dong dong dong"

The door rang, and Fang Nan got up in time: "Please come in!"

The waiter turned his body sideways, and Li Lianlian and Wu Jing showed up.

As soon as he entered the box, Li Lianjie complained: "Why do you come to such a good place, just find a place to drink tea and chat, I am old and have to go to bed early and can't stay up late, and I can't drink with you three young people. "

In fact, it was the first time he and Fang Nan met. If it was an ordinary person, this kind of opening is called self-familiarity.

Hearing this, Fang Nan probably rolled his eyes and cursed secretly, "What a fool!"
But if Li Lianlian said it, it would not be considered familiar.

It's an elder who has seen more of the market and a senior in the industry, when facing the three juniors, a natural expression of emotion.

"This store just opened, and I'm also the first to come here, let's try something new."

Smiling and politely, Fang Nan pulled Liu Qianqian and waited for her to finish calling "Hello, Brother Li Lian".

Fang Nan smiled at Li Lianlian, "Brother Lianlian, this is Liu Qianqian. When I went to audition for "Double J Project" some time ago, I don't know if you met or not."

"I didn't see it, but I watched the audition video. The little girl has a dancing background, and she did well."

Li Lianlian seemed very kind and friendly.

Fang Nan smiled calmly, and arranged for Li Lianjie and Wu Jing to sit down. He handed the menu to Li Lianjie and asked Wu Jing, "Whether you want to shoot "Abu with Spike Fang" or not? Where are you handing over the script?"

Wu Jing was anxious: "It must be filmed, the script is still being perfected."

Fang Nan nodded and didn't ask any more questions. He couldn't remember the specific content of Wu Jing's "Spike Fang", so it probably lost money.

But the two have known each other for a few years, so he needs to support him to some extent.

What's more, Wu Jing is still a potential stock.

At the stall where Fang Nan and Wu Jing were chatting, Li Lianjie ordered some vegetarian dishes and handed the menu to Liu Qianqian, who cautiously pushed it to Wu Jing.

The slander against her is still raging on the Internet and has not subsided.

For the first time, Sissy felt that people's words were scary, and now she is cautious everywhere, even when she goes out, she has to think carefully about her behavior.

I am afraid that one mistake will add another "stain".

Fang Nan didn't like Liu Qianqian like this.

Teenagers lose their frankness and become old-fashioned, which no one likes.

"Has Mr. Chu Pei told you not to go online?"

Liu Qianqian nodded slightly.

"Don't worry about Chu Yujun's advice, watch it if you want, forget it after reading it, force yourself to face it bravely if you can't forget it, how can a person compromise with rumors?"

After Fang Nan finished speaking, Li Lianlian couldn't help laughing and said, "Hey, your words are very philosophical!"

"Speaking of philosophy, I think of a song about philosophy." Fang Nan said suddenly.

Li Lianlian was curious: "A song with philosophy? What song? Remember the lyrics? Sing a few lines and listen."

Not only was he curious, but Wu Jing and Liu Qianqian also looked at Fang Nan curiously.

It is possible not to have read any books these days, but it is necessary not to have heard songs.

The 2000s was the era when the gods of the Chinese music scene fought, and there were too many good songs to count.

But they have never heard of songs about the profound knowledge of philosophy.

But Fang Nan said yes, of course he couldn't be wrong.

After all, he is a big name in the music scene. In the 2000s, no matter how gods and gods fought in the Chinese music scene, Fang Nan couldn't get around.

"Listen to me singing a few lines to you."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, he opened his voice with two "hum hums" and sang: "The mountain road of philosophy has eighteen bends, and the water road of philosophy has nine consecutive loops."

"Isn't this "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road"?"

Wu Jing looked confused, when he questioned.

Liu Qianqian had raised her head and covered her mouth to hold back a smile, and Li Lianlian was also smiling.

Leaning a bit, Wu Jing finally came to understand and complained: "Damn, what kind of joke are you kidding?"

Fang Nan looked at Liu Qianqian, who was beaming with joy and obviously much happier, and said, "It's an active atmosphere."

The joke was over and the dishes were served.

Although the few people were eating and chatting, the content of the chat rarely involved the characters. When the dinner was over and before parting, Li Lianfang said to Liu Qianqian: "I will be at the audition hotel on the 3rd. Come back when you arrive." Try it once."

As soon as this remark came out, Liu Qianqian's role in "The King of Kung Fu" was settled.

Fang Nan also showed his support for "One Fund" at the right time.

Li Lianlian and Wu Jing got in the car and left, Fang Nan waved at Liu Qianqian, "Let's go, I'll take you back. By the way, where do you and your mother live now?"

After leaving Chen Jingfei, Liu Qianqian lost her big Benz and moved out of the white villa.

Fang Nan still doesn't know that the two of them are sleeping in a hotel, or somewhere else.

When picking up people in advance, he was Liu Qianqian who was waiting in Wangfujing.

"I don't want to go to the hotel. There is no place to live here in the capital, so let's go to your house."

Liu Qianqian said that going to Fang Nan's house was very smooth and natural.

But Fang Nan felt uncomfortable. If this continues, the family will almost become an asylum.

"Do you mind if there are other strangers in the house?"


"Your sister Li Zi's Chinese opera classmate, Mei Ting, otherwise, I'd better take you to the hotel?"

As soon as he finished speaking, an extra arm appeared between the two of them.

On the wrist of the arm, the Patek Philippe watch changes various colors under the light of the 'Lan Club', which is beautiful.

The bright yellow business card pinched between two snow-white and slender fingers was eye-catching.

"Beautiful lady, Lan Club also has a place to rest, if you don't mind, I would like to do it for you"

When Fang Nan turned his head and saw the "gentleman" behind him, Liu Qianqian had already recovered her true self and said, "Who are you, you are a beautiful young lady at what age, I feel like vomiting, you know?"

It's over, I just encouraged her that night, and her 'interviewing bull syndrome' came out.

(End of this chapter)

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