literary world

Chapter 253

Chapter 253
May 2007, 5, Lixia.

Hengdian Film and Television City.

The opening ceremony of "Painted Skin" in the lobby of Yingbinlou Hotel.

Film producer Pang Hong, director and producer Fang Nan, starring Zheng Zidan, Zhou Xun, Zhao Yanzi, Chen Kun, and Sun Li answered questions from media reporters with a relaxed expression.

The atmosphere was warm, relaxed and lively.

"Director Fang Nan's joining has indeed increased the total production cost of "Painted Skin", but it is absolutely worth the money. Everyone knows this."

Yuji: "Mr. Pang, can you disclose the specific salary of Director Fang?"

Pang Hong smiled and shook his head: "It's not convenient for me to disclose, the person concerned is willing to say, and I don't mind."

Entertainment reporter: "Director Fang, is it convenient to disclose the salary for the filming of "Painted Skin"? Many netizens are curious about the salary of your debut film. "Painted Skin" is the first foreign film you took on without the company."

Taking the microphone handed over by the host, Fang Nan thought about it for a while, and Versailles, who had crossed the ages, said, "What is there to be curious about the salary, I have no idea if it is more or less, and I have no interest in money!"

As soon as Fang Nan finished speaking, Zhao Yanzi and Sun Li next to him burst out laughing.

The corners of Zhou Xun's mouth were split open, and he kept looking at Fang Nan's side face, as if he was observing how thick his skin was.

Zheng Zidan and the audience had a "hahahaha" meal.

The media reporters were stunned. They had never encountered such an answer before, and they didn't know how to answer it.

"Hi, Director Fang, I'm Zha Lang Entertainment reporter. What I want to ask is, "Painted Skin" is a movie adapted from Pu Songling's "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio."

"But not long ago, the General Administration of Publishing of the People's Republic of China asked the national audio-visual companies to remove horror and supernatural films produced in the past two years to affect the physical and mental health of young people. Are you not afraid that "Painted Skin" will not be released after filming? After all, "Painted Skin" involves ghosts and monsters. Reached the red line."

"Indeed, there are many versions of "Painted Skin". Whether it's the 66, 80, or 87 editions, they are all horrifying and have psychological shadows."

"But the 08 version of "Painted Skin", that is, the "Painted Skin" directed by me will definitely not follow the old path. I will redefine the "Painted Skin" movie and let everyone see a "Painted Skin" movie that tells the ultimate beauty of love. "


When Fang Nan lightly put down the microphone, there was a louder discussion than before.

Make a horror movie into a beautiful movie?

"Painted Skin", which was once frightening to death, has become a romance film?
Did Fang Nan lose his mind and go crazy, or what?
Is Fang Nan, who has been famous for several years, going to die in "Painted Skin"?
The audience, media reporters, and actors were all stunned.

The audience media, who had never read the script, thought it was absurd for Fang Nan to make a horror film into a landscape film.

Actors who have read the script think that the love in the script is not beautiful.

After the press conference, fans who followed Zhou Xun, Zhao Yanzi, Chen Kun and other actors, as well as fans who followed the new version of "Painted Skin" were also confused.

Zhao Yanzi posted the video link of the press conference of "Painted Skin":
01: After watching the launch conference, why am I so guilty, Fang Nan won't mess it up, will he? :
05: I also feel guilty. What is Fang Nan talking about? Although "Painted Skin" will not become an outright horror movie again, it will not be aesthetically pleasing. I don't understand!
10: No, Sister Yanzi finally took on a big movie, and the director is still Fang Nan, what if the movie is smashed.

25: Isn't there another big-budget movie "Red Cliff"? :
39: The appearance of "Red Cliff" is ugly, and it is still a small supporting role, while "Painted Skin" is the heroine.

514: God bless you, I hope that Fang Nanxiong will rise up, and I don't expect "Painted Skin" to reach the artistic height of "Youth in Youth", and it will be considered a success if the box office exceeds [-] million.

Weekly Post Bar:

01: Instead of being suspicious, you might as well believe in Sister Xun's vision.

In my opinion, the combination of Fang Nan and Sister Xun, no matter what it is, must have a good performance in terms of performance, and it doesn't matter if the box office is less.

14: It doesn’t matter if the box office is less. It’s pure fart. Xiaoxun does not lack awards, but the box office. If there is no box office, how can investors ask her to make blockbuster movies?

25: Is it too much to say? Let’s support a few more movie tickets when the movie is released next year.

Fang Nan post bar, blog:
001: Brothers, there are a lot of gossips outside, is Brother Nan going to fall this time?I also feel that the "Painted Skin" project is so unreliable?
004: It’s not impossible to stumble. Brother Nan has never made a costume film since his debut. Tang Tang Film and Television’s sequel movie "Xiu Chun Knife" specially invited Mr. Xu.

@004: Are you sure you are a fake fan?
Anan was born in martial arts, and his first drama with traces was the costume drama "How Lovely the Sons and Daughters" starring Wu Jing.

Later, I met Cai Yinong's "Unparalleled", and later "A Chinese Ghost Story", "The Legend of Doctor Heroes", and "Sword" are not all costume dramas?
He even said that he had never made a costume film.

016: "Painted Skin" shouldn't fail at the box office. With Anan's previous reputation here, the fear is that word-of-mouth will be a mess, and what he said at the press conference is too unreliable.

045: I only care about how much money the boss has now?He even said he was not interested in money
[email protected]: He ranked first on the Furun Celebrity List in 2006, earning more than 2 million yuan a year, and he is indeed not short of money.

[email protected]: Brother Nan's salary is not so high, isn't it just "Lost in Thailand" last year? He didn't invest much money in "Lost in Thailand".

[email protected]: The follow-up box office of "The Richest Man in Xihong City", and then he wrote a lot of songs, and the copyright fees are also very high. "You Are My Destiny" from "You Who Came from the Star" earned a lot of money.

Vice bar owner Zhao Ritian, floor 1111: Brothers, don’t worry, whoever falls for Anan will not fall for it. When "Youth in Youth" just came out, some people said that they would fall for it. It won the Golden Bear Award, and it was released simultaneously in Asia, and the box office was a few [-] million, so everyone just watch Anan pretending to be B silently.

Chen Kun posted it:

Big boss: Don’t talk about Director Fang Nan and other actors in the bar. This is the second time Director Fang and Brother Kun have worked together. The relationship between the two has always been good, so no matter how "Painted Skin" is made, we just support it. .

With Fang Nan's simple answer, online portals and actors' fans instantly hyped "Painted Skin" and "I'm not interested in money".

Pang Hongle, the chief producer of the crew, couldn't do it.

He has seen what a "marketing master" is!
"Fang Nan won't lose 1200 million yuan!"

On the Han Street of Qinhuang Palace, Pang Hong smiled and asked Fang Nan, who was immersed in writing and painting: "What do you want to eat at noon? I'll send someone back to the hotel to order some hard dishes."

Fang Nan didn't even raise his head: "Eat whatever you want, isn't it for real enjoyment?"

Don't mention the secular theory of using people's money to eliminate disasters for others.

Since he took over "Painted Skin", he has to put his heart into making the film well, after all, Fang Nan is written in the director column.

"Props, art, on-set production."

"Here it is, director."

The three of them responded, and Fang Nan raised his head and pointed at the buildings opposite him and said, "Say hello to the film and television city, paint the exteriors of Yunlai Inn, Wuxiufang, and Huiyanzhai in brown and blue, I will use them in a few days."


"Okay, let's add this for now." Fang Nan nodded and looked at the four assistant assistant directors: "Have the actors rested well? Let's have another one for lunch. I'm hungry."

The four assistant directors said in unison: "It can be filmed."

Fang Nan glanced at several people, got up and walked towards Huiyanzhai.

Over the past few years, the production team with the largest number of people he has encountered is the current production team of "Painted Skin", with more than 400 people from the producer to the bottom-level scene recorder.

There are 11 people including on-site producer, supervisor and him.

There are four assistant directors in charge of actors, corresponding to Zheng Zidan, Zhao Yanzi, Zhou Xun, and Chen Kun.

The most terrifying thing is that there are even several recorders.

Under the nepotism, there are several crews with similar names like Pang Hong, Pang Yong, etc., and he has not been able to recognize all the crew members so far, which is outrageous.

Fortunately, he is no longer a small martial artist who comes and goes when others call him.

No matter who the crew is or what their relationship is, no one dares to show their fangs at him.

Otherwise, he was afraid that he would be exhausted to death.

In the quaint small courtyard behind Huiyanzhai, Zhao Yanzi, Zhou Xun, and Chen Kun stood at the corner of the small garden and chatted awkwardly.

Zheng Zidan sat at the door of the south wing.

Sun Lichu was by the door of the west wing.

The staff came in and out of the two wing rooms silently arranging the props.

When he came in and saw this scene, Fang Nan's brows became a ball.

In order to let the actors get familiar with the venue and each other, and increase the tacit understanding during the filming period, he deliberately confessed that the main actors should be present even if there was no announcement the previous week.

Now it seems that a big-name actor is a big-name actor, and he is very obsessed with the idea of ​​not being close to strangers, and his words have become deaf ears.

"The south wing is furnished? Let's take a shot of Mr. Zhao."

Fang Nan calmly grabbed Qian Yongqiang, the executive director who passed by.

"Hey, Director Fang Da, don't let me down, how dare I call you a teacher in front of you!"

Before Qian Yongqiang, Zhao Yanzi said in that smoky voice, both annoyed and angrily.

Fang Nan raised his eyebrows: "If you want anything, everyone here is a teacher, Mr. Zhao, please come in and get one."

Zhou Xun, Chen Kun, and Sun Li smiled and waved their hands to indicate that they were not teachers. Fang Nan followed Zhao Yanzi into the south wing.

The plot is simple and the camera is easy. Fang Nan let Qian Yongqiang tell the play, and he chatted with Zhou Xun and Chen Kun aside.

"How did you get into the group?" He asked the two of them.

"Uh, I don't want to pick it up, that...have you read "The Ancient Tomb and Desolate House"?"

Fang Nan nodded: "You made your debut work?"

Zhou Xun: "That's right, the monster I played in it was ugly, so I didn't want to come. They told me that you are the director, so I agreed."

Chen Kun: "I saw your combination, so I came in straight away."

Fang Nan probably understood that Pang Hongding's routine is nesting dolls.

"Director Fang, it's time to shoot."

"Then let's get started."

Fang Nan sat in front of the monitor that he hadn't touched for a long time, and Chen Kun and Zhou Xun stood and sat next to him.

A simple embroidered shot is not difficult, the actors are not out of frame, there is no clothing in the shot, there is no problem with makeup, props and scenery, and it is over in a few seconds.

Fang Nan was about to call "Put the meal" when Zheng Zidan, who had been outside the whole time, walked in.

"Director Fang, I'm going back to the hotel if I have nothing to do."

"We'll have dinner later." Fang Nan reminded Zheng Zidan who couldn't understand Mandarin.

"I won't eat, I feel a little uncomfortable, I'll go back to the hotel to rest for a while."

"Then go back."

Fang Nan nodded dryly.

Zheng Zidan's mood is not high, he understands very well.

Because of his participation, the script of "Painted Skin" has been greatly changed.

From an action movie with Zheng Zidan as the leading male lead, it has become a romance movie that mainly focuses on literature and drama.

As soon as the subject matter changed, Zheng Zidan's roles decreased, and now he is on par with Chen Kun.

Moreover, the roles of Zhou Xun and Zhao Yanzi have increased again, "Painted Skin" has suddenly become a group play, and the agreed No. [-] role has become the No. [-] role. Of course, Zheng Zidan will not feel too comfortable.

But he couldn't blame Fang Nan either.

First of all, changing the script requires the consent of the producer Pang Hong. If Pang Hong disagrees, Fang Nan cannot change the script.

Secondly, the plot and characters of the first version of the script are too poor and too weak.

Whether Zheng Zidan prefers to play the No. [-] role in bad movies, or is willing to play the No. [-] role in high-quality movies, Fang Nan doesn't know.

But he knows that if "Painted Skin" is well-received at the box office and Zheng Zidan is still sensible, he will sincerely thank him.

The food of the crew of "Painted Skin" is not good, with leek eggs, shredded pork with pickled vegetables, tomato egg soup, and some of the box lunches that were often eaten in Hengdian a few years ago.

Fang Nan glanced at it, turned around and left.

He didn't like pickled vegetables very much, and when he thought of the smell of pickled vegetables from the old altar, he really couldn't bear it.

After leaving Han Street, Fang Nan climbed into a sightseeing car, and soon arrived at the Fan Tower of the Riverside Scene during Qingming Festival.

"Hey, Director Fang Nan, are you okay?"

Fang Nan was immediately recognized by the security guards in front of the signboard designated by Fan Lou's "King of Kung Fu" crew that said "Shooting location, idlers should not enter".

"I know you, just know me, I'll go in and have a meal, is your crew ready for dinner?"


"Ah, what, I asked if you put the food on."

"Let's go, let's go in."

After jumping over the cordon, Fang Nan caught sight of the food place and a few familiar faces, "Brother Lian, I'll come to your crew for a meal."

"Who is this?"

"It seems to be Fang Nan."

"It's really Fang Nan."

"Damn, it's really Brother Nan, the great director of our Hengdian Film and Television City going out!"

Li Lianlian was still in a daze. The cast of "The King of Kung Fu" had already recognized Fang Nan, and the scene suddenly boiled.

Their group of extras has been stationed in Hengdian all the year round, and the big stars have watched too much, and everyone looks like a fool.

The only thing that looked at Fang Nan was different.

The reason why seeing Fang Nan was like seeing a relative, it was very cordial.

It is due to the two martial artists who forgot Fang Nan on a certain tree in the Qingming Shanghe Tu.

The mistakes of the two martial artists.

In addition, Fang Nan's reputation is getting louder and louder.

It led to the joke of "Fang Nan being hung on the treetop", which has always been on the top of many gossip topics in Hengdian group performances, and it has lasted for a long time.

After several years of fermentation.

It even became an important basis for group leaders to judge whether a Hengdian group performer is a newcomer or a veteran.

Realizing that it was Fang Nan, Li Lianjie came over with a box of lunch: "Where did you come from?"

"I'm right next door. I just settled in Hengdian yesterday."

"You don't have enough food over there, come here to fight the autumn wind?"

"Almost, is there any more box lunches?"

"I don't know, let me ask you."

Li Lianjie shook his head: "Hey, old Shen, do you still have the box lunch? Hurry up and get a box to send away Fang Nan, who is playing the autumn wind, and see if our group will be greedy."

Fang Nan himself was also puzzled, what was a group of performers looking at him like prey, and was about to ask "what's the situation", when a crisp voice sounded from behind: "Brother Nan, you have to spend money wherever you go what."

(End of this chapter)

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