literary world

Chapter 252 The Asian Box Office Summary

Chapter 252 The Asian Box Office Summary

"Youth in Youth" was quietly painted on the second day.

The media who reacted threw all the praises they could think of to "Youth in Youth", which swept away [-] million box office in less than eight weeks and broke the box office record of a literary film.

As the chief director of the film, Fang Nan was surrounded by flowers and applause.

Even many official media came out and praised him as a representative figure of the new generation of directors in China.

The most influential young director in China in the 2000s.

Some organizations such as the Directors Association and the Screenwriters Association have also rewarded him internally.

Where there is praise, there is doubt, and there is belittling.

Ordinary viewers questioned that "Youth in Youth" obviously still has stamina. It can be said that it has full stamina. Why did you draw it early?
Did Fang Nan and "Youth in Youth" encounter force majeure?

However, the naval army, which is inextricably linked with Huayi, ridiculed and belittled the so-called record-breaking.

Everyone in the world knows that the box office records of real literary films are not good at all. What is there to break?

In addition, "Youth in Youth" is a literary film?
Movies that have no box office and are not liked by most of the general public are literary films.

For example, the 63rd Venice Golden Lion Award film "The Good Man in Three Gorges", which was released in the Lunar New Year file last year, and this year's "Tuya's Marriage".

"The Good Man in Three Gorges" and "Curse of the Golden Flower" were released at the same time, the box office was slammed, and the box office was forced to withdraw 30 in just one week.

"Tuya's Marriage" was also taken off the shelves in a few days.

This kind of film that no one cares about is the real literary film.

"You are a young man" is a commercial film with a literary shell, but the core actually contains a lot of commercial elements. 2 million box office is nothing.

Faced with doubts from ordinary audiences, He Shi wanted to belittle Fang Nan from the altar of Huayi.

Fang Nan who was hiding at home knew everything, but acted indifferent.

"Youth in Youth" won the Golden Bear Award, and the money he earned made his hands cramp.

It's no big deal to say hello to outsiders.

And there are some things he can only rot in his own stomach.

As for the rhythmic Huayi, there is nothing to say, the competition between the two is bound to end only if one of them falls.

A pattern of one south and one north has been formed.

Opening his mouth to take the tangerine stuffed by Gao Yuanyuan, Fang Nan asked, "Auntie feeling better?"

Gao Yuanyuan stroked the prickly beard on Fang Nan's chin: "There are good times and bad times, so I can only go home often to be with her."

"Then don't join the group this year, and spend more time with your uncles and aunts at home."

It is true that Fang Nan is an iron orphan, but the filial piety that has been passed down for thousands of years in China is quite recognized.

In his opinion, as long as a person is filial and kind, no matter how bad that person is, he can't be that bad.

"Well, I've just accepted one movie so far, an urban romance movie that Orange Sky specially helped me invest in, and my partner is Ekin Cheng."

Fang Nan looked surprised: "Ah, why is Orange Sky investing for you?"

"Sister Hua took us away from Bona and went to Orange Sky again. Didn't this help me connect with this drama?"

Fang Nan said in horror: "You all quit jobs together?"

Gao Yuanyuan nodded his head indifferently: "Yes."

Wang Jinghua treats her very well, she usually doesn't care about her health, and often goes home to chat with her parents when she is out filming.

So this time she changed jobs, she didn't think much about it, and didn't ask Fang Nan's consent, so she rejected Bona's overture, and took the initiative to follow Orange Sky.

In her heart, family comes first.

The second is work.

She is really not short of money now, and she has dozens of endorsements, large and small, on her back, and the huge endorsement fees are enough to spend for many years.

What's more, her man is still one of the top directors in China.

She really couldn't get along anymore, she opened her mouth to ask Fang Nan for a role, but how could Fang Nan refuse.

Zeng Li, the former head of Orange Sky, Hua Dan, has already left, and Gao Yuanyuan seems to have no problem going now. Thinking of this, Fang Nan relaxes: "Then stay in Orange Sky, it doesn't matter where you are anyway, what kind of drama are you playing?" what?"

"The title of the film is "Intimacy", and the female director's name is Anxi, do you know him?"

"I know, the screenwriters of "Men Forty" and "Sanchakou", I think the scripts are not bad, when will you join the team?"

Gao Yuanyuan replied: "Next month, at most, we will shoot in Xiangjiang for a month."

"Then let's hurry up."

Gao Yuanyuan was at a loss: "What should we do now?"

Fang Nan raised his eyebrows, and scratched his white thigh with his right hand, Gao Yuanyuan blushed instantly, "Can you still be better, are you not afraid of thunder in broad daylight?"

"What's this called? How can I be struck by lightning when I'm working at my house in broad daylight?"

After finishing speaking, Fang Nan turned over and faced down, "baji" kissed on the thigh, the shy Gao Yuanyuan kept pushing and said: "The computer is on, there is a new email."

"You want to lie to me, there's no way." Fang Nan said vaguely.

The plan failed, Gao Yuanyuan was about to be defeated by the devil's hand, under the devil's mouth, the computer turned on in time, she was shocked, and hurriedly turned Fang Nan's head: "The computer really lights up."

"Damn, who is so out of tune, who doesn't take a nap at noon, why send emails!"

Fang Nan slid off the mat cursing.

["Youth in Youth" Asian box office data chart, and share calculation] - Tang Tang Film and Television Records Department.

As of the beginning of May, the movie "Youth in Youth" has landed in 5 countries in Asia.

The box office of Mainland China, Xiangjiang, and Taiwan are: 2 million, 128 million Hong Kong dollars, and 210 Taiwan dollars.

Japan: 17 billion yen, about 9000 million yuan.

South Korea: Nearly 70 people watched the movie.

Singapore, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand:
The film was invested 1500 million yuan in the early stage by the four capitals, and an additional investment of 300 million yuan in the later stage, with a total production cost of 1800 million yuan.


The film distributor, China Film, has a publicity cost of 1200 million and an agency fee of 4%.

The theater share ratio is 52% of the total box office.

After deducting the film special fund, special business tax, theater chain account sharing, and the producer's box office can be divided into 40%, the income is more than 8050 million yuan.

Producer Fang Nan received more than 3806 million yuan according to the proportion of the share.

Annex I:

"Youth in Youth" was purchased by Zhejiang Audiovisual for 400 million yuan for the copyright of the original audiovisual production.

The CCTV six princesses purchased the TV broadcasting rights for three years for 300 million yuan.

Tudou Video bought the copyright for two years for 350 million yuan.

Annex II:
The total settlement of various copyrights in Europe is 450 million US dollars.

South Korea, Japan copyright settlement of 250 million US dollars.

Copyrights in Taiwan, Xiangjiang, Singapore and Thailand were sold for a total of US$150 million.

Annex III:
The North American copyright of the film is under negotiation.

When Fang Nan swiped the mouse to turn pages frequently, Gao Yuanyuan pressed on his back familiarly: "What are you looking at? It's been so long."

"The company will record the box office share calculated in advance."

Gao Yuanyuan was curious: "How much did you divide?"

Fang Nan looked up and said with a smile: "There are a lot, there must be tens of millions."

"Hiss, there are so many, is it a miscalculation?" Gao Yuanyuan couldn't believe it.

Fang Nan invests in her own movies, she is very clear about it, and sometimes makes a few million or a small million.

But earning tens of millions at once is too scary.

She has been in the industry for so many years, and she has never seen a single person or company that made a profit of tens of millions.

Gao Yuanyuan's pupils gradually dilated, causing Fang Nan to laugh out loud:

"They are all professionals who can remember how to calculate wrongly, and the numbers are similar. At that time, they were not willing to vote for this drama, so I voted the most, and naturally earned the most."

Pulling the mouse to the bottom, facing the string of numbers at the end of the page, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help sighing: "You might as well invest in your own movies all the time."

Fang Nan was speechless: "Put it down, can you really make so much money all the time?"

At the beginning of the "Youth in Youth" project, let alone outsiders, he himself did not dare to think that the movie would win awards and the box office would be so high.

During the period, one condition was not met, and his 1000 million is estimated to be in vain.

So, this time it was considered forced to invest and forced to make a lot of money.

If you have been lucky, you will suffer sooner or later.

Movie investment is risky, so you need to be cautious when entering the industry!
"That's right. The money I earned this time is enough for both of us for a lifetime."

Gao Yuanyuan said playfully as the hostess.

Fang Nan got up happily, and lazily hugged Gao Yuanyuan: "Alright, let's go do some business now."

Nested in the No. 28 courtyard and took good care of the fertile fields for a few days, Fang Nan entered the mode of leaving early and returning late, and returning at night, starting a new round of busy life.

Fangnan Culture Company, he quietly listened to the belated 2006 income and expenditure report, as well as this year's work plan.

In 2006, Fangnan Culture's income and expenditure were in a serious imbalance, with expenditure far greater than income.

The biggest expenditures are as follows: [-]. The wholly-owned acquisition of 'Under the Banyan Tree' and 'Jinjiang Literature', through the integration of the two websites, created the sub-'Dream Literature'.

Two: author welfare expenses, rental server expenses, website maintenance.

Three: Copyright fees for novels such as "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" and "Three-Body Problem".

With the cooperation of Hui Ji, Yan Hong finished talking about several major expenditure items, Fang Nan frowned and said: "It means that this year can only make do with it, maybe I have to contribute money to the company?"

"Almost, but I'd rather take out a loan."

Fang Nan asked, "How much are you going to borrow, and how much can the bank lend?"

In fact, the money in his hand is not much, and the unpaid money from "Youth in Youth" is less than 9 figures.

Such a small amount of money has to be used to prevent "Thirteen Swordsmen" from running out of funds, Tangtang Film and Television is short of money to start a project, or Twist can't pay wages, repay the mortgage, and many other places where money may be used.

So it's just a loan.

He has to repay Cai Yinong's first loan this year.

"One or two hundred million should be no problem."

"Then you can get a loan. In addition, I would like to mention that you should not always pay attention to the copyrights of some domestic novels, and pay attention to foreign countries as well."

"Besides, if there are good novels, you can also help the author do publicity. The more famous you are, the more money you will make."

As soon as Fang Nan finished speaking, Yan Hong said abruptly, "You mentioned promotional works, but I think of something."

"What's the matter?"

"Your company wants to buy the copyright of one of our novels."

Fang Nan was taken aback: "Your company? Tang Tang Film and Television? What novel?"

"The novel is called "Scary Step by Step". It was originally a work of Jinjiang Literature, but now it belongs to a female channel of Dream Literature. Cai Yinong is too picky, and our two families are still arguing."

Fang Nan was quite speechless, it was his left hand and right hand that were fighting, and he was always the one who suffered from the fight.

"You guys discuss it first." Fang Nan thought about getting out of Fang Nan's culture.

In the parking lot outside the SOHO building, he was about to go to Beijing Film Studio again to see Lu Qing and his party, when the boss of Huaxia Films called and insisted on treating him to dinner.

Fang Nan changed the direction of the steering wheel by a dozen.

Huaxia Film Co., Ltd. jointly released "Youth in Youth" with Japan and South Korea. It really made a lot of money. The profit was second only to Fang Nan. He had to eat some back at least.

And the deeper reason is.

Founded in 2003, Huaxia Film Industry Co., Ltd. is jointly invested by 19 cinemas and enterprises across the country. It is the second institution in China that has the right to distribute imported films.

Sooner or later, Tang Tang Film and Television will have its own theater chain, and in the future it will be necessary to fill the blank schedule with foreign films.

So this meal has to be eaten.

When they arrived at the place, before Fang Nan entered the house, Wang Xiaoqiang, the general manager of China Films, grabbed him and shook him.

"In the four years since Huaxia Pictures was established, it has never made so much money."

"It can only be said that Mr. Wang knows the truth with his eyes." Fang Nan smiled and praised him.

No one could have imagined that "Youth in Youth" would sell nearly [-] million box office in Japan.

After all, "Youth in Youth" is not a costume movie that is popular among Japanese people like "Hero".

It wasn't the "Red Cliff" adapted from the story of the Three Kingdoms that the Japanese were extremely obsessed with, which became a big hit later.

It is unimaginable that a modern youth film can sell 17 billion yen at the box office in Japan.

"It's not all because of my discerning eyes, it's because you got into someone's heart." Wang Xiaoqiang said with a smile.

Fang Nan was puzzled: "How to say?"

"Because of the pornography industry, many teenagers drop out of school early, so they pay special attention to the education of teenagers. It can be said that it is almost to the point of abnormality."

"That's why "Youth in Youth" caused heated discussions as soon as it was released. Pornography is inseparable from bullying. The local distributor has re-predicted the box office. I guess it is possible to surpass the domestic box office in the end."

Fang Nan people are all stupid, is this okay?

Even if he was beaten to death, he would never have thought that Japan's box office was so good, it turned out to be because the local sex industry was too developed.

The two stood at the door and muttered for a while, and Mr. Han in the room couldn't stand it anymore, and urged the two to let go of what they had to say, and don't shy away from frustrated people like them.

Fang Nan laughed: "Boss Han's words are wrong. China Film Group is also the largest shareholder of China Film Group. Which of the two of you makes money?"

China Film, China Film, Shanghai Film, and Xiying all have cross-shareholdings. The film companies controlled by state agencies are all family members. Fang Nan is not afraid of two parties.

It was the private companies like them who really fought fiercely in private.

What about Tangtang Film and Television, Huayi, Bona, Guangguang, Hairun.
There were only three people in the huge private room, so there was no need to cover up the conversation. Fang Nan informed Mr. Han that Xu Shanzheng would direct and write "Lost in Thailand" in the future.

"Does he have that ability? He has a movie coming this Spring Festival. It has a bad reputation."

Wang Xiaoqiang: ""Love Call Transfer"?"

Fang Nan suddenly realized: "I know this film. Liu Yiwei took the script and went to the mountain city to find me to direct it. I pushed Wang Liang to do it."

"If the box office of the film is not good, it has nothing to do with the director and the leading actors. There are too many female characters in the script, and the characters are too weak. I can't remember it. I guess the film will have a salty smell."

"Let Xu Shan write it first, and you will check the script when it comes out." President Han made the final decision.

After chatting about the sequels of the "囧" series, Fang Nan asked Wang Xiaoqiang about overseas distribution of Chinese-language films.

As of today, there is no mainland company that can distribute movies on a large scale abroad.

So Zhang Yimou's big movie, Feng Dapao's and Chen Kaige's movie that wanted to earn foreign exchange, and Jia Kechang's literary piece are all co-produced by Yishui.

And one of the investors must be an overseas issuer.

Jia Kechang has a close relationship with the French publisher MK2.

The overseas distribution of "Red Sorghum" and "Farewell My Concubine" cannot do without Taiwan's Jiao Xiongping.

Zhou Xingxing chose Colombia.

Fang Nan cooperated with the Emperor, but he could only make trouble in Southeast Asia.

To engage in co-productions for export, you don't need the slightest right to speak overseas. It doesn't matter to other directors. The film can be distributed to anyone, as long as it makes money.

Fang Nan was not satisfied that the right to speak was in the hands of others.

He knew that this was an extremely absurd and deformed phenomenon.

International film companies are obviously optimistic about some "Chinese elements" in Chinese-language films, but they are unwilling to help Chinese-language films go global completely. What is this called?
This is called raising Gu!

The international film company is clearly saying "I only need you to help you, and I don't need you, so you can squat in a cage with peace of mind".

In the original time and space, whenever Fang Nan saw Chinese actors playing soy sauce in Hollywood blockbusters, he always felt ridiculous.

Go further in this life and learn more.

Only then did I realize that this so-called "special offer movie" is because others recognize your movie market and your oriental elements can make money, but they don't want to help you, thus producing this deformed product of the movie industry.

Now that you know where the problem is.

Fang Nan naturally wanted to try and compete.

Let's see if the boss Yida Wang has acquired so many foreign theaters but has not created an overseas distribution channel, whether he can create it.

Wang Xiaoqiang talked about the difficulties and important points for a long while, Fang Nan understood some of them, kept them in his mind, and chatted with the two about other things.

Building overseas distribution capabilities is an extremely long process.

Yonghe Villa stayed with Zeng Li and her daughter for a few days, Fang Nan packed up his luggage and rushed to Hengdian's "Painted Skin" crew.

(End of this chapter)

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