literary world

Chapter 271 Girlfriend Exposes Dou E's Injustice

Chapter 271 Girlfriend Exposes Dou E's Injustice

As the winner of the 12th Huabiao Award.

The celebration banquet held by Tangtang Film and Television for award-winning works such as "Youth in Youth" and "囧囧 in Thailand" was extremely lively.

Fang Nan, Cai Yinong, Hu Ge, Liu Qianqian, Huang Ze and other Tang Tang film and television executives and artists all participated.

Gao Yuanyuan, Lin Hao, Huang Bo, Xu Shanzheng and others who are closely related to Tangtang Film and Television were also present.

Artists such as Wang Bao, Zhang Jingying, Fan Bing, Chen Kun also congratulated Fang Nan by rushing through the door.

Among them, Wang Bao was the most embarrassed when he left.

He was exhausted by Huang Bo and Xu Shan's competition for several ounces of liquor, and finally left drunk with shame on his face.

He made his debut with Li Yang's "Blind Well".

Feng Dapao's "A World Without Thieves" made him famous.

And it was Fang Nan's "Lost in Thailand" and "On the Journey" that made him rise to the top.

But he gave up the celebration banquet of "Lost in Thailand" and chose to attend the celebration banquet of "Yun Shui Ballad" produced by Huayi, which had nothing to do with it, which made people very dissatisfied.

As the old saying goes, don’t forget the well digger when you drink water!
What's more, his status as a Huayi artist in reality is also very embarrassing.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Tang Tang and Hua Yi are at odds.

With the competition in the film and television industry becoming more and more fierce, Tangtang Film and Television and Huayi Film and Television, which are one south and one north, have almost reached the point of fighting in the open.

Focusing on cultivating their own artists has become the theme of the two companies' public disclosure.

Many artists will face the right to choose next.

The lively celebration banquet lasted until midnight, Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan returned home, washed up briefly, embraced each other and fell asleep.

The next day.

News about the 12 Huabiao Award-winning films is flying all over the sky.

As usual, evaluations ranged from two extremes.

The main official media touted the whole process.

For example, there are as many as hundreds of stars participating in the cross-strait and three places, and the red carpet scene is full of stars.

The award-winning films are well deserved and blah blah.

Just never mentioning that more than 10 films have won the Outstanding Feature Film Award, and created a unique "grand event" for winning a single award in the world.

Internet media and netizen forums are outraged.

Double yolk eggs, triple yolk eggs, multiple yolk eggs.

And two nominations and one award-winning miraculous operation was caught and slammed by netizens.

A Douban netizen had a long comment and was relieved to read it.

After watching the live broadcast of the 12th Huabiao Awards last night, I feel that there is only one word - embarrassing!

The Huabiao Award does not respect films and filmmakers, and the designated main theme film will not be awarded.

Let's talk about the trend first.

Almost every award-presenting guest stood on the stage. Is it serious to say "Dear Leader" first?

I want to say, if celebrities are kidnapped, please call Yaoyaoling in time!
Secondly, is it an awards ceremony or a promotional conference?

Zhao Yanzi sells herself to Fang Nan, boasting that she is good and cheap.

Fan Bing talks to Wang Jing, for you, I will risk everything.

Li Bing shouted to Chen Kexin, I am cheaper than Zhou Xun.

It is said that before the ceremony started, Zhang Ziyi asked Fang Nan for a role?
I would like to ask, when will the Huabiao Award be changed to a promotional event?
Can fresh graduates participate?
Lastly, let me talk a little more about this utterly fucked up, biennial awards ceremony.

What are the benefits of a biennial film awards ceremony?

The advantage is that there are more bad movies to choose from, and the old men can choose movies with confidence without worrying about accusations.

Because there is no worst award-winning film, only worse.

The good thing is that the main theme movie two years ago has long been completely forgotten by the audience, so naturally there is no way to choose good or bad, and the award is well deserved!

Official media and online media have become two extremes.

The local media was publicized by some award-winning stars, forming a bragging for a single star.

The local paper media in Sichuan Province made an extremely positive publicity campaign for Li Bing, the outstanding actress winner.

On the stage, Li Bing, who was crying with excitement and speaking incoherently, became the inspirational version of Cinderella.

But more local paper media still mainly report on Fang Nan.

He was the biggest winner of the night.

He was also the chief director of the 08 Spring Festival Gala, and he has a topic of his own.

To Fang Nan's surprise, his accident with Qin Lan was widely publicized by tabloid newspapers, which made him have an extra girlfriend for no reason.

And it has greatly spread to the Internet, forming a trend of intensification.

Seeing Fang Nan in a state of embarrassment last night, Gao Yuanyuan, who could barely stop laughing, frantically arranged Fang Nan, who was beating the wooden dummy in the yard, and said, "I watch you hit the wooden stake every day, what's the point of hitting it?" Use? The reaction is so slow."

"Don't keep bragging to me that you are a martial artist."

"Stop practicing, call your company's publicity director and ask her to hurry up with public relations."

Gao Yuanyuan stood in the yard, frowning coldly.

In order to avoid gossip, she stayed at home every day in order to avoid gossip. When she was about to arrive, she let a person who couldn't beat her take advantage of it. No one could stand it.

Even between Fang Nan and Qin Lan, it was just a beautiful misunderstanding.

That's not OK.

What made her even more unacceptable was that what the tabloids wrote was too disgusting, not implying that Qin Lan kissed Fang Nan in public, so that Fang Nan came on stage with lip prints.

It was a vivid description of Fang Nan and Qin Lan's crackling in the bathroom, so that they didn't clean it up.

And abruptly put together a double south love!

"Tell Hu Wen, I went to CCTV to watch a program, and today a local art troupe brought a program to rehearse."

Fang Nan didn't want to make this call.

So many people at the scene knew that this love affair was created out of nothing, and there was no need for public relations.

Another one is to go to public relations when the momentum is the strongest, and the public relations fees are also high, which is a waste of money.

It may not have much effect, so many tabloids can all public relations?
One family went public and the other got up again.

He might as well just let it go and do his job honestly.

So for the next period of time, apart from being invited to participate in the promotional ceremony of "The Sun Also Rises", the rest of the time is between home and CCTV.

Let the lace news outside fly all over the sky.

Tang Tang Film and Television did public relations and held a clarification press conference, but just as Fang Nan thought, it was useless.

Because of his status as the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, the authorities even took action to destroy two tabloids, and the gossip about him and Qin Lan was still blooming everywhere.

It even became popular in Xiangjiang and Taiwan, making several tabloids in the three places on both sides of the strait earn a solid fortune.

Two months later, a small number of media in South Korea, Japan, Thailand and other countries also reported on the scandal.

Just like that, Qin Lan somehow became Fang Nanming's superficial girlfriend.

He directly moved Gao Yuanyuan home.

Yonghe Villa.

Fang Nan in the yard looked at the foggy sky and frowned: "It's going to snow."



"This snow is probably not small!"



Fang Nan shook his head with a smile, rubbed the little golden retriever's head, and kissed his daughter again: "Let's go, your father really worked hard."

Xixi Xiaoxie on Guijie Street opened after winter, and the business is not doing well, but Zeng Li is so busy that sometimes she can't even take care of her daughter.

It's not that I'm tired of annoying little girls.

It was because of her educational philosophy of "cultivating children to learn to be self-reliant from an early age", so Fang Nan couldn't say anything.

He himself is a model of self-reliance.

Naturally, I know that free-range children are really not easy to depend on others.

Arrived at the Beijing SOHO office of Tangtang Film and Television.

The team of "Assassination of Novelists" is already busy.

This ambitious work, which has been in preparation for more than a year, has finally entered the waiting mode.

The main actors have already started their daily fitness mode in the gym in SOHO, and after that they will practice some sword and sword styles taught by Fang Nan himself.

Among the main actors, Fang Nan gave Huang Bo the role of Guan Ning in "Assassination of Novelists", that is, the role of the father.

Lu Kongwen, the novelist of the other heroine, under the circumstances that Hu Ge couldn't do a close-up, the employer Emperor strongly pushed Xie Tingfeng, but Fang Nan refused.

Let Tang Tang Film and Television contact Rong Xinda's Chen Kun.

Of course, Chen Kun must pay for such a big-budget male lead.

For this reason, he signed a memorandum contract with Tang Tang Film and Television.

One of the contents of the contract is that the contract between Chen Kun and Rong Xinda will expire in two years and ten years, and his agency contract will be signed with Tang Tang Film and Television first.

The third male lead, Li Mu, was still handed over to Yu Hewei, who joined the group through a relationship with another employer.

As for the heroine with the most roles in the film, it was won by Liu Qianqian's internal competition.

Another female character, Pan Ruo, who doesn't have too many roles and only plays one scene, is still played by Tang Tang film and television artist Mei Ting.

The last little girl character, Xiaojuzi, was given by Fang Nan to Guan Xiaotong, who had worked with "Lost in Thailand".

"Brother Nan."


"Yeah!" entered the actor's practice room, where Huang Bo, Liu Qianqian, and Chen Kun were warming up and stretching their legs.

Fang Nan's job was special, and he had to spare time in a day, so the group of actors had to accommodate him to get up early to practice.

"Mei Ting, how are you doing with the big sword? It's almost enough, you just have a show."

Huang Bo bared his teeth and joked, "She's successful if she doesn't cut herself off."

"Huang Bo, don't bury me, the two of us will meet good talents."

Mei Ting, who has been in Tangtang Film and Television for almost a year, seems to have healed her emotional injury. Faced with Huang Bo's teasing, she returned it very quickly.

Fang Nan shook his head and laughed, "You two are really in the same boat!"

Huang Bo and Mei Ting have almost never filmed fighting scenes, and they are very unfamiliar with swordsmanship.

Mei Ting is a bit better, although she voluntarily dropped out of Chinese opera in order to act, but after all, she has a year's foundation.

Huang Bo's fighting scenes are simply unwatchable.

Among the few, the youngest Liu Qianqian is the one who looks the best in acting. She has a foundation in dancing and has done a lot of costume films, so she really looks good when she moves.

After chatting for a while, Fang Nan set up some tricks for them, and gave each of them a few new tricks, then served a cup of tea and supervised them to practice sparring.

"Brother Nan, the schedule for "Nightclub" has been fixed, and it will be released on New Year's Day."

After a while, Wang Liang came in to announce the news.

"Could it be too crazy?" Fang Nan asked with a nonchalant smile.

As far as he knows, there are not many blockbuster movies on New Year's Day in 08, but there are several blockbuster movies around Christmas in the West.

"Lust, Caution" in November.

"Certificate of Voting" on December 12.

"Assembly" on December 12th, these three movies seem to be aimed at breaking the box office of over 20 million.

And "Nightclub" is just a small-budget comedy film with a small cost of a few million invested by him.

He also packaged the release promotion to Tangtang Film and Television, and he could only get 23% of the total box office afterwards, so the promotion fee was not high.

"What are you afraid of? I've already sold your signboard, and the box office is indispensable." Wang Liang said quite confidently.

In his heart, Fang Nan's movies, the movies Fang Nan invested in, are living signs.

Naturally, some audiences will enter the theater.

What's more, although "Nightclub" is small in stature, the plot has a beginning and end, and its reputation is slightly better, and the box office is definitely not less than 3000 million.

"Nightclub" with a box office of 3000 million is a big hit movie, a successful movie.

"Then it will be released on New Year's Day." Fang Nan shrugged indifferently: "Shout Zhao Zhu and go to CCTV."

The three of them got into the car, and Wang Liang beamed and talked about Ang Lee's "Lust, Caution". In order to learn Ang Lee's camera language, this guy took Zhao Zhu and flew to Xiangjiang to watch the uncut version. Wei Na's saliva flew all over the place.

"It doesn't look good to me, it's dark and meaningless." Zhao Zhu said puzzledly.

"So you can only be a producer. Ang Lee is an international director who can win an Oscar. What he shoots is charm, camera charm, language charm, do you understand?"

"When I saw the armpits, I immediately had an orgasm. This is the impact brought by the great director's lens."

Fang Nansheng turned the steering wheel helplessly.

Damn it, why did he bring out two wet and salty guys?

Back in the day, he flew to Xiangjiang to watch the uncut version of "Lust, Caution", but he criticized it with an artistic eye, and he was so out of tune like Wang Liang.

"Stop talking nonsense." Stopping the two who were still arguing, Fang Nan asked them, "Has Zhou Tong settled Zhao Benshan?"

After completing the task of Uncle Ben Shan, he handed it over to Zhou Tong.

Two months later, Zhao Benshan kept using his physical discomfort as an excuse to decline.

Fang Nan thought, maybe he wanted him, the chief director, to pay a visit to the thatched cottage.

Zhao Benshan obviously miscalculated.

Most of the time Fang Nan was calm, but sometimes he was a stunned young man, and he didn't want to be so blunt.

Outsiders, including Zhao Benshan, may feel that the Spring Festival Gala can be without Fang Nan, but it cannot be without Zhao Benshan.

Not to mention whether this is right or not, even if it is right, but so what?
The Tao in the Spring Festival Gala is not that whoever is missing is not who is not, but whoever has less interests involved can make a big impact.

Fang Nan can bear to be scolded afterwards, but does this still affect his ability to make movies and make money?

Now Zhao Benshan is willing to give up the platform of the Spring Festival Gala?

He and the Spring Festival Gala are like fish and water. Without fish, the water is just less vivid and lively.

Fish out of water will die.

And what about Fang Nan?

He is just a dragonfly resting on the surface of the water, at worst flapping his wings and flying away.

So Fang Nan is not in a hurry, he is willing to wait, but really can't wait, just add another show.

The car entered CCTV.

During the Spring Festival Gala show, as soon as Fang Nan walked in, Zhou Tong said bitterly: "You have fulfilled your mission, you have counted, and you are living in Mediah."

Fang Nan understood: "Have you submitted the program plan?"

"The script is on your desk. It's called "Torchbearer". I read it and the content is okay."

"Okay?" Fang Nan raised his eyebrows and said, "His script is okay or not. He is the trump card. Let's go to Mediah together. By the way, have you decided on the rehearsal time?"

"Arranged four rehearsals, on January 1st, 21rd, and 23th, respectively, on January 25st, 31rd, and 2th, respectively, on January 2st, on January [-]rd, and on the [-]th, there were two rehearsals, and on the [-]st, it was transferred to Studio [-] for a temporary rehearsal. On February [-]nd, the last rehearsal with makeup was recorded and prepared. Play the video."

Fang Nan asked again: "Are all singers and celebrities sure they have time?"

"That's natural, but will there be too many stars? I counted them carefully. There are more than ten young stars, including Zhang Ziyi, SHE, Wang Bao, Chen Yixun, Phoenix Legend, Shen Teng, Zhou Jielun, and Liu Qianqian. It’s good to be criticized by the elders.”

Fang Nan: "It's fine, as long as the show isn't boring. One more thing, the seniors need to be taken care of, and the young audience should also be taken care of. Don't accommodate anyone."

"Let's go then."

(End of this chapter)

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