literary world

Chapter 277 1 Year Work Plan

Chapter 277 One Year Work Plan

throughout February.

There are two extremes in the domestic entertainment industry.

The Spring Festival Gala directed by Fang Nan is highly regarded.

Chen "teacher" became a street rat.

On the 10th, thousands of netizens staged a huge parade on the streets of Xiangjiang because of the special hobby of "Teacher Chen".

On the 11th, Ms. Zhong described herself as being silly and naive.

On the 15th, the number of visits to the Tianya forum [is it true or not] discussion post reached an astonishing 2400 million times.

On the 16th, Chen "Teacher"'s apology media conference was postponed again, on the grounds that he was moving for his mother.

Xiangjiang officials were angry and vomited blood, and the photos were rampant, which affected the physical and mental health of elementary school students, and the pressure from above was too much.

Netizens enjoyed eating melons, this kind of explosive news is absolutely rare in the world, and it is a feast for the eyes.

More foreign media used a humorous tone in their reports.

"If I were to judge an Oscar, I would award it to Chen "Teacher" without any dispute!"

"The Mr. Chen incident has driven a part of the Asian economy, and the tabloids in Southeast Asia are selling like crazy!"

In short, the "Teacher" incident, as the gallery is constantly updated every now and then, has spread all over the world, and it has become a topic of conversation for many people after dinner.

The same is true for the crew of "Assassination of Novelists".

During the breaks between meals, a group of people from the mainland of the film crew always chat happily, and from time to time, they will take out their mobile phones and show a salty and wet expression on their faces.

The Xiangjiang gang was filled with righteous indignation and scolded Teacher Chen for ruining the reputation of Xiangjiang entertainment circle, making them unable to hold their heads up in the mainland.

"I have long said that Lin Xiaoyue's mud can't support the wall. Lin Baiyi is really blind in choosing him as his successor."

Huang Weiming was also furious, but the difference was that he scolded Lin Xiaoyue, the boss of Huanya.

In his opinion, Lin Xiaoyue should let "Ms. Chen" leave the entertainment circle as soon as the incident happened, and then cooperate with the police to clean up the mess.

But Lin Xiaoyue procrastinated and didn't know what to think about, and he hasn't given up on Xiao Chen until now, so the trouble is getting bigger and bigger.

It made them, the Xiangjiang people who work in the mainland, very embarrassed.

"How can it be so easy to make a choice. Xiao Chen has been given high hopes by the mainstream entertainment industry in Xiangjiang, and is the most famous actor in Uniasia. The future is promising. If you can struggle, you must struggle."

Fang Nan smiled and took a piece of chicken breast to Huang Weiming to calm him down.

Huang Weiming originally had a low status in Xiangjiang.

Job-hopping Tang Tang Film and Television has been serving as Fang Nan's deputy for the past few years. From a small-screen director to a big-screen director, his status in Xiangjiang has improved significantly.

Now when it comes to directors from the Xiangjiang department who worked in the Mainland, Wu Baige, Chen Kexin, and Old Monster Xu will belong to Huang Weiming after a few people.

So he yelled at Lin Xiaoyue, the owner of Huanya, with great momentum.

"Hey, Nanzi, how do you think this will end." Huang Weiming stuffed a mouthful of rice into his mouth bitterly.

"Xiao Chen quit the circle, and then slowly healed as time went by, maybe he could turn around after many years."

Fang Nan finished the last mouthful of rice, smiled and went to pack the soup.

While drinking with a lunch box, Cai Yinong led the secretary and a woman into the studio.

Cai Yinong introduced Lin Xinru and Su Youpeng's managers, and came to see him because their contracts with Hua Yi had expired, and they came to discuss signing their mainland management contracts with Tang Tang Film and Television.

As soon as Su and Lin's agents asked for a signing fee of tens of millions, Fang Nan was not very interested in the film title contract, so he refused in person.

Hong Kong and Taiwanese artists are filming in the mainland, and it’s okay to specialize in idol dramas. The accent problem is easy to ignore.

It’s difficult for movies and certain dramas, Mandarin is good enough, what if the character you play needs to speak a dialect?
Liu Dehua sang "People in Our Village" in Northeast dialect, it was a comedy, and the live actors would laugh.

But Su Youpeng is okay, it's a pity that he and Lin Xinru share a manager, otherwise Fang Nan can take care of this old friend.

"Today's Huayi annual meeting is very popular. Seventy or eighty stars appeared on the red carpet one by one, attracting a lot of attention."

"I discussed it with the company's senior management. Starting this year, Tangtang Film and Television will also hold an annual meeting. This is a good opportunity for external publicity. You plan your time well this year, so you don't have to be too busy at the end of the year."

Cai Yinong mentioned another matter, but Fang Nan remained unmoved.

"Tang Tang Film and Television has two or three kittens, what are you doing in such a hurry to make these stunts, wait another two years."

Both the outside world and the inside think that Tang Tang Film and Television and Huayi are about the same size.

But Fang Nan knew that there was still a gap.

Tang Tang Film and Television only focused on film and television projects, and signed too few artists, so that they couldn't get much advertising commission from the artists.

In addition to film and television, Huayi also does commercials, music, agency brokerage, and even investment.

They dabble in a lot of projects and have a dark heart. They often frantically give commissions to artists for accepting commercials. They add up everything, so they earn more than Tangtang Film and Television.

But Tang Tang Film and Television is not much worse.

With Fang Nan's existence, Tang Tang Film and Television's achievements in the film industry can be said to be a slap in the face of Hua Yi.

After coming down, Cai Yinong talked about the third thing, CCTV's customized drama.

The so-called customized drama refers to the production of special TV dramas according to the requirements of TV stations, or specially produced according to the tastes of local audiences.

One of the main features of CCTV's customized drama is positive energy.

As we all know, this kind of drama is not easy to watch, the ratings are not high, and the requirements are particularly high.

So much so that Cai Yinong worried about affecting the company's reputation, and it is true that he has never produced such a TV series.

But what to say.

Even without CCTV's customized drama.

Tang Tang Film and Television can no longer focus on idol dramas, costume dramas, and modern emotional dramas.

As one of the top film and television companies in China, it is necessary to make some TV series that promote positive energy, even if they lose money.

This is a layout problem!

Cai Yinong complained, but he also managed to understand this point.

"I brought a bunch of scripts and short stories here, one of which is "The Line of Life and Death" that Shi Xing asked for from Lan Xiaolong. Anyway, if you pick and choose, you won't like it. I'll ask someone to search for it again. "

As she spoke, the secretary behind took out dozens of scripts and novels from her bag.

"The scripts and novels with a check mark on the cover are the scripts that the screenwriting department thinks are worth adapting and investing in filming." Cai Yinong said.

Fang Nan nodded, returned to the director's booth and sat down, his eyes widened when he thought about the second novel.

"Damn it, "Latent"!"

He just read it silently in his heart, Cai Yinong said: "I read this short story of [-] to [-] words, the plots are intertwined, and the author himself is unknown."

Fang Nan nodded and continued to look down, "Walking to the West Exit", "My Brother's Name is Shunliu", and "Life and Death" came into view one by one.

"Take any two of "Walking to the West Gate", "The Line of Life and Death", and "My Brother's Name is Shunliu" as CCTV's customized dramas. "Latent" will be kept for filming by myself, and the first draft of the script will be sent to me for review."

"In addition, a big credit to the screenwriting department and the team who contacted the script and the novel, they are all very good scripts!"

Cai Yinong looked at the secretary taking notes, and said, "Including "Legend of Sword and Fairy 3" and "Love Apartment", there will be almost 200 episodes to be produced this year, which is just a busy year."

"The movies are a bit lacking. There is only "Xiu Chun Knife 2" by Mr. Xu."

"What is your work plan for this year? When will the filming of "Assassination of Novelists" be finished? "The Girl Who Chased Together in Those Years" will not be filmed until the end of the year, and Hu Ge will finish the last restoration at that time."

"By the way, which actors are you looking for for The Sound of the Wind? If there is no suitable role for Hu Ge, filming can start in the second half of the year."

"Don't count on me this year. The scripts of "The Wind" and "Those Years" are under pressure first. In the second half of the year, I will film "Parasite", and I will spend a month to promote "Painted Skin"."

Cai Yinong nodded helplessly: "Then it's up to you, but the company doesn't have enough directors to shoot six dramas at the same time, which director do you like?"

"I arranged a project at the General Administration of Supervision called "Extreme Rescue". The director I am looking for in the bureau is Kong Sheng. I will talk to him someday and ask him to help direct a CCTV drama. You can discuss the other things." .”

After Cai Yinong agreed, he frantically talked about the fourth matter.

"Youth in Youth" was nominated for another award ceremony.

This time is the 4th Academy Awards held in April.

"Young You" received a total of 7 nominations, namely: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Screenplay, and Best Sound Effects.

The seven nominations of "Youth in Youth" are second only to "Certificate of Voting", which received 10 nominations.

But this year's other films should not be underestimated.

Johnnie To's "Detective", Er Dongsheng's "Disciple", You Naihai's "Tracking", and Xu Anhua's "Aunt's Postmodern Life".

In the face of many films that received rave reviews, it is hard to say who will be the biggest winner of the 27th Academy Awards.

However, Fang Nan agreed to make a trip at that time. The Golden Statue Awards had given so many nominations to "Youth in Youth", so he at least went to show it.

After spending about 40 minutes with Cai Yinong arranging the company's shooting plan for this year, as well as personal affairs for the first half of the year, Fang Nan concentrated on his work.

On the monitor, Chen Kun and a group of martial artists were performing tricks over and over again, while he was critically looking for flaws and mistakes.

A good film and television drama is to constantly eliminate the disadvantages in the process of shooting.

A small goof can make a good show disappear.

"Brother Nan, the server has been rented and the podcast has been launched. You can log on to the blog to promote the website."

Fang Nan turned to look at Lu Qing: "What's your name?"

"Light and Shadow Podcast."

"Don't you have the same name as the Light Movie Star podcast on the movie channel?"

"I really don't think about it. What is it called? You can get one, and I will change it in the background."

Fang Nan developed a bad taste: "I see that you all like to shake your legs when you are working, so let's call it Douyin Video."

Lu Qing was extremely depressed. Brother Nan obviously didn't take the program he wrote after two days of hard work seriously.

"Is it too perfunctory?" he said.

"That's all, it's good, you can post on my blog to promote it yourself."

Lu Qing has nothing to do. The money for renting servers and broadband is all from the company. Call it whatever he likes.

The program was reprogrammed in the background, and a podcast website called Douyin Video was launched silently. There were some short films with special effects in it, and there was an episode of "That Rabbit That Year".

But when Lu Qing used Fang Nan's blog to publicize, the click rate of the website broke through hundreds and thousands in an instant.

In less than an hour, the hit rate of the first episode "That Rabbit That Year" exceeded [-].

The click-through rate of several special effects short films broke through [-] and [-].

The most outrageous thing is that some netizens uploaded their own videos in such a short period of time.

Lu Qing "hissed" in surprise, he only now believed that Fang Nan really had fans, and the video site could do a lot with the help of this fan power.

"Haozi, stop the rendering of "Painted Skin", and go to your uncle Fang's post bar to advertise our podcast website."

Yang Hao just wanted to agree, but Fang Nan urgently stopped him: "Forget it, don't stop rendering "Painted Skin", the producer is in a hurry to complete the film."

"Thirteen Swordsmen of Light and Shadow" received few special effects orders, and "Painted Skin" still received orders through his identity as the director, so it cannot be ignored.

"Assassination of Novelists" took another ten days to shoot in Beijing Film Studio. The last scene of the ancient scene was also the biggest scene.

The crowd of more than 2000 people changed into costumes and costumes, and poured into the building complex built in the Beijing Film Studio.

This scene is about Lu Kongwen in the novel getting involved in the battle of the imperial capital, thus witnessing a rotten magical war.

The play is huge, there are many people, and every aspect must be comprehensive.

Fang Nan didn't panic at all. After going through the Spring Festival Gala, he confidently divided the executive director, assistant director, and Wu Zhi into more than a dozen groups of 200 people, and then divided each group leader into groups of 50 people.

He called mediation in the middle, and reported everything layer by layer, so that everything seemed to be in order.

"Get on board, get on board"

In the director's studio, Fang Nanchong gave an order on the intercom, and Lu Qing led the workers to push an extremely beautifully carved wooden boat in front of the huge green screen.

After that, the wooden boat above was slowly hoisted by multiple steel wires.

Everything is ready, the crew started the first rehearsal.

After three times, the first set of shots was shot in the dark,
The second set of battle scenes were shot the next day.

After nearly 20 days of filming, the big battle scene finally came to an end.

At the same time, almost all the other world scenes in "Assassination of Novelists" were over. Lu Qing and others went back to Pujiang to catch up with the later stage of production, and more than half of Beijing Film Studio left in an instant.

"Director Lai contacted me to help him film a TV series, do you think I will go?"

In Yard 28 of Yinding Bridge, Fang Nan packed his things at night and was going to fly to Qingdao tomorrow to continue filming "Assassination of Novelists". Gao Yuanyuan appeared behind with a troubled expression.

"What drama?"

"The Republic of China drama is called "Love Without Regrets."

"Pull it down, quickly reject it, Lai Qingshui is getting worse and worse, this is a bad drama. Besides, filming his "Yi Tian Shou Long Ji" is enough to return his favor, "The Legend of Doctor Heroes", "The Legend of Heroes", " Qin Wang Li Shimin."

Gao Yuanyuan puffed up her cheeks: "Then I have nothing to do again."

"When will "Intimacy" filmed last year be released?"

"The schedule seems to be in October."

"Ah, "Painted Skin" is also scheduled for October, you want to fight me."

Gao Yuanyuan puffed out his chest, and said proudly: "If you fight in the ring, you will fight in the ring, I'm still afraid of you!"

Fang Nan threw the things in his hand with a "swish", and he dared to challenge him if he was not married.

(End of this chapter)

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