literary world

Chapter 268 The villain who went to Nima takes office

Chapter 268 The villain who went to Nima takes office
Before Shen Teng, Ma Li, and Zhang Chen arrived, Fang Nan called Wu Jing back.

"Brother Nan, I asked you to borrow money."

As soon as the phone was connected, Wu Jing couldn't wait to say.

Fang Nan happily agreed, but he sighed deeply inwardly.

Wu Jing is ambitious to become a director, he knows it well.

Earlier, Wu Jing was also informed that he would invest in "Red Teeth", even if the film lost money.

But even so, Wu Jing lowered his posture and said that he wanted to borrow money.

He even called him "Brother Nan" like others did!
Such a name made Fang Nan feel sad for himself.

In the past two years, his career has been booming, his personal net worth has been rising crazily, and his friends around him have become fewer and fewer.

Now even Wu Jing, who was acquainted with him before he made a fortune and was kind to him, has become submissive, which is very boring.

"How much? Send me the account, and I will transfer it to you later."

"300 million is enough, go back and drink with you!"

"Is 300 million enough?"

"Enough is enough!"

Wu Jing, who was far away in Xiangjiang, bit the bullet and finished the last sentence, and hung up the phone in a hurry.

The whole person seemed to have collapsed.

He is also a very arrogant person.

Not to mention borrowing money, but also borrowing money like the younger brother before, which made him a little embarrassed.

But if he doesn't do this, where is his future and way out?

Still playing the villain in a small investment action movie?

How handsome is the villain played by Wu Jing in "The True Colors of a Man"?
Wu Jing, who was lying on the bed, had an incomparably contemptuous smile on his lips.

He was an actor who played the leading role in the old monster Xu movie when he debuted, but now he is the villain for the juniors like Nicholas Tingfeng, Shawn Yue, and Cheng Zuming.

Also very handsome?
Go Nima's most handsome villain!
Wasn't he forced to play the villain?
But then again, he would also like to thank "The True Colors of a Man".

The box office failure of "The True Colors of a Man" made him aware of his embarrassing situation.

Finally, he made up his mind to put all his eggs in one basket and put the long-awaited "Spike Fang" on the agenda.

"Boss Jiang, take a look. This is the script of the action movie "Spike Fang" that I have been preparing for a long time. The scenes are absolutely hot."

"Wu Jing, this kind of script is a steal. "The True Colors of a Man" has been a high-quality action movie in recent years. Look at the box office. Don't bother, it's useless."

Emperor Entertainment and Jiangzhou rejected the investment without even reading the script.

"Mr. Yu, this is a script I've been planning for several years. Take a look."

"Don't look, you can't make money, forget it Wu Jing."

Rising Stars of Asia

"Brother Hua, I can apply for a filming fund from Rising Star Director. I can be regarded as an authentic rookie director."

It seemed accidental, but in fact Wu Jing, who had been sitting on the sidelines for many days, saw Liu Dehua again, with a wrinkled smile on his face.

"Wu Jing, you also want to change careers? It's not easy to be a director. You see, I have been in the film industry for so many years, and I have never thought about being a director."

"I know, I just want to give it a try, Brother Hua, please show me the script."

"Leave the script to the reviewers. I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

"Rising star directors don't want to invest? Wu Jing, why don't you just forget about it and find a crew with peace of mind. It's fine to be a decent villain to make money. If it doesn't work, you might as well go back to the mainland. With your skills, you won't be short of scenes."

In Wu Jing's rented apartment, while dispelling the smoke from the room, Li Zhongzhi persuaded Wu Jing, who was obviously depressed, with some regrets.

He and Wu Jing met through the cooperation of "West Wind".

Since they both have a soft spot for action movies, they became good friends when they collaborated on "The True Colors of a Man" for the second time.

So when Wu Jing said that he would be asked to co-direct "Spike Fang", he readily agreed and helped to contact the management.

But the filming funds eventually became a natural moat.

Even if Wu Jing took out all his savings, there was still a gap of a few million.

It made him regret that he missed the cooperation of "Spike Fang", and Wu Jing, who was already out of shape, felt sad.

The young man is a little arrogant, but he is a nice person, which is a pity.

Li Zhongzhi was about to sigh in his heart, and Wu Jing threw the cigarette on his back on the bed: "Director Li, you go back first."

"Well, I'm leaving first, get up, wash my face and have some food. If you don't shoot "Spike Fang", don't make it. This movie is really not easy to make money."

At the same time that Li Zhongzhi shook his head and left, Wu Jing pressed the keypad on the phone again. This time he did not just stare at a certain number like the previous few times, but pressed it cruelly, and then pulled out the first number in many days. A smile: "Hey, Anan, it's me, Wu Jing"

"Oh, Wu Jing, wait a minute, Fang Nan just came back from outside and was taking a shower, I'll let him call you back later."

Wu Jing, who put down the phone, just let out a sigh of relief when the phone rang.

He stood up from the bed.

Without enthusiastic reminiscence, he reported the numbers, and Fang Nan readily agreed.

But this phone call still exhausted all his energy.

It also made him secretly swear in his heart that he would rather never see this good friend again for the rest of his life before he achieved an achievement comparable to Fang Nan's!

Wu Jing's bank card number came quickly, Fang Nan forwarded it to the manager of the corresponding bank, and then lazily took care of it.

Wu Jing's humility made him very uncomfortable.

His depressed mood did not improve until the arrival of Shen Teng and Ma Li, his two favorite generals, and he regained his smile.

"Oh, let me go, Brother Nan, your house is too big. From the outside, we can see that there are five rows of flying eaves. Brother Teng is too scared to ring the doorbell."

After practicing on the twist stage for a while, Ma Li no longer felt nervous when she first met Fang Nan.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he passed Shen Teng and praised the Fang family's deep house.

Instead, Shen Teng smiled awkwardly and wiped his mouth.

Fang Nan shook hands with Zhang Chen and Shen Teng, but asked Ma Li with a smile, "You have such a sweet mouth, do you want to go to the Spring Festival Gala?"

Ma Li nodded boldly: "I do have this idea, which actor doesn't want the Spring Festival Gala!"

"I can open the back door for you, but there is a prerequisite. The two of you have to produce good works, and the quality should be higher than other works, otherwise I can't afford to lose this person."

As the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala who is about to take office, Fang Nan holds the right to choose the programs of the Spring Festival Gala. Except for the programs with only a few people, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has a lot of promises.

But he has to worry about his reputation, and he will not allow content like shoddy content to appear.

"Brother Fuji, did you hear that?"

After putting pressure on Shen Teng, Ma Li turned to the other party and said: "Brother Nan, you can help us with another advice when the time comes."

"no problem."

After the business was settled, Fang Nan left Shen Teng, Ma Li, and Zhang Chen at home for dinner.

I want to use this to understand the current operating conditions of Twist.

He holds a 49% stake in Happy Twist.

But he has never been involved in this company and is in a state of stocking.

"The theater has changed from a few performances at the end of each year to dozens of performances throughout the year."

"There are 26 games today, and there will be a few more at the end of the year."

Shen Teng, Ma Li, and Zhang Chen were cooperating to introduce the company's situation. Gao Yuanyuan stepped on her sandals and walked into the study: "Are you going out to buy vegetables? There are not many vegetables in the refrigerator."

The appearance of Gao Yuanyuan startled Shen Teng, Ma Li, and Zhang Chen. Later, it was Ma Li who reacted first and offered to go out to buy vegetables.

"Give the money to Ma Li." Fang Nan told Gao Yuanyuan.

In Zhang Chen and Shen Teng's secretive words, he estimated that even if Twist Twist's business situation improved because of Shen Teng's fame, it would still be bad enough.

After all, there are few means of profit.

Therefore, the salary of an ordinary actor in Twist should not be much higher, and Ma Li can't pocket much money.

Fang Nan's carefulness made Ma Li very moved and left.

At the same time, Zhang Chen couldn't hold back anymore, and Fang Nan complained:

"Twist seems to be getting better in the past two years, but he hasn't earned much money. After paying the salary and paying the performance venue fee, there is nothing left every year."

He didn't know exactly how many companies Fang Nan owned.

But as half of the industry, he knows exactly how much money Tangtang Film and Television and Fangnan Culture make.

Therefore, I was very angry. With Fang Nan's method, if he helped Twist a little bit, they would not be empty-pocketed all year round.

Fang Nan glanced at Zhang Chen: "Small theaters lack the means to make money. Deyun Society has been popular in the past two years. How much can you earn from the theater alone?"

"That's right, so Guo Degang used his own influence to bring his apprentices on the show. Can we follow suit?"

As soon as Zhang Chen said this, Shen Teng couldn't help being startled, and quickly turned to Fang Nan.

Seeing that his face sank like water in an instant, he raised his heart.

What kind of brain circuit is Zhang Chen, Fang Nan is better than Lao Guo?

Are the two comparable in the slightest?
Fang Nan is a well-known director in the international film circle.

Let him learn from Guo Degang and bring twist actors on the show as a comedian?

Crazy it is!
Shen Teng's heart trembled, and he didn't mention his friendship with Fang Nan.

Even from the perspective of the company, Twist cannot do without Fang Nan, the second shareholder.

Several actors who joined later were all for Fang Nanjin's company.

They are all waiting for him to flop!
Sure enough, Fang Nan questioned Zhang Chen angrily:

"Tell me how to bring it? When planning a movie, Twist has money to invest? Otherwise, how can an actor participate in the performance? How can he get fame if he doesn't participate?"

"On the show, what show will I be on? I will be the host, and invite Shen Teng to be the guest? Don't be so ambitious every day, first use the small theater to lay the foundation for the actors. When the time comes, everything will come naturally."

"I'm in a hurry"

Before Zhang Chen finished speaking, Fang Nan cut him off directly: "Don't worry, bear with me."

After scolding, Fang Nan rolled his eyes and added abruptly: "You are really in a hurry to ask for money. I will buy out the remaining 51% of your shares for 400 million. This money is enough for you to be chic."

Shen Teng looked terrified.

He and Ma Li came to find Fang Nan because they couldn't hold back Zhang Chen, and wanted to expand their influence through the Spring Festival Gala, so as to drive the income of the Twist Theater.

How to look at it now, I don't know if the Spring Festival Gala will be held, the boss will change hands first.

Zhang Chen didn't dare to believe it: "You are not kidding, how can it be worth so much money!"

"I'm a director with a background in comedy, so the actors who are particularly excited use stage plays to bring joy to the audience. This idea is very good, and how much money they make is secondary."

Fang Nan's nonsense reached Zhang Chen's heart.

In 2003, he single-handedly founded Twist.

At first, I didn't expect to make money, or make a lot of money.

As Fang Nan said, the intention is to convey happiness to the audience.

Just make some more money.

But Fang Nan, who joined halfway, changed his mentality.

No one would think that money was too little. He didn't want to before, but it was useless to think about it. Fang Nan showed him the possibility of making a fortune.

And now, Fang Nan gave another chance.

A chance to make a fortune at a time.

Of course, Zhang Chen did not believe Fang Nan's excuse.

But no matter how he thinks about it, he can't figure out how to make a lot of money just by making a small amount of money in the theater.

Without a large sum of money, Fang Nan can't really do it for free, and even post money to pass on happiness.

Only ghosts believe this!
Zhang Chen did not make a decision until he finished his meal and left.

Fang Nan didn't urge him, he would have to wait a few more years if he wanted to make money with twist, if Zhang Chen, who had a devil in his heart, could endure these few years, he would be considered a bull!
"Papapapapapapapapa" all night.

The next day.

Fang Nan finished his morning exercise, took a shower and changed into dry clothes, then drove straight to CCTV on Guanghua Road.

Today, even if he takes office.

He didn't feel nervous at all, and he brought a breakfast along the way. When he saw the location, he took out his mobile phone and let the temporary assistant director sent by CCTV come out to pick him up.

"Director Fang, here are some of your documents."

The person who came was Wang Li. The moment she saw Fang Nan, she swiftly pasted a string of passports on Fang Nan's badge.

Fang Nan put on his badge and jumped over the gate, curiously asking: "Is there a meeting of the leading group? Is there any instruction that I need to know?"

"There is an indication that the content of the show should remain positive."

"I've been preaching all year round. It's New Year's Eve. It's good to let the common people relax and have fun."

Wang Li was speechless with Fang Nan turning the steering wheel with a gloomy face.

Ever since it was announced that the winning director was Fang Nan, there were rumors in the station that he was too young and might be a thorn in the side.

For this reason, the on-site audit team sent by the bureau even had two more people than before.

But who would have thought that Fang Nan would be dissatisfied just after taking office.

Entering the building, entering the huge special meeting room for the Spring Festival Gala, facing a room full of leaders, Fang Nan, who had just complained repeatedly, changed his dissatisfaction when he was outside, and became smiling again and again. Wang Li felt depressed again.

Sure enough, none of the people who can make a difference are easy to get along with.

Even if he is young.

After greeting a group of leaders, as soon as Fang Nan sat down, he first asked Zhou Tong, the chief planner beside him: "How many programs do you plan to choose and how long are they?"

"36 programs, four and a half hours."

Fang Nan nodded and asked again: "Is there anything my team members need to pay attention to?"

Zhou Tong was taken aback: "You want to join the foreigners?"

"That's not enough." Fang Nan chuckled, "I'm just curious."

He originally wanted to call Huang Weiming in. After all, he had cooperated many times and used it conveniently. After thinking about it, forget it.

But Zhao Zhu, Wang Liang and others were forcibly added to the invitation list by him.

Working as a behind-the-scenes team for the Spring Festival Gala is actually thankless, and the salary is very low. Zhao Zhu and Wang Liang definitely don't want to come.

But he can't control it, he can't have no acquaintances.

After writing a list, Fang Nan raised his head and asked, "Who invites Uncle Ben Shan every year?"

Zhou Tong is about to vomit, you are the chief director, can you have a little accent, can you save some face for our Spring Festival Gala group, who will invite Benshan?To be more tactful, a phone call is enough for him to come over?

Do you want to be so real?
Zhou Tong avoided Fang Nan's gaze: "I'm not sure, maybe the director invited him personally."

"I don't have time, you go, the chief planner will show up in person, this is enough face, so let him make the show better."

(End of this chapter)

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