literary world

Chapter 269 4 Red Carpets

Chapter 269
It has been half a month since I took up the post of chief director of CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

Fang Nan made a list of all creative personnel without stopping.

There are more than 300 people in dozens of departments including content planning, director, on-site director, language program coordinator, dance director, lighting director, photography director, technical scheduling, costume design, and sound design.

Most of them were selected by him from CCTV.

A unit with the best, most powerful, and most talented people in China should not be used as a display.

He also doesn't believe that anyone dares to cause trouble, the Spring Festival Gala is a political task.

Of course, he was not unprepared, and he handed over the positions that are prone to mistakes such as controlling the lifting arm to his own man Wang Liang.

All staff members were appointed, and the time came to mid-September, when local TV stations across the country began to submit programs.

People who are interested in going to the Spring Festival Gala have also started to make connections.

Chief director Fang Nan has become a favorite, and the gate of No. 28 Yindian Bridge, which has been exposed for a long time, is full of traffic.

Gao Yuanyuan fled back to his home.

Fang Nan was so forced that he had no choice but to hide in the Lama Temple and start remote work, so he survived.



In the study room, he was looking at the computer. A dance show called "Flying Apsaras" created by the Guangzhou Art Troupe based on the Dunhuang murals, the little guy Zhuo Wanzhuo came in by tapping on a twig.

Followed by a little golden retriever wagging its tail.

Then followed by the aunt.

Fang Nan made a face at the little girl: "Well?"


"Come here, let Dad see if his belly is full." Fang Nan waved to his smiling, drooling daughter.

He hugged the little girl to his lap, just after wiping his saliva, the little girl struggled to get off the ground again, saw the phone ringing, and started to ask for it again, Fang Nan once suspected that the little girl had ADHD.

"Director, should I take Xiao Zhuo away?" the aunt asked with a smile.

"Take it away. I don't have time to make trouble with her. By the way, where is Lizi?"

"After breakfast, I went to Xixi to take a rest. I said that some classmates wanted to visit the tea shop." The aunt read out the name of the shop that she had remembered for a long time.


Fang Nan shook his head and pressed the green button on his phone.

"Brother Nan, don't forget to participate in the 12th Huabiao Awards to be held at the Beijing Exhibition Hall tomorrow. I'll let you know when the Golden Rooster Awards will be held in October."

"The Huabiao Award is not far away. I'll go there if I have time. Don't let me know that the Golden Rooster is far away in Suzhou. I don't have time."

Artist Director Chu Peijun: "Will we go to the Golden Horse at the end of the year? In December, the first Asian Film Festival also sent invitations to the company, and then there will be the first Huading Awards."

"I'll see the Golden Horse at that time, forget about the rest, how can I have time to participate in all of them?"

Putting down Chu Yujun's phone, Fang Nan called the content planner of the Spring Festival Gala and asked him to add "Flying Apsaras" to the pre-selection program, and told him to arrange the time, and he wanted to watch the scene.

After watching "Flying Apsaras", I flipped through a few more programs, and hurried past for half a day in the morning.

Seeing that it was lunch time, Zeng Li called him, and told him kindly that a classmate was coming to his house, and asked him if he wanted to avoid it.

Fang Nan didn't think about it, and immediately chose to retreat voluntarily.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived outside the villa, I ran into Liu Qianqian who was supposed to be participating in the Huabiao Awards.

She was shortlisted for the Outstanding Actress Award for "Youth in Youth".

"Don't go in, I invite you to have a big meal outside."

Fang Nan dragged Liu Qianqian, who had just paid, into the taxi again.

Liu Qianqian rolled her eyes: "I came here for your aunt's cooking skills."

"Then go in, Zhang Ziyi and the others will come over later."

"Sister Pear's classmate is here? Let's forget it, what do you treat me to?"

"Choose one of hot-boiled mutton and palace banquet."

"Let's boil the mutton, it's not too greasy."

Fang Nan understood, whether it is an actor or actress, obesity is definitely the number one natural enemy.

"Master, Qianmen Street." After fastening his seat belt, he said to the taxi driver.


Arriving at Qianmen Street in a while, Fang Nan led Liu Qianqian into a mutton restaurant called Yilong, which was said to have been visited by Emperor Qianlong.


After reading the introduction of the so-called century-old store, Liu Qianqian looked at Fang Nan in disbelief.

"You don't mind it, as long as it's delicious."

Entering the private room, Fang Nan asked Liu Qianqian who had hung up her handbag on the opposite side: "I haven't filmed recently, what did you do at home?"

"Take care of your body, watch movies, and read the novel "Those Years"."

After Liu Qianqian finished speaking, she said abruptly: "Hey, by the way, why did you come out when Miss Lizi came to classmate? No, why didn't you have a wedding?"

Fang Nan looked depressed: "You don't care about your personal career, why care about my private life?"

"Hehe, I'm just curious." Liu Qianqian smiled perfunctorily.

"Curious?" Fang Nan said angrily, "I'm also curious that even if you stay at home and pick your feet, you are not in a hurry to go out to work?"

"Pick your feet?"

"Very idle."

"Oh, it's quite visual, but it's disgusting to say that you pick your feet while eating. As for work, don't you wait for the script of "Those Years"?"

Fang Nan was speechless: "Don't you know that "Those Years" can't be filmed for the time being?"

"Ah, why?"

"We have to wait for Hu Ge to finish the next repair, his current face can't be close-up."

Liu Qianqian was startled, and only then realized that something was wrong.

She was digging too much at home, and she missed such an important message.

You know, the status of the work of general film and television actors should be that a play is finalized.

A play is being filmed.

Contact again after a play.

This sorting is to avoid unexpected situations, and the actors will not lose exposure for a long time.

In the increasingly competitive entertainment industry, actors' stardom has become extremely short.

If an actor has no work to meet the audience for a year or two, he will not be far away from the crowd.

There are also actors who don't care about the quality of the script, and frantically shoot for money and exposure, shooting seven or eight scenes a year.

There are even actors who regard the script and the team as extremely important, and are willing to spend a year or two, and more time, waiting for a good show.

But these are not in line with Liu Qianqian's current status.

She is a somewhat ambitious newcomer to the film industry.

A big-name actor who has been famous for a long time can't learn the practice of waiting for a good movie for a few years, and he doesn't want to make a movie frantically for money or word-of-mouth.

The work plan she set for herself is to follow the normal process of a normal actor.

Who would have thought that Fang Nan would tell her now that the filming of "Those Years", which was supposed to start filming at the end of this year or early next year, was actually broken.

"Then next year I will only have one "The King of Kung Fu". This movie is scheduled for April next year, which means that from the second half of next year to the first half of 4, there will be no works of mine on the big screen."

Liu Qianqian put down her chopsticks, puffed out her cheeks, and looked at Fang Nan full of grievances and tenderness.

After she and Fang Nan tried to kill Tu Ling in "Assassination of Novelists" last time but failed, her manager specially went to the house to teach her how to do it.

The purpose is to deal with Fang Nan next time.

In the words of her agent, Brother Nan is a man full of machismo.

Occasionally pretending to be weak, pitiful and helpless in front of him, the effect is absolutely remarkable.

But you must pay attention to your sense of proportion, and you can't always be submissive, and frequent small crying bags will not please you.

This is why Ni Ni became popular in "Runningman", and Si Shi is still playing soy sauce in TV dramas.

"Cut", Fang Nan glanced at Liu Qianqian: "You can pull it down, your expression is seriously inconsistent with the persona, it's too fake, compared to the performance in "Young You", the acting skills have declined seriously!"

"No way, I've practiced for a long time." Liu Qianqian said depressedly.

"It means you're not working hard enough, that's enough, hurry up and eat, and go audition for the role of Tu Ling by yourself in two days."

He had thought about continuing to throw the role of Tu Ling to Yang Funn, and then have a friendly battle.

But when he watched the video of Yang Function's audition for "Xian San" a few days ago, he gave up fighting this war in an instant.

An extremely young girl who made him have no desires.

It's better to use Tu Ling to increase the status of our own actors.

As soon as Fang Nan finished speaking, Liu Qianqian raised her chin triumphantly, and let out a series of "hehehe".

It seemed to be mocking Fang Nan again for being fooled, but he refused to admit it.

Fang Nan said unhappily, "Hurry up and eat, you'll be good if you get a bargain!"

After eating the boiled mutton, the two people who had nowhere to go sat opposite each other and drank tea for a long time. Seeing that the outside was covered with dark clouds and a heavy storm was coming, one went back to the hotel and the other went home.

I lived alone at Yinding Bridge for one night.

The next day.

As usual, Fang Nan selected the Spring Festival Gala program for half a day in the morning, and was free in the afternoon.

When the sun was setting, he cleaned himself up and went straight to the exhibition hall.

The 12th Huabiao Award.

Produced by Tang Tang Film and Television, several films have been nominated for multiple awards.

"Youth in Youth", "Lost in Thailand", "On the Journey", "Embroidered Spring Knife", and "Crazy Stone" have more or less nominated for one or two awards.

Among them, "Youth in Youth" won almost all nominations related to feature films.

Outstanding Feature Film Award, Outstanding Director Award, Outstanding Actor and Actress Award, Outstanding Screenwriter Award, New Actress Award.

But since Fang Nan experienced the lessons of the Hundred Flowers Award last year, he has no expectations for winning the award at all.

He would be happy if all the judges from the academy would award one or two awards for "Youth in Youth" in the face of winning abroad.

If you don't give it, Fang Nan doesn't care.

See through.

If it wasn't for the government award for the Huabiao Award, he wouldn't even want to go there.

Arriving at the exhibition hall, Fang Nan walked into the rest area familiarly.

As soon as I walked in, those familiar and unfamiliar greeted one after another.

"Director Fang, long time no see!"

"Long time no see, long time no see."

"Come on, Director Fang!"

"Well, sit down and sit down."

"Brother Nan, you're handsome again!"

"No, I got tanned while filming "Painted Skin" in the desert some time ago, and I haven't returned in vain."

After a greeting, he was taken into the No. [-] rest room by the staff.

He greeted Mr. Han, Wang Jun, Yu Dong, Wang Changtian, Li Lianjie, Zhang Ziyi, Fan Bing, Zhao Yanzi, Li Bing and other big names, as well as famous male and female stars.

"Brother Lian, the filming of "Certificate of Fame" is finished."

"After the filming, I was exhausted. In the last battle in Suzhou, I broke this finger."

Fang Nan was surprised: "Ah, then you didn't settle the score with Mr. Yu?"

"The box office of "Certificate of Voting" broke 2 million, and I personally donated 100 million to a foundation."

Yu Dong had an ugly grin, but even so, he did not escape the complaints from Mr. Han and others, "Yu Dong, you are too dull, wait for the box office to come out, and directly give 100 million to Link."

"Really, Mr. Yu, as the leading film and television company in China, Polybona is about to become the first film and television company again. You have to be tough and set an example for Huayi and Tangtang Film and Television."

Wang Jun said with a fake smile.

After he finished teasing, Wang Changtian followed up again, scratching the ears and cheeks of the clumsy Yu Dongzheng, and finally abruptly donated 100 million, and the whole group of people in the room laughed like crazy.

Not long after laughing, Mr. Xu, Cai Yinong, Liu Qianqian, Lin Hao and others came in, and everyone greeted them again.

Awards season, that's all.

Every award ceremony is an opportunity for people at the bottom to expand their network.

And the big boss with resources in his hand is the target of others' scrambling to flatter him.

Many people would look down on them and would not be ashamed to participate in such a masquerade ball, and this kind of people would definitely not go far.

The reason why the entertainment circle is called the entertainment circle is because it is composed of a small circle of personal connections. You can hate this circle, but you cannot alienate this personal circle.

"Director Fang, you need to touch up your makeup. There is a dressing room available."

"I don't need it, Sissy, go ahead and bring Ni Ni and Si Shi with you."

After Fang Nanchong's staff finished speaking, Mr. Han dragged him out of the room, "Is "Youth in Youth" competing for this year's Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film?" He asked Fang Nan in the small room next door.

Fang Nan was curious: "Does the General Administration want to apply for other films? I can ask Berlin to help with the application, and the three major European companies also have the right to apply."

There are not many institutions in the world that have the right to apply for the best foreign language film for the Hollywood Oscars.

Only the General Administration of China has this right.

Japan is the Tokyo Film Festival, and the three major European film festivals can also help declare.

As this year's Golden Bear film at the Berlin Film Festival, Fang Nan was not worried that "Youth in Youth" would miss the Oscars at the end of the year, so he called the Berlin organizing committee.

"I know the Berlin Film Festival has rights, I mean, are you really going to compete?"

"What do you mean, you tell me not to go?"

"What if you offend the film studio and give up the competition?"

Fang Nan understood. It was probably the same as when "Youth in Youth" was released in China. Some people did not suggest that this film be released to compete for Oscars at the juncture of 08.

After thinking this through, he said with a relaxed expression: "If you give up, just give up. It doesn't matter. "You are a young man" did not sell well in North America. Even if it won the best foreign language film, it did not improve the box office much."

Mr. Han said with relief, "You really don't have any grievances?"

"To be honest, I don't even look down on the best foreign language film. We will go directly to the best director in the future."

"You kid, if you say you are fat, you will gasp for me immediately."

Boss Han chuckled, dragged Fang Nan into the lounge, and talked about Lin Hao's "Crazy Racing".

There is nothing to say about this movie, if you vote, you can't lose anything.

Sitting in the lounge until four in the afternoon, the red carpet mode was turned on. Compared with Fang Nan who used to fight alone on the red carpet, the red carpet team surrounding him at the 12th Huabiao Awards was huge and scary.

The crew of "Youth in Youth", beside him are beauties Liu Qianqian, Liu Sishi, Ni Ni, and Jiang Yiyan. The four beauties competing for beauty set off his red face.

When he arrived at the crew of "Tai囧", he was surrounded by Huang Bo, Xu Shanzheng, and Wang Bao. He was tall and handsome supported by the three ugly men.

Then to the crew of "People on the Journey", Wang Liang, Xu Shanzheng, and Wang Bao once again played their part as the green leaves of his producer.

It wasn't until the final "Embroidered Spring Knife" crew that he was able to have a normal red carpet show as a producer.

But tonight, he is destined to be the one who wastes the most media film.

In the 12th Huabiao Awards, the news that Fang Nan stepped on the red carpet four times, even before the awards ceremony even started, created a fairly positive storm of public opinion on the Internet.

no way.

Fang Nan's movies are always a hit in terms of word of mouth and box office. In terms of movies, there is really no way to discredit them.

(End of this chapter)

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