literary world

Chapter 270 The most beautiful boy in the whole game

Chapter 270 The most beautiful boy in the whole game

The official attribute of Huabiao Award.

And the magical operation of as many as 24 films shortlisted for the Outstanding Feature Film Award made the red carpet of the 12th Huabiao Awards star-studded.

But even though dozens of famous directors and celebrities gathered on the scene, Fang Nan still became the most beautiful boy among the celebrities that night.

He is young and rich.

Holding multiple companies.

In just a few years, his achievements in personal career are comparable to that of Zhang Yimou, the most famous director in China who is over fifty years old.

Such a person is bound to attract attention.

of course.

The lack of good looks makes him lag behind Chen Kun, Su Youpeng, Liu Ye and other handsome guys in terms of attracting fans.

But in the arena, he is a well-deserved No. [-] star.

Even the finale guest on the red carpet, Zhang Ziyi, the most popular international actress in China, stood next to him the first moment she entered the venue, and said delicately, "Hey, Director Fang, when can we cooperate again?".

It caused Wang Jing, Chen Kexin, Xu Laoguai and others around to show their faces of watching the show.

Actresses such as Gao Yuanyuan, Liu Qianqian, Fan Bing, Li Bing, Tranquility, Chen Hao and other actresses in the front row turned their heads and glanced from time to time.

For a while, Fang Nan was under a lot of pressure.

He could only smile and wave his hands and said, "Please excuse me, please excuse me!"

His words were a little insincere.

With his net worth and movie box office, he can afford Zhang Ziyi.

As long as there is news of the cooperation between the two, the employers who are willing to pay for them will definitely flock to them.

So the so-called "can't afford it" is just a lice on the bald man's head, an obvious excuse.

But it is also true that Zhang Ziyi's salary is high.

Among the four major actresses, Zhang Ziyi, who always steps on ideas every step of the way, is currently the highest-paid female star in China.

She entered the film industry with Zhang Yimou's "My Father and Mother" in her early years.

In 2000, he won the Oscar with Ang Lee's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

Later, with Cheng Long's "Rush Hour", he once again left a deep impression on North American audiences.

The following "Hero" and "Memoirs of a Geisha" made her win box office and win awards in North America.

In recent years, it has also won the Oscar for Best Editing Award twice, and was selected as a jury member of the Cannes Film Festival.

It can be said that since Zhang Ziyi's debut, every step she has taken is a groundbreaking improvement.

Therefore, her salary is naturally high.

How about in "The Banquet", Zhou Xun, who is also a four-star actress, can honestly match Zhang Ziyi for her?
It's really a dwarf, it's really not comparable.

Today's Zhang Ziyi, apart from Kong Huang and Manshen, no domestic actress can compete with her.

Fang Nan's perfunctory was visible to the naked eye, and Zhang Ziyi was not annoyed, with a sweet smile on her face: "My salary is very low, if you come to me, I will give you a friendship price."

Forced to do so, Fang Nan had no choice but to say "There is a chance, there is a chance" imitating ambiguity, and Zhang Ziyi gave up and sat in the front row.

The gossip between the hottest director and the hottest actress is over, and the people who eat melons say hello to old and new friends around them.

At the same time, Fang Nan hurriedly greeted Chen Hao, Wu Yue and the others in the front row, and then greeted Gao Yuanyuan who was about to turn his mouth crooked.

Gao Yuanyuan, like Zhao Yanzi and others, is the award presenter tonight.

She didn't notify Fang Nan before she came, thinking of giving a surprise after walking the red carpet.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ziyi came in before she had finished greeting the people around her after she sat down, and caught Fang Nan with a good look, so that she didn't surprise Fang Nan, and instead she became angry.

"Humeizi! She's as thin as a reed and still seduces men."

Gao Yuanyuan pursed her lips and cursed Zhang Ziyi who was sitting next to Zhao Yanzi.


A little farther away in the same row, Liu Qianqian turned her head, and while lifting up the green tube top skirt, she sneered for no reason.

Lu Chuan, who was about to greet her in the back row, was embarrassed.

And Liu Qianqian, who had just turned her head after reading the gossip, happened to find that Lu Chuan, who had a mustache on the back of her head, was staring at her intently, and she couldn't help but panic.

Feeling that she was caught by someone, she hurriedly explained: "I'm sorry Director Lu, I feel a little uncomfortable in my throat today."

"It's all right, there is a lot of sand and dust in Beijing, which can easily cause respiratory diseases. You should drink more hot water at ordinary times." Lu Chuan looked concerned.

"Heh" Liu Qianqian turned her gaze and couldn't help rolling her eyes: "Thank you!"

Lu Chuan, who was exhausted by the filming of "Jinling Jinling" just finished, didn't hear the meaning of ridicule: "There is no need to be so polite! Seniors should take care of juniors."

"By the way, your performance in "Youth in Youth" is quite outstanding. It can be said that you supported this drama alone. It's a pity to miss the Silver Bear. I think you can at least win one of the outstanding actress awards today .”

"That's right, why don't I think so." Liu Qianqian sarcastically said.

After hearing Lu Chuan's extremely greasy saying "the seniors take care of the juniors", she already felt physically uncomfortable.

In order to flatter her, the person behind belittled Fang Nan and the rest of the crew, treating her like a three-year-old child, which made her extremely disgusted.

Who doesn't know what you Lu Chuan want to do or what?
What do you want to say is not good?
I have to go around talking about a lot of things.

Do you expect that I won't refuse?
Ha ha!

Hypocritical man!
Liu Qianqian's mouth began to turn up unconsciously.

On the contrary, Lu Chuan cheered up, and he almost stuck to the back of Liu Qianqian's chair: "Let's leave a number for each other. If you win a prize today, you treat me to dinner; if you don't win a prize, I treat you to dinner. How about giving you some filming experience for free?"

"I'm going crazy, how can there be such a person." Liu Qianqian slandered as if sitting on pins and needles, and Qin Lan beside Lu Chuan had a cold face: "Lu Chuan, do you completely think that I don't exist?"

After she broke up with Huang Xiaoming, she met Lu Chuan because of "Jinling Jinling".

In the crew of "Jinling Jinling", there are two of them, one is a beautiful heroine who has just recovered from her emotional injury.

One is a talented young director.

They are similar in age, and when all the conditions match, it seems to be a matter of course for the two to live together.

So she got serious, thinking that she had found a good match, and began to obey Lu Chuanyan in everything.

Until one day, when she finished filming a rape scene that he personally added, she suddenly realized that Lu Chuan was getting tired of her for no reason.

She would think about it again, maybe her performance was too wonderful, her crying was too harsh, and her voice was too touching, which caused Lu Chuan, who personally directed the play, to have a little psychological shadow.

She firmly believes that after a period of rest after filming, the two of them will still live their lives sweetly and sweetly.

He directed the play, and she was the heroine!
But the scene just now made Qin Lan completely desperate.

Lu Chuan actually teased the younger, more youthful and beautiful Liu Qianqian in front of her as if no one else was around.

He has no psychological shadow, he is just a simple scum!
On such an important occasion, the female companion actually broke the stage, Lu Chuan turned his head and said angrily: "Why do you pretend that you don't exist anymore, don't you just sit by the side?"

Regarding Lu Chuan's change of mind, Qin Lan was only half right.

Lu Chuan did have a reaction in his heart because of the rape scene.

But not a little, but very responsive.

So much so that no matter how pretty Qin Lan's face was, he couldn't pass the test in his heart.

But this is not important to Lu Chuan. The filming of "Jinling Jinling" has already been finished, and the filming is still very good. Qin Lan's performance is also very good. As for the female partner, just change it.

"Lu Chuan, are you still human when you say this?"

Qin Lan, who was so wronged that tears rolled in her eyes, stared blankly at Lu Chuan.

She can accept Lu Chuan's decision not to disclose the relationship between the two.

But Lu Chuan's cold violence at home, treating her like air, and teasing girls next to her, what is this?
How cheap is she?

Facing the whispers around him and the curious gazes from farther away, Lu Chuan couldn't sit still, "What are you calling? We're just working together on a play. Are you trying to blackmail me!"

Lu Chuankou, who had been abused by the navy army, was unstoppable.

"Yes, yes, we are just a cooperative relationship. I wish you a bright future and a great movie."

Qin Lan threw out the last sentence, covered her mouth, got up and walked towards the passage.

While walking, he said "I'm sorry, please let me go" to everyone passing by with a crying voice.

What made her even more desperate was.

Whenever she passed by someone, the person in the seat would stare at her playfully with their small black eyes.

So did Fang Nan.

In front of Zhao Yanzi, Zhang Ziyi, Li Bing, Fan Bing, and others, he had just finished complimenting Gao Yuanyuan's meatballs for their good-looking hair and beautiful skirts, which made the beauty look satisfied, and Lu Chuan in the same row became lively.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Qin Lan stumbling over with her mouth covered all the way, and she had already reached Wang Jing who was beside him.

"Director Wang, I'm sorry, please let me go."

"Okay, okay!" Wang Jing said hastily in not-so-standard Mandarin.

It was the first time he was invited to participate in the Huabiao Awards Ceremony, and he was a bit cautious, so between eating melons and etiquette, he chose the latter, and he wanted to stand up at that time.

But because he was too fat, the seat of the chair under him was folded, which caused his fat buttocks to get stuck, and he couldn't stand up all at once.

Qin Lan, who was in a hurry to leave, didn't expect this. As soon as Hen Tiangao stepped out, he was tripped by Wang Jing who sat down again.

Afterwards, she couldn't control her whole body, danced and swayed forward for a moment, and threw herself on Fang Nan who was concentrating on eating melons.

Fang Nan was a little dazed, and half of his face still hurt.

I also felt a little softness on my hands and face.

In the ear, it is filled with the noisy sound of boiling.

But he is worthy of being a martial arts practitioner, it took only two seconds for him to react, and he successfully pushed Qin Lan who was jumping on him away.

"Director Fang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Qin Lan finally burst into tears. She now has makeup on her face, and the heel of a high-heeled shoe has disappeared. She is as embarrassed as she is.

The other victim, Fang Nan, was extremely depressed. Qin Lan had no problem falling back and forth, left and right, but wanted to fall on him sideways.

Gao Yuanyuan who has just been coaxed is afraid that he will suffer again.

"Stop apologizing, and leave now."

After Qin Lan stood crookedly and with disheveled hair, Fang Nansheng had nothing to love.

He has seen a lot of embarrassing scenes of celebrities, and today is definitely a new one. He is ashamed of Lu Chuan as a scumbag.

But having said that, the reason why Qin Lan in the original time and space was poor, probably has something to do with his mentality.

What kind of shit is this, it's life or death.

The man Zhao Yanzi was not so distraught when he was thrown dung in public.

Qin Lan stumbled out of the arena, Wang Jinghan smiled twice, and pointed to Fang Nan's half of the cheek.

Fang Nan ignored him, and looked at Gao Yuanyuan in the front row, and was relieved to see that she was covering her mouth and watching happily.

The two episodes ended, and the lively awards ceremony finally began.

But compared with the messy relationship between men and women just now, the degree of excitement is obviously worse than that.

When Fang Nan and Zhao Yanzi came to the stage to present the Outstanding Newcomer Director Award, they found that the faces of all the bosses in the front row were all black, and they should be very angry.

After all, the theme of this year's Huabiao Awards Ceremony is 'Harmonious Society', and the scene just now runs counter to the theme.

"As we all know, Director Fang Nan is one of the best directors in China. As a director, what qualifications do you think Director Fang needs to have in order to win the Outstanding Newcomer Director Award?"

On the stage, Zhao Yanzi couldn't help but look at Fang Nan's profile.

Fang Nan was quite puzzled, but he never expected that there was a light lip mark on his face, and he said solemnly: "I think the first requirement to be met is of course the work must be good!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Zhao Yanzi happily motioned for him to continue.

The people in the audience who noticed Fang Nan's strange face laughed like crazy.

Fang Nan didn't know why, knowing the winners, he even joked happily, misinterpreting the "Outstanding New Director Award" and said: "The award-winning director needs to be young, so if the award-winning director is older than me, please give me the award." This award was offered to me.”

"Hey, then Fang guides you to make a lot of money today."

Zhao Yanzi couldn't stop laughing, and handed the list of winners to Fang Nan, "Director, let's see the list of nominees."

"Okay, please look at the big screen."

One minute later, Lin Hao, who won the award for "Crazy Stone", came on stage, standing in front of the microphone, he turned to look at Fang Nan and said, "I am two years older than Director Fang, and I am willing to give this award to Director Fang. But I want to take this award home with me by sharing my secrets."

"Sorry, I'm not interested in your secret!"

Fang Nan's pretentiously stern words made the audience fry in an instant.

Except for the leaders in the front row, everyone in the audience couldn't stop laughing. Su Youpeng and others, who had been friends with Fang Nan, stood up laughing and pointed to their cheeks to remind him.

Booing and noise made the scene lively and chaotic.

A group of media in the media area frantically recorded this scene, and some reporters discussed Fang Nan's performance at other awards ceremonies.

Finally came to a conclusion.

Fang Nan's ceremonies are never short of highlights.

Gold in Berlin.

Last year, I finished participating in the Hundred Flowers Awards with a bitter face.

This year's Huabiao, he staged a very funny awards with lip prints.

Either this person does not show up, or he is the best topic maker.

On the stage.

After being reminded by Lin Hao, Fang Nan wiped off the lip marks on his face without stopping, and the effect of the program exploded again.

But tonight he is destined to be the hottest person.

Even if the lip marks are wiped off, it is still the same.

"The films that won the Outstanding Screenplay Award at the 12th Huabiao Awards include "Youth in Youth" and "On Taihang Mountain". Congratulations to Director Fang Nan!"

"The director who won the Outstanding Director Award at the 12th Huabiao Awards is Fang Nan of "Youth in Youth", and Gao Qunshu of "Tokyo Trial"!"

"The films that won the Outstanding Feature Film Award at the 12th Huabiao Awards include "Don't Treat Yourself as a Cadre", "The Long March", and "Youth in Youth"."

Host: "We have invited Director Fang Nan to come on stage again!"

Moreover, in addition to Fang Nan's personal award, Hu Ge also won the Outstanding Newcomer Actor Award for "Youth in Youth".

As for Liu Qianqian, it's a pity.

She was nominated for the Outstanding Actress Award, which was won by Li Bing and Ding Jiali who participated in "Yun Shui Ballad" and "The Alley Prime Minister".

This was also the only award that "Youth in Youth" missed that night.

"Don't be too depressed. You have no problems with your performance in "Youth in Youth". The failure to win the award is not due to lack of acting skills."

After the ceremony, Fang Nan, Cai Yinong and others comforted Liu Qianqian.

Liu Qianqian forced a smile and said, "It's okay, try harder next time."

She also personally thinks "Youth in Youth" is the best film she has contributed since her debut, otherwise the film would not have won gold.

Under the right time and place, she missed the Best Actress award again, which somewhat made her feel discouraged and questioned herself.

"It has something to do with your nationality, so don't think about it, go to the celebration banquet, Lin Hao and the others are waiting."

What Fang Nan didn't say, Cai Yinong said without any scruples.

Liu Qianqian lost all energy at that time.

Now, Fang Nan didn't know how to persuade him. He also asked Mr. Han after the ceremony, and only then did he know that Huabiao, Golden Rooster, and Hundred Flowers belong to domestic awards, and foreigners cannot win them.

Being nominated is pretty good.

A group of people persuaded Liu Qianqian to leave the venue, Fang Nan, Lin Hao, and Hu Ge took the initiative to greet the media, so that Cai Yinong and others left first.

(End of this chapter)

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