literary world

Chapter 240 The 57th Berlin Film Chapter

Chapter 240 The 57th Berlin Film Festival
In 2007, Huaxia did not have a direct flight to Berlin.

Fang Nan and his party could only curl up and fly from the capital to Frankfurt, and then board the small train to Berlin.

It snowed when I came.

When they arrived in Europe, they were still greeted by wind and snow.

Many countries in Europe are in the dark.

All the way through the wind and frost.

Fang Nan and the others were very excited.

Three Chinese-language feature-length films were shortlisted for the main competition unit of the 57th Berlin Film Festival. With this record, it is exciting enough!

The little train slowly arrived at the destination zoo train station. Fang Nan and his party finally met up with Shi Nansheng who came to Berlin first, and three company employees.

"Why do you come to pick us up when you are so busy? You won't be afraid that we will get lost."

Shi Nansheng, one of Fang Nanchong's judges, shook his head and smiled.

"I was busy when I first came here. There were more than 400 works registered for the competition this year. It's okay now. The works shortlisted for the main competition unit have been selected, and the rest is the quarrel among the judges."

After talking to Fang Nan about the work of the judges, Shi Nansheng dusted off the snowflakes on the fur scarf, and turned to Cai Yinong, "Boss Cai, did the 8-3 land bid go well?"

Cai Yinong didn't ask or answer, and casually stomped off the snowflakes on his feet. Fang raised his head and glanced at Shi Nansheng, and said sarcastically:

"It went very well, 43 billion yuan was hit! You and Daizhikang have already become the headlines of many domestic financial weekly magazines."

Tangtang Film and Television has been engaged in theater chains, and now it is engaged in theater chain real estate.

Cai Yinong has always held an opposing attitude, and the opposition failed.

She even exchanged several hundred million in cash from Fang Nan for 20 points of shares.

In one fell swoop, he turned himself into the second largest shareholder of Tangtang Film and Television.

But even so, once Tang Tang Film and Television collapses, her loss will still not be small.

Therefore, when a number of financial weekly magazines questioned whether the sluggish Zhengda Technology has the ability to develop follow-up, Cai Yinong casually stabbed Shi Nansheng.

When Shi Nansheng and Cai Yinong met, they began to point their fingers at Maimang. Fang Nan had no choice but to look depressed and said, "Don't talk about business matters, can you respect the Berlin Film Festival? Respect the film? Respect us artists?"

After Fang Nan finished speaking angrily, the media reporters who followed along the way greeted each other and left.

They don't have any vanguard, so they are in a hurry to find a hotel.

During the film festival, it is not easy to find cheap hotels close to the film palace, the host venue.

"Let's go too."

After Fang Nanchong and Cai Yinong finished speaking, he walked out of the station first, but he stopped after a while.

It was also his first time in Berlin.

I can tell the difference between southeast and northwest, but I don't know which direction to go.

Hu Wen, who has been in contact with the vanguard and knows more, reminded: "Let's take the city bus to the place where we live. The rented house is 20 minutes' walk from the movie palace."

Fang Nan nodded, braved the wind and snow and got on the double-decker bus.

The bus was running slowly all the way, and all kinds of beautiful movie posters frequently came into view.

On the walls of European-style buildings, sculptures, lights, dining cars, and the laughter of passers-by, this city with only a few million people is full of artistic sense under the support of countless movie posters.

Pass Alexanderplatz, pass Potsdamer Platz where the Film Palace is located.

In addition to the exquisite movie posters, there are also more stars and famous directors from all over the world.

Matt Damon.

Cate Blanchett.

willem dafoe.

"Brother Nan, look, that's Tom Hanks?" Ni Ni exclaimed.

Fang Nan smiled: "Maybe."

He is not interested in celebrity directors.

What made him feel so excited was the incomparable artistic atmosphere emanating from the whole city at this moment.

The distance was very short, Hu Wen yelled "get off the bus" after a while, and then led Fang Nan and his party into a three-story white house.

There are so many of them, staying in a hotel must be scattered here and there, and it is inconvenient to eat and drink. On the contrary, it is more convenient and cost-effective to rent a private villa directly.

It's just relatively expensive.

After going to the room on the third floor assigned to her by Hu Wen, Fang Nan lost his luggage, washed his hands and feet briefly, and couldn't bear to go out to feel the atmosphere of the film festival.

Unexpectedly, Hu Wen, the propaganda director, cut it off halfway.

In the living room on the first floor, Hu Wen felt aggrieved to Fang Nan whose feet were already covered with snow: "Brother Nan, you have to walk the red carpet of the opening ceremony tomorrow, so I have to briefly explain the rules and precautions. Same!"

"Oh, then tell me quickly."

Fang Nan was noncommittal.

The red carpet, what difference can it make if it is different, what else can it do?
But then, Fang Nan felt a little stunned.

The domestic red carpet and the red carpet of the three major European film festivals are obviously not the same thing.

Because Hu Wen talked endlessly for an hour.

1: Because there are too many tourists, the road will be closed before the red carpet begins, and all red carpet actors are not allowed to run around.

2: Certificates and invitation letters must not be forgotten.

3: Red carpet actors are not allowed to drive from the assembly point to the movie palace privately.

4: Men are not allowed to wear ties, they are uniformly bow ties.

Speaking of the fourth item, Hu Wen said to Fang Nan and Chen Kun: "Brother Nan, you and Mr. Chen Kun must not forget that if you don't have a bow tie, I will ask someone to buy it later."

"What about us?" Ni Ni was curious.

Hu Wen grinned: "Ma'am, feel free, I hope the sun will come out tomorrow, otherwise you, Sishi, Qianqian, and Jiang Yiyan will suffer, because we only brought evening dresses."

"Article 5 is very important to you, remember not to make a fool of yourself, we are abroad."

5: When stepping on the red carpet, someone will lead you forward, stop when the leader gives way, take pictures for the media, wait for the leader to say OK, and then go, there are three opportunities to face the world's major media ,To take advantage of.

In addition, when climbing the steps to enter the movie palace, remember to pay attention to your feet and don't get tripped.

"The above are the precautions for walking on the opening red carpet tomorrow. Next, I will add the points that need to be paid attention to if it is the red carpet specially arranged by the organizer for the works shortlisted for the main competition."

"For example, after walking the opening red carpet of "Youth in Youth" specially arranged by the organizer, after everyone enters the theater, if you want to go to the toilet, you must hurry up, because there is only this time to go to the toilet, and the time is very short, so you must hurry up."

"After going to the toilet, everyone will find their seat card in the middle of the auditorium. Don't whisper while sitting down. The outside audience will enter the venue soon."

"When the theater no longer enters the audience, the audience will applaud the people in front of and behind the stage of the film, which is a kind of encouragement."

"Brother Nan, remember to lead Sissy and the others to stand up and bow to the audience to express their gratitude, and take pictures for the media."

"After the movie screening, you should stand up and accept the audience's applause."

"At this point, you will feel the world's respect for movies!" Hu Wen finished with a smile on her face.

All precautions are finally finished.

Ni Ni, Liu Sishi, Liu Qianqian, and Jiang Yiyan all blushed, showing their inner excitement.

Fang Nan, who just couldn't bear to go out, lit a cigarette silently.

Just listening to Hu Wen talk about this film, he deeply felt the gap between domestic film festivals and foreign film festivals.

This gap is not pompous.

It's an attitude towards each other's movies.

What made Fang Nan feel powerless even more.

He only came to the Berlin Film Festival.

Among the three major film festivals in Europe, the Berlin Film Festival can only be regarded as the tail of the crane.

Compared to the Berlin Film Festival.

The Cannes Film Festival, which is more popular and famous, and more popular with famous directors, has already evolved into a cultural event that embraces the whole world!
There are some things that I don't think about, but when I think about Fang Nan, I feel headache and regret.

If you don't do his job, you can't understand how big the gap is between China and the West in terms of film culture and film festivals.

It is said that the national football team has embarrassed the Chinese people.

But when it comes to film culture and film festivals, that also makes many people beat their chests.

China is a big country with a long history of culture and talented people.

The population of some provinces is larger than that of France and Germany, but they cannot hold a decent film festival.

The reason why so many domestic netizens scold Golden Rooster, Baihua, and Huabiao for being so fierce and cruel.

A large part of the reason is really hating iron but not steel!

After Hu Wen made such a mess, Fang Nan, who was a little angry just now, lost the intention to go out again.

I went upstairs in dismay because of jet lag.

As a director, Fang Nan didn't have any weird bed-loving habits, as long as he lay down, he would stay overnight until dawn.

The next day, February 2, the 8th Berlin Film Festival officially opened.

The weather in Berlin was not so good that day.

The snow outside is still falling, just a little bit smaller.

The actresses who walked the red carpet at the opening ceremony were afraid that they would suffer old crimes.

As soon as Fang Nan arrived downstairs, hungry, Chu Peijun reminded: "Brother Nan, the invitations are all on the table. "Youth in Youth" will be screened on the 11th, and the screening hall is at Alexanderplatz."

Fang Nan was surprised: "Alexander Square? "Youth in Youth" is so unpopular?"

There are several theaters responsible for showing competition films, most of which are located in Potsdamer Platz and Alexanderplatz.

The former is the main square of the two squares, and the latter is the vice.

The red carpet for the opening and closing ceremonies, as well as the movie palace, are located in Potsdamer Platz, the main square.

"Youth in Youth" was screened at the Vice Plaza, which means that the judges think the movie is average?
Or his qualifications are not enough?
Fang Nan expressed curiosity.

Hu Wen smiled and took over the conversation: "Newcomers, it's all like this. Old directors like Wang An'an and Li Yu are screened in the movie palace."

Fang Nan understood, nodded and smiled wryly.

In China, his reputation may be close to that of the older generation of directors.

But in Europe, he is an out-and-out newcomer director.

International filmmakers who pay attention to Chinese-language films may have heard of a young commercial comedy director in the ancient East.

But compared with the two directors Wang Anan and Li Yu who have brought their works to Europe for competitions many times.

His commercial fame is nothing.

You know, this is the Berlin Film Festival.

Filmmakers who don't know the three major film festivals in Europe.

The Cannes Film Festival is more commercial and willing to accommodate films of various themes. It has the widest reputation and the strongest stars.

The Venice Film Festival pays more attention to works with humanistic care.

Just like Venice, the city where the film festival is located, is contained by water.

The West Berlin Film Festival, which came into being because of the money paid by the Americans in order to tear apart the socialist Soviet Union, is very extreme.

The Berlin Film Festival, which has left sequelae, has so far preferred works that reflect politics and social issues.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Fang Nan, a director of commercial films, was arranged by the extreme Berlin Film Festival in Vice Square.

Who cares that he can beat the box office of all the movies of Wang Pingan and Li Yu with just one movie.

Do not care.

Sitting down at the edge of the table, Fang Nan urged with a newspaper in his hand, "Hurry up and eat something by the hour, I'm very hungry, wake up Qian Qian and the others too."

Chu Peijun smiled and said: "They are trying on the dresses, I will get you something to eat first."

Fang Nan nodded, idly flipping through the newspapers he could not read.

Leaning a little, Chu Peijun brought a glass of milk and two slices of black bread, Fang Nan ate a bit of it, and Liu Qianqian went downstairs fully dressed.

Looking at the red, yellow and white sleeveless mermaid evening dresses of Ni Ni, Liu Qianqian, and Liu Sishi, Fang Nan was speechless.

"Can't find anything else? How is it a style?"

Chu Yujun spread his hands: "I can't borrow it. As for the three of them, Ren Dior is actually only willing to borrow the one from Sissy. Ni Ni and Si Poet can't find such a person, so they are not willing to borrow it."

Fang Nan was depressed: "Then you didn't say it earlier, it's better to order them a national style dress than this one."

Chu Yujun stopped talking.

Fang Nan is typical of talking without back pain, she doesn't know how to order?
Can custom-made dresses be free?

A custom-made dress, at least tens of thousands, 10,000+, who will pay for it?

Fang Nan herself didn't pay attention, and Cai Yinong didn't approve the money, so what else could she do besides being thick-faced and borrowing from others, it would be nice to have a dress of an international brand.

Hu Wen interjected: "Brother Nan, this is already very good. I have seen the national style dress that Fan Bing brought. There is a fan on the head and a fan in the hand. It is not as good as the one on Qian Qian and the others. .”

Fang Nan waved his hand angrily and interrupted Hu Wen: "Hurry up and eat, go out and buy two ready-made ones after eating, you can't wear the same style."

Speaking of which, he actually doesn't pay much attention to his personal image, he just wraps himself in a military coat to keep warm in winter.

But it was in China, and all I saw were my own people, so it didn't matter.

Now that I have gone abroad, the whole military coat is not the same thing.

He felt that when he was away from home, he didn't think about anything else.

First of all, in terms of personal behavior, you should not discredit your compatriots or the country.

So when he thought of the red carpet in the afternoon, the world's major media people complained about Liu Qianqian, Liu Sishi, and Ni Ni, three beautiful actresses, wearing three dresses of the same style, and he reacted for a while. The point.

Fang Nan ordered to change their dresses, and Liu Qianqian and the three of them skipped breakfast, quickly changed their dresses and followed Chu Peijun out of the villa.

When they came back, the three of them were all beaming.

Seeing Sissy wearing a off-the-shoulder, knee-length white gauze dress.

Ni Ni changed into a long off-the-shoulder black floor-length dress, Si Shi put on a small pink suit, and the three of them put on simple and elegant light makeup. Fang Nan put on a black suit, wrist watch and bow tie and hurried out.

A few people hurried to the designated assembly place more than 200 meters away from the movie palace, and not long after, the official vehicle to pick them up arrived.

Amidst the crackling roar of the foreigners in charge of the vehicles, the five of them boarded the two cars without a second, and stepped onto the red carpet in a pyramid formation without a second, Fang Nan's heart fell to the ground.

"Don't worry about the red carpet staff who lead the way. When you see domestic reporters shouting, you can stop for a while to take pictures of them."

On the red carpet, Fang Nan whispered to Liu Qianqian and the others.

Hu Wen's red carpet rules are quite scary.

But who is Fang Nan, he has seen too many carpet stars.

Although it is not necessary to imitate the three steps of a carpet star and stop on the red carpet, it is still possible to stop occasionally to take a few photos for the domestic media.

Otherwise, what are they doing all the way here? The foreign media don’t know them and they don’t want to waste film.

The domestic media can no longer take pictures of their faces. If the movie doesn't win an award, it will still promote the movie.

(End of this chapter)

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