literary world

Chapter 276 The follow-up influence of the Spring Festival Gala

Chapter 276 The follow-up influence of the Spring Festival Gala
The north wind blew overnight.

But this night was the most comfortable sleep Fang Nan had in the past few months.

Successfully resigning from the position of chief director of the Spring Festival Gala made him feel much more relaxed.

After a long yawn, Fang Nan lifted off the heavy quilt, and stood up chicly with a fluffy carp.

In the early hours of the morning, he sent Liu Qianqian to Yonghe Villa, and then returned to the 28th courtyard of Yindian Bridge.

Liu Qianqian was very puzzled. No matter how much the couple quarreled, they wouldn't be able to stay home at the New Year's Eve. Isn't it too capricious!

Fang Nan hesitated and dealt with it.

How else could it be?

He couldn't say, "I'm afraid that Gao Yuanyuan will come back suddenly, urge him to come and be my son-in-law."

Leaving aside the work mobile phone full of information, he went to the main room, and when the door opened, the snowflakes caught in the cold wind made him shiver.

It was snowing again outside, the world was foggy, and the red lanterns under the eaves and in the corridors were swaying with the wind.

Seeing this scene, Fang Nan frowned slightly.

The movie version of "A Chinese Ghost Story" has a sense of sight of the Montenegro old demon.

"You are my destiny."

Fang Nan closed the door and returned to the bedroom. The ringtone of the Korean version of "You Are My Destiny" came from his mobile phone and was set by Gao Yuanyuan himself.

The caller was not Gao Yuanyuan, but Mao Jianguo, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. He probably just came back from Christmas.

Only he would choose this time slot to make harassing calls to Fang Nan without any scruple.

"Hi, Fang, do you want to go to Hollywood? Warner Bros. is going to ask you to make a Hollywood movie."

Of course Fang Nan was interested in going to Hollywood to make a movie.

But he is not stupid, to go to Hollywood depends on how to go, it is very different whether to go kneeling or standing.

The capitalists on the other side of the ocean are much more realistic than these small capitalists in China. If he passed by for nothing, he is no different from a beggar. Anyone can treat him like a grandson.

Don't talk about "Youth in Youth", "Youth in Youth" is not a Hollywood movie, and people don't recognize it.

Therefore, Fang Nan was not very active in Mao Jianguo's inquiry.

"What movie?" he asked casually.

"Do you know the '47 Assassin' incident in ancient Japan? Warner wants to cooperate with Kadokawa Films to adapt it, and wants to ask you to be the director, and then the cultural activities you directed last night made them confident. They said that the choreography last night was very exciting."

47 Assassin, Fang Nan knows a little bit.

But what is it like to ask him to direct this Japanese film adaptation?
Isn't this inviting a Chinese actress to act as a Japanese geisha?

'Memoirs of a Geisha' Coming Back?
What a fool.

"Let Warner executives find someone else, I'm not interested." Fang Nan refused.

From an artistic point of view, he is not interested in Japanese art; from a national sentiment point of view, he is even less fond of this nation. Combining the two, it is impossible for him to make any Japanese movies in his life.

After sending Mao Jianguo away in a few words, Cai Yinong's phone call followed.

She also received a call from Warner, and happily jumped three feet high, and Fang Nan immediately poured cold water on her.

Faced with such an opportunity, other directors might rush to Hollywood with a shy face, but Fang Nan is not interested.

He will go to Hollywood later, but not in this way.

But speaking of it, he was already a member of Hollywood and a member of the Screenwriters Association. In order for the Screenwriters Association to protect those sci-fi scripts, he paid a lot of annual membership dues.

When the sky was about to dawn, Fang Nan's phone calls increased.

Gao Yuanyuan's urging phone calls came one after another.

Fang Nan is no different.

Brave the wind and snow and bought a few first-generation Apple mobile phones that just came out last year, and rushed to Fengtai with some supplements.

Arrived at the old community distributed by the space agency in the early years.

Gao Yuanyuan had long been standing in the corridor looking forward to it.

"Are there any relatives at home? I bought a few mobile phones and some supplements, is there enough for distribution?" Fang Nan asked her.

With a flushed face, Gao Yuanyuan grabbed Fang Nan and complained, "Why do you buy so many mobile phones? You can't use them. There are only parents, sister-in-law and nephew at home. Don't worry about it. Let's go first."

Fang Nan became anxious and pulled her to a stop: "Wait a while, what should I pay attention to?"

If the two of them come to fruition, he won't be cowardly.

But after all, there is filth in my heart, and I feel tingling all over when I see the girl's parents.

"Don't pay attention to anything, just eat. By the way, drink less wine with my dad."

Fang Nan nodded: "Then let's go."

"Deng dong dong" went up the stairs, the door of Gao's house opened wide, Fang Nan kicked off the snowflakes on his feet, put on a smiling face and followed Gao Yuanyuan in.

In addition to her parents, Gao Yuanyuan also has a married brother who is six years older than her and a top student who graduated from Tsinghua University.

After the uncles, aunts, elder brothers and sisters-in-law were called out, Fang Nan was arranged to sit on the sofa for scrutiny.

Leaning slightly, Gao's father and Gao's mother looked at each other and agreed to the son-in-law by default.

What do the two old people think of Fang Nan?

In terms of appearance, it's a bit lacking, and the eyes are quite bright, but overall, it can only be said that Gao Yuanyuan can only do so.

When their daughter was studying, she was isolated by her classmates because she was too beautiful.


Needless to say, although Fang Nan's cultural level is low, through continuous learning in life, people don't feel that he is not level in personal conversation.

In terms of personal career field, he is also one of the top directors in the country.

So this marriage is very good.

"When will you get married?" Gao's mother took off her reading glasses and asked.

"I discussed with Yuanyuan to wait another two years, mainly because my work schedule is too full. Directing the Spring Festival Gala took up several months of my time, and I still have one movie to be released and two movies to be shot, so , I really can't hold a wedding in the past two years."

"Two years, I should have waited for two years."

As a high-level intellectual, Gao's mother agreed and at the same time set Fang Nan's final wedding date without any trace.

"Auntie, don't be so pessimistic. I have learned a little Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine believes that most of the reasons for the length of a person's life are due to the person's own energy and spirit. Negative emotions are the real source of affecting the health of the body."

Fang Nan talked a lot about the theory of Chinese medicine, which strengthened Gao's mother's confidence. Afterwards, under Gao Yuanyuan's reminder, he gave Gao's mother and Gao's father a massage. The skills were praised by the two old people Absolutely.

I am even more satisfied with this hairy son-in-law.

When it was Gao Yuanyuan's turn, Fang Nan took the initiative to chat with him about Huaxia Aerospace.

However, his knowledge in this area comes from the obscenity of science fiction series such as "Science Fiction World".

But as the saying goes, the birth of science comes from the original delusion.

Facing the topic of using multiple huge propellers to promote the wandering of the earth in Liu's novel "The Wandering Earth", even Gao's parents and Gao's mother joined the discussion, but they can say little because of the principle of confidentiality.

But it still gave Fang Nan a lot of new ideas for shooting sci-fi films.

"Brother, if I want to go to the space agency to record footage, will your agency agree?"

"I don't know, there has never been a precedent, but some ordinary venues should be fine."

"Let's chat with your bureau again when I'm shooting."

Fang Nan took the initiative to expose this topic, and at the same time, Gao Yuanyuan called out "eat" softly.

Yonghe Villa.

Zeng Li was a little upset.

On the one hand, Fang Nan didn't enter the house on New Year's Eve, and he, a girl, didn't let her worry.

In the bathroom, looking at Wan Zhuo whose face was flushed red, Zeng Li said angrily, "Are you stealing the mess again? Now it's all right, I can't get my dad out!"

Thong Wanzhuo shook the plastic toy in her hand and let out a dissatisfied "ah".

Seeing that the little girl was being aggressive, Zeng Li turned it over and slapped the little butt, and then shouted to Liu Qianqian in the bedroom: "Qiqian, help me get the kaiselu in the drawer of the bedside table." .”

"Which drawer?"

"I can't remember clearly, you can look it up."

Liu Qianxi put down "The Autobiography of Director Ingmar Bergman" in her hand, and turned her body to the other side of the bed. The first drawer was full of books about tea.

In the second drawer, there are all kinds of bottles and cans in English, which can be seen as vitamins at a glance.

In the third drawer, Liu Qianqian pulled out a box, she grabbed the box on the bed with an "oops", and opened it, revealing a neat stack of red books.

The top divorce certificate made her mind buzz.

"Did you find it? It should be in the second drawer, a white plastic vial."

Zeng Li's reminder frightened Liu Qianqian, who was so far away from her soul, she was quick-witted and closed the lid of the box in a panic. She hurriedly put the box in the third drawer, and after finding the plastic vial that Zeng Li said, she got out of bed and became a thief. Like walking to the bathroom.


Thong Wanzhuo drooled a long time, singing to the little golden retriever who was turning around.

Seeing this scene, Liu Qianqian's heart was full of mixed feelings, and she was angry that Fangnan was not a thing, making Zeng Li and Xiao Zhuo orphans and widows.

She felt sorry for such a cute little Zhuo, and felt worthless for Zeng Li.

But in her heart, there was a little joy that she couldn't suppress. Fang Nan and Zeng Li divorced just like that.

Feeling that there was a devil breeding in her heart, Liu Qianqian didn't want to stay for a moment.

"Sister Lizi, I'm going back first, my mother is alone in Pujiang."

Zeng Li, who used Kaiserol for her daughter, was inexplicable: "Ah, didn't you say that you will go back tomorrow? Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year. If you go back now, you have to eat lunch on the plane. Why don't you stay and finish lunch with me?" Let's go back after dinner."

"It doesn't matter, I'm going back, my mother is in a hurry."

"That's it, then you can go back and help me pay auntie a happy old age."

"Well, let's go."

Liu Qianqian fled in despair.


After the Gao family had dinner, Fang Nan kindly asked Gao Yuanyuan to stay at home and let him spend the New Year with his parents.

He went back to the city alone.

When we arrived at Yonghe Villa, the sky had already darkened.

"Whatever you want to eat tonight, I'll cook it myself." Entering the room, Fang Nan said in a good mood.

"Auntie is coming home for the New Year. If you don't cook, who will cook? But you should cook less. Sissy left in the morning. It's just the two of us, the older one and the younger one, and a dog."

"Leaving? So suddenly? Didn't she say that she will return to Pujiang tomorrow?"

"Say it's going back to spend the New Year with his mother."

Fang Nan nodded and didn't ask any more questions. He rushed home to spend time with his mother. It was a legitimate reason.

For a family of three with a dog, Fang Nan cooked pork rib soup, braised crucian carp in braised sauce, stewed a whole chicken, prepared three non-oily vegetable dishes for Zeng Li, and served about 20 vegetarian dumplings.

I cooked a whole egg for my daughter.

He exercises a lot and eats a lot, and there is nothing left at the table.

"Did you pay New Year's greetings to anyone today?"

"I just made a few phone calls, from the General Administration, from the old man Yan, from Mr. Han, and also from the Shanghai Film Studio, a few leaders from SMG, and CCTV, who should have New Year's greetings last night, paid their respects in advance."

"You made this Spring Festival Gala so prosperous, you will be hated by many people, and you must be more cautious in the future."

Fang Nanha smiled: "You are a bad person in this world. Too many thoughts are unacceptable. It's too dark. Don't affect your daughter's unformed thoughts and values."

Not to be envied is mediocrity.

His life is destined to overwhelm many people and make many people daunting.

Zeng Li glanced at Thong Wanzhuo, who was thrashing about in the baby chair: "Then you take this little girl away, I'm a little tired of her."

Fang Nan was dissatisfied, the little girl is so cute and annoying?
But after dinner, the family of three went to bed, and he was also annoyed, the little girl stared at her big black eyes and refused to sleep!
After a lot of trouble, she squinted her eyes and fell asleep. Fang Nan and the two made a big noise, and she opened her mouth to cry.

No way, Fang Nan and the two had no choice but to quietly go to the bathroom to set up another battle.

For the next two days, Fang Nan stayed in Yonghe Villa and never went out, but he kept answering the phone. Congratulations came from all directions. The Spring Festival Gala was fermented in the first and second days of the first and second day of the new year, and it was almost unanimously praised by the people both online and offline.

Many media outlets expressed high praise for the 08 Spring Festival Gala.

What Fang Nan didn't expect was that even "Dream Chaser" and "The Rabbit That Year" were widely reported.

But more is to report on the song "Chasing Dreams".

Fang Nan, the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, can fully understand it.

The fleeting eagle sauce in "That Year That Rabbit" is indeed not suitable to be mentioned at this juncture.

"Dream Chaser" made a full circle, and appeared again on the news at 7.30pm on the first day of the new year.

The title used is: [A hymn sent by the Spring Festival Gala to the cutest person in front]

Among the folks, netizens on the Internet began to interpret "Dream Chaser" from various aspects while eating "Xiangjiang Historic Big Melon".

End of the World:

001: "Dream Chaser" is great, it is sung well, and it complements "That Rabbit That Year" on stage.

005: It has been difficult to reach a consensus on popular songs and main themes. Many songs praising the motherland in the Spring Festival Gala are basically folk music, and it is difficult to guarantee their popularity.

"Dream Chaser" is different. This song really reflects positive energy and is popular. It is conceivable that it has swept the country in just a few days.

[email protected]: Indeed, who would have thought that a song in the Spring Festival Gala could make people cry.

074: Looking for the cartoon "That Rabbit That Year", I fell in love with this rabbit at a glance in the spring evening.

153: Fang Nan, the eternal God!Just referring to his ability to write lyrics.

541: CCTV will continue to invite Fang Nan to direct the next Spring Festival Gala. So far, the 08 Spring Festival Gala is the best one I have ever seen. "Blue and White Porcelain", "Flying Apsaras". A series of classic programs.

Zhao Benshan, Shen Teng, Mali Wei Xiang, Zhou Jielun, Guo Degang, Guangzhou Art Troupe, Liu Qianqian, Leung Gigi, Phoenix Legend, etc. contributed the best Spring Festival Gala.

"Dream Chasing Chizixin" became popular, and "That Year That Rabbit became popular".

With "Not Bad Money", Xiaoshenyang became even more popular.

He even grabbed the first place in the 2008 Baidu Opening Index with Mr. Chen, which shows his popularity and popularity.

Fang Nan reckoned that with the current fire in Xiaoshenyang, Zhao Benshan's slap would fall on his face sooner or later.

The duck egg in "Not Bad Money" has also become popular, and there are many netizens discussing her high-pitched voice on the Internet.

And Shen Teng and Wei Xiang once again entered the audience's field of vision through the sketch "Today's Happiness".

The skit he partnered with Ma Li and Wei Xiang finally won the second prize in the language program, and the first prize of 10 yuan still fell into Zhao Benshan's pocket.

But Shen Teng, Ma Li, and Wei Xiang are not at a disadvantage. After the promotion of the Spring Festival Gala, which is a big platform for all ages, the Twist Stage will open again next year to sell tickets, and it will be full of seats.

Fang Nan, who thought of this step in advance, also gave the three of them an early share of 3% of Happy Twist's shares.

The dance of "Flying Apsaras" has also become popular. A few girls appeared on the CCTV show the next day, and they should be performing in various parts of the country and even abroad.

The skit programs and song and dance programs were well received by the audience.

Fang Nan, the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, will naturally not lag behind others.

But for the surprise he brought to the Spring Festival Gala, the young audience already had a glimmer of expectation in their hearts, but they didn't blow it much.

But the media, large and small, praised him very much.

When the major media commented on him, they implicitly said that he is an excellent young director, a positive energy director with a sense of mission, and a passionate filmmaker at all times.

The local media is very loud, the new generation of Chinese film leaders, outstanding literary and art workers, and international famous directors!
Even the military media praised him as a director of the younger generation who promotes positive energy.

From the official evaluations from the capital to the local area, everything indicates that after the New Year's Eve, official awards such as the Five One Project Award will be open to Fang Nan, and he is afraid that he will win the award and get soft.

By then, he would have changed from a "wild boy" to an officially recognized person.

At first, Fang Nan didn't care much about the official certification. Whether he was a wild boy or a white man, it didn't conflict with his ultimate goal of becoming an "internationally famous director".

But what he didn't expect was that before the end of the new year, the General Administration asked him to supervise the production of a digital TV movie invested by Six Princesses.

He didn't care about anything, he got a salary for nothing.

Just a few days after accepting this job, the state's subsidies for major film and television companies have been finalized. Tangtang Film and Television is on the list, and the amount is quite a lot.

Just after this matter ended, Tang Tang Film and Television received two more places for CCTV's customized dramas.

Only now did Fang Nan understand the power of official recognition.

What stunned him the most was that the bank opened up a loan of 5 million yuan to Tangtang Film and Television.

All of a sudden, he and Shi Nansheng's urgent needs were solved after the new year.

Reciprocating with love, Fang Nan selected a few CCTV programs from a list of program invitations.

In the show, he still modestly assigned the credit for the 08 Spring Festival Gala to the cast and crew and behind-the-scenes personnel, and hid behind to claim fame and benefits.

This Spring Festival made him feel refreshed.

It wasn't until the sixth day of the lunar new year that the crew of "Assassination of Novelists" resumed work, that he calmed down his inner gloom and rushed to Beijing Film Studio in the dark.

"I used a few days during the Spring Festival to make an episode of "Things About That Rabbit That Year". Can you see if it works?"

As soon as Fang Nan entered the director's booth of the North Film Studio, Lu Qing dragged him to the computer with a look of hope.

"It's a good job, but what are you doing with this stuff?"

Fang Nan expressed curiosity. He registered the trademark of "That Year That Rabbit", but he didn't say that he wanted to make animation by himself, he just wanted to sell it for a high price.

"This animation is simple for us, I want to divide several people out to do this animation."

"Last year, you know the podcasts produced by several major portal websites in Zhalang. They have no technical content at all. They just rent servers to upload videos to netizens."

"So I also made one. At first, I wanted to upload some corner special effects we usually do. Now that I have "That Rabbit of That Year", I thought it would be better to put "That Rabbit of That Year" in it. If I really want to watch it There are a lot of people, in the future, it will be fine to advertise to people, or turn it into a video website.”

Fang Nan scratched his head.

He didn't even know what was wrong.

I am a very satisfied person, but everyone around me has become a problem.

Yan Hong is the general manager of Fangnan Culture, and wants to start a novel website, so she bought xx and yy literature.

Lu Qing did a good job at the Thirteen Swordsmen of Light and Shadow, but now he suddenly wants to start a video website.

Fang Nan really didn't figure it out, he messed around here and there, in a disguised form, so that the minds of the people under him were also wide-eyed.

Just like Yan Hong who is in charge of Fangnan Culture.

Yan Hong holds so many copyrights in her hands, and she knows that this thing can make money and make a lot of money, so she is no longer a donkey, and she also knows how to derive copyrights to online novels.

So is Lu Qing.

"That Rabbit That Year" was so popular after the Spring Festival Gala, and it was an animation made by themselves, so it naturally triggered some other thoughts in him.

For example, hold "That Year That Rabbit" in your own hands.

How to hold it?
Make your own video site.

Fang Nan looked at Lu Qing's stall with a depressed face, and a crisp "Uncle Fang, happy new year, bring the red envelope" rang in his ears.

"Go ahead and ask Yan Hong for the copyright. Besides, just don't delay the progress of "Assassination of Novelists."

After Fang Nan waved his hand, he took out a red envelope from his pocket and handed it to Guan Xiaotong.

"Hey, how did Xiaotong grow so tall after a new year? If she grows so tall again, it won't be easy to marry in the future."

"Hmph, then I won't get married. My father has raised me for the rest of my life, lying in my clothes at home every day, stretching out my hands to eat and opening my mouth."

"Ha ha."

Guan Xiaotong's incomparable sip of the Beijing film made Guan's father and everyone on the scene laugh out loud.

"This little mouth is smooth, after taking the red envelope, hurry up and put on makeup."

After dismissing Guan Xiaotong, Fang Nan, Huang Weiming, Chen Kun and others went to the built city together, "Yu Hai, let's fight in this yard, you and Wu Xing can design moves for the actors."

Fang Nan ordered Yu Hai, Ma Dayong and the others from Fang's family to work.

"Understood." Yu Hai answered neatly.

The squad leader of Fang's class is still Ma Dayong, but since Yu Hai helped old monster Xu last year, he has tempered himself in the crew of "Embroidered Spring Knife" as an action director.

Yu Hai's prestige couldn't help but soar.

But the young man didn't push his nose and face at Ma Dayong, and he still took a mouthful of brother Yong.

Fang Nan couldn't help but place high hopes on such a young man who knows current affairs, knows how to advance and retreat, and loves to learn.

 6000 words, which is considered to be another palm, and still owes 2 chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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