literary world

Chapter 284

Chapter 284

Sleep peacefully until dawn.

Fang Nan turned on the phone again, and a lot of reminders of missed calls and text messages came frantically.

He simply flipped through it with a look of surprise.

The leaders at the cultural level in the Mainland, even Mr. Han, didn't even call him.

He is very confused, what do you mean?
Is it a trivial matter that he insulted the Academy Awards by standing on the Academy Awards podium?

Or have you been so disappointed in him that you think he is hopeless, so you have nothing to say?

Fang Nan scratched his head, then felt relieved.

No matter what, this is good news. As long as nothing is pressed on his forehead to destroy the friendship of his compatriots, he will have nothing to fear.

The phone is thrown aside.

Fang Nan turned on the TV and sat down in front of the computer.

As an annual cultural event, the 27th Golden Statue Awards attracted hundreds of media outlets from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places. With his incident, the news about the Golden Statue Awards on the Internet has been overwhelming.

No matter which portal he clicks on, it cannot be separated from matters related to the Academy Awards.

And it was him who occupied the headlines of the entertainment section.

Zha Lang: [Shock: No.1 in history, Fang Nan complained about the unfairness of the Golden Statue Award, scolded the judges and refused to accept the award, and left early]

On April 4, the 13th Golden Statue Awards and Xiangjiang Cultural Theater came to an end.

At this year's Golden Image Awards Ceremony, the film "Certificate of Fame" won eight trophies including Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Photography and became the big winner of the night. One of the accompanying movies that night.

For this reason, the young and energetic director Fang Nan suddenly went into a rage when he delivered the best screenplay speech on stage, pointing out that the Academy Award was exclusive and treated mainland filmmakers like monkeys. Director Fang Nan's dangerous speech caused chaos on the scene.

According to the news sent back by the reporter of, Liu Dehua, Liu Shimin, Zha Zhahui and other big names at the scene were all dumbfounded, as if they didn't expect Fang Nan to do this.

The judges in the front row also looked frosty, and left in a hurry after the ceremony. Only Wen Jun, the chairman of the board of directors, and Chen Jiashang, who will succeed the chairman next year, accepted the on-site media interviews.

Wen Jun: There is no in-box operation in the judges' voting. The reason why "Youth in Youth" failed to win the award, I think it has something to do with Fang Nan not being very familiar with Xiangjiang filmmakers.

Mainland media: Do you mean that winning the Academy Award depends on popularity and connections?
Wen Jun: It is undeniable that there is this factor. A popular actor may be more likely to win more votes from the judges, which cannot be avoided at the Hollywood Oscars.

Xiangjiang Media: The Academy Awards will ban Fang Nan who insulted the Academy Awards?Whether the best screenplay trophy should be confiscated.

Wen Jun: We will hold a meeting tomorrow to study this.

Hong Kong Media: Director Chen, as the chairman of the board of directors of the next Academy Awards, will you still invite mainland filmmakers?

Chen Jiashang: As long as the selection rules are met, we will definitely continue to invite.

Media: What do you think of tonight's incident? It is said that Fang Nan first insulted Du Wenzhe, and then insulted the Academy Awards.

Chen Jiashang: I don't want to comment on this person, I just want to say that the Golden Statue Award is the Hong Kong people's Golden Statue Award.

After the short video ended, Fang Nan clicked on another website indifferently.


[Who was hit in the face by Li Lianlian and Siqin Gaowa for winning the Best Actor and Actor Award]

Last night at 21:27, the [-]th Golden Statue Awards ended with great controversy at the Xiangjiang Cultural Center. During the awards ceremony, Fang Nan had a quarrel with Du Wenzhe first.

Not long after the incident, regardless of his personal identity, he criticized on stage that the Academy Awards targeted mainland filmmakers, but I don't know if it was a coincidence or God's will, the best actor and actress awards announced later were all from mainland China, and for a while, Fang Nan's targeting theory fell apart .

For this reason, Xiangjiang netizens have expressed their dissatisfaction.

From Zhalang to Sohu, to various small websites all accused Fang Nan, and made a terrible criticism of him.

Most websites think that he does not have the demeanor of a big country, which is an embarrassment to mainland filmmakers.

Fang Nan looked coldly, "Damn, it's fine if these portals don't want to speak for him, they'll even add insult to injury."

Why did he do this?
Is it because the judges of the future Golden Statue Awards and Golden Horse Awards no longer dare to underestimate mainland filmmakers, and dare not casually use mainland filmmakers as gimmicks or as companions.

He is burning himself to illuminate others.

But what about the ending?
The Xiangjiang media is not doing well, the mainland media first started to hold back, and gave him a good meal.

"How cheap!"

Fang Nan cursed and lit a cigarette, took a puff and opened the Tianya Forum.

The rose in the palm of your hand: [The 27th Academy Awards non-celebrity guests chat about Fang Nan's actions at the Academy Awards]

let me tell you what happened
The screen name 'Rose in the Palm of the Palm' hadn't finished talking about the scene, but the netizens below were already arguing.

008: I have read the relevant reports all morning, and I can only say that Fang Nan, who has been going smoothly for the past few years, is a little too crazy. After scolding Du Wenzhe in public, and then scolding the Golden Statue Award, who does he think he is, I dare say, Fang Nan I can't go far, and I have offended too many people.

014: Let’s not talk about swearing, I just want to ask "Youth in Youth" is so bad that there can only be one award, just like Fang Nan sarcasm, the buttocks of the Golden Statue Awards are not right first, and the mainland movies, the filmmakers just accompany them , every year, every year.

[email protected]: You are blind, how did Li Lianlian and Siqin Gaowa get their trophies?

035: Fang Nan is too arrogant these days. A few years ago, his films were like shit. He relied on Chen Kaige, Feng Dapao, Lu Chuan, Zhang Dahuzi and others to sell movies at the box office, and now he started to hate the Academy Awards. Is there another movie coming out?

[email protected]: Nima, you are blind. Which movie of Fang Nan is not good?

112: What's wrong with Fang Nan's scolding?The Academy Awards already discriminates against mainland filmmakers.

134: I feel sorry for Wei Zai and Jia Ling, they stand behind Fang Nan with such innocent expressions!

201: It is strongly recommended that the Academy Awards disqualify Fang Nan's future films.

235: It's too unrefined.

314: Ban Fangnan Xiangjiang.

Compared with the accusations made by the media, many mainland netizens who scolded Xiangjiang netizens in the Tianya forum are still benevolent.

They expressed solidarity with Fang Nan by citing that only Kong Li, Siqin Gaowa, Zhou Xun, Li Lianlian, and Zhang Ziyi won awards in the past 27 Golden Statue Awards.

Moreover, Li Lianlian just won the award this year, and it was after Fang Nan insulted the Golden Statue Award, so whether he said it or not is another matter.

It's a pity that the brains of mainland netizens are not big enough to dare to talk about nationality.

If they knew that Kong Li, Siqin Gaowa, and Li Lianlian were all foreigners, even Zhou Xun had transferred their household registrations to Xiangjiang, and only Zhang Ziyi was an authentic mainland actor among the winners, they wondered if they would go crazy.

Of course, Zhang Ziyi's personal desire to win the Best Actress Trophy is too much. Without Wang Sunglasses, if she hadn't joined Wang Sunglasses' agency, she could only win the award in her dreams.

So Fang Nan really didn't go crazy, but really couldn't see it after two lifetimes, so he didn't care about it, and it didn't hurt him anyway.

It's pure nonsense that he was blocked by the Academy Awards!

"beep beep"

"Hey, Old Jiang, what's the matter?"

"The acquaintance in the testimonial you made didn't mean me?"

Fang Nan said happily, "You can be one if you want."

"What the hell are you, kid? Wen Jun annoys me so much, you have to treat me!"

"Definitely, when you have time, call me and I'll arrange it."

"beep beep"

"Boss Shi, what's the matter?"

"You are too impulsive to do things. You can't even blame Sang and Huai. You want to scold on the spot? This makes the Xiangjiang people in the company very passive."

"What's the matter? Is someone putting pressure on you to persuade you to resign, or do you think that when I scold the Academy Awards, I scold you again?"

"Both." Shi Nansheng said.

"All of them? It's easy to handle. If dissatisfied employees want to resign, they will all be approved, and the money they should be given should not be given less."

Fang Nan dismissed Shi Nansheng with one sentence.

Blackmail who?

There are indeed many Xiangjiang people in Tangtang Film and Television. Li Guoli, Huang Weiming, and Li Yufen are all authentic Xiangjiang people, but so what?

Has this group of people received an invitation letter for the Academy Award after so many years of filming?

Compared with maintaining the honor of the Academy Award and personal money, it is difficult for these people to make a choice?

Another one, what if the gang behind the scenes left?

Can Tang Tang Film and Television collapse or what?

Fang Nan won't eat this set!

"beep beep"

"Brother Nan, not long ago, the Chen family announced that they would withdraw your Best Screenplay Award. In addition, he announced that you are no longer welcome to compete for the future Golden Image Awards. Now, the online public opinion is a bit big, and I want to open it immediately." Media conference, what do you want to explain?"

Hu Wen, the publicity director, received a call. Fang Nan was surprised that she seemed confident.

"What are you going to say?" Fang Nan asked her.

"According to your temper, it must be the sharp point of the needle. You are not welcome at the Golden Image Awards. Of course, Tangtang Film and Television will not register for the Golden Image Awards in the future, and the films invested by Tangtang Film and Television are not allowed to apply for the Golden Image Awards. President Cai has already agreed."

"Besides, I also have a big killer, which guarantees to sweep away the haze on the Internet."

Fang Nan was very curious, but he didn't get to the bottom of it. He was the helm of the company, but he couldn't control everything. Therefore, he was very happy to see the growth of Chu Yujun and others.

Sitting in front of the computer until lunch time, Fang Nan just wanted to get up to wash up and go out for dinner, when Hu Wen's voice suddenly came from the TV that was always on.

Fang Nan turned around, seeing Hu Wen surrounded by hundreds of media outlets, he couldn't laugh or cry.

This speed, wouldn't it be that he contacted the media before calling to ask for his approval?

"Hi Director Hu, I am a 100% entertainment reporter. At 9 o'clock this morning, the Academy Awards officially banned the Best Screenplay Award for "Youth in Youth". After hearing the news, have you communicated with Director Fang? He How are you feeling?"

"I didn't hear any big emotional fluctuations. He came home too late last night. When I called him, he said that he had just finished drinking milk before writing his sixth novel."

Reporter: "Then he has something to say about the decision made by the Academy Awards?"

Hu Wen: "It doesn't mean anything, he didn't want to take away the trophy."

Reporter: "Did he regret the decision made by the Academy Awards? Or did he regret what he did last night? After all, he will never be able to participate in the Academy Awards again."

Hu Wen: "Again, Brother Nan's mood is very stable, and he doesn't regret what happened last night. Everyone, please wait for me to finish the work of the press conference before accepting your interview."

"Next, I would like to report a few things. First, Director Fang Nan will never participate in the Academy Awards from now on."

"Second, the films invested by Tangtang Film and Television will never apply for the Golden Image Award."

"Third, for Tang Tang Film and Television, Director Fang himself will reduce the cooperation with actors who expect to be on the stage of the Academy Awards."

"Fourth, Brother Nan made a special confession. He said he would like to thank Director Chen Jiashang for telling the truth. Director Chen Jiashang is an honest person!"

"OK, friends from the media can now ask questions."

After watching the press conference, Fang Nan was at a loss. Hu Wen's so-called big move was missing.

"But I'm too lazy to think about it." After waking up in the morning and delaying his morning exercise, Fang Nan went straight to SOHO after eating out, planning to take a rest in the 'Fangnan Culture', and then go to the gym in the same building to masturbate iron.

Unexpectedly, just after joining the company, Yan Hong smiled and said: "Just after watching the media conference held by Tangtang Film and Television, Hu Wen's tone was very tough. Is she going to fight the Organizing Committee of the Academy Awards?"

"Whatever, it doesn't matter."

Standing behind one of the editor-in-chief of 'Dream Literature', Fang Nan shrugged with a calm expression.

"When will you tell Lu Qing that Dream Literature will reach a strategic cooperation with his Douyin video."

"Ah, how do you two cooperate?"

"Dream Literature has so many copyrights that can be developed, and 13 Swordsmen has the technology to make animation. Isn't this a good cooperation?"

Seeing Fang Nan's brows furrowed deeply, Yan Hong asked in surprise, "You don't know how popular the Douyin video "That Rabbit That Year" was?"

"How popular? His podcast has only been out for two months."

Yan Hong was a little speechless to the hands-off shopkeeper, "More than a dozen episodes of "That Rabbit That Year", each episode has millions of views!" She exclaimed.

Fang Nan was not very interested in this: "You guys talk about it yourself, I'll go downstairs and practice for a while."

Pushing open the glass door and leaving the company, only a few steps away, the mobile phone in his pocket rang, a call from an unknown person.

He thought that Hu Wen's press conference had irritated the board of directors of the Academy Awards, so someone with good intentions came to persuade him to make peace, and he hesitated to answer the phone.

Who would have guessed wrong, the person here is the vice chairman of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee, and I want to ask him to write a song to celebrate the 100-day countdown to the Olympics.

Fang Nan was taken aback, and thought: "Now writing songs, what else can I do besides "BJ Welcomes You"?"

But if he wrote it, wouldn't he have a collision with the original author Lin Xi?

"I write alone?" Fang Nan asked curiously as he entered the elevator.

"That's right, there are other people who write the lyrics and arrange the music. It shouldn't be a problem, you are everyone, and our requirements are not so strict, as long as the lyrics are catchy."

"Let me try and give you information tomorrow."

For some unknown reason, the Olympic Organizing Committee gave up on Lin Xi and chose him, and Fang Nan accepted the job decisively.

For the next half a day, Fang Nan put all his energy on rolling the iron, regardless of the external turmoil.

He was relieved, but Zhou Xun, Li Lianlian, Siqin Gaowa, and Kong Li were in a bad mood.

Under Hu Wen's operation, the nationalities of the four of them were either exposed or mentioned again.

All of a sudden, countless media rushed to call the managers of the four for verification.

Netizens were instantly dumbfounded.

The voice of criticizing Fang Nan became much quieter, and the Academy Award was once again pushed to the forefront.

And this time, what they want to fight is not Fang Nan alone, but millions of netizens.

Even some Xiangjiang netizens began to question whether the Golden Statue Award is based on people’s dishes, otherwise it would be too coincidental. Five mainland filmmakers won the award, three of them are foreigners, and Mr. Zhou is also a Xiangjiang household registration.

If the Golden Statue Award is really awarded because of the identities of these people, it would be embarrassing!
Many netizens in Xiangjiang and the Mainland thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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