literary world

Chapter 278 You can make money while lying down

Chapter 278 You can make money while lying down
The crew of "Assassination of Novelists" moved to Qingdao to shoot real scenes.

Fang Nan had different camera requirements.

What he cares most about has changed from fighting transitions and special effects to actors' performances.

It is true that "Assassination of Novelists" will be a gimmick for China's first visual effects blockbuster before its release.

But "Assassination of Novelists" is not a monster movie such as "Jurassic Park" or "Godzilla", and the performance should not be too foolish.

So when Guan Ning raised the stone twice and three times for his daughter, and was about to smash it at Lu Kongwen with a fierce face, Fang Nan stopped the filming of the executive director Huang Weiming.

"Huang Bo, have you tried to figure out the role carefully? Is it because there are too many dramas recently, or is it too popular, and people are drifting away?"

Fang Nan stood up with his brows locked, jumped over the monitor a few steps to the scene where the needles could be heard, he said angrily:
"How can you smash down the rocks? Then you are angry because of your daughter, and this is the first time you have killed someone. You don't feel any guilt or fear in your heart? What is the deep hatred between you and Lu Kongwen?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense when you act like this!"

It's normal for Fang Nan to scold actors.

Directors scold people.

But it's not normal to scold Huang Bo. He has been so popular in the past two years. Fang Nan treats him like a grandson in front of so many people. Can anyone agree?

The air at the scene seemed to stagnate for a while.

Only the older generation of staff who had followed Fang Nan for several years looked relaxed.

What is Huang Bo, no matter how popular he is, Fang Nan's "Lost in Thailand" and "The Unknown Man" made him popular.

Another one, it's not uncommon for Fang Nan on the set to scold everyone, it's useless to care about your big names and small names!
The dog is not good at acting, he even scolds the dog, just such a person who likes to be more realistic on the set.

"Yes, yes, director, I was wrong, you sit and rest, let me do it again."

Sure enough, not only was Huang Bo not angry, he took Fang Nan's arm and sent him to the monitor.

"I'll give you 2 minutes, hurry up." Fang Nan smacked his lips and sat down.

Huang Bo is a talented actor with quick reflexes. Fang Nan just reminded him a little, and he knew what was missing in his performance just now.

So when the filming started again, he held the stone fiercely and tangled up.

The entanglement of peeing in a hurry but not being able to find the toilet, wanting to get angry and just throwing it in the crotch, feeling ashamed, and wanting to find the toilet again is vividly expressed.

"Cut, there are changes, but I'm still not satisfied, let's do it again."

"Cut, no, the emotion is too restrained, the audience can't see it, let it out a bit."

"Cut, it's not enough to play outside, rest for 5 minutes and continue."

"I think Brother Bo's performance is very good, why are you so demanding?"

Liu Qianqian, who came to the show with makeup on, defended her classmate Huang Bo.

Fang Nan glanced at Liu Qianqian in a white shirt, black suit and high heels with a curious expression.

It has been a few days since the filming in Qingdao, and Liu Qianqian has been in a state of nervousness, and sometimes even yells at him inexplicably. It is rare to speak normally like now.

"Looks like those few days every month are finally over."

Fang Nan, who didn't know the complicated emotions in Liu Qianqian's heart, thought so, and then laughed: "You can see that Huang Bo's acting is good because you are in this line of work. You might not be able to see it."

"Why do Zhou Xingxing's comedies always like to use exaggerated expressions, why do Qiong Yao's bitter scenes always like to make the actors cry and laugh superficially, because they want the audience to clearly and quickly see the point of laughter they want to express , sadness, which can quickly mobilize the audience's emotions."

"Abstruse, unintelligible inner drama, eye drama should be used less in commercial films, audiences don't have time to figure it out, the key is simple, beautiful and attractive plot."

Huang Weiming, Wang Liang, several assistant directors, and actors gathered around unconsciously, and Fang Nan briefly explained his understanding of shooting commercial films and literary films.

"Brother Nan, wouldn't it be better to slap myself a few times when I'm going to perform?"

Fang Nanchong nodded to Huang Bo: "That's naturally the best."

After a short break, the filming started again. Huang Bo slapped himself several times while hesitating and hesitating, and jumped into the camera with his inner emotions.

Guan Ning agreed to kill Lu Kongwen in order to save his daughter, but he was very entangled until a ray of singing floated from a distance.

In "Assassination of Novelists", there are not many scenes that require in-depth acting, and they are almost concentrated on Guan Ning played by Huang Bo, and Huang Bo is a talented actor.

Therefore, the filming progress of "Assassination of Novelists" is fast.

It's my turn to play.

In the film, the heroine Liu Qianqian made her debut.

Flashing and turning turned into a desperate Sanniang.

What confused Fang Nan was that she would turn her eyebrows coldly at everyone from time to time.

The kick was not standard, Fang Nan gave her a push back, and she immediately pushed it away.

"I don't need your help, I can do it myself!" She turned her lips up, and said a standard standing pony with a look of disdain.

Fang Nan scratched his head, his menstrual period was not over yet, and his emotions changed too quickly.

With the help of Yu Hai, Ma Dayong and other Wu Xing, Liu Qianqian stubbornly fell back and forth in the library.

Fang Nan's filming was boring, he left the set to Huang Weiming and left the library. Before he had lit a cigarette, Pang Hong called.

He wanted to take "Painted Skin" to the 61st Cannes Film Festival for screening and sales, and invited Fang Nan to go with him.

Pang Hong's intention was obvious, he wanted to use Fang Nan's overseas fame to sell some money at the European box office.

Fang Nan refused.

It is true that he is the director of "Painted Skin", and there is nothing wrong with Pang Hong's consumption of him.

But you can't overdraw your consumption, let him go to the Cannes Film Festival to sell films, it's too serious to take him seriously.

Pang Hong hung up the phone dissatisfied.

Fang Nan shrugged, took out a newspaper nonchalantly and went back to the set.

When the time entered 2008, the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States became more and more serious, and financial companies that filed for bankruptcy sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain. Economists from all over the world were arguing about it.

It is said that the Federal Reserve will rescue the market, and a new financial crisis will not appear.

It is said that Wall Street is about to collapse, and a new round of financial turmoil will sweep all countries in the world.

Fang Nan knew very little about the subprime mortgage crisis. What he could understand was that American investment banks headed by Lehman Brothers frantically lent money to the poor to buy houses, which caused the banks to generate a large amount of bad debts and caused a financial crisis.

Fang Nan didn't know much about the specific reasons, but he knew one thing very well.

There will be financial turmoil, and it was in 2008, just after the Wall Street investment bank Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy.

Why remember it so clearly.

Thanks to the original time and space, Huaxia used 4 trillion yuan to rescue the market to stimulate domestic demand. Since then, domestic housing prices have doubled.

What he wants to use this foresight to do, he hasn't figured it out yet.

One is that there is not so much money in hand.

The other is not knowing how to operate.

He was thinking about using the millions of dollars deposited in the Swiss bank to buy some original shares of Wall Street technology companies. If the reputation is good enough, he may have more projects that can make money lying down.

 That's all, Kavinka is dead! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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