literary world

Chapter 239

Chapter 239
After reading the scripts of one or two episodes written by the screenwriters in front of me.

Fang Nan took out his pen and frantically altered it without saying a word.

The thinking of the screenwriters of SMG is too rigid.

The dozen or so fun games he provided, including the 'Quagmire Challenge', have all been turned into ordinary 'Quagmire Competitions' by a group of screenwriters, without any jokes at all.


The theme of the first season defined by "running man" is to sing the praises of beauty and convey the values ​​of upward and goodness.

But the screenwriters obviously discarded the basics and chased the last, messing up the sequence.

"Running Man" is first and foremost a variety show.

Since it is a variety show, it needs ratings, money, and advertising sponsorship.

Therefore, we must first make this program full of freshness and the game full of fun, so as to attract the attention of the audience.

In order to achieve the effect of delivering positive energy to more people.

Once the show loses money and there is no follow-up after one episode, how can it deliver positive energy?

What's the use of not having a platform if you keep shouting slogans?

Fang Nan crazily stuffed his ideas and ideas into the minds of the screenwriters.

"Running Man" is another money-absorbing weapon of Fang Nan Culture.

He doesn't want a group of scriptwriters who stick to the rules to create this show without a follow-up.

After chatting about the scripts of the first two episodes of the first season, Fang Nan discussed the characters of the seven actors with everyone.

About people.

He didn't have a simple and rude rule that Deng Chao and others should go in a certain direction.

It can be regarded as leaving a certain amount of suspense for this large-scale reality show.

A certain innocence of the seven actors is maintained.

After one round, two rounds and three rounds of chatting, the outfield props and scenery were completed.

In 07, on New Year's Day, "Running Man" officially entered the filming process.

In the first episode, Fang Nan's appearances for the seven actors were simple and rough.

Except that Deng Chao was labeled as the captain.

The other six are distinguished by their masterpieces and character labels, so that the audience can recognize who is who at a glance.

Sha Yi【Representative work: "Wulin Biography" Bai Zhantang】

Huang Ze【Representative Work: "The Unknown Man"】


Wang Bao【"People on the Journey", "Thailand", "Soldier Assault"]

Li Chen【"Soldier Assault"】

Ni Ni【actor, dancer】

After the actors appeared on the stage, Fang Nan gave the seven of them 3 minutes to make jokes, to strengthen the audience's impression again, and released the first game task - fighting each other.

The task is simple.

An oval-shaped platform with a wide bottom and a narrow top was placed in the middle of a quagmire on the outskirts of Pujiang. After the seven members entered the quagmire, they fought each other to seize the platform.

After 5 minutes, the members who are still on the stage will receive rewards from the sponsor

Award-winning members can also exchange their prizes for equivalent items, and donate to those in need in their own names through the "running man" platform.

Mission announcement completed.

After the seven members boarded the car provided by another sponsor, Audi, Fang Nan waved his hand, and as many as 200 staff members boarded the car and rushed to the next stop.

"Yan Min, get in my car." Fang Nan shouted to a long-faced assistant director among the directors.

The car started slowly, and Yan Min, the co-pilot, turned his head and asked curiously: "Director, what's the matter?"

Fang Nan asked him, "What do you think of the program we are doing now?"

Yan Min, the former general director of "Extreme Challenge" of Tomato TV.

An ordinary variety show director, Fang Nan naturally didn't bother to talk to him.

But for a variety show director who is missed by fans of variety shows and who give thumbs up one after another, there is something to say.

If possible, Fang Nan would like to push Yan Min to succeed him as the chief director of "Running Man" after he left.

"After watching it for a few minutes, I don't think there's any problem, but the actors are a bit rusty. After a long time, there is a tacit understanding. This show will definitely become popular. After all, this is the only large-scale outdoor reality show in China, which is too eye-catching."

Fang Nan asked again: "If you are the chief director, what aspects of this program will you strengthen?"

Yan Min hurriedly waved his hands: "Impossible, I have only been in the stage for two years, and I can't be the chief director."

Fang Nan couldn't help being submissive, so he was very dissatisfied and said, "Answer my question first, whether I can be the chief director or not is up to me."

Can he not understand the TV station's ranking of seniority?

But he has cooperated with Tomato Channel several times and knows some people. If Yan Min has the ability and strength, he will of course talk to Li Gang and others.

In any case, the first five seasons of "Running Man" cannot collapse!
"I still think it's perfect enough. If you insist on making changes, you should strengthen the post-production. Almost all programs in China now focus on content and don't pay much attention to the post-production. I think this is very attractive if it is done well."

The later stage of "Running Man" hasn't started yet, so Yan Min can only say nervously based on the impression that the station is producing some programs.

Fang Nan nodded noncommittally: "Write me a plan on how to strengthen the later stage as soon as possible."

Strengthen the late stage of the program.

Of course he understands.

Even if Yan Min didn't mention this, Fang Nan would make the audience who watched the first two episodes of "Running Man" exclaim, "Hey, there is a ball of black thread on Deng Chao's head."

"Ni Ni's face is pink with embarrassment!"

"The crying emoji on Wang Bao's head is so funny!"

With him around, how could the emoticons that can vividly describe the members not appear.

You know, in addition to being a great director of commercial films in the hearts of movie fans, he has also left the impression of thousands of movie fans as a writer of jokes and a maker of vivid words.



'Twist Love'

'One Billion Hairstyles'

Fang Nan and other words and phrases were first proposed by Fang Nan, and through the Internet, they became popular all over the country within a few years.

Some people even said that the reason why Fang Nan's comedy movies are higher than the box office is that the various strange words and sentences in his movies also contributed a lot.

All the way to the quagmire of Chongming Island.

The staff began to set up the camera, and Fang Nan communicated with the seven actors, mainly to encourage them to let go and let go of the actor's burden.

There is a saying in the circle that variety shows tend to stereotype actors and make actors lose their mystery, so that they forget what a real performance is.

Fang Nan didn't see it that way.

An actor is not a good actor if he is so easily stereotyped.

Because the characters in the play are diverse.

An actor is destined to play multiple roles in his life, and the role in variety shows is just one of them.

Fang Nan clearly remembered that Liang Jiahui, known as the actor with thousands of faces, appeared on the variety show, his fatherly side, Fang Nan was moved and almost burst into tears.

But it didn't take long for Liang Jiahui to show the audience a cruel side that had nothing to do with his loving father in "Chasing the Dragon".

Fang Nan didn't seem to violate the harmony either.

So, there really isn't much conflict between participating in variety shows and being a good actor.

In the original time and space, many actors jumped out to criticize variety show actors for how they were, looking down on this and that.

To be honest, many of them are jealous, because some actors even want to appear in variety shows.

Variety shows are not necessary, and it is not an easy task to amuse the audience.

Gao Yuanyuan said it very well, "It's not that I don't want to be on variety shows, it's that I really don't have talent and can't make the audience laugh!"

So Fang Nan's definition of variety shows and variety actors is very simple.

Don't complicate variety shows, it's just an ordinary show that amuses the general public, and there are actors in the show who are responsible for amusing the audience.

If you like it, watch it, if you don't like it, don't watch it.

The Spring Festival Gala lacked Uncle Benshan's so-called vulgar sketches, and became taller, but not many people watched it.

There are not so many elites who only drink coffee and like 996 in this world.

Ordinary people who want to get off work early and watch funny variety shows and videos in bed after taking a shower are the same as Fang Nan's desired life.

It's a pity that he is now living a 996 life with malicious intentions created by some dog capitalists for workers!

"Understood? Don't be afraid of characterization, release your child's nature, play as you should, and make trouble as you should."

After saying the last sentence to the seven members, Fang Nan let them fall into the quagmire.

"Yan Min, you are in charge of the panoramic camera, and the other PDs are only responsible for following the filming members as planned."

After everyone took their positions, Fang Nan smiled and said, "Let's get started."

With Fang Nan's repeated decompression, the seven members including Deng Chao let go and played for the first time.

Huang Ze protected Ni Ni in a serious manner, but Ni Ni sneaked up on everyone from time to time.

Wang Bao and Ou Di formed a small duo of picking up leaks.

Deng Chao and Li Chen confront each other.

Sha Yi used Bai Zhantang's sense of joy, slipping down from the platform from time to time, vividly and vividly interpreting the intention and powerlessness.

The hilarious interaction between members and mutual pitfalls are beyond the highlights.

The quagmire battle actually contributed another bigger attraction.

The glamorous star of TV has descended.

As far as ordinary audiences are concerned, when have they ever seen a celebrity covered in mud?

body, face, and even mouth.

In short, in this game, the seven members who have no human figure and no face can make the on-site choreographers laugh.

The laughter spread far and wide.

Seeing that it was about to end at the end, Deng Chao and Li Chen, who had suffered from Oudi's frustration just now, rushed to Oudi together, grabbed him and turned him over, and then used his head as the tip of a brush to write and paint in the mud draw it.

The scene burst into laughter instantly.

Several other actors in the quagmire all laughed so hard that they fell down.

Even the great comedy director Fang Nan grinned.

With the cooperation of the quagmire as a foreshadowing, the small group of "running man" was formally formed.

In the next game, the division of labor became more and more clear, and the performance became better and better, with bright spots appearing one after another.

Fang Nan also successfully completed the task.

After recording the second episode of the first season, Fang Nan took the initiative to find Li Gang.

He and Li Gang chatted about two things.

One, he supports Yan Min's ascension.

Second, the list of post-production special effects for "running man" was packaged for Thirteen Swordsmen to do.

For the second matter, Li Gang readily agreed.

The first thing, until after the three-day rest period, the leader of Tomato TV finally nodded in seconds.

Complete the agreement with Tomato Station.

Fang Nan made a trip to Hengdian, the filming location of "Xiu Chun Dao No. [-]".

At that time, Mr. Xu proposed to go to Huairou Film and Television City. The capital is only a few hundred miles away from Ulan Butong, another filming location of NMG.

But Fang Nan refused.

In the second half of this year, Tangtang Film and Television's funds were almost out of pocket.

Now that there is another 10 billion loan hanging over his forehead, even he can save some money.

Hengdian Film and Television City has a small white building of Tangtang Film and Television. The small white building can be used as a hotel, so why not do it.

I haven't been to Hengdian for a long time.

Fang Nan was a little dazed, feeling like the sea has changed.

The 6-storey Yingbin building in Hengdian Film and Television City has opened.

Finding his own crew from four or five crews on Mingqing Street, he shouted at Old Freak Xu: "Old Xu, how are the actors getting along?"

Seeing that it was Fang Nan, Old Freak Xu stood up from the monitor, scratched his messy hair: "General, take it slowly."

Fang Nan was annoyed: "What do you mean? It's been a week and you still haven't gotten used to it? The actor is so bad?"

"Come and take a look." Old Freak Xu beckoned and sat down again.

Fang Nan went upstairs, took the stool handed over by the staff and sat down beside Old Freak Xu.

There are only two actors in the picture on the monitor, Liu Sishi who is sitting on the bed being touched up by the staff, and Zhang Zhen who is sitting at the table.

"Makeup artist ok?"

"OK OK."


The makeup artist exited the room, and the filming officially started. Fang Nan and Old Freak Xu both folded their arms.

In the hut with flickering candles, Zhou Miaotong, the leader of the teaching workshop, who was taking a nap on the bed, was awakened by the obscenities outside the room.

Opening his eyes, Shen Lian, who was staring at him motionlessly by the table, came into his sight.

Seeing this, Fang Nan lowered his arms and frowned and asked Old Freak Xu, "What kind of mentality does Zhou Miaotong have?"

He had little involvement in the script of "Embroidered Spring Knife".

But after all, he has many years of director experience.

So when Zhang Zhen's body was printed in Liu Sishi's pupils, Fang Nan became puzzled.

He didn't see emotion in Liu Sishi's eyes.

Even in ordinary life, if a person is woken up and finds that there are more people in the room silently, he must be shocked.

Of course this is a movie, he didn't see the fear in Liu Sishi's eyes, maybe it was to show other things.

That's why Fang Nan curiously asked Mr. Xu, what is the situation of this female character in the play at the moment, and what emotion Sishi wants to express.

I don't know if it's because I haven't washed my hair for a long time or what, Old Freak Xu scratched his head again: "There's nothing more sad than death, she can't escape the prison of Jiaofangsi."

Fang Nan nodded.

It's really hard to hide the despair that is more mournful than heart-dead, and it's understandable that Liu Sishi didn't show it.

Continue reading calmly.

When it came time, Zhou Miaotong said with ashamed heart, "My lord General Banner, with your little salary, redeem me? Besides, this is Jiaofangsi's brothel, and no one can get out without a document from the Ministry of Punishment."

Faced with this close-up, Fang Nan began to smack his lips.

He probably understands that Old Freak Xu is just getting along well, and he is afraid that Liu Sishi will be slowed down again.

Artists are their own.

As long as he didn't make big mistakes, and simply failed to meet the standards in performance, Fang Nan had to defend himself no matter what.

What's more, the emotion of this character has no acting skills, so it's really not easy to act.

Therefore, he picked up the walkie-talkie on his behalf and shouted to the photographer in the room: "Don't close-up Liu Sishi for the whole scene, try again."

"Wow, you are so touching, I want to join your company as an artist."

Fang Nan didn't mind Old Freak Xu's yin and yang aura, "Come on, I'll give you an important role in the 6 million "Assassination of Novelists"."

"Who is it? I went to Beijing Film Studio. The investment is up to 3 million yuan."

"Nonsense, the production cost is only 3.5 million yuan, okay? In addition to the promotion and distribution in the future, it can't be 6 million yuan?"

Old Freak Xu stopped talking: "You are right, let's see your directing skills."

Fang Nan didn't know how good his directing skills were.

But this time without the close-up of Liu Sishi, at least it's not so contrary to harmony, and it can be used with a little bit.

But when Liu Sishi came out from the house, Fang Nan still took her to the side and gave her a hard meal.

Her family background is good, she has never experienced any hardships since she was a child, and she has never experienced any worrying things.

It takes a lot of effort to act out the sad drama from the inside out.

But this is not a reason.

Because she is an actress now.

"I usually play less online games and read more books, and try to figure out the inner world of the characters in the books."

"No matter how low you are on yourself, Fei Tian, ​​Golden Eagle, and Magnolia are the three major TV drama awards. After all, you have to win one of the after-view trophies, right? Huh?"

Seeing that Liu Sishi didn't move her toes and didn't answer, Fang Nan asked angrily, "Are you right?"


Liu Sishi responded like a mosquito, Fang Nan was furious.

Of the several female artists in the company, Liu Sishi is the most fatal.

Every time Liu Sishi was in front of Fang Nan, she would turn into a dull gourd, and even when she spoke, her voice was like a mosquito.

And no matter what Teacher Fang Nan said, she was right and good.

But the grades were not improving, and Fang Nan would be pissed off every time.

"You and Ni Ni are just in Tangtang Film and Television. If you change to another company, let's see if you can still hang shoulders and play like crazy every day."

Leaving aside his words angrily, he reached out to meet Zhang Zhen, as well as Wang Qianyuan and Li Dongxue who had just arrived.

Standing and chatting with a few people, Fang Nan greeted Mr. Xu, and walked out of Mingqing Street to visit Lao Yang and Wu Gao.

After having lunch with Lao Yang and Wu Gao, he inspected the small white building on the fourth floor of Tangtang Film and Television's office in Hengdian, and ordered the driver to drive to Jinling Xinjiekou that night.

After a round of inspections and returning to Pujiang, it is time to leave for Berlin to participate in the 57th Berlin Film Festival.

It was snowing on the day of boarding, and the red lanterns were hung high in the city, which was full of New Year's flavor.

There are 32 people in their party, including Fang Nan, Liu Qianqian, Liu Sishi, Ni Ni, Cai Yinong, Chu Peijun, and Hu Wen from Tangtang Film and Television Company.

In addition, three Tangtang staff members arrived in Berlin one step earlier because they had to go to the front station.

As well as one of the jury members of this year's film festival, Shi Nansheng, the general manager of Tangtang Film and Television, is also in Berlin.

Excluding Fang Nan's seven people, there were 25 people left, and Chen Kun, who was sent by Rong Xinda himself.

Guang Guang sent Jiang Yiyan with his own money.

The rest are a bunch of domestic media reporters.

In the 57th Berlin Film Festival, several Chinese films participated in the competition, such as "Youth in Youth", "Tuya's Marriage", "Falling Leaves Return to Roots", and "Apple", so the media lineup is unprecedentedly strong.

In order to grab possible first-hand information about the awards, several portal websites sent their reporters to Berlin one after another.

I don't know who revealed that Tang Tang Film and Television, Fang Nan and others have not yet flown, and they are swarming to go together.

Fang Nan had no choice but to agree graciously.

Everyone in the country fights and fights, you report me black news, I scold you rubbish tabloids, it is understandable for everyone to fight each other, and others will not say anything.

For mutual benefit.

Going abroad now, not to mention unanimously external, should be in a group or should be in a group.

Otherwise, it will provoke public outrage.

And they also need to use the media to expose their works and their artists.

Although they also brought in the company's media personnel, the exposure platform was incomparable after all.

(End of this chapter)

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