literary world

Chapter 275 Horror Ratings

Chapter 275 Horror Ratings

Another way to solve the issue of "The Rabbit That Year" and "Dream Chasing Heart" landing in the Spring Festival Gala.

All 08 programs of the 36 Spring Festival Gala were completed.

Fang Nan's mind relaxed.

It's July 2th.

After the fifth rehearsal with the audience was a great success in CCTV No. 28 studio, he gave all the team except the host a day off, and he returned to No. [-] courtyard of Yinding Bridge with a tired face.

He was physically able to bear it, but his spirit was overdrawn. He had more than a dozen meetings every day, and he had to be inspected by the leaders from time to time, and his nerves were extremely tense.

"Go to my house for New Year's Eve as promised, don't forget!"

After packing up her luggage, Gao Yuanyuan, who was about to return to her mother's house, told Fang Nan to curl up under the blanket.

Fang Nan replied: "Understood, you go back and let me sleep for a while."

During the years when the two stayed together, Fang Nan never asked Gao Yuanyuan to hide their relationship from his family.

Her parents are old, and her mother is often sick, and she is trying to persuade her to get married. Having a boyfriend is always a thought for the old man.

The sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the floor was far away. Fang Nan yawned and closed his eyes, then opened them again. It was already twilight outside.

He was taken aback, thinking that he had been in a coma all day, and when he looked at his phone, it was a quarter after two in the afternoon, apparently the weather outside had changed.


After finding some leftover snacks and biscuits from Gao Yuanyuan, Fang Nan turned on the TV.

Excluding today, there are still three days left before New Year's Eve, and the programs of major TV stations are full of joy. Even the heavy snow in the south can't hide the lively atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

Under the lens of CCTV, every city seems to have a new look, and people on the streets are smiling.

Faced with the street host's inquiry of "the most anticipated Spring Festival Gala show", most men, women and children voted for Zhao Benshan.

But when the host asked "Who is the chief director of the 08 Spring Festival Gala", the middle-aged and elderly people shook their heads and said they were not sure.

On the contrary, young people kept saying "Fang Nan" in an endless stream, and rarely showed great interest in this year's Spring Festival Gala.

"I will see, isn't it that this Spring Festival Gala will be younger!"

"Should be able to see, Fang Nan is from Yangzhou, I think he will take care of southerners more."

"Sure, watching the Spring Festival Gala while eating New Year's Eve dinner has been a custom in our family for many years."

"You must watch it. I also like watching Fang Nan's movies. The Spring Festival Gala directed by him will definitely be different!"

"I have nothing to do except watch the Spring Festival Gala. The road is blocked by heavy snow and I can't go home. I can only drink and watch the Spring Festival Gala."

On the bed, Fang Nan manipulated the remote control to turn around the channels. After finding that there was no program he was interested in, he continued to "wheeze and wheeze" into a deep sleep.

Day and night passed.

Fang Nan recovered to his best condition again, tidied himself up energetically and went straight to CCTV, and started the final check for omissions and fill in vacancies.

Time flickers.

On February 2th, New Year's Eve finally arrived.

"Don't panic, what are you panicking about, all the programs are recorded and prepared for broadcast, even if you make a mistake, it's okay."

In CCTV's largest dressing room, Fang Nan couldn't help shouting as he watched the actors and staff trot past in a panic from time to time.

"Director Fang, it's time for the audience to enter the arena."

"Camera, have you adjusted the equipment after placing it in the designated position?"

"All right."

Fang Nan rolled up his cuffs, seeing that it was already seven o'clock in the evening: "Let the audience enter."

"Director, Assistant Director Yu asked you to sit backstage."

"almost there."

After cheering up a group of actors in front of the scene again, Fang Nan turned and went straight out of the dressing room.

Backstage, Fang Nan leaped over the staff and sat in front of the monitor. On his left was the chief planner Zhou Tong, on his right was the director in charge of the equipment, and after that was the assistant director who specialized in instructing the director to switch shots.

Behind them are the persons in charge of dozens of types of work. This group of people wants to come up with solutions as soon as possible when there is a problem at the front desk.

But just like what Fang Nan said.

Every program has a backup, if there is a big mistake during the live broadcast, just change the tape.

"How are the ratings now?"

After asking the air, Fang Nan took out the chocolate specially prepared by Zeng Li and took a bite.

The boxed lunches ordered by CCTV are terrible, and there is literally one box per person. Today, 2800 people at the scene are really 2800 boxed lunches.

"23%, this rating has exceeded the ratings before the Spring Festival Gala in previous years."

"There are still four to ten minutes to cut the scene. If you are hungry, eat something quickly, especially Xiaohong, Xiaotian and you directors, you will consume a lot of energy later."

Fang Nan reminded the four directors in a row on the right.

"tick tick"

The time passed by second by second, and it was getting closer and closer to [-] o'clock in the evening. During this time period, every family also just served the New Year's Eve dinner on the table.

Capital, Fengtai.

In a half-old and half-new residential apartment, Gao Yuanyuan and his sister-in-law had just put the last dish on the table and were about to sit down. Gao's mother said at the right time: "Yuanyuan, bring my glasses. The Spring Festival Gala will start soon."

"Mom, it's okay to get you glasses, I can't look at them for a long time."

Gao's mother was dissatisfied: "Your child, is it the Spring Festival Gala directed by Xiao Fang?"

"That's right, I read it, the chief director of CCTV's broadcast is Xiao Fang."

Gao's father, Gao Yuanyuan's brother and sister-in-law all affirmed.

"Why isn't Yuanyuan in a hurry? Let's watch TV. It would be good to give Xiaofang some ratings."

As soon as Gao's mother said this, Gao Yuanyuan pouted instantly, becoming pitiful and innocent.

How many TV dramas she has filmed, and her mother never said to increase her ratings, and it was the turn of the son-in-law who hadn't entered yet, but he cared about it.

The daughter was so pouted that she could hang the soy sauce bottle, and Gao's mother smiled and dragged her to the side: "Sit down, the Spring Festival Gala has begun."

Gao Yuanyuan looked up, and sure enough, the clock had turned to eight o'clock.

In the music of "Jasmine Flower", several girls in beautiful costumes danced the opening dance "Fly to Spring". After the dance lasted for tens of seconds, the six hosts slowly descended from the sky while talking about the opening remarks.

The opening remarks were very short, and each of the six hosts left the stage after two sentences each.

At the same time, the four singers of the second program "Family Portrait" took the stage and successfully merged with the dancers of "Flying to Spring" on stage.

Just 6 minutes.

Fang Nan stuffed three programs into the opening of the Spring Festival Gala, dancing, the appearance of the host, and singing, and the rhythm flew up.

People have to sigh, it is not without reason that one of his films is sold.

I really know what the audience likes to watch and what they want to watch.

Sure enough, the third show was the turn of the skit.

"Today's Happiness" starring Shen Teng, Ma Li, and Wei Xiang.

"I chase, you run, I keep chasing, you keep running"

On the screen, the ex-husband brother played by Wei Xiang surrounded the two curtains, and the four members of the Gao family laughed while chasing the scene of Shen Teng scurrying around.

The operation of the ex-husband standing under the oil painting with the green hat is even more hilarious.

But the climax is Ma Li's "Come on, let's show up, baby" and her unique, very magical laugh.

The Spring Festival Gala continued, and then Gao's mother competed with her daughter Gao Yuanyuan for the remote control for the Spring Festival Gala directed by her son-in-law.

Others watched with a smile, and the family of five enjoyed themselves happily.

Compared with the Gao family.

Because the road was blocked by heavy snow, Xiao Jiang, who couldn't go home, could only nest in the rental house and drink by herself in front of the Spring Festival Gala, seemed extremely lonely.

Fortunately, in the summer, in order to watch "Running Man", he finally repaired the old Panda TV with all his heart.

What's even more fortunate is that since the beginning of the Spring Festival Gala, several good programs have made him temporarily forget the feeling of loneliness.

【Heavy snow is ruthless, and people are merciful. Here, we offer our most sincere greetings to those soldiers who are still on the front line of disaster relief.】

After the host finished his opening remarks and left the stage, Xiao Jiang unconsciously took a sip of his wine. He didn't need to think about what the show was going to be, but he didn't have much interest, it was nothing more than praise.

Another one, he was somewhat complaining in his heart.

Because he was also a victim of heavy snow, since what he said was so good, why didn't anyone help him go home for the New Year?

Xiao Jiang shook her head noncommittally at the touching pictures on the screen.

Just when he lamented wasting a few minutes, the pictures on the screen disappeared, and two rabbits suddenly appeared in the ice and snow. With the short dialogue, Xiao Jiang could understand the image at a glance——Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

Then came [Where is the world full of flowers.]

【Fire at me】

Amidst the roar of the rabbit, a postcard flew into the screen with the words - who is the cutest person!
【How can you feel the vastness of life without going through hardships】

【Fate cannot make us kneel down and beg for mercy】

【Even if the blood is all over the arms】

【Continue to run with the pride of a child】

The roar became louder, and on the screen, the charge to the enemy and the emergency rescue were split into two and staged simultaneously, but they were all full of excitement!

Xiao Jiang puffed her mouth, and drank the only two ounces of wine left in the bowl in one gulp.

Then I was so hot that tears filled my eyes!
At this moment, not only Xiao Jiang, but also the audience in front of the TV were all moved when they saw this scene.

They listen to too many positive promotional songs.

But this kind of popular song that makes people cry is the first time.

"Director Fang, the audience rating of "Chasing Dreams" is 61%."

In the backstage of CCTV No. [-] studio, the staff looked at Fang Nan, who was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai in front of the monitor, and said with surprise.

Fang Nan licked his shriveled upper and lower lips: "Don't worry about these, just keep an eye on the scene."

"Cut camera 2.."

"Cut camera 1.."

"Cut camera 3.."

"Cut audience camera number 4.."

"Cut the host camera."

"A sign reminded the team of "Not Bad Money" on stage to speed up their speech, they were five seconds slower"

Spring Festival Evening scene.

Xiaoshenyang: "In a person's life, the most painful thing is that the person dies and the money is not spent"

Old Bi: "Young man, incisive..."

Zhao Benshan: "What's brilliant, he's just a fart. Let me ask you, do you know what is the most painful thing in a person's life?"

"The most painful thing in a person's life is that the person is alive and the money is gone"

"Ha ha."

"it is good"

As soon as The Theory of Living came out, the house was full of applause in an instant, and the audience in front of the TV burst into laughter, and the audience ratings in the background also rose wildly.

"Director Fang, the ratings of the single program "Not Bad Money" exceeded 70%, and the number of mobile phones connected to the Spring Festival Gala through the Internet exceeded 200 million."

"Again, don't worry about the data, just watch the scene, there are 5 minutes to tell the time, let the host slow down."

Fang Nan glanced coldly at the deputy director of CCTV's art program.

The Spring Festival Gala he directed had high ratings, so he was naturally happy.

But the main task is still to let myself have no regrets, to make the 08 Spring Festival Gala come to a perfect end, and everything else is nothing but floating clouds.

Otherwise, did he accept the task of the Spring Festival Gala for CCTV's 4 yuan salary?

Such a small amount of money is not enough for him to buy supplements to replenish brain cells.

Fang Nan was complaining, and the host on the stage officially started to count the New Year's Eve, "10, 9, 8 Chinese New Year!"

"Director, every second is right."

After the countdown was over, the on-site director jumped up hastily. The most nervous and error-prone part has passed, and the party will be considered a complete success.

"I'm going out to smoke a cigarette, planner Zhou, please keep an eye on it."

For the remaining few ten minutes, Fang Nan handed it over to Zhou Tong, the chief planner. His body is so tense that he has to smoke a cigarette slowly.

Going to the corridor of the rest room, before he reached the door of the personal rest room, he met Zhao Benshan head-on.

He was holding a bottle, followed by apprentices and assistants, presumably preparing to return to the northeast overnight.

"Director Xiao Fang, congratulations, the Spring Festival Gala was a success!"

Fang Nan handed him a cigarette: "It's too early to say, we won't know until tomorrow, are you going home overnight?"

"Yeah, it's like this every Spring Festival Gala, I'm used to it." After he finished speaking, he turned around and gave Xiaoshenyang and Yadan a look of disdain: "Why don't you know how to call people? It's not director Xiaofang. When will you two be able to go to the Spring Festival Gala? .”

"You don't have to worry about these things with me, as long as there are no mistakes in the work. Mr. Zhao, please go back, slow down on the road, and pay attention to safety!"

Zhao Benshan nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, you are busy, I hope we have a chance to cooperate again!"

The two sides nodded and passed each other, never mentioning the original unhappiness from beginning to end.

They are all prominent figures in the circle, how could they be like children who only distinguish between black and white, right and wrong, without the most important gray.

Lie down in the personal rest room and deal with a cigarette. Seeing that the Spring Festival Gala was about to end, Fang Nan returned to the backstage.

As soon as he stepped in, there was warm applause from the background.

The 08 Spring Festival Gala ended perfectly.

During the live broadcast of the 08 Spring Festival Gala, the audience rating was as high as 42.14%, breaking the record of 2004 in 41.6.

It is nearly 30.88 points higher than last year's 12% ratings.

"Although we can't surpass the ancients, it is very possible that no one will come after us! If you are tired, then go home and rest, rest well, and prepare for tomorrow's praise!"

Zhou Tong shook Fang Nan's hand while smiling from ear to ear.

How scary is the 42% ratings?
[-]% of the TV sets in the country were tuned to the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, involving hundreds of millions of people across the country.

Fang Nan didn't listen to Zhou Tong's flattery, and stood on the last shift conscientiously, and at the same time waited for the leader to say "Thank you!"
Of course, he also said "hard work" to the actors.

Until Studio No. [-] became empty, and the staff left with them, Fang Nan found Liu Qianqian who was playing with her mobile phone in her lounge.

Tonight, she sang "Click Fashion" with Pang Long, Phoenix Legend, Huang Shengyi, and Gigi Leung after 12 o'clock.

Those who celebrate the Chinese New Year don't want to stay in a hotel, so they can only live in Yonghe Villa.

Along the way, Liu Qianqian, holding her mobile phone, chattered non-stop.

It's all about portal websites and netizens' comments on today's Spring Festival Gala.

Zha Lang Entertainment even acted quickly and published a special report on the Spring Festival Gala, and even organized a program scoring activity.

The programs currently in the front row are:

Language programs, "Not Bad Money" by Zhao Benshan and Xiaoshenyang.

Song program, Zhang Jie's "Dream Chasing Heart".

Dance program: "Flying Apsaras" by Guangzhou Art Troupe.

Guo Degang's cross talk, Jay Chou's "Blue and White Porcelain", SHE's "Chinese Language", Zhang Ziyi's "The Heavenly Girl Scattering Flowers".
But to everyone's surprise, "Dream Chaser" has the meaning of overwhelming "Not Bad Money", and the number of votes is getting closer and closer.

(End of this chapter)

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