literary world

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

Back to the capital.

Fang Nan went to 'Fang Nan Culture' first.

I have nothing to say about this company, which is 100% owned by me. It has the best performance and the most enjoyable life for its employees. They work from nine to five every day, and their salaries are not low.

However, it refers to the dream literature with rapid user growth.

Yan Hong still complained with a tigerish face: "I haven't thought about Shanda Literature yet. This gamer surnamed Chen first got my idea. He wants to buy Dream Literature. Dream it!"

Fang Nan laughed when he heard this, and joked, "Don't look down on the game, "Legend" is very popular, and the dragon-slaying sword costs about 10 yuan."

Yan Hong rolled her eyes: "By the way, I forgot to introduce you, Hou Qiang, the deputy editor-in-chief of the original Zhalang, the success of Zhalang's blog is inseparable from him, I hired Editor Hou as the chief editor of Dream Literature Executor."

With a smile on his face, Fang Nan stretched out his hand to the elegant and easy-going new executive who was wearing glasses, "Thank you CEO Hou for willing to join Dream Literature, with you as a senior intellectual, Dream Literature will definitely go further. "

"Without me, Dream Literature would still go a long way!"

"I don't have anything to do, I'll leave first, and catch up with the dinner."

After greeting the two of them, Fang Nan rushed to a hotel in Chaoyang without stopping.

He invited everyone in Happy Twist to dinner at noon. There were not many people, and the actors behind the scenes couldn't make 5 tables.

"The problem that needs to be solved now is to find a class leader for you, Hao Jian, you are the best now, do you want to recommend yourself?"

After sitting down in the middle seat, Fang Nan put the issue of leadership selection on the table without any concealment, with a clear meaning, internal choice, and self-recommendation if he thought he was capable.

Shen Teng hurriedly waved his hands: "Director, please forgive me, I can't even control myself, let alone others."

"Then you recommend one, Ma Li, Wei Xiang, Alan?"

Fang Nan pursued closely, Shen Teng had no choice but to point at Ma Li in embarrassment: "I think Ma Li is very good, she has strong self-esteem, and she is very strict in doing things."

Before Ma Li regained her composure, Fang Nan immediately agreed, "Then Ma Li."

"Brother Nan, are you kidding me?" Ma Li was bewildered.

"It's no joke at all. You just need to take good care of these big men. There are special people to manage the finances. In addition, let me remind you again. If you have any grievances, don't hold back. If you find you, Brother Teng, you can contact me directly." OK, no stress now."

Happy Twist is different from Tangtang Film and Television and Fangnan Culture. It is now a grass-roots team of dozens of people. During the barbaric growth, it is hard to say who will stay and who will leave.

Therefore, Fang Nan chose to let it go for a while, wait until the personnel stabilized, and then talk about other things.

"Come on, let's have a toast together and celebrate Squad Leader Ma's appointment!"

Picking up the wine glass and downing it, Fang Nan asked about the second serious matter, the arrangements for this year's Twist Theater.

Ma Li, who just took office, put down her chopsticks and quickly got into work:
"I went to the Spring Festival Gala with Brother Teng and Wei Xiang this year, so I want to do a national tour. Originally, Brother Teng wanted to call you to talk about it. His book is called "Crazy Stone", and I wanted to ask you about it." No, it will not infringe rights."

"You can use the name whatever you want. A part of the copyright of "Crazy Stone" is owned by Tangtang Film and Television. I'm curious, are you sure that you are in such a hurry to tour the country?"

"It shouldn't be a problem to rehearse more, they are all old people on the stage." Shen Teng said.

"Others don't worry, I worry that you will forget the words, ruin yourself and ruin the twist!"

Amidst the roar of laughter, Shen Teng hurriedly picked up his wine glass and begged for forgiveness: "Oh, director, look at you, I have such a shortcoming, why do you keep holding on to it?"

"Anyway, rehearse hard, and call me if you have any questions."

Fang Nan went to Happy Twist Few, many people at the table met for the first time, you come and go, there are a lot of toasts, but even if you are confused, you subconsciously know that you can't go back to Yinding Bridge.

"Brother Nan, where are you going if you don't go home?" Ma Li, who was acting as the driver, looked at Fang Nan and Shen Teng, who were drunk in the back row.

"Gui Street."

Fang Nan said vaguely.

"What are you doing on Guijie Street? There are so many people there, what would you do if you were recognized?"

"Never mind, go drink tea."

Fang Nan insisted, so Ma Li had no choice but to bite the bullet and send him to Guijie Street, and found him crookedly entering a shop called 'Xixi Xiaoxi', she and Shen Teng looked at each other and followed inside.

Later, Fang Nan was led into the back hall by a beautiful woman.

The two of them didn't dare to ask more questions, and they were worried, so they found a seat by the window and sat down.

"Ms., sir, this is the drink list of our store. The first floor is coffee and other hot drinks, and the third floor has a full range of tea. If you want to be quiet, there are private rooms on the second floor."

"Have two lattes, no need to change places."

"Two wait a moment."

At the same time, Chen Yixun's "Long Time No See" rang.

【Will you appear suddenly】

【Coffee shop on the corner】

[I will wave and greet with a smiley face]

【Sit and chat with you】

【How I want to meet you】

【Look at your recent changes】

"Brother Teng, should we go in and take a look? Nothing will happen, right?"

"You can pull it off. Just look at it and you will know that the relationship is extraordinary. Let's leave quickly before the person comes out after we finish drinking. It's not good to see him. Don't talk nonsense when we go back. We all think he is with Gao."

"You think I'm stupid!"

After Ma Li replied, the two listened to soothing music and drank coffee calmly.

Fang Nan, on the other hand, was already sleeping in the dark, and was not awakened by Zeng Li until the branches of the moon rose, "Do you want to die after drinking so much?" She pointed at Fang Nan's swollen eyes and gasped.

"A lot of people in Mahua met for the first time, so they drank two more glasses. What time is it?" Fang Nan asked hoarsely.

"It's eight o'clock soon, you hurry up, I'm in a hurry to lock the door, the little girl at home is making a fuss."

Fang Nan was depressed. Before he knew it, he was so unpopular?
"By the way, your phone rang quite a few times in the afternoon, remember to call it back if you want to."

Fang Nan put on his jacket: "Understood, I'm leaving."

There were a lot of missed calls, so he reported Gao Yuanyuan's safety, and he called Zhao Zhu first.

From this, we know that "Parasite" passed the local review very quickly, and it was placed on the desk of the General Administration in just a few days.

But as expected, the General Administration not only failed.

And he was asked to go to the bureau within three working days to explain the core content of "Parasite" face to face.

Fang Nan's dizzy head became even more dizzy, how to explain?

He can't be honest, he wants to tell the world through "Parasite" that the gap between the rich and the poor in the whole society is already very large, and the poor have completely become the vassals of the rich.

If he dares to say that, the bureau will definitely let him go as far as possible, and will never let "Parasite" be filmed in China.

Yinding Bridge rested overnight.

The next day.

Fang Nan pretended to put on a document bag and went outside the Fuxing Gate.

He hesitated outside the Fuxing Gate and turned around. He made up his mind to take the foreign route, and just as he stepped into the gate, a black car drove past him. After a while, Jiang Wen, who had parked the car, waved to him.

"What are you doing here?" Fang Nan asked him.

Old Jiang took off his sunglasses: "What are you doing here?"

Fang Nan was speechless, what kind of connection code is this?
"Let me come over and tell them the script," he explained.

Old Jiang pulled Fang Nan into the car and laughed, "You can't understand your script either? What about your script? Let me have a look."

In the car, the two exchanged and read each other's scripts, Fang Nan smacked his lips, and clapped the script of "Let the Bullets Fly" in his hand: "You are fooling around, what kind of goose city, what kind of rich gentry's money will be returned in full, the common people The money will be divided between [-] and [-]%!"

"Don't understand it? It's right if you don't understand it. I can't understand it myself."

"But you are going to be miserable. If your script is filmed, I will lose you a meal. Get out of the car and meet them."

Entering the office, the leader first set his sights on Jiang Wen.

Immediately, the old boy was blowing nonsense.

"Do you know the time-travel novels that are popular now? Have you read Huang Yi's "Looking for the Qin Dynasty"? This goose city does not refer to a certain city in the Republic of China, but a real city in a time and space parallel to ours."

"Actually, to put it simply, what happened in Goose City has nothing to do with our era. It exists, but it is an illusory city to us."

Fang Nan Bengbu stopped, and put his hand on his forehead to hide the corners of his frantically split mouth.

The leader glanced at the serious Jiang Wen, and pointed to Fang Nan who buried his head beside him:
"Fang Nan, let's talk about your "Parasite". You have become a lump in the past two years? First "Youth" and then "Parasite". Do you have any misunderstandings about this society? Why did you ask Producer "Extreme Rescue"? Can't you see the touching deeds in "Extreme Rescue"?"

"The country has worked so hard to train you, and you just repay it like this? One is talking nonsense here and there; a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. The two go back and reflect on what the movie should promote!"

Fang Nan and Jiang Wen looked at each other, got up and walked out hastily.

"My script should be fine. They know something is wrong but they can't say it clearly. Brother, you can ask for blessings and leave."

"I gave up before I came. By the way, are you flying to Xiangjiang tomorrow? Make an appointment to fly together as a companion?"

"What are you going to Xiangjiang for?"

"The 27th Academy Awards, you had "The Sun Also Rises" last year, it is impossible not to have an invitation letter."

"Fuck it, what the hell, they said that the theme of this year's Academy Awards is Universal Family, which means that Hong Kong filmmakers scattered all over the world will reunite as a family on this day."

"So we didn't invite Korean guests as in previous years, and by the way, we didn't even invite mainland filmmakers."

"You have an invitation letter, probably because the film won an award in Berlin, and the organizing committee really can't push it through, so I won't join in the fun, it's useless!"

"Is there such a meaning? This is the first time I've heard of it."

"You will understand when the awards are presented tomorrow night. It's done. Go back and think about the script. The last play lost a lot of money, so I have to help people make up for it."

Fang Nan calmed down: "I've issued a filming license, and if I'm short of funds, come to me. I'm very interested in your film."

He forgets other movies, and he will not forget "Let the Bullets Fly", which was interpreted by netizens to the point where he could no longer interpret it.

For such a popular movie, the box office is naturally not bad, and it was the box office champion of the year.

If you can step in, you can earn money without doing anything.

"That's a good feeling!"

Old Jiang walked out of the General Administration Office, Fang Nan took out his mobile phone and called Chu Peijun, he heard that the Golden Statue Award only sent invitation letters to him and Liu Qianqian, half of the reason for Liu Qianqian was because of her role in "Certificate of Voting".

Don't expect the leading actor Hu Ge to step on the red carpet.

Fang Nan felt furious.

It's normal to take people as wrong wrists, and it's the first one to look down on people like the Academy Awards.

Regardless of the many supporting roles in "Youth in Youth", the leading actor Hu Ge was also shortlisted for the best actor nomination at the Berlin Film Festival last year, and the golden statue was not even given a chance to walk on the red carpet?

Returning home extremely resentful, Fang Nan wanted to turn on the computer and spray himself.

After thinking about it, if you want to do something big, it's better to disgust the Golden Statue Organizing Committee at the scene tomorrow and slap them in the face at once.

As for the impact, with the different treatment this time, can you still count on him to participate in the future Academy Awards?
He is really going to fight for a headline this time.

In the past two years, as his fame has grown, he seldom hates people.

Last year, Feng Dapao's face-to-face output, he just replied, and did not choose to beat the dog in the water.

Being so low-key is not because he is afraid of offending people, nor is it that the media is not interested in his remarks.

On the contrary, the media is more than happy to hear him talk more about others.

At the beginning, when he sparred with a bearded man, many portal websites were overjoyed, and the titles became more and more horrifying.

Countless netizens applauded an article that spread their mouths open.

Spraying "The Promise" crew destroys the ecological balance, and the whole network focuses on it.

Why are you so cautious now?
On the one hand, his private personality is more easy-going.

On the other hand, everyone is in the same circle, it's not too much, just turn a blind eye and it's over, it's embarrassing at every turn, why don't you get off stage.

So in these years, there have been so many blockbuster movies, and many actors have such bad acting skills, but he has never scolded anyone in front of the media.

Occasionally, the media bumped into him and asked him to talk about low-quality movies such as "The Banquet", "The Golden Armor", and "The Promise", but he would either choose to remain silent.

Either shake your head and leave.

But this time, at the Academy Awards, he was very blocked by the behavior of watching people order dishes and confusing mainland filmmakers with foreign filmmakers.

Let him have a feeling that if he doesn't vent, he will be suffocated.

Venting his negative emotions towards the wooden dummy in the yard, Fang Nan exhaled and called Zhao Zhu.

Domestic filming of "Parasite" was hopeless, and going to South Korea became inevitable. It was time for Zhao Zhu to set off as an outpost.

"Brother Nan, do you know the CJ Entertainment Film Company in South Korea? I think it's good to cooperate with this company. The script of "Parasite" is still a bit powerful. Even in Korea, it needs to be reviewed."

"It doesn't matter who you cooperate with, the main thing is to shoot."

"Then let me talk about it, but actors must let go. Do you have any actors who can't give up?"

"The role of the second daughter in the family, that is, Jin Jiting, should not be given away, this role is reserved for Sissy."

"I see, you wait for the news, I will fly to South Korea tomorrow."

Putting down the phone, Fang Nan felt that this matter was difficult to handle, so he simply picked up the phone and called Mao Jianguo.

"OKOK, I'm very interested. Filming in South Korea? No problem. I will fly to South Korea with Mr. Zhao Zhu tomorrow. You can rest assured and wait for the group."

Mao Jianguo proudly accepted all the errands.

(End of this chapter)

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