literary world

Chapter 287 The Eastern Dragon Rising

Chapter 287 The Eastern Dragon Rising
Hotel overnight.

The next day.

"Parasite" officially opened the actor audition mode.

Fang Nan called Liu Qianqian in advance, thinking that before making an appointment, the procedures that should be followed must be followed, so that no one can talk about it.

Unexpectedly, Liu Qianqian regretted that she could not fly to South Korea for the time being.

"The King of Kung Fu" did not perform well at the box office, and the producer, Lionsgate, ordered them and the main creators to continue running crazy road shows.

Lions Gate Films invested 5000 million US dollars for this film, and recruited two kung fu superstars, Li Lianlian and Cheng Long.

With such a lineup and such a large investment, the global box office of "The King of Kung Fu" is worth 1 million U.S. dollars. Since its release in China, the box office has only reached 1.5 million yuan. The producers can't accept it, so they can only increase publicity.

Fang Nan had no choice but to show his old face and dismiss Liu Qianqian from the audition.

CJ Entertainment said nothing.

They are the biggest employers of "Parasite".

But Fang Nan is the real soul of "Parasite".

Fang Nan's existence made the Cannes Film Festival and Berlin Film Festival issue invitations to the producers of "Parasite" for next year's competition as soon as they got the news.

There are not three directors in Korea who can enjoy this kind of treatment.

Fang Nan rushed to CJ Entertainment, and there were already no less than 56 actors and actresses standing inside and outside the specially prepared audition room.

Many of them are big-name actors who have voiced Chungmuro, Song Kanghao, Jeon Do-yeon, Jun Ji-hyun, Hyun Bin, Song Seung-heon
Fang Nan was very moved when he saw it. He probably didn't have this kind of treatment in China.

Domestic first-line actors such as Fa Ge, Kong Huang, and Wei Zai would not crowd together with ordinary actors and wait for his interview.

In order to express his gratitude to these big-name actors for their arrival, Fang Nan deliberately chatted with Song Kanghao and the others before sitting down in front of the monitor.

Auditions begin.

The first actor who was rejected by Fang Nam was Jun Ji-hyun, the most sexy goddess in Korea.

"You are too sexy, living in a dirty and messy basement is very awkward." Fang Nan passed Jun Zhixian tactfully in English.

A well-known actor can indeed shape any role through excellent acting skills. The reason why Liang Jiahui is called the actor with thousands of faces is because of his solid acting skills.

But she just doesn't fit the role with the temperament of some actors.

Too handsome can become ugly through makeup and technology.

Too ugly but you can't become handsome through makeup and technology, this is the limitation of the actor himself.

That's the case with Jeon Ji-hyun.

And she just starred in "You Who Came from the Star" not long ago, so she feels very arrogant.

"I thought there would be a surprise!"

Fang Nan smiled and shook hands with Jun Ji-hyun who was wearing sunglasses: "There is a chance to work together again."

After Jeon Ji Hyun, Han Ga In came on stage, and she auditioned for the role of a rich wife.

There is not much space for this role to perform, but there is one scene that is quite wild. Of course, Fang Nan will definitely not shoot too explicit scenes, but the actions in the camera are more likely to arouse people's daydreams.

Moreover, it may be necessary to show a little hemisphere.

The section in Fang Nan's storyboard is the only hormonal burst point in the film.

The point is that Han Jiaren has just been married for two years, in order not to destroy her family unity, Fang Nan had to ask more carefully.

"You can accept?"

Fang Nan handed Han Jiaren the storyboard of a scene that had never been shown to anyone.

In the storyboard, in a dark room, a man and a woman are stroking each other on the sofa. Under the long table next to them, the three members of the Jin family are lying on the ground covering their noses and mouths, or thinking a lot, or playing with their heads up. phone.

It was raining heavily outside the glass wall.

Further out on the lawn, a faint light came from a small tent.

With five incomparably vivid characters and a composition full of artistic conception, Han Jiaren's heart is moved after just a cursory glance.

A director can paint the storyboard pictures so vividly, what is the quality of this movie?

A slightly ambitious actress can't accept that she misses such a cooperation, such a story and role!

"Zheng Xun shouldn't be angry!"

After Han Jiaren questioned herself, she thought of her manager's expectant gaze, and nodded her head directly.

"Okay, let's play a part. I will set up a situation for you. You have an eight or nine-year-old child. The child is a little naughty, which gives you a headache, but you love her very much. Now you introduce your son to others. .”

Fang Nanchong said to Han Jia who was wearing light makeup.

In Fang Nan's eyes, Han Jiaren's performance was quite satisfactory, but she had the right idea, and she acted out the doting that Fang Nan imagined.

As for your own child, no amount of flaws can offset a mother's love.

"Miss Han, well, you can go back now, but please keep your phone unblocked, someone will contact you in three days."

When Han Jiaren stepped on her high-heeled shoes and was about to move lightly with lotus steps, she heard Fang Nan speak abruptly. After translation, she said that her age was a bit younger than the role, and that if she really had to pass the audition, she might have to wear older make-up.

In addition, she was told in advance that she would play the role of a mother of two children.

After all, although she is married, she has no children. Playing the role of mother may affect her future drama.

Of course, maybe Fang Nan had ulterior motives.

"Kangsang Mita!" Han Jiaren walked out with a smile and suspicious kicks on her high heels.

"Ah you, Seyo."

"Ah you, Seyo."

When Song Kanghao came in, Fang Nan greeted him politely in Korean. Song Kanghao was the only actor who got the final version of the script. It can be seen that Fang Nan attached great importance to this original actor.

As for this acting skill, there is no need to say much.

His early "Memories of Murder" and last year's "Han River Monster" have proved that he is a good actor.

Otherwise, he would not be said to be a Korean national treasure actor.

"Why did he stab the male master for the last time? Is it to take the blame, or is it a kind of catharsis for the rich?"

After the performance was approved by the director, Song Kanghao took the initiative to chat with Fang Nan about the script.

However, his English is not good, so he can only pass the translation.

"There are all of them, but I am more inclined to target the wealthy class rather than just certain people." Fang Nan smiled at the translator.

Song Kanghao was satisfied with Fang Nan's explanation: "Kangsang Mita, I hope we can cooperate."

Halfway through the audition, Fang Nan was about to call for a break to eat, when a girl knocked on the door and walked in, and then said sweetly, "Ah, you, hello, hello everyone, I'm Han Xiaozhou!"

"Notify the outside, this is the last one in the morning." After Fang Nan finished speaking to the assistant director, he pulled out the cast list.

Han Xiaozhou, born in 87, 172cm, debuted in 2005, won the Best Actress in the 2007th Singapore International Film Festival in 20 with the feature film "A Very Special Guest".

From the perspective of academic qualifications and career trends, it is a typical rising star of Chungmuro.

"Hello, do you know Chinese?" Fang Nan couldn't help asking curiously seeing that the two sentences of the actress in front of him spoke Chinese quite similarly.

"I have taken Chinese classes in college."

Fang Nan nodded, and turned to the assistant director of CJ Entertainment, "Which role do you want her to audition for?"

"The daughter of a rich family, Park Dahui."

"No, she's too tall." Fang Nan frowned and left the seat, walking towards Han Xiaozhou: "Can you take off your shoes and let me have a look?"

Fang Nan is 178cm, counting the one-centimeter heel, a full 179cm, but Han Xiaozhou can still reach the bottom of his nose with his shoes off.

Too tall, he imagined Park Dahui as a petite female high school girl.

But people are here, at least give an audition.

After a few minutes, Fang Nan smacked his lips. Han Xiaozhou's performance was very young, but it was not bad among actors of the same age.

Fang Nan glanced at the reserved Han Xiaozhou, he was really good looking, "Give me a chance." Fang Nan thought for a while and said to the translator, "Ask her, there is a cameo role that only lasts three to four minutes, would she like it?" Willing to play?"

Leaning slightly: Han Xiaozhou put on a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, and bowed: "Thank you, I am willing."

Half a day passed in a hurry in the morning, and I took a rest after dinner in the afternoon, and the audition continued.

Compared with the famous actors in the morning, the auditions in the afternoon were almost all young actors such as Lee Jun-ki and Lim Yoon-ah who had just debuted.

"Are you 18 years old? The Park Da Hye you auditioned for had a little kissing scene."

Fang Nan asked Lin Yuner, who had a pretty ponytail and was not too thin.

"I do. I will be 18 at the end of the month." Lin Yuner said honestly.

Fang Nan nodded, and once again left the seat to measure the actor's height with his personal height.

Lin Yuner's two slender legs that look like bamboo poles don't look too low, as expected, at least 167cm and 168cm.

"Go and take a few photos, then go back first, wait for the notice."

Fang Nan asked the assistant director to dismiss him, and began to compare the images of the characters in his mind.

After watching the auditions for a few main roles, Fang Nan threw the supporting roles to the assistant director, while he hid aside to figure out the corresponding list of actors and roles.

Finally, on the third day, a detailed cast list came out.

There are not many changes from the proposed cast, except that Han Xiaozhou has changed from a supporting role to a main cameo, playing the female owner of the pizzeria at the beginning.

Yoona Lin played Park Duohui, and Han Jiaren also got her wish and snatched the role of Mrs. Kuo.

After confirming all the actors, Fang Nan and Xiangjiang photographer Zheng Zhaoqiang followed the Korean staff and started frequenting the filming locations.

Fortunately, the land area of ​​South Korea is only "slap-sized", and the 9 major filming locations are still in Seoul. Every morning, I can go back to the hotel safely at night, but I don't know how to eat and sleep in the open.

"President Fang, this is the last filming location, the Jin family's semi-basement residence, if you think it's okay, we will rent it to set the scene."

"Go in and see."

Fang Nan led the way into the house. At the end of the one-person-wide corridor was a small room facing the outside. It was more than ten square meters. Standing inside and looking outside, his eyes were slanted upwards. Fang Nan stretched out his hand to measure it. There are 60 degrees, which is really an out-and-out semi-underground residence.

"It's even better than the basement described in my script. The scouts have worked hard." Fang Nan praised from the bottom of his heart.

"Wow, this place is good. I can imagine that when it rains heavily, the rainwater pours into the house, and the family is in an extremely embarrassing situation standing halfway up in the water."

Zheng Zhaoqiang also sighed.

Fang Nan asked him, "How is it compared to Xiangjiang's pigeon cage?"

"It's just as miserable. "Parasite" has been filmed, and its influence will be greater than Zhang Zhiliang's "Cage People."

Fang Nan asked with a smile, "Is it because of this that you agreed to leave your old partner Johnnie To as my photographer?"

"Every director who dares to expose the truth is worthy of admiration." Zheng Zhaoqiang chuckled and chose to avoid the serious and ignore the trivial.

"Take a few shots and leave." Fang Nan nodded his head.

The sun was high, and Fang Nan, who hadn't found out the surrounding environment for several days, or didn't go back to the hotel until it was dark, suddenly wanted to go back, Zheng Zhaoqiang couldn't help but wondered: "Don't worry, it's still early, let's take pictures of the surrounding environment. "

"Go back, I'm a little tired today." Fang Nan's tone was very strong.

The chief director was a little tired, and a group of people had no choice but to go home.

In the luxurious hotel room, Fang Nan, who was filthy and sweaty after running all day, didn't take a shower, but sat on the edge of the bed wrapped in a suit, staring at his watch in a daze.

"Got it"

The sound of the pointer moving is extremely clear in the room where the needle drop can be heard.

It was not until a series of hasty knocks on the door and the ringing of the doorbell at the same time disrupted the rhythm and awakened Fang Nan, who was hanging his head down.

After opening the door, Zhao Zhu and Ma Dayong came in with flushed faces and sweating profusely.

"Brother Nan, there was an earthquake in China just now, and the movement was so loud that even the Pujiang River was affected. President Cai gave you time to fly back." Zhao Zhu said out of breath.

"What can I do when I go back? I can't do anything." Fang Nan waved his hands lonely.

"Ah? Then we stay in South Korea like this? We're fine, but you are a public figure, and you will definitely have to provide disaster relief later. You should make a public appearance, or you will be easily criticized in the future."

"Don't worry about it so much. Professional things are left to professional people. If we go, it will only add to the chaos."

"But before I left, I was joking with Yuanyuan and left her a gift card. I will call her later and ask her to give the card to President Cai first, and then donate it for me."

"By the way, are there any employees in our company from Sichuan Province? Forget it, I will talk to President Cai later, it's done, you guys go out, the phone is coming."

After Zhao Zhu and the others were sent away, Fang Nan talked with Cai Yinong for a while. Since the incident had just happened and the situation was still unclear, the two could only talk briefly, but Fang Nan told her to go to Gao Yuanyuan to get it. Bank card.

In the next few days, Fang Nan didn't go out again, and kept paying attention to the domestic situation. The magnitude of the earthquake was too great, and the mainstream news in South Korea kept reporting it.

A few days later, Yan Hong called him crying in the middle of the night.

She is a native of Sichuan Province. She has many brothers and sisters. There are seven or eight of them. Among them, there are younger sisters who are married far away, younger brothers who have been settled in other urban areas with her help, and relatives in their hometown. This time, the natural disaster made her less Several relatives.

"It is said that the school is very good. It was cracked but not collapsed. It has helped many people. The flag flying on the top of the building has also become an eye-catching target."

The weeping Yan Hong talked about the serious matter to be discussed, which made Fang Nan's guilty heart feel better.

"Then stop crying, take care of the company, and build more and better schools when you have money!"

Fang Nan put down the phone and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows to welcome the dawn of a new day.

At the same time, relatives who were far away in China wiped away the tears from their faces, sang "BJ Welcomes You" stubbornly with a smile on their faces, and once again met the test of the world with a new look.

This time, he is stronger!

This time, he will never fall under the strong boat and sharp gun again!

This oriental dragon has slowly risen!
(End of this chapter)

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