literary world

Chapter 280 The hero does not mention the courage of the year

Chapter 280 The hero does not mention the courage of the year

After resting overnight, Fang Nan changed his identity the next day and officially entered the status of president.


To put it bluntly, it means approving the one-year filming budget and signing various documents.

So when Fang Nan sat at the desk, the documents piled up on the desk were like a hill.

TV department.

Project 3: "Legend of Sword and Fairy [-]"

Number of episodes: 30 episodes

Shooting time: 120 days

Genre: Xianxia, ​​Ancient Costume

Producer [1]: 1.5 yuan per episode, 45 yuan
Producer [1]: 5000 yuan/episode, 15 yuan
Art director【1】: 4000 yuan/episode, 12 yuan
Screenwriter [3]: 1.5 yuan/episode, 60 yuan
The person in charge of the project totaled 55.2 yuan.

Production director: 4000 yuan/person 12 yuan
Outreach producers: 2000 yuan/person 6 yuan
On-site production: 1500 yuan/person 4.5 yuan
Drama [2]: 120 days 80 yuan/day 1

Field service [2]: 120 days 80 yuan / day 1

Accounting: 1000 yuan/person 3 yuan
Clerk: 2000 yuan/month 8000 yuan

The production unit totaled 328 million.

Leading role [4]: ​​400 million yuan
Other second-tier actors [10]: 100 million yuan
Actors with few or no lines [100]: 5 yuan
Extras [3000]: 10 yuan
Actors' fees totaled 515 million yuan
Photographer [2]: 4000 yuan/episode 24 yuan
Photography assistant [2]: 1200/episode 4.8 yuan
Photographic field worker【2】: 1500 yuan/month 1.2 yuan
Photographic equipment: 25 yuan
The photographic sector totaled 185 million.

Art design: 6000/set 18 yuan
Associate art: 2000/episode 6 yuan
Art assistant【2】: 5000/month 4 yuan
Clothes, chemicals, roads, equipment costs: 60 yuan
The fine arts department has a total of 138 million yuan.

The online part accumulated 1510 million yuan, 1510/3050 million per episode.

The price of post-production visual effects is to be determined
Approval: Cai Yinong, Fang Nan

Fang Nan's instruction: It is suggested that the post-production visual effects work be handed over to the Thirteen Swordsmen of Light and Shadow.

Project [-]: "Life and Death"

Producer: Tang Tang Film and Television, CCTV

Theme: war, time

Producer: Cai Yinong Hou Hongliang
Director: Kong Sheng

Funding application terms:.
Signing Office: Cai Yinong, Vice President of Tangtang Film and Television Production Department, Fang Nan.

Project Three: "Love Apartment"

Project [-]: "Walking to the West Exit"

Project Five: "Latent"

Tentative project: "My Brother's Name is Shun Liu"

Vice President Cai Yinong: I have doubts about the planned invitation of Huayi actor Wang Bao to play the leading male role!
Projects planned: "Scary Step by Step", "The Legend of Zhen Huan in the Harem"

Film Production Department Project [-]: "Embroidered Spring Knife II"

Projects to be filmed: "The Wind", "The Girl I Chased Together in Those Years", "Lost in Hong Kong"

Film and Television Investment Department Project [-]: "Crazy Racing"

Artist Management Department: In 2007, the list of all artists of Tangtang Film and Television was drawn.

The first class [more than 500 million yuan]: Ni Ni [running man, Youyi Milk], Liu Qianqian [Youth in Youth, Suning Appliance, Dior]

The second prize [100-500 million yuan]: Hu Ge [Legend of Sword and Fairy I, Young You, Chewing Gum], Fang Nan [Painted Skin]

The third class [less than 100 million yuan]: Hai Qing, Zhang Jiayi, Mei Ting, Huang Weiming, Wang Liang

The fourth class [negligible]: Liu Sishi, Yuan Hong, Sun Yizhou, Huang Ze, Li Guoli, Li Yufen
"dong dong"

Cai Yinong opened the door and came in: "Brother Nan, what do you eat for lunch?"

"How to eat, what else is there besides the box lunch? I didn't start the fire last night, so I can't bring the meal."

Tang Tang Film and Television does not have a cafeteria, so they can only eat box lunch at noon.

But the box lunch is not clean, and eating too much can easily get angry.

Therefore, most employees choose to bring meals from home, which are delicious and hygienic, and they can receive 300 yuan for meal subsidies a month.

"Forget it, I'll send someone to fry some steaks outside and bring them over. I'll treat you to western food for lunch."

After Cai Yinong finished speaking, he backed out, and Fang Nan didn't argue. Cai Yinong was much richer than him. In the early days of March, Fang Nan and Fang Nan Culture Company repaid [-] million to her bank account. She is fat now. Flowing oil.

"Di Di"

"Has Vice President Shi eaten? If not, let her come to my office."

A few minutes after finishing the inside call, Shi Nansheng came in on high heels.

Fang Nan asked her: "I didn't see your work report, what's going on at the Bund?"

"After the [-] million loan was paid, we have started to build ecological buildings first, then apartment buildings, and finally the cultural palace step by step. The sluggish Founder Technology has problems."

Fang Nan didn't turn the corner for a moment: "What's wrong?"

"Global stock prices have plummeted. Without industrial support, how can Founder Technology, which only relies on investment everywhere, do better? Now I doubt that they can't afford to develop at all."

"Ah, isn't this a scam? Will we be affected?"

Fang Nan was very depressed, Fangzheng Technology couldn't stand it now, what should we do next?

Lehman has not yet filed for bankruptcy, and the real financial crisis has not yet arrived!

What made him even more speechless was that Tangtang Films and Founder Technology jointly took the 8-3 land. They are now starting to develop it. The land next to it is still like a chicken that has lost its feathers. ugly.

"We will not be affected. It is a standard contract. What will be affected is the change of partners, and the surrounding buildings may change."

"You mean that Founder Technology can't pass this test, they will sell the land?"

"This is for sure, how can you survive without arms!"

"That's up to him."

Fang Nan pondered for a while, and asked curiously, "You really want to do this all the time? To be honest, we invited you to join Tangtang Film and Television because of your management experience."

"The second is to think about asking you to help build a distribution platform for Chinese-language movies abroad in the future. Now it seems that this idea is far from your original intention."

"You think too much of me, I can't build such a big platform."

"In the early years, the reason why Hong Kong films were released to Southeast Asia was not only the high quality of Hong Kong films, but also the fact that Shaw Brothers, Golden Harvest and other older generations had inextricable connections with Malay, Vietnam, Thailand and other places. relationship, and it took a lot of time to build a good platform.”

"One person can't do these things, so instead of trying to build a platform yourself, you should try to hit Hollywood."

"You hold the Golden Bear Award, if you are willing to lower your profile and go to Hollywood to make some independent films, and when you become famous, you can use the springboard of several major Hollywood companies to distribute the films all over the world."

Fang Nan knocked on the table: "I know it's difficult, but someone has to do it, how can fate be in someone else's hands?"

"If you are willing to spend decades planning this matter, you can try it. Distribution is nothing more than cultivating contacts in foreign distribution and theaters. Of course, if you are famous and rich, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

"You choose some employees from the company who are bold, talkative, and talkative. I can teach them some local customs and conversation skills in Southeast Asia when I have time. Try not to girls."

"As for Europe and the United States, it's no deal. You have to be able to make money for them."

The two were discussing, Cai Yinong came in carrying a large bag, followed by Si Shi, Hu Ge, Yang Fun and the actors and actresses in "Three Immortals".

"You guys eat, my meal should be hot too."

Shi Nansheng refused Cai Yinong and went out, Fang Nan stretched his waist and just got up, Yang Fun said excitedly: "Brother Nan, hello, I am Yang Fun, I play Tang Xuejian in "Xian San"."

Fang Nan replied, "Oh, hello, let's eat."

When Cai Yinong came here, he didn't need to guess to know that it was to attract people's hearts and incorporate Yang Function.

Like Chen Kun, Yang Funn is an actor of Rongshida, and Li Shaohong, the head of Rongshida, is filming "New Red Mansion", in which Yang Funn played the more controversial role of Qingwen, and now she has auditioned to become the female lead of "Xian San".

Can Cai Yinong not be tempted by such an actress?

As long as two dramas are released, Yang Function will definitely become popular.

As for Fang Nan's opinion.

As far as a director is concerned, he doesn't like this woman very much, he is too keen on hype and drama, and he is not a good actor.

From the interests of the company, he hoped that Tang Tang Film and Television would have more hard-working Saburos like Yang Function.

So Cai Yinong went to discuss it, whether he joins or not.

"Brother Nan, she acted in our company's play, do you remember?"

Fang Nan served a meal and sat back at the desk with a piece of steak, Cai Yinong asked with a smile.

"Liao Zhai, I'm not in my [-]s or [-]s, how can I forget in such a short time?"

"Actually, Brother Nan and I have known each other since we were on the set of "The Legend of Condor Heroes". He came to visit the set at that time. It was also that time that I realized that there is a real kung fu in reality."

Yang Function brought Fang Nan closer with a small revelation, and Cai Yinong and the others were really confused.

"What do you mean?" Several people looked at Yang Function and waited expectantly.

Yang Function chuckled and put down his chopsticks, and vividly told the story of Fang Nan's one-for-two kick that overwhelmed the two martial arts crews of "The Condor of the Gods".

Cai Yinong was shocked: "There is such a thing? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Director Zhang ordered everyone not to leak it. Later, some people spread it. Unfortunately, there is no video. There are not many people who really say it. Brother Nan probably thinks it's meaningless to say it."

Under Yang Function's stare, Fang Nan gave a noncommittal "Hmm".

The hero does not mention being brave.

The one who always likes to talk about heroic deeds is the late old man, why is he mentioning these in his prime.

Of course, this is no heroic deed.

Compared with these, Yang Function's eyes are more interesting, but this woman really has two brushes in being able to get ahead, at least she is very good at praising people.

Compared with her, Liu Sishi, who is eating and drinking, is like a little white rabbit.

Cai Yinong also noticed this, and gave Liu Sishi a slap and said, "Sishi, please pass some apple soup and butter chicken rolls to the director."


Liu Sishi, who was full of reluctance, made Fang Nan happy.

"No matter how you look, you seem to be quite unhappy. I'll tell you something today. When you lose the baby fat on your face, the company will create a drama just for you."

"If you don't know how to reduce it, just ask Sissy."

As soon as Fang Nan said this, Hu Ge and the others looked calm.

Several actors in the company, Liu Sishi and Sun Yizhou are currently the least well-known. Judging from the development concept of Tangtang Film and Television's "Only the same morality will go closer, and the same heart will go the farthest", it is only a matter of time before Sishi can further increase her popularity.

Yang Funniest was envious enough.

To create a play specially, she never dared to think of such treatment in her dreams.

Flattering, letting others get the leading role in a play, is enough for her to hide under the covers and be overjoyed.

Create a play specially!

Judging from Rongshida's style, it is simply delusional.

When it comes to weight loss, she only thinks "hehe, that's a ball".

After eating, drinking, and going to work, Hu Ge and his team continued to study the script, and Fang Nan continued to work.

A phone call brought Zhao Zhu, and he put two scripts of "Parasite" on the table.

Zhao Zhu has been a producer for several years, and he has read [-] or [-] scripts, so he knows at a glance what kind of story "Parasite" is and where the difficulty in finding funding is.

"Brother Nan, you can wait until the trial is over to discuss this book?"

"Isn't the 1000-word script overview below?"

Leaning slightly, Zhao Zhu said with a constipated face: "After watching it, I guess it's enough. If you haven't made "Youth in Youth", you can fool the film until the filming is finished with these 1000 words."

"Now that the bureau has finished reading these 1000 words, you are absolutely required to provide a complete script. Since you can't make a film, you don't need to find funds, unless you want to fight against the bureau and make an underground movie."

Fang Nan said depressedly, "So I asked you to find a solution."

After "Youth in Youth" was released, many local education committees and some old leaders wrote letters to their superiors, asking, "Is this a mess?"

"Can't control the filmmaker or something?"

At that time, the problem was so serious that "Youth in Youth" was hastily withdrawn after breaking [-] million at the box office.

And the influence has not been completely eliminated, but it is the influence on Fang Nan personally.

As Zhao Zhu said, the General Administration will definitely guard against Fang Nan's movies to prevent another wave of big rhythms.

"Either change the script, or go abroad? The company has cooperated with SBS on "You Who Came from the Star", and see if it can be moved to South Korea to shoot with the help of SBS."

"You submit it for review first, and if it doesn't work, adjust the script and divert it to Korean filming."

Fang Nan agreed.

Zhao Zhu went to work on "Parasite", Fang Nan walked out of the office and walked around to sign the documents again.

After processing all the documents in three days, he went to the Bund to have a look, and then rushed to Jinling.

At the end of last year, Feng Dapao played tricks during the promotion of "Assembly", trying to elevate himself by belittling Fang Nan.

In a fit of rage, Cai Yinong ordered two movie theaters in Xinjiekou to put "Assembly Number" on and off shelves frequently, making Huayi disgusting enough.

The two quarreled for many days over this, and finally the manager of the United Cinemas came forward in person to calm the turmoil.

"There were so many big movies last year, and the net profit of the two of you was less than 400 million? I originally wanted to buy two IMAX screens for each of you this year!"

After looking through the ledger in one of the movie theaters, Fang Nan frowned and looked at the two managers with dissatisfaction.

2007 is considered a great year for movies, and a series of foreign blockbusters such as "Transformers", "Harry Potter", "Spiderman" and "Pirates of the Caribbean" have been introduced.

Domestically, there are also movies with over [-] million box office, such as "Curse of the Golden Flower", "Youth in Youth", "Lust, Caution", "Certificate of Fame", "Assembly", and "The Sun Also Rises".

In the end, you only made so much money?
These are two big theaters in prime locations.

"There are two main reasons for the low income. One is that the United Cinemas sometimes cannot get a round of broadcasting rights. Even if they do, the theaters are still close to Pujiang."

"The other thing is that there are few movie derivatives. In addition to selling some popcorn drinks in theaters, last year when only "Transformers" was released, we made hundreds of thousands from toys, or we didn't have 400 million."

"How did the toy get here?"

"Made in a small workshop."

"What the hell, it's embarrassing if you don't make much money." Fang Nan glanced at the two managers: "Don't do this in the future, you can suggest the company to discuss legal authorization."

"Almost every theater does this." One of the managers was anxious.

"So what's the matter? We know it's wrong, but we still have to learn? People's choices are destined to be different. It's over, you go to work, and the two finances stay. I won't call you when I leave at night. gone."

(End of this chapter)

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