literary world

Chapter 282 Humiliation, why didn't you die

Chapter 282 Humiliation, why didn't you die
The next day.

finish breakfast.

Gao Yuanyuan stared at Fang Nan who was about to leave in confusion.

Fang Nan, who never paid much attention to superficial engineering, made himself too upright.

He put on the birthday gift she gave her two years ago, and kept throwing a million-dollar Vacheron Constantin master watch in the cabinet.

Fang Nan said that he bought it personally, but he also put on the luxurious Atonelli suit that he had never worn.

The leather shoes are shiny and the belt is luxurious.

Even the hairstyle is meticulously done.

What about an Academy Award?
Participating in the 57th Berlin Film Festival has never been cleaned up so neatly.

"The sun is coming out from the west. I didn't see you dressed like this when I went to my house during the Chinese New Year. Why are you going?" Gao Yuanyuan looked at Fang Nan and asked with a playful expression.

"I'm going to fight for the Academy Awards!"

Fang Nan rolled his eyes at Gao Yuanyuan who was about to get suspicious from time to time.


"Come on, let's go."

Arrived at the airport at lightning speed, checked in and boarded the plane, and landed a few hours later, he had already set foot on the Xiangjiang River.

The venue for the 27th Golden Statue Awards was held at Xiangjiang Cultural Center, but it was still early before the red carpet time, so Fang Nan went to the hotel where Chu Peijun and Liu Qianqian, who flew in from Pujiang yesterday, were staying.

"Brother Nan, Wen Jun, chairman of the board of directors of the Academy Awards, invited the main nominated filmmakers to dinner last night. The news that came out during the period was not very good. It is unlikely that "Youth in Youth" will win."

As soon as the hotel waited for Fang Nan, Chu Peijun mentioned some bad news.

Fang Nan nodded, and while greeting Liu Xiaoli, Liu Qianqian, her manager and assistants, he said indifferently, "I didn't come here to win a prize."

Chu Peijun admired Fang Nan again.

He didn't come here to win the award, which means he just wanted to see the Golden Statue Award, after all, he was shortlisted for the first time.

Moreover, the Academy Awards are becoming more and more localized and acquainted.

The future films of Tang Tang Film and Television want to win awards at the Academy Awards. Fang Nan, the leader and also the director, really wants to come to Xiangjiang often to get in touch with the filmmakers here.

Only in this way can we lay the foundation for the award-winning follow-up films produced by the company.

Brother Nan is always thinking ahead!

Chu Peijun looked relieved.

Just as he was feeling emotional, the guest room phone rang, "Brother Nan, the front desk said that Wen Jun wanted to visit you." Chu Peijun covered the phone.

"Let him come."

He is bound to get mad at the Academy Award today, but the attitude of the chairman of the board of directors, Wen Jun, determines the scale of his cruel words.

"Director Fang, it's a pleasure to meet you. It's really not easy. You are so famous, but this is the first time we have met."

Wen Jun came quickly, and his attitude was very polite, he didn't reach out his hand to hit the smiling face, Fang Nan twitched his lips: "I went to the bureau to pass the script yesterday and met Jiang Wen, and wanted to ask him to be a companion to fly with him, but he said he didn't have time to come , but asked me to bring a good one to Squad Leader Wen."

Jiang Wen and Wen Jun are relatively familiar.

In the early 90s, Lao Jiang was preparing to shoot his first full-length work "Sunny Day". His then girlfriend Liu Xiaoqing ransacked and raised a huge sum of US$100 million for her boyfriend.

The payer is Wen Jun.

Of course, the money couldn't stand Lao Jiang's extravagance, and in the end he used up all his girlfriend's savings.

Fang Nan knew about this, and he learned about it after talking nonsense with Jiang Wen at the premiere of "Sunny Day", and today he used it as an opening speech with Wen Jun.

Thinking of Jiang Wen, thinking of the days when he was troubled by money and suffering as a producer on the crew of "Sunny Day", Wen Jun smiled happily, and let go of his mind to open up the chatterbox.

Leaning a little, he thought he had a good chat with Fang Nan, and explained his purpose with an apologetic face:
"Nan Zai, I'm very sorry. Although I am the chairman of the board of directors, it is up to the judges to win a film. Therefore, there is only one award for best screenplay for "You Are a Young Boy."

The Academy Awards are not as strict.

Leaking questions on important nominees is normal.

The Academy Awards have been held for 27 years, and they should be young and in their prime.

However, as the Hong Kong film market is occupied by Hollywood and the mainland rises, Hong Kong filmmakers have withered, and the film awards are declining, revealing the state of premature aging.

As the chairman of the board of directors of the Academy Awards in recent years, Wen Jun has been reforming the Academy Awards over and over again in order to prevent the aging of the Academy Awards.

But even though he tried his best to qualify for the selection of co-productions, invited mainland filmmakers to present awards, and participated in a series of measures such as the Golden Statue Awards, the annual Golden Statue Awards are still criticized.

To put it bluntly, the reason is that the dwindling Academy Awards are still full of hostility to mainland filmmakers, and they are self-sufficient, enclosing themselves with the mentality of a small Xiangjiang citizen.

For this reason, he, the chairman of the Academy Awards, can only start from the subtleties, trying his best to protect the face of every guest.

A popular director like Fang Nan was even more unwilling to offend easily.

Fortunately, after this year, he doesn't need to run around for the Academy Awards.

"That's great. I'm ready to go home empty-handed." Fang Nan said with a half smile.

When he said that, Wen Jun was very embarrassed. The Golden Bear Award-winning film lost the Hong Kong Film Award with a best screenplay award. What else could he say? Let netizens and the media scold him afterwards.

Suppressing embarrassment, Wen Jun talked about another matter.

He would like to ask Fang Nan and Hong Kong's new generation director Du Wenzhe to present the Best Supporting Actress Award.

Now, Fang Nan was really happy.

"Would Du Wenzhe be happy?" Fang Nan asked with a smile.

"Why isn't he happy?"

Fang Nan accepted the errand with a smile on his face: "That will work."

After Wen Jun left, Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian chatted about the script of "Parasite".

"Parasite" was filmed in South Korea, and it was not easy to shoot. First of all, communication is a big problem.

Liu Qianqian is fluent in English, but she doesn't know Korean, and he is the same, so she has to learn a little bit. Knowing some simple Korean is helpful for personal life and communication with Korean actors.

Of course, Korean actors must also learn Chinese.

"This is the script and the biography of the characters. You should use your spare time to think about it, and you will join the group at the latest in the second half of the year."

"How to go to Korea to shoot?"

Liu Qianqian still can't explain Fang Nan's feelings clearly, but fortunately, she can treat Fang Nan differently in work and life.

"Things are more complicated, but it has nothing to do with you, as long as you understand the role thoroughly."

Chu Peijun interrupted the two of them: "Brother Nan, the reception car is here, let's go down."

"let's go."

Downstairs in the hotel, Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian hadn't settled down in the car when the Xiangjiang Cultural Center arrived.

In front of the red carpet, dozens of reception cars lined up like a long black dragon. The fans shouted louder and louder, and the atmosphere of the scene was extremely warm.

After Liang Chaowei, Liu Dehua, Liu Minmin, Li Lianjie, Gu Yanle, Chen Kexin and others passed by, they arrived in front of the red carpet in a car carrying Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian.

After going through a lot of battles, the red carpet of the Academy Awards has become lifeless.

But the main reason is that they didn't get much screams from their debut.

Compared with Liang Chaowei and Liu Dehua, it is not one or two points worse.

In Xiangjiang, Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian really didn't have much fame.

One is the director of the movie in Xiangjiang Pujie, and the other is a new-generation actress who has repeatedly made Jin Yong's dramas.

On the contrary, the media reporters are very face-saving, especially the mainland reporters are very active, and a lot of film was wasted.

In the mainland, Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian are the hottest directors and actresses in recent years.

The end of the red carpet.

Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian left their artistic signatures on the blank space on the signature wall and accepted interviews with the red carpet hosts.

Faced with the TVB hostess, "Do you have the confidence to win the honor of being the youngest and best actress at the Academy Awards?"

Knowing that there is no hope of winning the award, Liu Qianqian, who just came to accompany her, asked her what she meant in Mandarin, until the host explained in Mandarin, she couldn't help rolling her eyes: "Oh, don't dare, don't dare!"

It was Fang Nan's turn, "I just come here for a stroll at home, I don't dare to expect to win a prize!"

The TVB host looked confused, why are these two from the mainland speaking so strangely?

Modesty is indeed modest, and people deny winning prizes outright.

It's just that this attitude is indescribably uncomfortable.

After bidding farewell to the red carpet and entering the infield, in the passageway, Fang Nan tugged Liu Qianqian: "It doesn't matter if you didn't win the prize, you have to calm down, what's the matter with rolling your eyes at the camera?"

He has nothing to do with the Academy Awards, and he doesn't expect the Hong Kong circle or other circles to feed him.

Liu Qianqian is different, she is an actor, and an actor should make friends with all the circles that she can make friends with, and don't offend others if she can.

Hong Kong circle, Beijing circle, and Northwest circle, so that we can choose the best among the many resources.

"Aren't you annoyed by the Academy Awards? I am also annoyed."

Fang Nan was startled, when did the little jiujiu in his heart be revealed?

"When did I get tired of the Academy Awards?"

"I saw that you were talking with Wen Jun with a smile on your face. When you don't want to see a person or something, you will have that expression."

Fang Nan was embarrassed, and the corner of his mouth subconsciously grinned: "When did you develop this habit of paying so much attention to other people's micro-expressions?"

"I just fell in love not long ago, in order to practice my acting skills, so you'd better not lie in front of me, let me take a look."

"Don't make noise, someone is coming in."

Just as Fang Nan interrupted Liu Qianqian, a pair of Bi people entered the passageway, Zhang Zhiling and Yuan Yongyi.

"Ah, hello Director Fang, I'm Zhang Zhiling, and this is my wife Yuan Yongyi."

"No need to introduce, I have known you and Liangliang through film and television works, and I can understand Cantonese, so let's talk casually in private, don't be particular, let's go in together."

Fang Nan smiled and shook hands with the two.

There are not many Xiangjiang actors he likes, and these two are two of them who live very transparently.

The four laughed and chatted and walked into the venue. After finding their respective positions, they gave up on each other and greeted the acquaintances.

Around Fang Nan, he is familiar with Li Lianlian, Chen Kexin, Gigi Leung, who attended the 08 Spring Festival Gala, and Liu Dehua, who have invested in "Crazy Stone" together.

In addition, Zhao Yanzi and Zhang Jingchu also greeted him.

Siqin Gaowa, a strong contender for the best actress of the night, waved to him.

The mainland actor who treated him the coldest was Huo Yan.

Presumably she still remembered the day when Fang Nan helped Zeng Li get ahead.

Fang Nan didn't take it seriously, and shook his head at her nearly uncovered two hemispheres with mocking eyes.

The pure girl when she debuted, her painting style changed suddenly after joining Huayi, and the hollow dress made her the most exposed person of the night.

"Fang Nan, President Fang."

Smiling and chatting with Liu Shimin, Zha Zhahui, Gu Yule, Er Dongsheng, and Du Qifeng, Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian became the lonely people around them.

Fang Nan is fine, he can understand Cantonese, so it's not easy to interrupt, at least he has gained information.

Liu Qianqian was more embarrassed, so she had no choice but to play with her mobile phone like no one else was there.

Fortunately, there are fewer mainland filmmakers this year.

Very few.

Otherwise, at the 25th Hong Kong Film Awards, the embarrassing scene where Hong Kong artists speak Cantonese on stage and mainland awards presenters speak Mandarin will be repeated again, and the media audience will be madly complaining about it.

After the seats for more than 1800 people were fully seated, the 27th Academy Awards officially began.

Hosts Sandra Ng, Sammi Cheng, and Yuling Cheng came on stage, teasing the big-name guests in turn.

It's my man's turn.

Wu Junru praised Chen Kexin as the best man in China in a funny way.

"Proof of Fame" is the best movie of the year.

Reminded by Zheng Xiuwen and Zheng Yuling, she crazily said that "Youth in Youth" and "Certificate of Voting" were divided into half and half for this year's Academy Awards.

Noisily teased a group of guests, the ownership of the first award for best photography was announced, and "Certificate of Fame" won the first place.

Afterwards, the New Director Award was won by You Naihai with "Tracking".

The best new actor was once again won by Xu Zishan, the female lead in "Tracking".

The best visual effects and the best sound effects. After the second round of "Voting Certificate of Fame", the atmosphere of the scene reached a small climax. Just as outside speculation, "Voting Certificate of Fame" is the big winner tonight.


What about "Youth in Youth"?
At the scene, in front of the TV and computer, countless eyes focused on Fang Nan.

There are jokes.

There are anxious ones.


There are some worries.

If "Youth in Youth" really didn't win an award, no one would dare to imagine what kind of doubts will be faced at the Academy Awards tomorrow.

Wen Jun in the front row was already sitting on pins and needles, with a thorny back and a lot of pressure.

After winning five trophies in a row in "Certificate of Voting", he has already received more than ten text messages.

Some text messages come from big shots in the circle.

These people are the gold masters of the annual Academy Awards.

Some are from popular stars sitting on the scene.

But no matter who it is, what kind of emotions they have, the content is very similar: whether Fang Nan won an award, and whether "Youth in Youth" won an award.

TVB, which was in charge of the broadcast, also understood it very well. After "Certificate of Fame" won the best art design and best costume design awards again, it gave Fang Nan a few seconds of footage.

What is disappointing is that Fang Nan in the camera is not depressed.

I don't know if it's because he is confident about the real big prize in the future, or if he really has a calmness that doesn't match his age.

Fang Nan managed to fool the camera, but he didn't hide it from Liu Qianqian, who suddenly had a special hobby beside him.

She saw a sharp edge in Fang Nan's eyes.

Sharpness like never before.

"He was born in 79 years, even if he is only 29 years old, he has not yet reached the age of thirties that people often say, but he has to suffer such a great humiliation. The humiliation is not counted, and he has to show it in a timely manner before the camera comes. Unnecessarily calm”

Liu Qianqian couldn't imagine Fang Nan's inner world anymore, she only knew that he was excellent, even if he was not recognized today, he was still excellent and should not be defeated.

Thinking of this, she took the initiative to cling to Fang Nan's big rough hand hanging on her knee.

Today, she will be his strongest backing.

Fingers crossed, fork fork.
Hey, Fang Nan got up without the fork in, "What are you doing? I'm going backstage to prepare for the awards."

Liu Qianqian felt ashamed for a while.

Backstage, Du Wenzhe had already arrived first, looking at Fang Nante happily.

To say that the actor who made Fang Nan feel ashamed the most tonight, besides Huo Yan, was this one.

Old friend.

Du Wenzhe shook the envelope and said, "Nan Tsai, what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't think it's necessary." Fang Nan said expressionlessly.

"Okay, hey, I didn't expect Liu Dehua to win the Best Supporting Actor for "Certificate of Fame". It seems that he missed the best actor."

Du Wenzhe said something strange at the end, and stepped onto the stage in a hurry.

Fang Nan, on the contrary, walked very calmly and leisurely.

"Hi, Director Fang, I've wanted to meet you for a long time, and it was rumored on the news that we had a festive relationship."

"Really? This is my second time in Xiangjiang. I really don't know about it. What's the holiday?"

"Those are not important, the important thing is that I am curious about one thing."

Fang Nan's Mandarin tone was flat: "Oh, what's the matter?"

"There are so many nominations for "Youth in Youth" tonight, but the awards ceremony is coming to an end, why didn't you win a single award?"

As soon as Du Wenzhe said this, the laughter on the scene disappeared.

At first, everyone in the audience thought it was funny to see the two on the stage, one in Mandarin and the other in Cantonese.

But now, it's completely gone.

Because Du Wenzhe showed a blatant aggressiveness.

The director in charge of the live broadcast of the Academy Awards looked at the director behind him: "Does this section need to be cut?"

"Look at what Fang Nan said."

The audience in front of Xiangjiang TV was also stunned.

Immediately cheer up.

This is Du Wenzhe's blatant attack, and I finally had fun watching it.

The audience in Shenzhen who are adjacent to Xiangjiang, especially the audience who had a good impression of Fang Nan, were speechless.

"What the hell, if you don't give an award, you will be humiliated in public on stage. This is what I call posting pictures to the end of the world to call on netizens to scold the Golden Statue Award."

The scene became cold, and Liu Dehua, Chen Kexin and others, who have frequently cooperated with the mainland in the past two years, looked even more dignified.

Li Lianlian pursed his lips, and Zhao Yanzi and Zhang Jingchu felt lonely after being surprised.

At this moment, Fang Nan was no different from them.

As for Liu Qianqian, she looked at Fang Nan and Du Wenzhe on the stage with two faces.

A pair of can't wait to eat people.

A distressed straight sob.

He is so hard!

"Speaking of which, I'm also curious about one thing."

Fang Nan spoke into the microphone almost without interval.

Du Wenzhe smiled confidently: "What's the matter?"

Fang Nan put his hands on the awarding platform with a smile on his face: "So many people died in Xiangjiang last year, why didn't you die?"

 I have something to do today, it's late!

(End of this chapter)

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