literary world

Chapter 267

Chapter 267
After a night of toasting and drinking, Fang Nan rested in Mentougou that night.

The next day, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was warm at noon.

The soft-mouthed him and Mr. Xu had no choice but to go to the crew of "Voting Certificate" on the outskirts of Mentougou again, accompanied by Yu Dong.

In the wilderness, a battle of nearly 2000 people is ready to go.


"Have you had breakfast?"

"Sit down, the scheduling is almost done outside, start shooting right away!"

In the model room, after a few people exchanged simple greetings, the film director Bao Dexi, the art director and others took the initiative to move out of their seats, and Fang Nan and Mr. Xu sat down around the director Chen Kexin.

"The people who can be used are all in the camera, about 1800 people, let's see how the effect is."

Chen Kexin used the walkie-talkie to give the final explanation to Chen Xiaodong and the camera assistant outside, and the serious-faced Fang Nan and Old Monster Xu said.

There are still four months until the release date of "Certificate of Fame".

In four months, he still has to film a siege battle, and then he has to do behind-the-scenes, review, copy, and then drag it on. The management is afraid that he will swallow him alive.

Speaking of it, he himself once regretted making this movie.

In the case of inexperience, there were too many difficulties that made him blind.

"Director Chen, Director Chen, the outside is ready, please start filming."

There was a scratching sound from the walkie-talkie, and at the same time, Chen Kexin said, "Xiaodong, let's shoot."


When the battle started, Fang Nan pointed to the overhead camera on the monitor. After Chen Kexin put it on the main interface, to be honest, Fang Nan was very emotional watching it.

Which director doesn't want to be able to control a battle scene within a radius of several miles!

"The effect of the overhead shot is very good, look at the details."

Old monster Xu with his hand on his chin asked Chen Kexin to switch the camera angle.

The next moment, Li Lianlian, Liu Dehua, and Takeshi Kaneshiro had messy hair and a bloody slashing scene appeared.

Finding that the actors performed well, Chen Kexin took the initiative to turn his perspective to the group performers.

Seeing three, five or ten group performers with ferocious faces, gnashing their teeth and huddled together, the pre-arranged knives, guns, and horse collisions made the scene chaotic, Chen Kexin was at a loss down.

Such a scene shows the cruelty of war. War is a life-and-death contest whether you die or I die.

"Have you arranged for a camera to take some shots? Let's take a look."

As soon as Fang Nan finished asking, Chen Kexin had already changed his perspective, and the fighting in some scenes was equally brutal, and a wave of heat that distorted the sun had even formed above the foreheads of the group performers.




"Who yelled that? Who yelled that?"

Chen Kexin went crazy, she slapped the table where the monitors were placed and stood up, he just passed this one, and now he shouted "Ka"?
Want his life?

Director of Photography Bao Dexi pointed to the walkie-talkie in his hand: "It's coming from the walkie-talkie."

Chen Kexin picked up her walkie-talkie, "Xiaodong, what are you doing? The scene of the three leading actors is over! What are you calling?"

Before Chen Xiaodong's response came, Fang Nan pointed to a sub-screen on the monitor: "It should have nothing to do with Director Chen, it seems that the group performances outside really started fighting."

A group of people took a closer look, isn't it? Dozens of group performers are performing martial arts in the real world.


Chen Kexin, who had beautiful hair and was always gentle and polite, finally broke his guard, got up and jumped over to the east with a "shua" and walked out.

Yu Dong was about to vomit and let out a circle of cigarettes. The bitter and bitter Fang Nan said: "What the hell, the idea is memorized, drinking cold water will stuff your teeth."

Fang Nanchong grinned at Yudong: "Didn't you say last night that Bona has accepted capital injections from Sequoia Capital and SIG, and two or three million a day is nothing, there is plenty of money!"

"The capital's money is not easy to get. If you lose a penny, you have to write a report to those guys. What the hell, it's annoying!"

Yu Dong walked out with an annoyed expression on his face.

But after a while, he came back together with Chen Kexin and Chen Xiaodong.

"What's going on outside?" Old Freak Xu asked.

"Damn it, Director Fang's suggestion is really good. When you come up, shoot the war scene first. The group actors are full of food and drink, and the fight is really vigorous. But because of their strength, they strike too hard, causing the two groups of group actors to fight. Fire, if you don’t shout Ka again, you will kill someone.”

After Chen Xiaodong explained, he picked up the large plastic cup "Gulu Gulu" and took a big mouthful of cold tea.

Fang Nan and the group were dumbfounded, but they could understand that there are so many strange things in the world, it's not unusual, but Yu Dong and Chen Kexin were a little unlucky and bumped into each other.

There were some minor accidents, but the problem was generally resolved, and Fang Nan was too lazy to stay in this stuffy, sweaty place any longer.

"It's nothing, so I'll leave first. CCTV is in a hurry, and there are a lot of things going on in the city."

Chen Kexin hastily stretched out his hand: "Let's go now?"

"Let's go and go, there is indeed something to do, so hurry up and slip away after learning a few hands."

"Stop flattering me, thank you Director Fang and Director Xu for your help." Chen Kexin stretched out his hand and smiled.

"Success, I'll go first, master, Mr. Yu, can you go? Just take me for a ride."

Old Monster Xu said first: "I'll take you, the car is outside."

Fang Nan nodded, and the two walked out of the model room side by side. Outside they found Li Lianlian and Liu Dehua who were putting on make-up.

"You used Nansheng in the wrong place. She is suitable for film production and distribution. She has a wide network in Europe."

Old Monster Xu drove out of the set and took the initiative to chat with Fang Nan about his ex-wife.

"I hired her to develop the company's overseas distribution capabilities. Who knew that she would suddenly change careers and fall in love with construction. I guess she doesn't want to stay in the same circle as you, and you're annoying!"

Fang Nan glanced at Old Freak Xu, and teased.

"Stop talking nonsense, we broke up peacefully, and our relationship is very good! We can sit and eat together at any time."

Fang Nan believed this, otherwise Shi Nansheng wouldn't have been yelling "Master".

He was very curious, how old monster Xu did it.

He couldn't imagine that if Gao Yuanyuan knew about his relationship with Zeng Li, with Gao Yuanyuan's character, he would absolutely hate him to the bone, let alone sit and eat together.

But Zeng Li is pretty good.

She would occasionally drive Fang Nan, but most of the time she didn't want to make too much noise.

"Take care, and don't be lewd. In our line of work, how many people do you think have no debts?"

"Unknown directors will use their power to make unspoken rules. Famous directors mean that they have shining points on their bodies, and their own charm can attract beautiful women. You understand this, and they understand it, so sometimes everyone chooses to keep one eye open. Close your eyes."

Old Monster Xu taught Fang Nan the Sutra of Emotion.

To put it bluntly, others know what you are like. As long as you care and care more, and let those in the family remember you more, it will be useful at critical times.

As for the magical effect, Fang Nan pondered, it is probably to make the woman after the rage be 'sentimental than rational'!
When the car arrived at Yindian Bridge, Mr. Xu rejected Fang Nan's proposal to have a meal after running the "Xiu Chun Knife" road show for a few days, and went straight back to the SOHO studio to lay his body. Fang Nan had no choice but to walk home.

Only halfway through, Zeng Li called.

She came back with her children and aunts. She spent a few days in Sanya and was not used to staying in a hotel.

Fang Nan slapped his forehead in frustration, he had completely forgotten about buying a house in Sanya.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly took out his personal cell phone and called Wu Jie.

His three properties in the capital are all managed by Wu Jie. This person is doing well now, and he should know something about the real estate situation in Sanya.

"Mr. Fang, hello, hello! Do you want to buy a new house or is there something wrong with the house I handled?"

Fang Nan didn't write: "Wu Jie, can you get in touch with the real estate business in Sanya? I want to buy a sea view villa there, how much is it?"

"Don't worry, as long as you speak, we can help you negotiate a house in Los Angeles. Tell me about the scale you want?"

"It's normal, two or three floors are enough. The house must be safe, and there are many seasonal sea breezes. Don't be too biased."

"Wait a minute, I'll check."

Leaning slightly, Wu Jie said: "Director Fang, the best sea view house near Sanya should be No. 10 Perfume Bay in the next few years, but it has just started construction and it will take [-] years to move in. Can you accept this time?"

"That won't work, it's better to be able to move in after paying the money."

"Then I have to look for it, and I will call you back in a week. Sanya has just started a big development, and there are not many high-end houses that can be moved in at any time."

"Okay, I'll wait for your call." Fang Nan didn't make fun of Wu Jie like a nouveau riche.

He doesn't know how far the real estate market in Sanya has been developed. He thinks it should be the same as Beijing and other first-tier cities. There are tower cranes everywhere, which are being updated.

Zeng Li and his wife returned to the capital, Fang Nan pinched his nose, turned around and ran to the west city.

This is Zeng Li's cleverness, no matter how inhumane you Fang Nan is, you don't even have the affection for licking the calf, she plotted against him to death.

Arriving at Yonghe Villa, the little girl was wearing a sky-high braid, stumbling around in the small garden, chasing a puppy who was not considered agile.

"Where did the dog come from? What breed?"

Fang Nan was curious.

"I bought it in Sanya. The owner of the pet shop said it was a golden retriever. It has a very gentle temperament. Don't look at it now. It's as big as a big dog. It's very beautiful."

Zeng Li, who was drinking tea under the eaves, put down the magazine and the teacup, and gestured with both arms.

"Why do you suddenly think of buying a dog?"

Fang Nan didn't mind having pets at home.

But the child is too young, and the attack is neither serious nor serious, so he is afraid that cats and dogs will hurt the child.

"I bought it to play with the child. I can't watch her every day, I have to find something to do. Didn't you say you bought a teahouse before?"

"Is this because you are still thinking about moving?" Fang Nan slapped his forehead: "I also forgot about the three-story building I bought on Guijie Street, so are you still going to Sanya?"

"Go, when the weather is severe, go there for a while every year."

"It's up to you, let's go to Guijie Street while the children are not making trouble?"

After Zeng Li agreed, the two greeted their aunt and sneaked out of the villa.

When they arrived at the snack street, Fang Nan led Zeng Li around for a while, and finally found the right house.

He has only been to the three-story wooden building on Guijie Street once or twice, and almost forgot the location.

No one dares to touch personal property, dirty is really dirty.

Seeing that this small building has not been opened for several years, the neighbors who sell snacks such as gluttonous frogs and fried belly on both sides set up a dining table in front of the building, making a waxy yellow nameless soup on the door.

The ground is even more colorful.

"We can't do this even if we haven't opened a business, and we don't have the most basic moral constraints."

Zeng Li was so angry that she walked into two snack bars to talk to the bosses, and Fang Nan looked up to the sky outside and sighed, a beautiful woman who used to be quite demure, but after she gave birth to a child, she became a normal life.

The two bosses agreed to help deal with the sundries in front of the building, and Fang Nan and Zeng Li entered the small building and stood in front of the window lattice on the third floor.

The location is absolutely prime location, in the middle of Guijie [Snack Street].

But whether it is suitable for opening a tea house is not certain.

The items operated are seriously inconsistent with the snack street.

"Well, we don't know how to make snacks. Snacks have to be distinctive, but no matter what kind of snacks are placed on this street, they will become mediocre. On the contrary, drinking tea looks weird, and you good."

When Zeng Li hesitated, Fang Nan made a random analysis.

He also doesn't know how to do business, and the way of doing business is to use rare goods to live in, whether it will work and whether it can make money, ghosts don't bother to think about it.

It's just to buy Zeng Li's comfort with money, hey, just to play!
One thing is true.

Zeng Li does understand tea, and she also loves to drink tea. She drinks tea in the morning, afternoon and evening, and even promotes tea to her classmates and friends.

But this is not the best thing about Zeng Li.

The most amazing thing about her, and what Fang Nan admired the most, is that she has been a vegetarian all year round, and she has persisted for four full years.

In the bed, Fang Nan would sometimes joke with her and ask her if she still had strength.

What surprised him was that Zeng Li never fell behind because of his vegetarianism, and was even a little tireless.

His physical strength is much stronger than that of Gao Yuanyuan who is not taboo.

"Then open a health tea shop."

After Fang Nan's persuasion, Zeng Li made up his mind, but Fang Nan questioned again: "If you sell tea, you should sell tea. Why are you talking about health-preserving tea?"

He doesn't really believe in health food.

Ordinary drinking tea is not supposed to be good for health, he thinks it is deceptive and misleading, so he doesn't like it very much.

"It's all the same, you think of a name for the store."

"You are the boss and a college student, so you should take it."

The corner of Zeng Li's mouth twitched, and she was no longer pretentious: "In "Qingpingle Village Residence", there is a sentence describing a natural and fresh rural scene called 'The eaves are low and the grass is green on the stream', which is especially in line with the green color of tea."

"Look at the flow of people below. Does it look like a trickling stream? Why don't we call this teahouse 'Nap on the Stream'."

"Excellent, great name." Fang Nan gestured his thumbs and praised sincerely.

On the second day after the signboard was set for the teahouse, Zeng Li got busy. She had to do a whole lot of things by herself, such as cleaning the teahouse, designing and decorating, recruiting and training, watching tea and buying tea, etc. Fang Nan reckoned that she would not be able to relax this summer and autumn. up.

After staying in Yonghe Villa for one more day, Fang Nan went back to No. 28 Ya'er Hutong.

"How many times have I noticed that you smell like milk on your body?"

"Ask Old Freak Xu, I'll take his car back."

As expected, Gao Yuanyuan was distracted: "Director Xu has gone too? What's the big deal?"

Fang Nan talked about the matter, put on his clothes and went into the shower room, and when he came out, Gao Yuanyuan said abruptly, "I've touched your phone."

"What's the matter?" Fang Nan said calmly.

"Four people called you. Jiang Wen invited you to attend the promotional premiere of "The Sun Also Rises" in a few days. There is also one from Wu Jing who didn't say anything, and one from Shen Teng who wants to visit you , and the other is the manager of United Cinemas.”

"Understood, I'll come back later."

Fang Nan wiped his body calmly.

Gao Yuanyuan seldom touches his mobile phone. Today, he answered the phone uncharacteristically, actively communicating with his friends, partners, and even colleagues, obviously wanting to spy on his circle of friends.

"Damn, it's hard!"

Fang Nan muttered to Gao Yuanyuan's outstanding and colorful back.

(End of this chapter)

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