literary world

Chapter 279

Chapter 279


The snow melts and the buds sprout.

Following Mr. Chen's defeat in Hollywood, the media from both sides of the strait and the three regions temporarily slumped down, staring at the wolf, and began to look for the next topical person or event.

Soon, they targeted Fang Nan, who was far away in Qingdao, and his movie "Assassination of Novelists".

"Assassination of Novelists" has a lot to watch.

The investment of up to 3.6 million yuan is a big attraction.

What is the concept of 3.6 million yuan!
In the 2007 Hurun China Rich List, the richest person ranked 760th had a net worth of only 8 million.

3.6 million is also one-fifth of Fang Nan's total net worth.

Of course, Fang Nan would never admit that he had so much money.

He will not admit that he ranks as high as 487 on the rich list.

When the rankings came out, he checked his bank card. The follow-up box office receipts of "Youth in Youth" and "Nightclub", as well as last year's song copyright income, his bank card cash was only more than 8000 million.

With such a small amount of money, what kind of rich man is he? He shouldn't be on the pig killing list at all.

He was just a little director who made a little money.

But no matter how you say it, it is an indisputable fact that 3.6 million yuan is invested in a movie.
China Film, Huaxia Film, Enlight Film, Poly Bona, Emperor Pictures, Hengdian Film and Television, the six major capitals that have endorsed Fangnan have already admitted this point.

The investment of 3.6 million yuan is eye-catching and amazing.

Fang Nan once claimed that "Assassination of Novelists" is the first blockbuster visual effects film in China, comparable to Hollywood's rhetoric, which is also one of the reasons why many media rushed to Qingdao.

In recent years, Hollywood visual effects blockbusters have almost become a pain in the heart of the Chinese people.

Why can't our country produce Hollywood special effects?
How the hell are we weaker than Hollywood?
Domestic film and television companies are making those rubbish movies, just watching Hollywood special effects blockbusters raking in money in China?

Netizens who have spent money on Hollywood blockbusters, or those who resolutely resist Hollywood blockbusters, feel somewhat uncomfortable after seeing the technological gap between Chinese-language films and Hollywood films.

at last.

Fang Nan jumped out.

He wanted to make blockbuster visual effects films, and he wanted to rival Hollywood. For a while, the national media flocked to him like sharks in the sea smelling blood.

The media thought very well. When they arrived in Qingdao, it didn’t matter if they couldn’t get a picture of the crew of “Assassination of the Novelist”. They took a few photos of the scene and went back.

There are so many things to talk about in this play.

However, they were destined to be disappointed.

They came too late. The 112-day official shooting of "Assassination of Novelists" has come to an end, and they just took some final photos.

Fortunately, the propagandist was quite generous, and took the initiative to hold a simple wrap-up press conference for more than 100 media.

"Director Fang, what kind of movie is "Assassination of Novelists"?"

Facing the hundreds of media in the audience, Fang Nan cherished words like gold: "Magic movie."

"Hello, Sissy, is the plot of "Assassination of Novelists" more Eastern or Western?"

Knowing that Fang Nan was an old fritter, and he couldn't ask about his ugly appearance, the media took the initiative to throw the topic to Liu Qianqian.

"It must be more oriental. Brother Nan once said that we have thousands of years of magnificent culture in China, why do we want to make a more western laughing movie."

The tabloid reporter's eyes lit up, and he jumped over the crowd and asked eagerly, "Since you like Huaxia so much, why did you become an American citizen?"

Liu Qianqian's identity as a Chinese American was exposed by netizens after the Spring Festival Gala this year.

At that time, after the show "Click Fashion" performed by her and Gigi Leung and others ended, some netizens were curious about who the mainland actors, Xiangjiang actors, Taiwanese actors, and Chinese-American actors mentioned by the host corresponded to.

Finally, it was found that Liu Qianqian was naturalized in the United States with her mother when she was young.

"Can't I like Huaxia if I become an American? I am still a Chinese in my bones, and I have my relatives and friends here, and now it is a global village. We are all collectively called human beings! Every country in the world is now talking about the destiny of mankind. Community! If you have difficulties, I will also help you."

"cough cough"

Fang Nan hurriedly interrupted Liu Qianqian, whose face was already flushed, "Ask a question about the movie. If there is no question, we will leave?" He said to the media off the stage.

He knew that Liu Qianqian's nationality issue might be with her for the rest of her life, unless she quit the entertainment industry.

But what to say.

Fang Nan himself hadn't thought about changing his nationality at first, and it didn't matter how much he hated people who had changed their nationality, let alone deliberately trying to persuade them. Everyone has their own ideas.

Everyone is an adult.

Since Liu Qianqian has chosen to be a foreigner, it is inevitable that she will be questioned by others.

Of course, it would be nonsense to say that you don’t have to pay taxes if you make money in the country. In fact, Liu Qianqian has to pay two taxes a year, and then pay the taxes abroad.

As for how to treat such artists.

Fang Nan has not communicated with Tang Tang Film and Television executives for the time being.

But he has a set of rules in his heart - listen to his words and watch his actions!

Making money at home and abroad to slander and ridicule, always thinking about tax evasion and tax evasion when he has nothing to do, the behavior is extremely despicable, and the artist Tang Tang Film and Television who is extremely unqualified will definitely not sign.

Artists who abide by the law and don't wantonly smear Huaxia, just because they have the same roots as the people of the country, can survive better, that's okay.

Fang Nan spoke up, and the interview got back on track.

"Hello, Mr. Huang Bo, as one of the leading actors in the film, do you personally think that the visual effects of "Assassination of Novelists" are comparable to Hollywood blockbusters such as "Transformers", "Spiderman", and "Lord of the Rings"?"

Huang Bo recalled picking up the microphone: "I'm sorry, I really don't know about this, because I couldn't see the special effects during the shooting."

"But through some weird equipment on the scene, a huge setting, and our excellent team, I believe that "Assassination of Novelists" will definitely be a good movie."

"Mr. Chen Kun, can you tell me something?"

"I don't think it will be much worse. We also used the animal expression capture system in "Lord of the Rings" this time."

"I heard from the director that the helmets worn by Huang Bo and I are the only two helmets in China, and if they break, we can't afford to pay for them."

"The crew also rented a 3D camera from abroad, and the rent costs several thousand dollars a day, so "Assassination of Novelists" will definitely be a good-looking movie with visual effects."

As soon as Chen Kun finished speaking, the reporter who had previously mentioned Liu Qianqian's nationality jumped out again.

"Why rent a camera abroad? Why can't we use our own camera?"

Fang Nan waved Chen Kun to put down the microphone. He looked at the ID photo on the reporter's chest and found that it was an unscrupulous tabloid. He couldn't help cursing angrily:
"Does your family have one? IMAX company has three of these cameras in the whole world. How can I use a domestic camera?"

It's okay to be patriotic, everyone should be patriotic.

But he really hates to associate everything with patriotism. As the old saying goes, a dog that loves to bark is not fierce!

One day it's really going to be a battle, I guess this kind of person can run the fastest!
The interview ended hastily after the tabloid reporter caused Fang Nan to go mad.

That night, the existing team of more than 100 people in "Assassination of Novelists" had a wrap-up banquet in Qingdao under the leadership of the landlord Huang Bo.

The next day, I will fly to Sanya to look at the house, and then I will fly to Pujiang and Beijing to start the annual inspection tour of the company under my company, so Fang Nan did not dare to drink too much. After half a catty of red wine, rice and seafood ate two big bowls of rice. .

The next day.

Fang Nan met Wu Jie at the airport.

Wu Jie was quite ashamed. She promised to help Fang Nan buy a house last year, but she didn't find a fairly unique self-built garden seaside villa until the end of the year.

But this is also due to Boss Fang's urgency. Many villas in Sanya are currently under planning and construction, and she can only focus on self-built villas.

So Fang Nan was lucky enough.

The villa she was looking for was not big, less than 300 square meters on two floors plus a balcony and a small garden, but the location was definitely good.

The house located in Tianya Sanya Bay is a few kilometers away from the airport.

Outside the villa is the coastal avenue leading to the urban area, commonly known as the Coconut Dream Corridor. Across the avenue, there is a silver beach with a gentle slope and crystal-clear sea water.

Not to mention the climate, it can avoid the cold in winter and cool off the heat in summer.

In the small garden, Fang Nan nodded happily when he smelled the refreshing fragrance: "I am very satisfied with the house. Why did the original owner sell it? Will this house be demolished in the next few years?"

"This is a third-hand house. The previous owner renovated the house as it is now. The reason why they are willing to sell it is because they have suffered a lot from speculating in financial stocks. As for the demolition, it should not be demolished within five years."

After Wu Jie finished speaking, she kindly reminded: "If you are not in a hurry, the price can drop further. This wave of economic crisis has seriously affected the real estate market. Boss Yang of Country Garden was the richest man last year, with a fortune of 1300 billion. This year will definitely shrink severely."

On the balcony on the second floor, Fang Nan looked at the blue water in the distance and shook his head: "Forget it, I will sign the contract in the afternoon, and I will trouble you for other procedures. I am in a hurry to fly to the Pujiang River."

"no problem."

After talking about the business, Fang Nan went to the beach to stand for a while, not to mention, it was very pleasant.

He even thought about retiring in the future and moving his family to Sanya.

"Fang Dao, you have quite a lot of real estate, do you need a fixed agent to manage it?"

Fang Nan was surprised: "You have this idea? It shouldn't be, your income will not be low every year, right?"

"It's not as much as you think. Most of the intermediary income is given to the company. We are the downstream beneficiaries. We earn an errand fee every year, and this year's market is very bad. I want to jump out earlier."

"I have a few properties, but the only one that has been vacant for a long time is the Tan Palace in Changning, Pujiang. It is quite big, more than 1000 square meters, and it should not need management."

"Then you are wrong. The villa in Sandalwood Palace is already the top mansion in the country. If such a property is handed over to a special person to take care of, rent or give people a party, film a movie, or hold events, it will cost more than ten to 20 years a year. Ten thousand income is no problem at all.”

Fang Nan frowned: "So much?"

"It will only be more, not less. Are you interested in letting me take care of it? I can also take care of it for you, including Sanya."

"There are a lot of musical instruments in my Tan Palace suite, do you want to tidy them up?"

After all, Fang Nan accepted Wu Jie, the income from the rental was second to none, mainly for popularity.

A house that is empty all the year round is too gloomy.

He also really needs someone to help with the house tax and other messy things.

Moreover, even if he doesn't buy commercial houses in the future, he will still have a lot of real estate in his hands.

At least this year, he plans to invest in a small theater or something for Happy Twist, so that they can have a fixed place to perform.

Fangnan Culture and Light and Shadow Thirteen Swordsmen, which are almost 100% owned by him, are also renting office buildings to work, and they may also buy properties in the future.

Think about it this way.

Fang Nan felt that Wu Jie's suggestion was very good, and her professional experience also met the requirements very well.

After signing the seaside villa transaction contract in the afternoon, Wu Jie drew up another employment contract for herself. Fang Nan took a look at it and signed it.

Wu Jie deserves a one-year employment fee of one hundred thousand.

After boarding the plane from Phoenix Airport, Fang Nan walked out of Hongqiao Airport in the afterglow of the setting sun more than three hours later.

Counting it, he hasn't been to Pujiang for more than half a year, and the last time he came was last year to promote "Youth in Youth".

I haven't been here for more than half a year, and there are more companies in the College Student Industrial Park on Jindu Road, but Tangtang Film and Television is still the star company in the park.

Last year, with the follow-up of film and television such as "Youth in Youth", "Embroidered Spring Knife", "Thailand", "Crazy Stone", "Double-sided Tape", "Snail House" and other film and television follow-ups, employees paid taxes, artists paid taxes, and the total tax payment More than 2000 million yuan.

This data ranks first in the tax payment of major film and television companies in the country.

For this reason, Cai Yinong said that he would move the company's registration to Hengdian, where there is a tax-free quota.

Fang Nan didn't agree. The company's follow-up development needed too much support from Pujiang.

After not being here for more than half a year, there are many new faces in Tangtang Film and Television. It should be that there are many dramas opened this year and many people have been recruited, so that the company has nowhere to get involved.

Sticking to the left aisle all the way forward, just passing the dressing room, the sound of laughing and laughing came out.

Especially Liu Sishi's loud voice is clearly audible.

Fang Nan was very depressed, how could he succeed in putting on makeup, who was with whom?He pushed open the door.

From left to right, Hu Ge, Huo Jianhua, Yang Fun, Liu Sishi, Yuan Hong, several young actors almost each have a PSP game console, and all of them are playing red-faced.

Liu Sishi's sitting posture is even more bold and uninhibited, with one bare foot on the stool, her chin resting on her knees, and facing the game console, she will be furious, and will laugh twice when she is enjoying herself, expressing her inner excitement.

In order to avoid accidental injury, the hair stylists and stylists in the back had to stop at every turn to avoid her big movements.

Stopping Hu Ge, Huo Jianhua, the stylist and others from making any noise, Fang Nan quietly walked behind Liu Sishi, "Is it fun?" he asked.

Liu Sishi smacked her lips without raising her head: "It's okay!"

"Why don't you give up the characters in "Xian San" to others, and you go home and play the game slowly?"

Liu Sishi couldn't understand it, but when she turned her head to look, she couldn't help but lose her mind.

Brother Nan, whom she respected and feared, appeared in the company so quietly after half a year.

Still in the case that she has no lady image.




Liu Sishi flustered a series of actions such as putting her legs down, getting up, and hiding the game console, and finally made one of her legs come into intimate contact with the corner of the dressing table.

Tears filled with pain in an instant.

Seeing her like this, Fang Nan didn't know what to say, and angrily cursed "reckless and reckless" and walked out of the dressing room.

(End of this chapter)

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