literary world

Chapter 285 Apology Protection Month

Chapter 285 Apology Protection Month

Hu Wen's weapon of exposing the identities of several big stars is too ruthless.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that it directly touched the heart of the Academy Awards Organizing Committee.

Fang Nan's reputation on the Internet instantly reversed, and more mainland netizens scolded the board of directors of the Academy Awards for being inappropriate.

Many mainland media also turned their heads and began to question the fairness of the Hong Kong Film Awards.

Wen Jun didn't make a mistake.

On the next day, he appeared on the TVB talk show with the Chen family, and reluctantly admitted that the fairness of the Hong Kong Film Awards was not enough.

In the program, he explained that the so-called lack of fairness does not mean that the judges operate in secret, but that the good popularity of Xiangjiang filmmakers does affect the judges to a certain extent.

A large part determines the final winner.

Compared with Wen Jun's entanglement, the newly appointed Chen Jiashang is obviously more rigid and more from Xiangjiang.

He once again reiterated that the Hong Kong Film Awards are Hong Kong people's Hong Kong Film Awards.

So far, the turmoil of the 27th Academy Awards has been completely clarified.

To put it bluntly, Fang Nan had an insight into the discrimination against mainland filmmakers by the Academy Awards, and he vented his anger, resulting in an online scolding war.

This scolding battle brought the reputation of the Academy Awards in the mainland to the bottom.

Hu Wen's statement made the lingering Academy Awards worse.

Tang Tang Film and Television said that it is not big, and only two or three films are produced every year, which may not meet the selection rules of the Academy Awards.

However, Tang Tang Film and Television is one of the best film and television companies in the mainland, and it is foreseeable to invest in more films in the future, and more and more actors will cooperate with Tang Tang Film and Television.

Such a company's external statement that it will never sign up for the Academy Awards has too much influence.

Knowing this, the Academy Awards blocked Fang Nan personally, but they didn't expect that Fang Nan would be so amazing.

Unexpectedly, Cai Yinong, Li Guoli, who had run errands for the Academy Awards in the early years, and the small shareholders of Tangtang Film and Television in Hong Kong would be so supportive of Fang Nan.

Fang Nan obviously became the dictator in Tang Tang's film and television.

A batch of headaches for the board of directors of the Academy Awards.

Fang Nan didn't give up too much.

Hu Wen's killer weapon was too fierce, which caught him off guard.

Li Lianlian helped Liu Qianqian join the cast of "Certificate of Fame".

Mr. Zhou had made a cameo appearance in "You Who Came from the Stars", and just finished cooperating with him in "Painted Skin", and he turned around and sold him?
Siqin Gaowa is not familiar with her, but she also greeted her at the Academy Awards.

Kong Li, Kong Huang, the first actress in China who became famous internationally, can't be offended like this if she has never dealt with her before.

"It's not what we broke the news!"

Hu Wen's excuse was so bad that Fang Nan rolled his eyes, and after giving her a solid training, Fang Nan took out his phone and began to apologize one by one.

"I should say that this award is not popular." Li Lianjie asked with a smile.

Fang Nan hurriedly said earnestly: "Absolutely deserves the name, I have never supported the exclusion of kung fu actors from acting awards."

What he said was not against his will.

Li Lianlian not only has acting skills, but also is quite good.

Even in action films, sometimes his acting skills are not weaker than those in literary films, but his action scenes are too good, covering up the brilliance of his performance.

Fang Nan watched "Ocean Paradise" starring him.

In this movie, Li Lianlian didn't have a fight scene from beginning to end, but he was still impressive, thanks to his acting skills.

In fact, not only Li Lian, known as the Kung Fu Emperor, has acting skills, Cheng Long's acting skills are also very good.

Sadly, the same was delayed by personal skills.

After apologizing to Li Lianlian, Fang Nan called Zhou Xun and Siqin Gaowa again.

Zhou Xun doesn't matter, it's an open secret that she transferred her household registration to Xiangjiang to make a movie a few years ago.

Siqin Gaowa also generously spared Fang Nan.

These days, they are running around for their livelihood, and few people are willing to talk to her about the nationality issue, it doesn't matter if it explodes or not.

Konghuang's call was from Fang Nan looking for Lao Mouzi to come. Fang Nan asked her to apologize, but she was still in a daze. She didn't like surfing the Internet, and she never cared about the gossip on the Internet. The life principle she followed was: life is her own , What happened to me changing my nationality? It's none of other people's business!
At the Golden Horse Awards in the original time and space, facing the showmanship of Taiwanese filmmakers, she couldn't pass the stage to protest, so what if you are Ang Lee, the first batch.

After apologizing to several people, Fang Nan relaxed and took out a piece of A4 paper.

The task of "BJ Welcomes You" is an urgent task for others, and the time is too short. For him, it only takes a few minutes.

Writing and drawing, reminiscing about scribbling and changing, a song "BJ Welcomes You" is freshly released.

After humming a few times and feeling that there was nothing wrong, he called the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee office.

The person who gave him the task was dumbfounded, "It will be done so soon? It's only a day!"

"Didn't you say you were in a hurry?" Fang Nan disagreed.

How much does it take to write a song in a day?
Under Wu Zhongxian's persecution, Jay Chou wrote 50 poems a month!
In the second half of April, the battle of words among netizens in the Mainland and Xiangjiang came to an end.

When May came, Fang Nan became restless.

He rarely prayed to God, hoping that his arrival would change time and space so that the people of the country would not experience that disaster again.

The result of the prayer is still unclear. Zhao Zhu and Mao Jianguo, who went to South Korea, came back. A vice president and producer of CJ Entertainment named Li Jinxiao and the two went to the capital together.

South Korea's CJ Entertainment is very interested in Fang Nan's project, and this time he came to chat about actors and budget.

"There is no upper limit to the budget, and everything is aimed at polishing the best lens."

Fang Nan spoke to the three of them in English.

Before Li Jinxiao could speak, Mao Jianguo took the lead and said, "Nonono, Fang, you are the director, and the director is the artist. Artists spend a lot of money, so you must have a strict budget."

Fang Nan was very annoyed: "Then how much do you think the budget should be?"

Mao Jianguo's idea of ​​restraining him with the Hollywood producer-centered system is simply whimsical, why the hell hasn't he gone to Hollywood yet?

Zhao Zhu said: "Brother Nan, we did a simple calculation in Korea. If the male number one casts Song Kanghao, the hottest actor in Korea, the budget is 1800 million yuan."

"Then adjust the budget to 1800 million - 3000 million, but start preparing the crew with 1800 million, President Li, how much investment does CJ Entertainment want?"

"The more the merrier. Also, I would venture to ask which film festival 'Parasite' will go to, and we want Korean actors to play all the roles."

"Parasite is not suitable for Venice, which loves humanistic films, nor Berlin, which favors political films. It can only go to Cannes, which covers everything. As for the impossibility of all Korean actors, I must bring at least one or two actors there."

Fang Nan didn't want to see the little Jiujiu in Li Jinxiao's heart, he just wanted to use his influence to hit the top three in Europe.

After all, compared with the achievements of China and Japan in the three major European film festivals, South Korea is not one or two points behind, but too much, not to mention that there is no best film so far.

It is the next best actor and actress honor, and it is also due to Jeon Do-yeon who won it with "Secret Yang" last year.

This is unacceptable to Korean filmmakers and to the entire country.

The more inferior a person is, the stronger his self-esteem is, and he must have what others have, even if it is stealing.

So when Zhao Zhu was looking for a partner for Fang Nan in South Korea, CJ Entertainment agreed without thinking too much.

Last year, Fang Nan won the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival in front of Korean filmmakers and the Korean media.

The photo of him shaking hands politely with South Korean actor Rain before accepting the award on the stage stabbed the hearts of many Koreans.

Since you can't beat it, join in and steal the teacher.

This is the real thinking of many Korean filmmakers from Chungmuro ​​in CJ Entertainment.

And with Fang Nan's reputation, as long as "Parasite" is nominated for the main competition, the film will not lose money.

Guessing CJ Entertainment's idea, Fang Nan couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

Stealing from him to shoot "Parasite" is a bit funny.

The conditions for Fang Nan to bring in one or two actors were not very harsh, Li Jinxiao agreed on the spot, and the next step was to discuss the budget share.

1800 million, Fang Nan invested 500 million on behalf of Tang Tang Film and Television.

The remaining 1200 million will be divided between Mao Jianguo and CJ Entertainment, of which CJ Entertainment will be 800 million and Mao Jianguo 400 million.

400 million is quite a lot, and Mao Jianguo is not the master, so as not to interrupt the funds during the filming, Fang Nan repeatedly asked Mao Jianguo if he had the ability.

"Fang, please trust Warner!" Mao Jianguo was very proud.

Fang Nan and the others were confused: "What do you mean? Is it your private investment or Warner's funds?"

"I am in charge of Warner's funds, so Fang, you know, I can go back to China after this vote is done."

"You mean to say that Warner executives have decided that you will be responsible for the investment in Parasite."

Fang Nan couldn't understand. Did Mao Jianguo say that Warner Group, one of the seven major Hollywood companies, had already paid attention to him?
"Of course, directors who will make money all over the world are the targets of Warner's attention."


Fang Nan rolled his eyes in disdain, if he really wanted to pay so much attention, why didn't he use the project of "Superman" to practice his skills.

Isn't it just to show his little influence in Europe?

400 million yuan is only 50 yuan in exchange for US dollars. Warner typically wants to make a big fortune with a small amount, and it doesn't matter if it fails.

Since the production location was in South Korea, CJ Entertainment had to take on most of the responsibilities, so Lee Jin Hyo went back to China overnight to make preparations before filming.

He must first use the company's influence to get "Parasite" to pass the trial in South Korea.

After all, no country is willing to accept that the seemingly absurd story in the script of "Parasite" actually implies that the rich and poor classes are too big to happen in their own country.

Two: Arrange all matters during the filming period of the crew in South Korea.

The first thing Li Jinxiao has to do is to send audition invitations to South Korean actors and actresses of the right age, and prepare for Fang Nan to go to South Korea to cast actors in a week.

When everything was settled, everyone parted ways.

Zhao Zhu went back to Pujiang to select middle-level staff, photography assistants, lighting engineers, etc.

Mao Jianguo and Li Jinxiao returned to South Korea together, and he wanted to work with CJ Entertainment as a Warner to put pressure on the South Korean authorities to allow "Parasite" to pass the trial.

Fang Nan pondered the photographer who fit his style.

Du Kefeng returned to his hometown of Australia, and was about to leave for Switzerland for vacation, so he rejected the second cooperation.

Fang Nan had nothing to do, and contacted Zheng Zhaoqiang through Mr. Xu. He was the photographer of "Underworld", "Dragon City Days", and last year's "Detective".

The style is relatively grim, and it should be no problem to use the lens to reflect the inherent cruelty of "Parasite".

Zheng Zhaoqiang wanted to think about it. Fang Nan put down the phone and looked at the sunset. Seeing that it was getting dark and Gao Yuanyuan hadn't come back, he left the house in a hurry.

After dinner at Yonghe's villa, there was nothing wrong with him. He discussed with Zeng Li that it would be better to take his daughter to the cinema to watch a movie. He has never been there since he grew up.

"Are you okay, are you not afraid of being recognized?"

"Don't worry, I won't recognize you. I'll buy the tickets then, so you just wait a little bit longer." Fang Nan showed indifference.

To be honest, he was also afraid, if he was really recognized and published in the newspapers, Gao Yuanyuan would definitely tear it up.

But if I don't go today, I don't know when he will be free again.

So as long as you seize the opportunity, spend more time with your daughter, otherwise Tso Wanzhuo will look at him with doubts.

The family of three walked to the cinema holding hands, Zeng Li waited with her daughter in her arms, Fang Nan pressed his hat and looked at the movie list, there were not many domestic movies in May, and "King of Kung Fu" was in the lineup, there was nothing but this stuff can see.

40 Two tickets were snatched for one ticket, Zeng Li was quite unhappy: "The child is too young to watch movies about fighting and killing."

"There are no other movies except "The King of Kung Fu". There is a short country movie in the family, can't you watch it?"

Zeng Li walked to the poster with her daughter in her arms: "No way, May is not the protection month for domestic films."

Fang Nan was speechless, why didn't Lizi open which pot and lift which pot? Why did he mention the domestic film protection month in front of an authentic Chinese director like him? He didn't want to lose face.

The so-called Domestic Protection Month actually has no official document.

The reason why this statement was passed on is because before the release of "House of Flying Daggers" in 2004, the General Administration made a verbal suggestion to the major theaters.

It means that Huaxia wants to introduce more Hollywood movies because of its accession to the WTO, so the theaters should properly take care of domestic movies. After the incident was exposed by the media, netizens joked that it was the protection month of domestic movies.

The specific protection time, some say it is from June 6th to July 10th, and sometimes it is from July to August. There is never a specific time, and the General Administration never admits that there is a protection month.

Of course, when you see that certain Hollywood movies have adjusted their schedules due to technology, that month may be conservation month.

When you see that there is no foreign film in the schedule of domestic films such as "The Founding of the People's Republic of China", it means that that month may also be a protection month.

The original intention of the General Administration is good, is it to protect domestic films?

But how should I put it, Fang Nan would definitely not admit it.

With no other movies to watch, Fang Nan's family of three could only wait to enter the theater of "The King of Kung Fu". Not long after, the last show ended with the audience swearing.

"It can't be so bad, Cheng Long and Li Lianlian's first cooperation is worth the fare." Zeng Li said in surprise.

Fang Nan hugged his daughter as a cover and said with a smile: "It didn't meet people's expectations, why can't people scold you twice after spending money on tickets?"

In the original time and space, he had watched "The King of Kung Fu".

How can I say this movie, just like Lao Mouzi's "The Great Wall", it is obviously an out-and-out Chinese mythology story, but it has to be stuffed with foreigners in it, and it has to be as contradictory as possible.

He personally didn't like it very much.

(End of this chapter)

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