literary world

Chapter 251: The Box Office Breaks 2 Million

Chapter 251

Yangzhou Travel Channel:

As the saying goes, fireworks will go down to Yangzhou in March!

In previous years, March was when Yanliu and Qionghua were in full bloom.

People in Yangzhou always take advantage of their busy schedules to go out for outings and search for willows during their short holidays.

But this year, the custom that has lasted for so many years was broken by a movie.

"Youth in Youth" is a film about bullying directed by Yangzhou director Fang Nan
Jiangcheng Education Channel:

[From the small screen to the big screen, Liu Qianqian used the role of Chen Nian to draw a perfect end to her youth]

As "You are a young man" hits theaters across the country, the role of Chen Nian, played by the heroine of the film, Liu Qianqian, has been affirmed by countless insiders and outsiders.

From the questionable performance in Jin Yong's drama, to Chen Nian, who was praised by the audience.

Liu Qianqian claimed: Behind the superb acting skills is the stubbornness in the heart.

Today, we specially invited Liu Qianqian to be a guest in the studio to discuss with her why she is obsessed with "Youth in Youth" and Chen Nian.

Host: "Hi, Sissy, say hello to the live audience and the audience in front of the TV."

"Hi everyone, I'm actress Liu Qianqian!"

Host: "Cissy's ancestral home is Jiangcheng."

"Yes, I went to elementary school in Jiangcheng. After finishing elementary school, I went abroad with my mother."

"Then you can be regarded as our Jiangcheng's daughter." After a brief mention, the host quickly changed the subject: "First of all, congratulations on winning the award."

Liu Qianqian looked at the host in bewilderment: "Ah, when did I win the award? What award, why don't I know?"

"In the [-]th China Original Music Pop Chart held by CCTV, didn't you win the Mainland's "My Favorite Popular Idol Award" for "I Remember I Loved"?"

"Oh, I forgot if you didn't tell me, I was in Germany when I won the award, ha ha ha ha."

What about the Music Awards from more than two months ago?
Liu Qianqian's lips curled up slightly, and a series of shriveled and embarrassed laughter came out of her throat.

I don't know if it's the dislike of the awards or the host's unprofessional dislike, the audience, fans in front of the TV, and the audience immediately burst into laughter.

"This kid is too real!"

Ordinary viewers lamented that the little girl on TV was kind and unpretentious!
As for Liu Qianqian's local fans in Jiangcheng, they were very angry.

"As I said a long time ago, one of the hosts of Jiangcheng TV Station will be fired one by one. Every time a guest comes over, they don't know what to talk about. It's no wonder that the ratings of such an unprofessional host have not been able to increase."

Fang Nan used his influence to boost the box office of "Youth in Youth" in Yangzhou and the entire Jiangsu province.

Liu Qianqian used a simple expression to make the box office of Jiangcheng and Hebei reach new heights.

Ni Ni, Si Shi, Chen Kun, Huang Lei, and Zhu Yuanyuan, who are on road shows all over the country, are also working hard for the box office of "Youth in Youth" to break [-] million and [-] million.

Faced with the possibility of breaking the box office of [-] million proposed by the reporter who followed the car?
The exhausted Fang Nan flipped through the data in his mind and thought it was very possible.

One of the reasons: the reputation of the movie is so good that many people online and offline are spontaneously promoting the movie.

Moreover, the audience who enter the theater is not limited to young people as in the past. Many middle-aged people enter the movie theater accompanied by their old sons, daughters, and grandchildren.

Reason [-]: China Film has a strong distribution capacity, and the entire March and April are extremely empty schedules.

In the second, third, fourth and third months of each year in the domestic film market, in fact, more theaters will be used to repair and check equipment and prepare for the arrival of the summer vacation. There are very few blockbuster films and very few screening venues.

In 2006, "People on the Journey", produced by Fang Nan and directed by Wang Liang, broke this routine and called out the slogan of creating Spring Festival stalls.

But in the end it was short-lived.

This year, "The Disciple", "Gemini Thief", "Night at the Museum", "The Devil Wears Prada", and "Don't Treat Yourself as a Cadre" all fell into the sand this year.

As a result, it has cast a haze on the film market in March.

It also made the theater chain close most of the theaters with peace of mind.

Under such circumstances, "Youth in Youth" was born with the appearance of winning the Golden Bear Award, filling the schedule of March and April, without even a blocker.

Therefore, Fang Nan decided that with a good reputation and almost no good film sources in theaters across the country, it was very possible for "You Are a Young Man" to break [-] million at the box office.

The data also fully illustrate this point.

On the 16th, the box office of the film was 900 million on the day of its premiere.

Number 17, 1200 million.

18 million on the 1000th.

With 3100 million box office in three days, "Youth in Youth" won the box office champion in the first week.

In the second week from the 19th to the 25th, with the increase in theaters, film schedules, and big screens of "Youth in Youth", the box office has not decreased but increased compared to the first week, and once again won 4500 million, winning the box office champion in the second week At the same time, the cumulative box office reached 7600 million.

7 million in 5000 days, 10 million in 7600 days.

For 10 consecutive days, the average box office of more than 700 million per day proves that the film has great stamina, and it also proves that Fang Nan's breakthrough of [-] million is not based on speculation.

Even many people in the industry have felt that the world has gone crazy.

When "Youth in Youth" earned 7 million box office in 5000 days after its release, they thought the data was too scary.

This film breaks the traditional perception that literary and artistic films that they have formed long ago will not have high box office in China, and domestic audiences are very unfriendly to literary and artistic films.

And now it seems.

The box office of 5000 million is just the beginning.

Judging from the momentum, it is certain that "Youth in Youth" will exceed [-] million, and it seems that it is not impossible to break [-] million.

We are both filmmakers, and we are also filmmakers who have made literary and artistic films. Seeing "Youth in Youth" achieve such a result, it is conceivable that some people feel very uncomfortable.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that literati look down on each other.

What's more, it's not a lot to want to drag Fang Nan back.

Therefore, when "Youth in Youth" aroused heated discussions among the people, and when word-of-mouth and box office both rose steadily, some doubts emerged from the cracks.

[Why can the bullying discussed in "Youth in Youth" pass the trial easily without cutting it? 】

[How many bullying incidents exist in Huaxia? 】

[The bullying incident you have experienced! 】

[Are there many mismanagement practices in vocational schools, technical schools, and some colleges and universities? 】

【Is what Fang Nan wants to explore through "You Are a Young Man" really bullying, or is the deep meaning behind the film trying to talk about the law of the jungle in this society? 】

["You are a young man" has passed the review, I feel wronged for those directors of the fifth and sixth generations, for Jiang Wen's "The Devil Is Coming", for Lou Ye's "Suzhou Garden", and for Wang Xiaoshuai's "17-year-old Bicycle".]

[What kind of a set of rules is censorship? 】

The appearance of several film forum columnists led to a discussion about censorship.

But Fang Nan knew the ultimate goal. The producers, China Film and Emperor, distributors, and theaters all knew it. Many people came to "Youth in Youth".

There is no shortage of jealous people in this world.

Facing the expected wave of "snowstorm", Fang Nan went step by step to participate in several domestically influential talk shows arranged by the publisher.

"Interview with Yang Lan":
Faced with the problems of the General Administration, Fang Nan chose to avoid the serious ones:
"I don't understand the rules of censorship. "Youth in Youth" passed the censorship. I think it is because the things discussed in the film are socially friendly and can promote the harmonious development of society. If a film can change something, this film Why can't it pass the trial?"

Yang Lan: "Then what do you think now that some faculty and staff are reluctant to see the hit of "Young You", they think the movie has increased their burden, and they also question whether we really have so much bullying?"

"Or, you just use it as a gimmick to please the judges at the Berlin Film Festival!"

"First of all, I have doubts about the identities of the teachers you mentioned."

"I think that if most of the teaching staff have watched this movie, not only will they not mind this movie, but they will even encourage children to go into the movie theater and watch this movie bravely, so that children will have the courage to fight against the evil. !"

"How much bullying is there? I don't know the details. The benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see the wisdom. Isn't there such a saying that if there is something, it will be corrected if it is not, then it will be encouraged!"

Facing the last question, Fang Nan smiled contemptuously:
"As for pleasing the judges of the film festival, I just want to say that some people in China really underestimate me. Fang Nan's films will please the audience, and will never please any judges, and some well-known film critics! I really want to please the judges of the film festival, "Young You" will not end now."

Yang Lan: "You are very confident!"

"If I'm not confident, I wouldn't be able to make it this far!" Fang Nan said domineeringly.

Finished recording "Interview with Yang Lan".

Fang Nan continued to record several talk shows such as "Super Interview", "A Date with Luyu", "Kefan Listening".

at the same time.

Liu Qianqian, Ni Ni, Liu Sishi, and Chen Kun boarded "Happy Camp" to further promote young audiences.

Intensive publicity temporarily suppresses the "interested people" who are looking for trouble.

The box office of "Youth in Youth" continued to climb.


At this time, the total box office was 1 million.

A box office result that doesn't seem like much, but makes some people frown.

The office of Wang Jun, chairman of Huayi Company.

"Why is this? Fang Nan doesn't seem to have failed before. A movie of a certain genre can earn more than 1 million at the box office?"

Wang Jun put down the newspaper and looked at Wang Lei, Feng Dapao, who were sitting on the sofa, and Chen Guofu, who had just joined the company late last year in charge of production.

Feng Dapao and Wang Lei, who had a problem with Fang Nan, were silent, but Chen Guofu, a newcomer, said with emotion:

"The most powerful thing is that the production cost of "Youth in Youth" is said to be only 1800 million, and with the announcement and distribution, it should not exceed 3000 million. Mr. Han and Jiangzhou's intestines are going to regret it."

"What I'm wondering is why Fang Nan has been able to make a big fortune with a small amount every time. What kind of position did Tang Tang Film and Television have before? Cai Yinong has to make a TV series with more than 20 episodes, and he has to solicit investment from all over the world. Look now, he is going to build a building on the Bund , why should she?"

Chen Guofu smiled: "In the final analysis, it is the quality. I have watched "Youth in Youth". There are very few flaws in the film. It is indeed a rare and good movie."

"What the hell are weird things happening every year, especially in the past few years, Fang Nan, the monkey grandson, is really going to stir up trouble."

With a grunt, Wang Jun rushed to Wang Lei and said, "Second brother, let people publicize the violent and depressing plot of this movie, and tell the audience that it's hard to watch. If Fang Nan continues to be so popular, Cai Yinong may run on us Shit and pee, what the hell!"

Bona Films:

"dong dong"

"Please come in." Yu Dong looked towards the door of the office, "Sister Hua, what's the matter?"

After walking a few steps quickly, Wang Jinghua put both arms on the desk: "Mr. Yu, I heard that Fang Nan has two projects, one big and one small, that will start shooting in the second half of the year. Do you know this?"

Yu Dong nodded: "I heard, what's the matter?"

Wang Jinghua frowned: "Bona participated in Fang Nan's two projects this time?"

"It's just an intention at the moment. When Fang Nan returns to Beijing, I will find time to meet with him and try my best to win the investment right of one of the projects."

"Yu Zong, you can do one thing and two can't be three. You always talk about intentions and intentions, and then the intentions of "People on the Journey", "Thailand", and "Youth in Youth" all fell through. What is this?"

"I remember clearly that before I transferred to Bona, you promised me in good spirits that Bona would invest in at least 5 plays in the next year to ensure that the nearly 20 artists under my command would not be hungry, and you agreed with me halfway through. Fang Nan has reached agreements of intent to cooperate in multiple film and television projects!"

"The result? Except for "Assassination of the Novelist" which is far away, I haven't waited for anything, and I still have to take a group of artists out to beg for food."

When Wang Jinghua pointed to his nose and questioned him, Yu Dong, the founder of Bona, also became angry, and he slapped the table and stood up: "What do you mean now?"

Wang Jinghua also put on a serious face: "I just want to ask Fang Nan about the next two projects, can Bona win one of them, and can the artists under my hands be ranked? If you can't help it, let's have a look at it as soon as possible." Take two shots."

"You can take people away and leave Gao Yuanyuan behind!"

"You think it's beautiful." After secretly ridiculing, Wang Jinghua turned around instantly: "Mr. Yu, I think that's the way it is. Let's get together and get away."

Because Huayi's "Youth in Youth" broke [-] million at the box office, Chairman Wang Jun issued an order to increase the number of dirty water for this movie.

Bona even lost the greedy Wang Jinghua and nearly 20 artists who swore to follow Wang Jinghua because of "Youth in Youth".

Another well-known film company in China, Guangguang Media, is also analyzing the reasons for the success of "Youth in Youth".

As for China Film and Emperor, which are closely related to "Youth in Youth", as Chen Guofu described, they are both painful and happy.

Fang Nan gave China Film and Emperor the opportunity, but these two employers obviously didn't grasp it.

Others gave opportunities, but they were useless, resulting in a lot of less money. They could only hide at home and cry silently, resenting themselves.

People in the industry and companies have listed "Youth in Youth" as a case for analysis.

"Those with a heart" want to lower the box office of the movie by promoting the violence in the movie, tear gas and other clumsy means.

Those who engage in economics talk about the film economy on TV programs.

The school leaders promised and guaranteed to the local education committee over and over again that the school did not and would not happen similar to those plots in the movie.

Netizens are on the Internet Amway.

Ordinary audiences walked into the cinema one after another, dragging their families along.

Less than two months after the beginning of 2007, a movie called "Youth in Youth" touched the hearts of countless Chinese people.

On April 4, after "Youth in Youth" won the box office championship in the fourth week with 16 million, it won the box office championship in the fifth week again with 2500 million.

At the moment, the total box office is 1 million.

At the same time, because a large number of people jumped out to take the lead in breaking the news about the plot of the movie in a certain school in a certain place, it became a hotly discussed movie among the people.

Just when Fang Nan and Mr. Han were sitting together and had a headache, whether they could bear the pain to release the movie ahead of schedule.

On April 4, at 20:7.30 p.m. news, a news about a speech by a leader reassured the two of them.

"Resolutely put an end to bullying...behaviors, and resolutely put an end to the clips in the movie "Youth in Youth" being staged in reality. The education committees of all provinces, cities, and counties must assign responsible persons."

As soon as this news came out, "Youth in Youth" not only was not forced to go offline.

It even sparked another wave of movie viewing.

"Youth in Youth" once again won the box office championship in the sixth and seventh weeks.

When May came, many people lamented that "Young You", which has been crazy for nearly two months, finally ushered in its opponent "Spider-Man 3", and it is unknown when the two films will win.

The audience suddenly discovered that "Youth in Youth" had disappeared in major theaters without a sound.

"[-] million at the box office, what is there to be dissatisfied with? I'm very satisfied. Your husband is already making crazy money!"

In Courtyard 28 of Yinding Bridge, facing Gao Yuanyuan's problem of "released in advance, he is not angry", Fang Nan, who was pillowed on his snow-white thigh, said so.

(End of this chapter)

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